If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 8 Entering the forbidden realm, the elders are confused

Elder Xie has actually been observing whether Su Chen is a person blessed with great luck, but he has never dared to make a conclusion.

Even after experiencing this, he could not guarantee that Su Chen would be blessed with great luck.

The only thing that is certain is that Su Chen has a lot of luck. Not to mention becoming a legendary figure who shocked the past and the present in the future, it should be very easy to reach the status of an elder of the inner sect.

Taixuan Sect is one of the top sects in the Chu Dynasty of the Eastern Wilds, and the status of the inner sect elders can be said to be very high.

"The Wuji Sect should have information about you, and our Taixuan Sect naturally also has information about some of their great fortune-enhanced people."

Elder Xie said with a flick of his finger.

A jade slip appeared out of thin air and flew towards Su Chen.

Su Chen subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch it.

"The information here may not be 100% accurate. Just check it out for yourself. Don't pass it on to others."

"Disciple understands."

Su Chen nodded.

"By the way, what level of Qi are you gathering now?"

Just when Su Chen was about to leave, Elder Xie suddenly stopped him.

After all, he was an elder of the Taixuan Sect who had experienced great storms, and his vision was not comparable to that of Cao Yun, a fifth-level Qi Gatherer.

Su Chen's ability to remove poison from his body and break through two realms in a row is truly amazing.

If he could reach the legendary forbidden realm at the same time, it would be hard for him to imagine Su Chen's talent.

After all, reaching this point requires extremely high talent and dedication.

"The ninth level of Qi gathering."

Su Chen answered truthfully.

As he spoke, the characters on the virtual panel that only he could see were jumping rapidly.

[Forbidden Realm: 45/50]

[Forbidden Realm: 46/50]

In fact, not long after Cao Yun left, the characters on the virtual panel had been beating more and more.

It was obvious that false news that he had entered forbidden territory was spreading rapidly.

Most of the outer disciples who already trusted Su Chen would believe this news.

Even if there are some who don’t believe it, they will choose to believe it after Cao Yun adds the precondition that ‘this is what Elder Xie said personally’.

"I'm just saying..."

Elder Xie stroked his beard and smiled, feeling that his judgment must be correct.

How could Su Chen easily step into the forbidden realm after breaking through two realms in a row?

"Release your breath with all your strength, and let me see if your breath is too weak or not?"

Elder Xie continued with a smile.

Breaking through two realms in a short period of time will often lead to empty breath.

At this time, precipitation is needed, otherwise it will easily affect the foundation.

If Su Chen's aura is too vain, he can just help him.


When Su Chen heard this, he nodded seriously.

[Forbidden Realm: 50/50]

At the same time, the progress bar also filled up at this moment.

Before he could take the initiative to release his breath, a surging breath swept out of his body.


As this breath swept out, Elder Xie's pupils shrank suddenly, and the smile froze on his face.


Elder Xie's eyes were full of shock.

He has seen countless monks at the ninth level of the Qi Gathering Realm, and he knows the strength of the monks' aura in this realm very well, and most of them are almost the same.

But at this moment, the aura exuding from Su Chen's body was far more solid than that of other monks at the ninth level of the Qi Gathering Realm.

This kind of condensation, wrapping Su Chen inside and constantly flowing, releasing a faint and coercive aura, is the sign that the Qi Gathering Realm monk has reached the forbidden realm!

Elder Xie's previous performance in front of Cao Yun was easily misunderstood, and Cao Yun therefore believed that Su Chen had reached the forbidden realm.

But Elder Xie didn't think so in his heart. It was just a sudden guess on his part.

Deep in his heart, the possibility of Su Chen actually stepping into the forbidden realm was extremely slim.

But now the facts were before his eyes, Su Chen had indeed entered the forbidden realm!

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