If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 73 Hand over the Wuji Sect disciples and I will forgive you! [Please read on! ]

"No matter what the process is, the people injured now are several of my Wuji Sect junior brothers. This is an indisputable fact!"

Situ Feng was unmoved. He looked at Su Chen and spoke slowly, with an unquestionable tone:

"Leave that Mu Qingxue to me, the Wuji Sect, and I can pretend that what happened today never happened!"


As his words fell, a terrifying aura filled the air around him, as vast as the ocean, which made many geniuses present feel depressed.

Situ Feng is worthy of being the first genius of the Wuji Sect.

Even if he didn't summon any monsters, once he showed his true strength, his own strength alone would be enough to attract everyone's attention.

If there were monsters to help, I'm afraid many people present would not be Situ Feng's opponent.

"Su Chen, make friends with someone!"

"Do you think you can protect that disciple?"

At this moment, the voice of Xuanming Sect Gu Xuanyun came.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Su Chen proudly.

He asked himself, he was no match for Su Chen!

But the situation is different now. Situ Feng from the Wuji Sect is at the front, and he doesn't mind taking this opportunity to add insult to injury.

He really wanted to see how Su Chen would end up today!


The eldest prince and the ninth princess also watched this scene with great interest.

The Ninth Princess frowned slightly.

She wanted to stop her, but was blocked by an inexplicable force.

Her dark eyes looked to one side, where the figure in light gold robe was concentrating on drinking, and she snorted coldly.

This mansion is her domain.

If these two geniuses really took action here today, it might not have any impact on the eldest prince.

But for her, the ninth princess, it was different!

If she couldn't even control this small scene, how could she have the face to compete for the position of Emperor of Dachu?

"The truth of the matter has not yet been found out. Brother Situ lets Brother Su fight. Isn't it a bit too arbitrary?"

Lin Xuan of Lingjian Sect slowly spoke.

The Lingjian Sect has always been on good terms with the Taixuan Sect, so no one was surprised that he spoke for Su Chen on such occasions.

But the next second, Situ Feng glanced at him lightly and said:

"A disciple of the Wuji Sect was injured, this is the truth!"

As soon as these words came out.

Even though Lin Xuan had a good temper, his expression couldn't help but change.

This Situ Feng is a little too domineering. If Taixuanzong really makes friends, I am afraid that the disciple named Mu Qingxue will be in trouble.

If they fall into the hands of a hostile sect, they will end up very miserable.

If you can save a small life, it will be a blessing!


At this moment, a chuckle came.

After hearing this, everyone in the hall looked at Su Chen.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Su Chen didn't take it seriously and remained calm and said lightly:

"Su just happens to have a message for you."

"Hand over the Wuji Sect disciples, and I can forget the past!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone in the hall turned to stone one after another, looking at Su Chen with dumbfounded eyes.

They thought that Su Chen would smooth things over and apologize, and the matter would just go away.

But they didn't expect that Su Chen would hold on tight.

Not only did he show no sign of surrender, but he actually asked Wuji Sect for help.

This simply exceeded everyone's expectations.

"The battlefield of hundreds of demons and our group will be very lively!"

Everyone glanced at each other and understood each other's thoughts at this moment.

Before they even entered the Hundred Demons Battlefield, the two leading geniuses from Taixuan Sect and Wuji Sect clashed.

If this enters the battlefield of hundreds of demons, God knows how far the two of them will fight!


Some of these two sects will be completely eliminated on the first day they enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield!

If you are eliminated on the first day, no matter which sect you are from, I am afraid that from now on you will become a laughing stock among other sects!

Thinking of this, many geniuses present could not help but look forward to it.

After all, both Su Chen and Situ Feng are not weak.

The two forces have never dealt with each other, and they really want to see the two of them take action against the enemy!

One has a powerful monster in his hands, and the other has an incredible talent.

Anyone facing them will lose more than they win, and only the two at the top of the field can suppress them.

If these two people really fight, no matter who is eliminated, the other one will be seriously injured!

At that time, their opportunity will come!

"very good!"

Situ Feng uttered two words coldly, stood up slowly, stared at Su Chen, and said:

"You're very good, you succeeded in irritating me!"

As the words fell, the void trembled.

Runes mixed with dark golden brilliance appeared one after another, flowing around his body, containing a terrifying aura of wilderness.

It's like a peerless ferocious beast that wants to choose people to devour.

The many geniuses present just felt this terrifying aura, their expressions suddenly changed, and their bodies involuntarily took a few steps back.

Because they felt the ancient Qiongqi energy in their terrifying aura!

Ancient Qiongqi, that is a ferocious beast from ancient times!

In ancient times, even the great emperors of the human race were not necessarily the opponents of Qiongqi in ancient times!

Although the ferocious beast that Situ Feng contracted with now only has a trace of Qiongqi's blood, it is not something that ordinary people can resist.

"Annoy you? So what?"

Su Chen said calmly.

It seemed as if they didn't feel the breath emanating from him.

But this plain word was like a mountain pressing down on everyone's heart, making their breathing difficult.

"Brother Su's strength seems to have exceeded everyone's expectations..."

Lin Xuan beside him looked at Su Chen deeply.

Among the people present, except for the two who ranked first, the others were shocked after sensing the aura of the ancient beast, Qiongqi.

Only Su Chen looked normal, as if Situ Feng was nothing to him, just a small role that could be defeated at will!

Facing a powerful enemy, he could still be so calm and composed.

Either he has a strong confidence in his own strength, or he is a fool!

And Su Chen...

Obviously, he is the former!

"Do you dare to stand outside the city..."

Situ Feng glanced at Su Chen lightly.

He wanted to invite Su Chen to stand outside the city.

But before he could say the last word, a genius beside him interrupted him, gently pulled his robe, and shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Situ Feng glanced at everyone present with a cold look.

His already cold eyes became even colder.

Almost everyone in the field looked like they were watching a good show.

If he fought with Su Chen today, regardless of whether he could gain an advantage, one or two of his cards would definitely be exposed!

Thinking of this, he snorted coldly, glanced at Su Chen with a bad look, and said coldly:

"I, Situ Feng, will remember what happened today!"

"Don't blame me, Wuji Sect, for being ruthless when we compete tomorrow!"

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