If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 74: Am I recruited? [Please read on! ]

The Battlefield of Hundred Demons will not officially open for a few days.

But the selection for quotas to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield will officially begin tomorrow!

Although they, the leaders, will not go up on stage to participate in the competition, the other disciples below will definitely go up and compete.

The meaning of Situ Feng's words is also very obvious. If the disciples of Wuji Sect face the disciples of Taixuan Sect tomorrow, they will definitely use all their strength and will not hold back!

By then, although the disciples on both sides will not be killed, a few serious injuries are inevitable!

If one accidentally fails to keep his hand, it is reasonable to destroy the other party's cultivation level!

After saying the cruel words, Situ Feng did not wait for Su Chen to respond, and directly raised his hands slightly towards the two figures at the top, waved his sleeves and left.

He doesn't want to make wedding clothes for these people in the field!

Seeing Situ Feng leaving, many other geniuses also lost interest, got up and began to leave.

"Fellow Daoist Su, I am very much looking forward to your performance in the Hundred Demons Battlefield..."

Just when Su Chen was minding his own drinking, a tall man wearing a light golden robe suddenly appeared in front of him.

Every inch of flesh and blood on his body shone with dark golden light, like a walking sun.

Everyone will pale in front of him.

"The eldest prince seems to have great confidence in me..."

When Su Chen heard this, he raised his head and glanced at the other party, and said calmly.

"I've been very good at judging people in my life, and I believe you won't let me down either!"

"This jade pendant will be given to fellow Taoist Su today. If you need it, just come to me with this jade pendant."

The words fell.

A jade pendant appeared in the eldest prince's palm and he placed it on the table.

Then, regardless of Su Chen's expression, he turned around and left.


Su Chen looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but shake his head. Looking at the eldest prince's leaving figure, he said softly:

"Am I being recruited?"

to be honest.

If Gu Xuanyun and Situ Feng hadn't deliberately provoked him today, he wouldn't have been so high-profile.

It's fine now. I didn't eat much at this banquet, but this caused a lot of trouble...

However, these troubles are really nothing to him.

If Situ Feng insisted on targeting Taixuan Zong, he wouldn't mind dealing with him at the Hundred Demons Battlefield.

After all, the Wuji Sect was responsible for the poison in his body when he just crossed over and almost died.

In addition, the Wuji Sect and the Taixuan Sect had a grudge against each other.

If Su Chen could deal with Situ Feng in the battlefield of hundreds of monsters, maybe the sect would reward him.

However, the only thing that gives him a headache now is the jade pendant that the eldest prince just left behind.

He had promised Elder Fan not to take sides arbitrarily.

Now, what's going on with accepting this jade medal?

Little did I know.

At this moment, the jade pendant that he abandoned as a worn-out shoe was filled with envy in the eyes of the other geniuses who had not yet left.

That is the jade pendant of the eldest prince!

With this thing, you can walk sideways throughout Huangji City without any problem.


The eldest prince gave Su Chen a jade pendant just now, but he didn't say anything to Situ Feng.

Doesn't this mean that the eldest prince doesn't think highly of Situ Feng at all?

Thinking of this, the many geniuses who had not yet left felt a chill in their hearts.

For a time, they regarded Su Chen as their biggest enemy in this Hundred Demons Battlefield.

With the incident of the eldest prince giving the jade pendant, all the other geniuses left the hall with their thoughts on their minds.


There were only two people left in the hall.

The nine princesses of Da Chu sit high at the top, with their green hair flying, and every one of them is crystal clear.

Her eyes were deep and vast, like stars twinkling, making it impossible to guess what she was thinking.

"Everyone else has left, why hasn't Fellow Daoist Su left yet?"

Looking down at Su Chen who was pouring wine by himself, the Ninth Princess finally lost her temper and asked.

to be honest.

Su Chen's potential might not be obvious among the geniuses at the same level.

But she and the eldest prince could still see something.

Su Chen's aura was much stronger than the others!

Originally, she also wanted to recruit Su Chen.

It's a pity that her strength is not that good. She was suppressed by the eldest prince just now, so she can only watch helplessly as the eldest prince throws the jade pendant to Su Chen.

With the jade pendant as a lesson learned from the past, the Ninth Princess basically had no hope of recruiting Su Chen.

After all, looking at the entire Chu Dynasty, who doesn't know that the eldest prince is stronger than the ninth princess like her in every aspect?

With the eldest prince as her backing, it is estimated that no one would be willing to switch to her sect.

"I'm a little hungry and want to eat something."

"Is Your Highness going to see off guests?"

Su Chen casually picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth, took another sip of spirit wine, and said vaguely.

"No, no."

The Ninth Princess looked at Su Chen's eating appearance and laughed secretly in her heart. Then she shook her head slightly, opened her red lips and said:

"I'm just thinking about fellow Daoist Su. If you stay here for too long, I'm afraid my royal brother will misunderstand..."

"You should understand that if my royal brother misunderstands you, it will not do you any good."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for thinking of me."

Su Chen put down the wine glass in his hand and slightly raised his hand towards the Ninth Princess with a serious expression.

It was as if he was saying thank you.

But in fact, he had no intention of getting up and leaving. He picked up another bunch of grapes from the table in front of him and ate them by himself, as if he was going to stay here forever.

Such behavior was very confusing to the Ninth Princess.

He did this...

Could it be that he wanted to surrender to me?

An idea popped up in the Ninth Princess' mind involuntarily.

To be honest.

She and the eldest prince had been fighting openly and secretly for so many years.

But every time she was suppressed by the eldest prince, it would be impossible for her to say that she didn't have some anger in her heart!

But no matter how strong her anger was, she couldn't do anything to her brother.

Because the power behind her was a demon sect.

Before she completely controlled the Great Chu Dynasty, she must not be exposed.

If she was exposed, I'm afraid even her father would not tolerate her1

But when no one was optimistic about her, Su Chen of Taixuan Sect showed some intention of surrendering.

This made her cold heart rise with a touch of warmth.

No matter what, there are still a few people in this world who can see that they have the potential to become the Queen of Great Chu in the future!

"Su Daoyou, there are only you and me here, so why not just say it?!"

The Ninth Princess is extremely beautiful.

At this moment, her dark eyes are staring at Su Chen, trying to get the information she wants from him.

Everything just now was just a fantasy in her mind.

After all, it's not true, and everything has to be said by Su Chen himself!


ps: Three more updates! Please vote and read!

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