If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 95 The Great Shang Prince, Su Chen arrives! [Please read on! ]

at the same time.

Hundreds of miles away.

A huge skeleton lies on the ground,

It towered into the clouds, its entire body was as black as ink, and it was surrounded by murderous intent that was almost solidified.

Even if you have been dead for who knows how many years, just a skeleton left is enough to be daunting!

hard to imagine.

How terrifying this skeleton must have been in life.

At this moment, Situ Feng was sitting cross-legged under the skeleton.

Beside him, there lay a monster beast with a green body and two wings on its back.

Everyone and every beast is immersed in cultivation.

As time goes by, the strength of each person and beast is rapidly increasing.

Especially that monster, its appearance is quite similar to the legendary Qiongqi!

Even while practicing, you can feel the terrifying aura emanating from it.

not far away.

A man in black robe looked at the monster, nodded gently, and praised:

"The monster in Situ Feng's hands is very good. It already possesses three-thirds of the charm of the ancient Qiongqi. If it can fully grow in the future, it will indeed be a great help to me."

"It is his blessing that His Highness can see his superior Tu Feng..."

A person next to the man in black robe said with a smile.


The man in black robe chuckled and was noncommittal.

He slowly withdrew his gaze, looked at Lin Xuan on the other side, whose cultivation had been completely sealed, and said softly:

"There are still some geniuses in this generation of the Great Chu Dynasty, and Lin Xuan is also very good. If he can surrender to me, it will be a good deal!"

When Lin Xuan was suppressed, Situ Feng originally wanted to kill him directly to avoid future troubles.

after all.

Both of them had developed a deadly feud.

If Lin Xuan cannot be killed here, once he leaves the battlefield of hundreds of monsters, there will be endless troubles!

But at the last moment when he was about to take action.

The man in black robe suddenly spoke and stopped all this from happening.

The man in black robe came to the Chu Dynasty this time.

On the one hand, he wanted to enter the battlefield of hundreds of demons, and on the other hand, he wanted to recruit a group of talents for his own use.

He is the same as the eldest prince of the Chu Dynasty.

The only difference is.

His true identity is the prince of Dashang Dynasty!

If you want to step into the position of emperor in the future, you will definitely need the help of a large number of talented people around you.

"Your Highness, wait a moment, and maybe you can try to recruit Su Chen from Taixuan Sect."

"This person has extraordinary qualifications. He has already entered the forbidden realm when he was in the Qi Gathering Realm. It is said that he has reached the ninth level of the Qi Sea Realm a few days ago, and has successfully entered the forbidden realm again..."

"If His Highness can train him a little, he may not be loyal to you!"

Another subordinate next to the man in black robe spoke at the right time.

"Su Chen..."

"I would like to recruit him, but before that, I heard that he had already accepted Chu Feng's jade pendant. If nothing else, Su Chen is already Chu Feng's man."

The man in black robe said with regret.

The Chu Feng he mentioned was none other than the name of the eldest prince of the Chu Dynasty!

If Chu Feng hadn't gifted Su Chen a jade pendant, he would have wanted to extend an olive branch to Su Chen.

Even if he enters the battlefield of hundreds of monsters this time, the best partner in his mind is Su Chen, not Situ Feng of Wuji Sect.

Unfortunately, he was a step too late.

The only option was to choose Situ Feng and cooperate with him.


In his opinion, even if he is cooperating with Situ Feng, he can still try to recruit Su Chen.


He instructed his men to let go of a disciple of Taixuan Sect, just to see if he could attract Su Chen.

If he could be lured here, he could discuss it with him.

Anyway, the outside world has no way of knowing what was said in the Hundred Demons Battlefield.

If Su Chen knew the situation, it would be the best.

If he didn't understand, he wouldn't mind helping Situ Feng deal with Su Chen.

After all, if you can't use it for me, it will become a hidden danger in the future!

At the moment, the relationship between Da Chu and Da Shang Dynasty seems to be very harmonious.

But there might be a war between the two dynasties one day. If Su Chen is left here, when he grows up, he will definitely bring endless trouble to their Shang Dynasty.

"How can a mere Chu Feng be compared with His Highness?"

A subordinate next to the man in black robe said very flatteringly:

"As long as Su Chen is not stupid, he will definitely know who he should follow!"

"I hope so!"

The man in black robe looked at him deeply and said ambiguously.

You know your own affairs best.

He would not listen to everything his two men said.

Chu Feng is the only son of the Great Chu Emperor.

But he was different. During his thousand years of reign, his father gave birth to more than two hundred children.

The eldest prince is over a thousand years old, and the youngest is only three years old.

The queens of the Dashang Dynasty did not know how many people had changed.

He ranked more than a hundred among the many children of the great Shang emperor, and there was nothing outstanding about him in terms of qualifications or background.

If the strength of the Great Shang Dynasty hadn't been nearly matched by the other royal brothers, how could he have traveled thousands of miles to the Great Chu Dynasty to recruit talented people?

The only thing that makes him happy is that the harvest of this trip is still very good.

Not only did he find the whereabouts of Suzaku's blood, he also recruited an outstanding genius like Situ Feng.

If Su Chen can be successfully recruited, then this trip to Dachu will be perfect.

"Calculating the time, that Taixuan Sect disciple has been running away for a day. If he is lucky, he should also run into Su Chen, right?"

The man in black robe thought secretly in his heart.


Before he could finish his thoughts, a jade pendant around his waist suddenly flashed a dazzling red light.

He looked stern, then showed a look of joy, looked somewhere in the void and said:

"Fellow Taoist Su Chen, since you're here, why don't you show up and meet us?"

"Brother Su is here?!"

Under the huge skeleton, Lin Xuan, who had been closing his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise.

But soon, his expression became lonely again, and he shouted somewhere in the void:

"Brother Su, leave quickly!"

"That Situ Feng has obtained the blood of the ancient Qiongqi. The monster he contracted has advanced to the stage of the gods, and its combat power is sky-high. You are no match for him!"

Although Lin Xuan's cultivation was sealed, he could still speak.

Now that Su Chen could come here, his first reaction was excitement.

But after the excitement and excitement, all that remains is calmness.

There are too many strong people here.

Situ Feng alone was already very terrifying, let alone the three mysterious men in black robes beside him.

These three people did not take action from beginning to end, and no one knew their strength.

But Situ Feng was very respectful to them.

From Situ Feng's attitude, it is not difficult to see the terrifying backgrounds of these three people, and their strength should not be too weak.

If Su Chen came alone, let alone rescuing people, it would be difficult for him to escape!

ps: Please vote for me! Please vote for recommendation! Please reward!

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