If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 96 I will kill him, a fateful battle? [Please read on! ]

"People from the Great Shang Dynasty?"

A faint voice came from the void.


I saw a purple figure appear in the sky.

Su Chen's whole body was shining with divine light, and his blood was like a rainbow, just like a god of war walking step by step from the sky to the ground.

After landing, his dark eyes looked at the black-robed man in the lead.

I don't know why.

Although he and the black-robed man met for the first time, the other party's appearance gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had seen him somewhere.

After a little thought, Su Chen did not figure out where he had seen him.

He simply stopped entangled with this point.

After all, the Great Shang Dynasty was too far away from the Great Chu Dynasty. How could he have seen someone from the Great Shang Dynasty?

Maybe someone he had met before looked a little similar to him?

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Su has heard our conversation just now..."

"In this case, let's speak frankly. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Su is willing to submit to me?"

The black-robed man smiled and said.

Although he was smiling on the surface, there was a deep sense of vigilance in the depths of his eyes.

The strength that Su Chen had just shown was far beyond his expectations.

He did not notice that the other party had come to him.

If it were not for the jade pendant on his waist reminding him, he would have been a corpse!

As a prince, he hated things that were not under his control.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I will not submit to anyone!"

Su Chen looked at the man in black robe and shook his head gently.


The smile on the man's face disappeared instantly after hearing this.

Instead, there was an endless sense of killing!

In his opinion, Su Chen's refusal meant that he was determined to be with the eldest prince of Da Chu.

After all.

The news that the eldest prince gave Su Chen a jade pendant had spread throughout Huangji City.

Since he could not use it for himself, there was no need to keep it!

Thinking of this, the black-robed man narrowed his eyes slightly.


Before he could make a move, a cold breath swept over.

The temperature between heaven and earth also dropped sharply.

I saw.

Behind them, a burly figure stood on the ground.

"Your Highness, there is no need to make a move. I will kill him!"

Situ Feng's murderous intent boiled, and his tone was cold.

He held a long sword, black like a waterfall, and his eyes were deep, like a demon god descending.

Behind him, the monster shaped like Qiongqi suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.


A thunderous roar came out.

The heaven and earth seemed to be shaking along, and the terrifying sound waves shook all directions.

It was covered with a green light, exuding supreme ferocity, like the real ancient Qiongqi reviving, very terrifying.

"Perhaps, my choice just now was not wrong!"

The black-robed man saw this, and his eyes lit up.

At this moment.

The strength shown by Situ Feng made him look sideways.

He might really have the hope of cultivating a pure-blooded Qiongqi!

An adult pure-blooded Qiongqi is equivalent to the emperor of the human race.

Once a pure-blooded Qiongqi is born, the pattern of the entire East Wilderness will undergo a huge change.

By then, the entire Great Shang Dynasty will benefit from it!

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Situ."

The black-robed man's attitude could not help but become gentle, and he cast a kind look at Situ Feng.

"It's a small matter!"

Situ Feng walked forward.

With every step he took, the murderous intent in his body became stronger.

He was like a volcano about to erupt, containing terrifying divine power.

"Sooner or later, there will be a battle between him and me. This is a battle of fate!"

"Since he came to my door today, it's just right to solve it all at once!"


As soon as the voice fell.

The long sword in Situ Feng's hand slashed out in an instant.

Without any trial, he directly displayed his unique skills!

Thousands of sword beams slashed out, breaking the void, turning into a long river of sword energy and rushing straight towards Su Chen.

The killing intent was boiling.

The whole world trembled at this moment.

Endless sword lights flashed, and the sky seemed to be shattered at this moment, slashing with supreme power.


The monster behind him, which looked like Qiongqi, flapped its wings, bathed in thunder, and roared towards Su Chen.

The man and the beast cooperated very well.

They blocked all of Su Chen's retreat routes as soon as they came up.

This is to kill him with one blow!

Ordinary Tianjiao can only resist this attack.

If you are lucky, there will be no problem.

But if you are unlucky and fail to block it, you will be seriously injured at best, or even wiped out directly!

"Fateful battle? You think too highly of yourself."

Su Chen stood in place, looking at the man and the beast rushing towards him and mocked:

"I thought you would make some progress after getting the blood of the ancient Qiongqi, but now it seems that I thought too much."


As his voice fell.

A terrifying force of blood and qi gathered from his limbs and rushed up to the sky, clearly visible to the naked eye within a radius of dozens of miles.

In an instant.

The whole world was filled with blood-red light.

Su Chen stood there, motionless.

His sleeves fluttered, and he gently stretched out a hand.

A huge palm print appeared above the sky, instantly grabbing the long river of sword light from it.


Su Chen's body was like thunder, and he attacked quickly. ,


He kicked out with one leg, colliding with the Qiongqi-like monster, making a deafening roar.

Even though the monster was a hundred meters tall, it was still kicked back by Su Chen.


"How is this possible?"

Situ Feng stared at the scene in front of him in horror, his face full of disbelief.

After taking the Qiongqi blood, his monster's strength has increased several times!

How could it be at a disadvantage?


The black-robed man on the side also stood there in a daze, looking a little confused.

The monster's physique is stronger than that of humans, and its strength naturally surpasses that of humans of the same level, not to mention the monster with the ancient Qiongqi bloodline.

And now, Su Chen, relying solely on the strength of his body, not only blocked the monster, but also beat it back step by step.

This is incredible!


Su Chen kicked out again.

The monster retreated hundreds of meters in an instant, and its huge body smashed several small hills in a row.

For a moment, rocks flew through the air and smoke filled the air.

Su Chen's figure disappeared silently at this moment.

When he appeared again, he had already come to Situ Feng.

The two looked at each other.

At this moment, a cold voice exploded in Situ Feng's ears:

"Nothing is impossible in this world!"


The words fell.

Su Chen clenched his fist with one hand, and thousands of divine rays burst out, as if pushing the scorching sun forward, rumbling, and hitting Situ Feng's chest.

The power of this punch was terrifying, even a strong man in the middle stage of the God Stage Realm would die here!

Situ Feng only had time to block the long sword in front of his chest.

A top-grade magic weapon bent directly in front of Su Chen's punch.


The next moment.

A crisp sound rang out.

Under the incredulous gazes of the crowd, Situ Feng's top-grade magic weapon broke into pieces.


A loud noise was heard.

Situ Feng's body was hit hard and he flew backwards.

In an instant, the world seemed to fall into silence.

Time seemed to have been stopped by someone, and the people present all looked at everything in front of them with incredulous eyes.

Asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month!

Two updates today. I went out to watch the fun and locked myself out. My phone was out of battery. This manuscript was saved yesterday...

I'm almost crying because of my scanning operation

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