If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 97 Situ Feng's trump card, the ultimate spiritual treasure, the Canglong Sword! [Please

Situ Feng, the genius of the Wuji Sect, is not Su Chen's enemy with one move?

Everyone knows that the disciples of the Wuji Sect's beast-controlling lineage cannot fight with their monsters.

Su Chen did indeed do this.

But Su Chen's strength was too terrifying, and he knocked Situ Feng away with just one punch, leaving him with no idea whether he was alive or dead.

What would happen if Situ Feng didn't have monsters to help him?

Such thoughts suddenly appeared in the minds of everyone present.

But they didn't dare to think about it further.

"One punch!"

"Just one punch! This is impossible!"

"This is impossible! This must be fake!"

In a deep pit.

Situ Feng fell inside, feeling severe pain all over his body. All the bones in his body seemed to be broken. His eyes were dull and he was mumbling to himself.


For no reason, his mind recalled the instructions given by the Wuji Sect elder that day.

He didn't believe that he could be Su Chen's enemy before!

But now, in the face of the cruel facts, he had to believe it!

This is the result of him having monsters to help him.

Without the help of monsters, the consequences would be unimaginable.


Situ Feng said hoarsely.

The words fell.

He slowly climbed up from the pit. Under his torn clothes, a pair of treasure armor shone brightly, giving it an indestructible quality.

This is a low-grade defensive spiritual treasure.

Fortunately, this low-grade spiritual treasure was there, blocking 90% of the attacks for him.

Otherwise, Su Chen's blow just now would have been enough to kill him instantly!

"I have to say, you are very strong!"

"But it's a pity that you couldn't kill me with one blow."

"You have no chance now!"

Situ Feng stood up in embarrassment and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking like a madman.


A flash of sword light flashed, a scar opened on his palm, and bright red blood dripped down his palm.

not far away.

The strange-looking monster body trembled and came to Situ Feng.

Situ Feng flew up and landed on the monster's head.

His breath merged with that of the monster at this moment.

The two seemed to merge into one body, raising the monster's strength to a higher level.

Su Chen stood there, his energy and blood surging all over his body, like an ancient god king, watching all this quietly.

The strong and domineering meaning is clearly revealed.

"Is this your trump card?"

"In my opinion, it's still not enough!"

Su Chen shook his head gently and murmured in a low voice.


next moment.

A long sword flashing with cold light appeared in his hand.

The sword body is completely white, shining with a cold light that catches people's hearts.

The terrifying sword intent almost solidified in an instant, making the person unable to breathe.

A blue dragon is wrapped around the sword, like a living creature, exuding dragon power.

Su Chen's hand holding the sword shook slightly.


The blade of the sword was gently inserted into the ground.

In an instant, cracks spread out in all directions with Su Chen as the center.

This sword is called Canglong!

The best spiritual treasure!

This is the magic weapon that Elder Fan presented to Su Chen before entering the battlefield of hundreds of monsters. It is one of Taixuan Sect's spiritual treasures to suppress the sect.

It is said that as long as you can swallow enough energy and blood, you can grow into a Taoist soldier!

This is a gift specially given to Su Chen by the leader of Taixuan Sect, so that he can show the style of Taixuan Sect in the battlefield of hundreds of demons!

Once this top-quality spiritual treasure appeared in the world, it was like a bloodthirsty dragon reappearing in the sky.

The smell of blood was overwhelming.

The terrifying evil spirit is intimidating.

If this sword explodes with its true power, I am afraid that no one present will be able to leave alive.

"This is……"

"The best spiritual treasure?!"

The moment the man in black robe saw the Canglong Sword, two rays of light shot out from his eyes, and greed instantly filled his mind.

Although he is the prince of the Great Shang Dynasty.

But how many princes did the Shang Dynasty have?

No matter how wealthy the Great Shang Dynasty was, it was impossible for their princes to have a top-quality spiritual treasure.

The most precious treasure in his hand from birth to now is only a middle-grade spiritual treasure.

Although middle-grade spiritual treasures are also very precious.

But compared with the best spiritual treasure, it is still far behind!

The value of the two is vastly different.

"This sword must belong to me!"

The man in black robe looked at the Canglong Sword in Su Chen's hand and made quick calculations in his mind.

at the same time.

He winked at the two subordinates beside him, indicating that they would take action against Su Chen if they had the chance.

The three of them plus Situ Feng and the monster beast may not have a chance to kill Su Chen!


Situ Feng and the man in black robe had completely different ideas.

The moment he saw the Canglong Sword, an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

The pressure that the Canglong Sword brought to him was terrifying.

Even the monster beast under his feet became uneasy at this moment, as if there was a blood suppressing it.

"A low-grade defensive spirit treasure versus my top-grade spirit treasure. I wonder how many attacks you can resist?"

Su Chen stood with his sword in hand, looked at Situ Feng and said calmly.


As his words fell.

The Canglong Sword in his hand suddenly moved forward.


A sword beam as vast as the ocean struck straight towards Situ Feng.


The terrifying sword light seemed to destroy everything, and the whole world was shaken at this moment.

The Canglong Sword is indestructible and invincible.

At this moment, the Blue Dragon Sword did not look like a weapon at all, but rather like a blue dragon from ancient times descending into this world.

"So powerful!"

Even Su Chen could not help but be a little shocked.

This was the first time he used the Blue Dragon Sword, and he did not expect that its power would be beyond his imagination.


Situ Feng's heart was shaken.

He hurriedly urged the monster under his feet to use its wings to block in front of him, forming a barrier to resist this terrifying sword.


The two collided with each other, making a sound of golden swords.

In an instant.

Firelight splashed, dispelling the darkness around.

"You can't block this sword!"

"Star-Breaking Sword Technique!"

Su Chen shouted softly, and the body of the Blue Dragon Sword in his hand also surged with golden starlight.


In the dark, there seemed to be a dragon roar.

The blue dragon wrapped around the Blue Dragon Sword seemed to come alive at this moment, turning into a phantom as big as a mountain range, opening its bloody mouth and biting down fiercely.


The wings of the monster under Situ Feng's feet instantly shattered, and a large piece of flesh and blood was torn off its huge body.

Blood fell all over the sky like raindrops.


Situ Feng screamed in grief.

He rushed up to the sky and avoided the blow the moment it fell.

But the aftermath alone almost caused him to suffer heavy damage!

The power of this blow was too terrifying and unimaginable.

The body of the monster in the Godly Stage could not even withstand the attack of Su Chen's sword.


Su Chen shouted again, waving the Canglong Sword in his hand and sweeping out.


Sword beams composed of star power went up against the sky and swallowed Situ Feng in the sky.

This time he was not so lucky.

The low-grade defensive spiritual treasure on his body only lasted for a breath before it was completely shattered.

Without the support of the low-grade defensive spiritual treasure, Situ Feng turned into a blood mist in the blink of an eye and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Asking for votes at the beginning of the month!

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