
Feng Qi agreed to leave.

But clearly, there is no passion.

It is in sharp contrast with Su Min's smugness.

Su Min looked at the other side's back, speechless.

This Feng Qi is really low-eyed. I'm really afraid that he will mess this up.

If it messed up, it would be a pity!

As a **** gold broker in the entertainment industry, her vision is very accurate.

Anyone she is optimistic about has never been a big success.

It can be said that since entering the industry, she has never failed to sign someone.

This time this Chu Xi, she has been paying attention to it for a long time.

It is the longest observed star among the stars she signed.

This Chu Xi has an inexplicable heat attribute.

I don't know why, but there are always hot searches for some inexplicable reasons.

In fact, this is not the first time Chu Xi has been on a hot search.

It's just that she didn't rank first in the hot search before.

Moreover, Feng Qi's artists have never met her head-on before, so Feng Qi has no impression.

But Su Min is impressed.

She had already noticed: This Chuxi, although she couldn't squeeze into the front row of the hot search before, she appeared from time to time and hovered in the back row of the hot search.

Although it is the back row, it is a hot search anyway.

And he is an author, not an artist. Even in the back row, he can play well.

What's more, the popularity of many artists is moist.

It's up to the company to spend a lot of publicity expenses to add it.

But this is so beautiful, obviously there is no demand in this area.

After all, he is an amateur!

In other words, her enthusiasm is real!

As a real amateur with a passion, not signing in is simply a violent thing!

Moreover, Su Min has really studied the character of Chu Xi:

This Chu Xi is an internet author who is usually quite mysterious and rarely involves her private life. He has neither Weibo nor "the author has something to say". Basically, I just write essays.

She also writes differently from others. It's not bad that others can change it three thousand a day. Ten thousand a day is a god! But she can actually do more than 30,000 a day!

And there are three different articles, distracting energy, and each article is more than 10,000!

Such an exaggerated speed is unique no matter which literature network it is placed on!

In other words, she is the only one in the industry.

Moreover, based on her usual performance, Su Min has positioned her basic personality: low-key, mysterious, and diligent.

There are not many low-key people these days.

The hardworking coffee is never lacking in appreciation.

As for mystery, it always arouses people's curiosity.

With these three attributes, Su Min believes that Chu Xi's persona will be very popular!

As for the appearance...

First of all, she never thinks that Internet writers are not good-looking.

Although facing the computer is easy to damage the skin, staying up late is also easy to lose hair, but these are relative. There are still many well-maintained beauty network writers.

What's more, now there are cosmetic techniques and beauty techniques, as long as they are not ugly, they can be packaged well.

Moreover, there are poems and books in the hands of the writer, and they have some temperament. At that time, it will be another bonus item.

In short, Su Min is absolutely not worried about Chu Xi's appearance.

Step back ten thousand steps and said, even if the Chu Xi's face is really in the basin and can't be pulled at all, it doesn't matter, you can take the personality route.

As long as the people are well established, there is still a market for personality coffee.

Anyway, Su Min saw the huge development value behind Chu Xi.

Such a talented girl who can truly develop in a multi-dwelling environment with her own enthusiasm, signing over is equivalent to signing a cash cow!

If she wasn't the chief broker, she had to consider the income of her subordinates, so she would sign it directly.

In line with the principle of focusing on the overall situation, she specially gave this resource to Feng Qi.

Because Feng Qi doesn't have any special top stars under her hand, she is worse in terms of rake.

In order to balance the income, she specifically cut her love and gave such a good opportunity to Feng Qi.

Who knows, this Feng Qi is not eye-opening.

It seems that this is not a gold mine at all.

Su Min felt uneasy when he thought of Feng Qi's appearance when she first left.

Fortunately, she thought, there should be no other company that has discovered the potential stock of Chu Xi, and there is no competition.

Then let Feng Qi go without worry.

Anyway, just sign back.

With Chu Xi's inexplicable enthusiasm, even if Feng Qi couldn't see her merits and didn't focus on her, she would definitely be able to come out.

If Feng Qi doesn’t sign back...

Although, Su Min thinks this is impossible.

Because no one does not want to be a star. That is an opportunity for ordinary people to soar directly to the top of fame and fortune!

Tianchen Entertainment is the strongest among entertainment companies.

She doesn't sign, unless it's a fool!

However, after half a month, Feng Qi came back to report: Chu Xi did not sign.


Su Min, who has always maintained a good white-collar image of the imperial sister, is forced to speak the Northeast dialect.

"You, what do you mean? She doesn't sign?"

"Yes. She doesn't sign."

Feng Qi bowed her head.

Su Min's nose was almost crooked.

"You used half a month, just tell me this?! She doesn't sign, don't you know how to return soon?"

I'm so angry!

After half a month, she thought Feng Qi had already signed someone.

Who knows, I didn't sign it!

Didn't you sign it, did you wait for half a month before telling me?

If you can't sign it, you can go for me!

However, Feng Qi was also very wronged.

With his head drooping, he looked like he had been devastated by the spirit.

"what's happenin?"

Su Min frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

Feng Qi's face was bitter, and she told her all the hardship she had suffered over the past half month.

It turned out that after he listened to Su Min's instructions that day, he really went to sign Chu Xi.

Because this Chu Xi has neither Weibo nor a readership, he has been searching for a long time, and he doesn't know where to contact him.

Poor Feng Qi finally thought of a way after scratching her head.

That is to learn from other readers and leave a message under Chu Xiwen.

"Hello, I am the agent of Tianchen Entertainment, and I want to sign you as an artist of our company. If you are interested, please add my words, the slogan is "Ku"."

—For the first time, it was typed like this.

Poor Feng Qi rubbed her eyes, what's the matter? Why is it all "talking"?

After making good use of search, I knew it was blocked.

Therefore, I can only follow the online tutorial and write it again in a way that prevents blocking:

"Hello, I'm the agent of Tianchen Entertainment, and I want to sign you as an artist in our company. If you are interested, please add my Teng·Signal. Tension·Signal is an umbrella term."

After finally typing this line, and repeatedly confirming that it was not blocked, Feng Qi closed the web page with satisfaction and waited for the other party to add her own chat software.

Who knows, after waiting for several days, there was no result.


Isn't the other party interested?


Why are there any amateurs who are not interested in being a star?

So Feng Qi ran to Jinjiang again, looking for her own message.

Then, it was silly.

Because Chu Xi has three books, and in the past few days, she has been madly updating at a rate of 30,000 words per day...

Feng Qi didn't even remember which article or chapter she left a message in!

Poor him, he can only read book by book, chapter by chapter.

After flipping for a whole day, he gave up.


rub! There are so many comments in this Chuxi text! !

I don't know what Chu Xi grew up with? The heat is amazing!

In any random chapter, countless people leave messages.

Wanting to find an old message of myself in this vast crowd is simply a dream than a dream.

Feng Qi rubbed her face and finally decided to give up.

What I gave up was to retrieve my message, but not to give up signing Chuxi.

Since Sister Su personally ordered the signing, how dare he give up?

So, after rubbing his face, he had to continue to leave the same message under the text.

In order to prevent sinking into the sea again, he left a comment in every chapter of every article this time.

The three long essays serialized by the codeword madman at the same time left him with cramps in his fingers.

Finally, I punched in every chapter to leave a message, and it was already a long time.

Poor Feng Qi, exhausted, collapsed on the sofa.

He thought he would be able to get Chu Xi's reply for such a wild dance.

Because from a normal point of view, it is impossible for Chu Xi to refuse this kind of invitation.

Become a star! Who would be unwilling?

The previous message was covered by so many messages, and Ren Chuxi didn't see it.

I stayed so much this time, I will definitely be seen.

As long as you are seen, the other party will definitely contact you!

Feng Qi thought so happily.


Still no response.

what happened?

Why is there no news? !

Feng Qi almost thought it was a problem with her chat software.

He deleted his best friend several times and let the other party add it several times, confirming that his chat software was indeed okay, and he was stupid again.

what's going on?

He returned to Chu Xiwen again and turned over his previous message.

At the same time, I wondered: Is it because of the lack of energy last time and the wrong number left?

In the vast ocean of comments, it was another exhausting salvation.

Feng Qi finally found that familiar comment figure... well, it was her own comment.

Feng Qi felt tight.

Because there is a reply below his comment.

Well, Chu Xi must have replied to herself.

He quickly clicked with a trembling hand.

Then, I was confused.

Because, it was not the author Chu Xi who responded to him, but some messy names.

Well, it seems to be another reader.

Wait, what are these readers' replies?

"Look, this liar is leaving a message again."

"Tsk tsk, really persevering. I also said that it is the agent of Tianchen Entertainment, haha ​​xswl."

"Haha, have you searched for that signal? I also searched it specifically. The head is a wretched. A middle-aged man with a wretched face. A wretched but narcissistic face. Up."

"That's it, I was curious to search, it's really greasy. At first glance, I'm not a good person."

"Really abnormal. Fortunately, Chuci in my family doesn't read comments."

"Upstairs, even if Chuci reads the comments greatly, with a great IQ, he would not believe this kind of phishing scam."

"Naturally I know I don't believe it. But if I search for signals out of curiosity, I won't be caught in the eye."

"Yes. My big eyes are pure. You can't pollute this greasy perverted man."

The author has something to say: the new article enters V, thank you for your support~~

Happy New Year everyone~~

New year and a new look. Enter V on the first day of the Year of the Ox. I hope I can produce more like a hard-working Niu~~

Finally, thanks to rengnyu’s mine~~~Thank you for the nutrient solution of Dingding who loves to read novels~~

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