I’ll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law

I’ll Move the Bricks, and Go To the Face-slapped Daughter-in-law

85 Chapters Completed Status

Chu Xi, who is mournful and at home, sees through the world, just wants to live his own life.Who knows, but they are forced to complete quick-passing tasks one by one, realize the wish of the original owner, and protect the people who the original owner c


Chu Xi, who is mournful and at home, sees through the world, just wants to live his own life.

Who knows, but they are forced to complete quick-passing tasks one by one, realize the wish of the original owner, and protect the people who the original owner can’t let go.

In order to complete the task, she can only work hard, strengthen herself, become the boss of every world, and then spoil her daughter-in-law to heaven and help her daughter-in-law to fight the world~

The big worlds, quickly walk through them in turn, waiting for you to announce.
[World 1: The big guy in the entertainment industry] (being updated)

Content tags: Travel through time and space Sweet text Quickly pass through cool text
Search keyword: Protagonist: Supporting role: Other:
One-sentence introduction: I will move bricks, and face my daughter-in-law.
Purpose: Work hard and be strong for the one you love.


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