An Cheng is a very serious person.

If she agrees, she must be really ready to be together.

Therefore, there are some things that she can't say casually.

Some news, she can't reply casually.

After thinking about it all night, she finally made a decision.

"If you are by my side and eat with me every day, I will be very happy, very happy."

An Cheng seriously typed this line of words.

After the fight, I went to class.

School starts at 8:30.

Teachers are required to arrive at school at 8:10.

It was just right for this meeting to rush over.

An Orange is never late.

As for the follow-up of this news, like Chu Xi, she was a bit timid to face it.

Well, then just wait until after school.

This is naturally a whole day.

Chu Xi on the other side was just the opposite.

After Chu Xi slept all night, she got up early.

In fact, she is not a person who goes to bed early and gets up early, and never thinks that people should go to bed early and get up early.

She has always practiced, only the principle of going to bed early, because late going to bed hurts the body.

As for getting up early, I don't have the slightest interest.

The biggest advantage of freelancing is that you can sleep in late?

If you don’t sleep in, what's the point of freelancing?

Anyway, only if there are conditions, Chu Xi is a proper bed-ridden party.

But this time, she woke up early passively.

Although I went to bed early last night, I didn't sleep well.

By daybreak, I can't sleep even more.

After 8 o'clock, she turned over pancakes on the bed and finally felt unconscious, so she just got up.

She originally wanted to get up with the code word, but she couldn't let it go after all.

So I opened the chat software first.

I want to see if Ancheng has left a message for myself.

The result...I really saw it.

An orange!

It's An Orange really!

She really left a message to herself!

When he saw this news, Chu Xi almost jumped up with joy.

I'm even more happy than I received the contract notice of film and television rights last night.

To be precise, it is much happier than last night!

An Cheng took care of her.

And the attitude is very catering.

If you are by my side and eat with me every day, I will be very happy, very happy...

In this case, Chu Xi had to think more.

In fact, she is not bent.

At least, she didn't realize that she was bent before crossing.

But after coming to this world, she passively wrote Lily novels.

As a result, everything is starting to be different slowly.

In fact, before crossing, she also read Lily's novels.

But reading and writing are still different after all.

When watching, just follow the storyline, cute characters and cp.

You don't need to use your brain at all.

But the writing is different.

There are countless plots that need to be conceived in the brain, and the character of the characters needs to be set in the brain. It is also necessary to perceive the kind of fun interaction between the protagonists by imagination.

Note, this is a Lily novel!

When you have so many ideas and fantasies in your mind, can you still be completely indifferent to the love of women?

Chu Xi couldn't do it anyway.

After she wrote the lily article for a while, the whole person couldn't help but think about it.

Well, she thought of Ancheng.

Yes, An Cheng is like a novel heroine.

To be precise, every time Chu Xi conceived the plot of Lily, he would substitute the image of An Cheng into the heroine.

In this case, she is more inspired.

It is also impossible to write it down for a long time and say that it has no feeling for Ancheng.

What's more, she originally had a special guarding mission for An Orange.

Moreover, even if she abandoned this mission of crossing, she would have had an extraordinary feeling for this woman a long time ago.

Nowadays, all kinds of factors are mixed, and it is no longer possible for her to regard Ancheng as a same-sex friend.

Especially, An Cheng's reply made her excited.

Sitting in front of the computer for a long time, Chu Xi's hands were almost trembling.

Slowly, she finally typed a line.

"I'm here by your side."

A simple line of words is better than all love words.

An Cheng, who was anxious and went to work for the day, was shocked when he came back and saw this line of words.

She has come?

What do you mean? Did she come by my side?

What exactly does this mean?

Did she really come to my city?

An Orange didn't dare to think about it.

This is too much hope.

However, since the other party said so, An Cheng couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean? You came to T City?"

After sending this sentence, she was a little trembling.

She was waiting for Chu Xi's reply, and kept beating the drums in her heart.

She didn't know how to face the other party's reply.

If Chu Xi came up, what should I do?

If Chu Xi hadn't come, wouldn't his question be too abrupt?

Random thinking filled An Cheng's head.

However, she thought to herself for a long time, but she didn't see any reply from Chu Xi.

This really can't blame Chu Xi.

Because of the two of them, they missed it again.

After Chu Xi returned An Cheng's message in the morning, he couldn't wait for a reply from the other party. The more anxious he waited, he went to write an article.

You know, like An Cheng, she is a counselor at heart.

Seeing that the other party doesn't reply, it's a little imaginary.

At a loss for a while, I can only write articles.

After all, she is a Japanese author who is defaulted by readers.

Two articles, each with a change of 10,000 a day, she has to write 20,000 words a day.

This exaggerated number makes her only cherish all time, codewords, and codewords.

Today, my heart is very restless.

When I started writing, it was extremely difficult.

She wrote 20,000 characters for a long, long time.

From morning to night, I never finished writing.

It wasn't until 12 o'clock in the night that she was able to update the card points.

I finished washing at the fastest speed, and it was already 12:30 in the morning.

She then opened the chat software to read An Cheng's information.

And An Orange, who didn't wait for Chu Xi to reply all night, couldn't stand it until 12 o'clock, and fell asleep.

She stayed all night last night, and she was really lacking energy.

The two of them were like this, and missed again.

The next day, the two people woke up at the same time.

Chu Xi still slept restlessly this night, and still woke up at around 8 o'clock the next morning.

And Ancheng has always been an alarm clock at 7 o'clock.

Before going to work, An Cheng turned on the computer with a trembling heart as usual.

Chu Xi's message last night caused her to tremble again.

Um, Chu Xi...

"Yes, I came to your city and hope to eat together every day in the future."

—This is what Chu Xi left behind.

This is the most direct confession for Ancheng.

Also the most affectionate confession.

A person can abandon his place of residence and come to the city where you are alone, just to be with you every day.

What else to say?

Everything is already in the air.

An Cheng smiled.

Gently replied: "Okay, turn around to eat together."

In the adult world, many people like to say "turning back" appointments, but in fact, it is just a perfunctory.

"Looking back" is nothing but "forever indefinitely".

But Chu Xi knew that An Cheng was not such a person.

An Cheng is simple and direct. What she says is the true thoughts in her heart.

Since she said that she would go back to eat together, she was really ready to go back to eat together.

Yes, "turn around" because Ancheng has to go to work.

You have to go to work at the moment, can't you just wait until you come back to make an appointment?

When she saw this message, Chu Xi was overwhelmed with excitement.

She knew that with the other's personality, she must have asked herself to eat after get off work.

And her time to leave work is five thirty in the afternoon.

It's five thirty in the afternoon.

It seems that today's update must be finished before half past five!

It is not easy to write an update of 20,000 words.

Chu Xi played for a long, long time even if his fingers were flying.

In order to save time as much as possible, she didn't even eat breakfast or lunch, just drank a few boxes of yogurt.

Because drinking yogurt is the most time-saving.

Anyway, when she thinks of seeing Ancheng at night, she doesn't feel hungry.

Now she, if there is a godly help.

Except for the fast codeword, there is no other idea at all.

After paying attention, the code word speed is really fast.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, her 20,000 words were finally finished.

The time is just right.


At this moment, a message just came from the phone.

No one else, it is Ancheng.

"I'm off work, where do you want to eat?"

Sure enough, Ancheng never missed the appointment.

And the information is very direct.

Chu Xi couldn't help smiling.

She hasn't felt such a simple atmosphere for a long time.

And this atmosphere is really comfortable and comfortable.

Better than countless so-called "emotional intelligence."

"I'm not familiar with this place, you can go wherever you see it is delicious, I will invite you."

For innocent people, Chu Xi is happy to communicate.

Because communicating with each other is simple and direct.

"No no, I invite you."

An Cheng quickly denied Chu Xi's idea of ​​a treat.

But Chu Xi's attitude is also very firm: "No, I must treat you today."


An Orange was a little curious.

"Because I have encountered a good thing."

Chu Xi was really happy.

"I have good news, I want to share it with you, let's celebrate together!"

"it is good."

Finally, Ancheng agreed.

And sent me the address for dinner.

A small restaurant, at first glance, it is a very cheap place.

Chu Xi looked at the simple furnishings in the shop with a warm heart.

She knew that the other party was saving her money.

Although she has no shortage of money for this meal now, she is very happy that the other party is so considerate of her wallet.

Not for money, but for the mind.

In this way, the two met for the first time in a dilapidated small restaurant.

They are all a little flustered, but they are holding them, trying to pretend to be elegant and indifferent.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that the two of them are netizens.

Because, neither the original owner of this world nor Chu Xi who traveled through has ever seen An Orange.

However, meeting Junchu is like returning home.

All the expectations in Chu Xi's heart landed steadily on An Orange.

The Ancheng at this moment is exactly the same as what I imagined: shy, but pretending to be generous; very simple, but very safe and intellectual.

The meeting was very enjoyable. Since my first encounter on Nethai many years ago, I have been talking about their respective developments today.

An Cheng’s life in the past two years has been lacklustre. She went to get off work and off work every day, and then dealt with the "task" that the unit would fall upon her at any time. With the least money in the unit, she was doing the most things in the unit, day by day. Tired of running.

The boring repetition of this day after day was similar to what she said to Chu Xi every day.

It's Chu Xi's life, which has become more and more prosperous recently.

She had never thought of hiding Ancheng. At this moment, I told the whole story of what happened in the past few months.

An Cheng was stunned for an instant.

Only then did she know what Chu Xi had been up to before.

What shocked her even more: Chu Xi in front of her turned out to be her favorite writer recently, Chu Ci!

And Chu Xi knew that An Cheng was actually chasing her own text, and was even more delighted.

It can be said that this meeting is extremely high.

Both are very comfortable with each other.

An Cheng is really happy for Chu Xi, because the other party has signed the film and television rights.

The film and television copyrights are divided into a lot, so many can buy a house.

House prices at this time are not particularly high, just like the original world in 2012.

Chu Xi naturally understood deeply: buy a house as soon as possible!

Especially, before housing prices have risen!

Therefore, she did not hesitate at all: "I'm going to buy a suite, let's live in together, okay?"

An Orange was stunned.

She didn't expect the other party to be so direct.

Buying a suite for two people to live in?

what is this?

Is it a marriage room?

Generally speaking, men and women are planning to get married before they buy a house and live together, right?

But now, what are the two of them?

Is it similar to a couple?

Chu Xi's eyes answered her affirmatively.

It was a very eager look, but also a calm and fearless look.

Obviously, the other party is telling her: Yes, I want to be with you.

An Orange didn't know what to do for a while.

After all, the two talents... meet for the first time, right?

Chu Xi directly stretched out her hand and held her: "Shall we live in together, okay?"

Such an invitation is similar to a couple's proposal, making An Cheng's head bewildered.

But in her heart, there was a voice shouting: Promise her, promise her.

She is so lonely all these years...

She really needs such a company.

She is not young anymore.

To be honest, if you have a man you like, you should be married a long time ago.

But so far, I haven't met any man who makes her heart.

Isn’t it? God has already hinted: In this world, there will never be a man who can fall in love with, marry, and have children with her.

On the contrary, it was Chu Xi today that gave her a different heart.

In particular, the life described by Chu Xi is too long for her.

She is really lonely.

Well, so be it.

Anyway, this is already the case.

I am not young anymore.

For so many years, I haven't found a man I like. How many years are there in the future? I can't find it anymore, isn't it?

That being the case, why not try another one?

What's more, Chu Xi's eyes are so sincere at this moment.

Chu Xi's eyes are naturally sincere.

Because at this time, she was really very satisfied with An Cheng.

She knew very well: She was already tempted by An Orange.

In this world, she originally had the obligation to protect each other.

And the pure and beautiful woman in front of her also made her guard this time so willingly.

Next, it is the question of choosing a house.

Ancheng's house is actually rented.

Because teachers’ salaries are really low. Although she will not be short of food or drink after work, saving money to buy a house is really not enough.

What's more, she never even thought about buying a house.

To be precise, she didn't expect the future at all.

At this time, she was similar to Chu Xi before crossing, and she didn't have much passion in life.

For her, being alive or dying is no different.

That being the case, how can you be interested in planning for the future, or even buying a house and a car?

Naturally not!

But now, with Chu Xi, it's completely different.

Chu Xi said he wanted to buy a house, and two people lived in this house.

In other words, this house is related to the future of the two of them.

Chu Xi is usually busy writing essays. The update of 20,000 words a day is enough to make any writer out of breath, even if it is Kuaishou Ruxi, it is the same.

Although Ancheng's work is also busy, there are still weekends after all.

Although as a party endlessly exploited by the unit, Ancheng is often sent out to participate in various meetings on weekends-meetings that should have been attended by middle-level leaders from all walks of life, but most of the time, weekends are still complete.

In particular, Ancheng still has winter and summer vacations.

—Although, as a person who has been squeezed endlessly by the unit, her summer vacation basically has various contents, either representing the school to participate in various summer trainings, or leading (organizing) various topics and micro-topics of the school, all kinds of busy.

But, in any case, there are always winter and summer vacations.

She still has a little bit left for the time that the school occupies.

In this way, the task of finding a house was handed over to An Cheng.

"Our house, I hope you can live comfortably."

Chu Xi said to An Cheng gently.

"So you don't have to think about how much money, as long as you think about it. You like it, it's the best. Don't worry about money at all. I have a lot of income now. And I'm still making money."

What she said is also the truth.

Now she really made a lot of money.

But why is Ancheng willing to waste Chu Xi's money?

Therefore, she picked up and picked a small second-hand house.

House of eight years old, 60 square meters.

Small, old. And the area is not good, the surroundings are very cluttered.

Not much ventilation yet.

The walls inside have peeled off a bit, showing signs of dampness.

The price of such a house will naturally not be high.

Chu Xi happily followed An Cheng to see the house, and then he was stunned.

Looking back and forth, inside and out, Chu Xi's eyes were a little hot.

She couldn't help holding An Cheng's hand: "I'm serious, we don't lack money, you believe me. Choose a good one, and we will live in it for a long time."

Her eyes are full of sincerity and trustworthiness.

An Cheng's eye sockets also heated up.

Growing up, no one has ever said this to her.

In this world, money does not mean anything, but it can measure many things.

One person tells you that you don't have to think about money, just choose what you like, and she has money.

That is enough to show that you are more important than everything in the other person's heart.

Because money can be exchanged for many, many things in this world.

And she does not hesitate money for you, which means that she can give up many things for you.

"Fool, this is nothing to touch."

Chu Xi naturally knew what An Cheng was moving.

Smiled and stroked her head.

"This is what I should do."

What should be done?

An Cheng raised her head in shock.

In his eyes, there is still some dampness.

Chu Xi smiled and hugged her gently.

The voice is lighter: "We are up and down, you know. So, these are what I should do."

The ups and downs were originally a stalk in Chu Xi's mind.

Moreover, she happily shared this with An Cheng, saying that this is the direction of her future struggle.

The so-called seven ups and downs are nothing more than the floor.

Chu Xi lives on the seventh floor and Ancheng lives on the eighth floor. Everything is self-evident.

At this time, An Cheng's face flushed instantly upon hearing this.

Immediately, a small fist punched Chu Xi's chest.

Who knows, her small fist was instantly held by Chu Xi.

"You, can't wait?"

Chu Xi held An Cheng's small fist and pressed her chest again, smiling meaningfully.


An Cheng gave a soft "bah", blushing to the base of her neck, and ran away from Chu Xi.

Chu Xi looked at her happy back and smiled: There will be one day.

Yes, there will always be that day.

One day, I want you to be my real woman.

Moreover, it is a happy woman.

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