If he didn't dare to ask directly, Chu Xi could only knock on the side.

"Orange, do you usually eat alone?"

After writing a day's update, Chu Xi stretched.

A strong sense of fulfillment gave her the confidence to tentatively ask questions.

An Cheng didn't understand the meaning of her asking this at all.

Somewhat weird: "Yeah. You know, I have no friends."

If you say "have no friends", you should actually say you have no friends at all.

After graduating from Ancheng graduate school, he was admitted to the system of teachers through his own efforts.

This is really difficult.

In order to get ashore as soon as possible, she almost had no taboos, as long as she was in an urban area where there were public recruitment, she would participate.

In the end, she was admitted by T City.

But her hometown is in another province.

Her former classmates are also scattered all over the world.

Once relatives and friends are far away from oneself, the friendship and social relations in the future need to be re-established.

However, An Cheng is not a long-sleeved person who is good at dancing in interpersonal relationships.

What's more, the most talented people in the system.

She is a woman from a different place. She has no relatives and no background, and everyone doesn't want to have anything to do with her at all.

After all, modern society is under great pressure, and everyone's time and energy are limited.

The limited time, energy and emotions should naturally be placed in the most valuable place.

Conditions such as Ancheng, even if they intersect, are of no benefit. Then why waste time, energy and emotions?

Everyone is very tired.

If there is no good, who is willing to go out and perfuse others?

Isn’t it good to stay at home with your spouse and your children?

And, if it's not good, who wants to squeeze a smile every day to agree with others?

An Orange obviously has no such value.

So, in this environment, she doesn't actually have any friends.

Regarding this, both the original owner and Chu Xi knew it.

Therefore, Chu Xi felt sad when An Cheng said so.

In other words, yes, distressed.

She took a deep breath and smiled and typed a sentence: "Then, if someone can eat with you every day, would you be happy?"

An Orange was taken aback.

Immediately, my heart moved.

"Eating with you every day" is almost a textbook love confession.

In many film and television dramas or novels, the male protagonist said this when he confessed.

The so-called "eat with you every day" actually indicates that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

This made Ancheng's heart tremble.

In fact, if it was before, Ancheng would not think about that.

Because Chu Xi is a woman.

How can there be those thoughts between women and women?

That kind of feeling should be male to female, right?

However, in the past two days, an author publicly announced that Lily’s Love is very beautiful, and it has aroused large-scale discussions.

For a while, she couldn't help but diverge with her thinking:

Is Lily Love really beautiful?

Lily's love.

She didn't know the beauty of Lily's love was not beautiful.

However, she still thinks the author's article is quite beautiful.

Over the years, she had nothing to do after get off work. Every day she chased dramas, read novels, and occasionally played games.

She has read the novels of Jinjiang Literature City for a long time.

However, the author who appeared recently still made her shine.

The story is novel and very "cool" to watch.

The various counterattacks on the face-slapped bridges often made Chu Xi look excited.

In particular, the female protagonist relies on her own ability and struggle to become stronger after being bullied, and then counterattacks her face. What a cool word!

What's more gratifying is that the author is updated very quickly.

This makes people look cooler.

Now such an author says that Lily's Love is very beautiful.

She couldn't help but think too much about being carried.

There are some things that I don’t want to be okay.

Once I think about it, I think about it more and more deeply.

In Ancheng's current world, there is basically no one else.

Only Chu Xi.

Away from one's relatives and friends, former relatives and friends have long since separated.

Even the dearest parents, at present, are only concerned about her younger brother, and are completely indifferent to her life.

The only one who stayed in his heart was Chu Xi.

Yes, it is to stay in my heart, not by my side.

Even Chu Xi is not by his side.

Because two people have their own jobs, and neither will switch—

Ancheng will naturally not change, after all, it is a job within the system. They all say that the work within the system is good.

And Chu Xi, in fact, would not change. Because, in Chu Xi's life, the original family occupies a lot of weight. Her money was given to her parents on a monthly basis, and she didn't keep it at all, so there was no possibility of saving money to change cities and jobs.

Of course, An Cheng could lend Chu Xi money, let her change cities or even change jobs slowly, but Chu Xi had no intention of changing jobs at all, so she couldn't catch up with people borrowing her money.

Therefore, the two people have always been so separated at both ends of the computer.

Like two parallel lines, they can never intersect.

If nothing happens, Ancheng will not have any other thoughts.

Parallel lines are parallel lines.

But now that the mind is biased, the situation is different.

An Cheng began to think about other things now: Well, if Chu Xi and herself can really get in touch with each other, it would be really great.

In that way, someone will really be by your side.

This thought made her a little flustered.

Because she has never wanted to be by her side and stay with herself as she is now.

But this kind of thinking should only exist between male and female couples, right?

When Chu Xi asked this suddenly, An Cheng really panicked.

Because she felt that she and the other's thinking seemed to collide with each other.

Hey, Chu Xi, don't you think so too?

This made her feel so flustered that she didn't know what to do.

He didn't even know how to answer Chu Xi's question.

Chu Xi waited pitifully over there for a long time, but didn't wait for An Cheng's reply.

I couldn't help but chased up and asked, "Well, I mean, if we can live together, it would be great. In that case, we can eat together every day."

After saying this, she pushed the computer aside, not daring to read the reply.

Well, this is already her greatest courage.

After speaking, I don't know how the other party will react.

Lest An Cheng refuses herself, she dare not look.

In this trembling effort, the QQ message prompt sounded in the computer.

In other words, there is information coming.

Chu Xi suppressed the excitement in his heart and clicked on the computer with a trembling hand.

Then, speechless:

It was not Ancheng who sent the message.

The information was sent by Su Xin, telling her that a company had taken a fancy to her romance and wanted to sign her film and television rights.

"Sign the copyright?!"

Chu Xi was taken aback.

"You, you mean, someone wants to make my novel on TV?!"


Su Xin was very excited.

"You are so popular now, of course some companies will want to sign your copyright. This is not unusual. Congratulations!"

Not surprising?

Chu Xi's heart throbbed wildly.

Why is it not unusual?

This is obviously very strange!

To be honest, let alone the original owner of this world, even if he traveled through Chu Xi before, he had never had such a success.

In the original world, she was just an ordinary hitman working from 9 to 5. It's far from "success".

As for the contracted film and television, in Chu Xi's heart, it was considered "success".

Um, yourself, is that so successful? !

So fast? !

This success caught her off guard quickly.

She doesn't know what to say. I can only continue to ask Su Xin: "You mean, there is a company that wants to sign a contract with me to make a film?! Is there really a company that wants to sign a contract with me to make a TV?!"

The repeated confirmation question made Su Xin want to laugh a little.

She sent six smiling faces in a row, expressing congratulations to Chu Xi: "Yes, yes! There is a company that wants to buy the copyright of your novels and shoot movies! Congratulations~~~"

Chu Xi finally believed.

The heart finally boiled.

Her tears were already welling up.

She made it!

She really succeeded!

Ancheng, I made it!

Chu Xi's eyes were finally moist.

However, An Cheng's chat avatar still did not respond.

Even the avatar was grayed out.

As the head turned gray, Chu Xi's heart also sank.

Um, Ancheng...

At this moment, an idea came to Chu Xi's mind: frustrated in love, good work.

She is very happy with her job now.

But in love...

There is a bad feeling in my heart.

She was a little flustered.

Seeing that Chu Xi hadn't reacted, Su Xin thought that the other party was still in a state of excitement and couldn't return to her senses.

He smiled and reminded her: "Okay, okay, don't get excited and stupid. Hurry up, let's talk about the signing of the contract in detail."


At this time, Chu Xi was already cold.

Without Ancheng, even if it succeeds, it would be meaningless, right?

At this moment, she discovered for the first time: success, sometimes, is just for one person to see.

Yes, all her successes would be meaningless without Ancheng's appreciation.

However, from Su Xin's point of view, Chu Xi had calmed down.

Well, it really is a new god. The psychological quality is so strong. No wonder it can be successful.

Su Xin gave Chu Xi a thumbs up inwardly.

After finishing the contract, Chu Xi looked at the computer screen and found that An Cheng still did not respond.

She sighed, turned off the computer, and went to bed.

After moving, she strictly let herself go to bed and get up early.

The days when she rented a cubicle with others were simply unforgettable for her.

From then on, she deeply understood the importance of sleep.

Now that she has finally moved out, she naturally has to cherish her sleep time even more.

For human health, sleep is really vital.

Especially women.

Because women's endocrine is more sensitive, the impact of sleep is greater.

She has experienced it deeply.

So, now that the conditions are good, she must cherish it, go to bed early and wake up early every day, and take a good rest. In this way, the body will be much better when you are old in the future.

The debts you owe when you are young will always be repaid when you are old.

Whether it is money or health.

Chu Xi wants to protect An Cheng for the rest of his life, so he must first get his body well!

Chu Xi sighed and went to bed on time as usual.

On the other side, An Cheng did not sleep.

An Orange in this world is a bit like Chu Xi in the previous world.

She was actually very sad.

Every day after get off work, I feel at a loss and my whole person is in a state of collapse.

Staying up late or something is already commonplace to her.

If you are not careful, you will lose control of your emotions, and then you will lose a lot of miles... it is possible to stay up all night.

Chu Xi was asked this time, and his heart was full of chaos.

It's even more awake.

This night, I didn't sleep all night.

All night, she was thinking about how to answer Chu Xi's question.

In her opinion, Chu Xi's question is similar to confessing to herself.

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