The competition between the two most popular actresses is certain.

For so many years, Qi Xi and Shi Jian have fought openly and secretly.

From the mutual hacking of the drafts, to all kinds of hints and innuendo in the media.

Two people can be said to have reached a point where fire and water are incompatible.

This time, "Red Makeup Chaotang" is a big production that everyone is staring at. The position of the female one is highly anticipated, and both naturally want to win.

For this reason, he does not hesitate to publish more articles, and he does not hesitate to step on the other party publicly and secretly.

For example, after Shi Jian’s front foot hinted that Qi Xi was ignorant, Qi Xi said publicly on the back foot: “To play this play, you must have a wealth of life experience. The prime minister who can manage the entire country is definitely not possible. College students came out of the ivory tower."

After you sing the two of them, I will appear on stage, all kinds of battles in the air.

No one is willing to admit defeat.

And their strengths are indeed quite comparable.

Even the great director Yang Ming couldn't decide.

This is also the reason for the delay in choosing the hostess.

Finally, the competition between the two actresses has become fierce.

Not only do they post hacked drafts, and frequently satirize each other in public, but there are also big fans on the Internet that they are bullying themselves. As a result, the two fans began to pinch each other.

Shi Jian is currently the most popular and has more diehard fans.

However, Qixi is the most famous and more popular among passersby.

Ripped off on both sides, torn to a close match.

But they didn't mean to stop.

The daily entertainment circle is filled with the excitement of the two of them.

No one else's heat can be overwhelmed.

Even, the two of them have both given Yang's ultimatum: If this time the female one gave each other instead of themselves, then you can't blame yourself for turning your face!

Although he said it jokingly, Yang Ming could hear that it was a genuine threat.

These two queens, no matter which one, he didn't want to offend!

I am embarrassed.

Chu Xi's hot search went straight to the top, overwhelming the mutual hot search of Qixi and Shijian.

Only then did Yang Ming remember: Tianchen Entertainment has been recommending him desperately, isn't it the Internet writer called "Chu Ci".

Well, I didn't let go before, thinking it was Tianchen Entertainment's bottomless cypriot.

Now it seems that this "Chu Ci" is big and really interesting. An Internet author, unexpectedly capable of overwhelming the popularity of the entire entertainment industry!

Moreover, he turned his head back and found that it was not the first time that this product was actually on the hot search!

This product is a hot search in three days!

Yang Ming looked at the computer and began to put his glasses on.

He started to understand Tianchen Entertainment.

This product really has an inexplicable hot search physique!

What is most important in the entertainment industry?

Heat is the most important!

——This is a secret that everyone in the mixed entertainment industry knows.

Even, some people would rather make a fool of yourself or sensationalize in order to arouse discussion in order to be popular.

"Black and red are also red" is a famous saying in this circle.

And this "Songs of the Chu" has its own enthusiasm!

This TM is the chosen son of the entertainment industry!

Choosing this kind of person as the heroine will save you even the publicity expenses!

Yang Ming is also a member of the entertainment industry. Even if he has requirements for the quality of his works, he will more or less consider the realistic side.

Tianchen Entertainment's face, he can't help but consider.

He couldn't help but consider the popularity of this drama in the future.

Even in terms of the cost-effectiveness of publicity, he has to consider more or less.

What's more, Qi Xi and Shi Jian really couldn't make a choice.

Rather than choose one of the two to offend someone, it's better to...

At this time, Tianchen Entertainment once again expressed a strong desire: I hope Chu Xi will play the first female role.


Because of this meeting, Chu Xi's hot search also made the boss of Tianchen Entertainment completely determined, and believe that Su Min's vision will help Chu Xi be in the upper ranks!

"What? Mr. Liu really said that? Okay, I'm fine here! That's it! Okay!"

When receiving a call from Tianchen Entertainment, Yang Ming almost jumped up with joy.

Got it!

Someone gives pillows when you doze off!


No need to think of excuses to prevaricate those two aunts!

In a word, just push everything to Tianchen Entertainment.

"Hey, Sister Qi, I'm really embarrassed, the female one in this play, the employer has decided to do it. No, it's not Shi Jian! It's definitely not Shi Jian! How could it be Shi Jian? I don't see Shi Jian. That’s right! It’s an internet writer appointed by the employer. She wrote this drama. It’s very popular recently, and Tianchen’s side is going to support her. On my side, there’s no way...Look, I’m really sorry. what."

"Hey, Sister Shi, I'm really embarrassed. The female one in this play, the employer has decided. No, it's not Qixi! It's definitely not Qixi! How could it be Qixi? I ​​don't see Qixi. That’s right! It’s an internet writer appointed by the employer. She wrote this drama. It’s very popular recently, and Tianchen’s side is going to support her. On my side, there’s no way...Look, I’m really sorry. what."


Director Yang Ming made a phone call to each side, and everything was completely settled.

No one hates him anymore.

Anyway, when it comes to "capitalist", everyone knows it.

This pot is sure to buckle Tianchen Entertainment's head.

Yang Ming continued to play happily with Qi Xi and Shi Jian.

By the way, invite two to play other heroines on the crew.

"Sister Qi, what happened last time was that I was wrong. I really can't help it. But I really want to cooperate with you in this drama. In addition to the so-called female one, there is a female lead in this drama. The role of the female is similar. It’s a female emperor. The female emperor! I look at the entire entertainment industry, and you have the aura to control the role of the female emperor! Or, sister Qi, if you don’t remember the villain, you can help me again. Back? I’m sure that, after your interpretation, this heroine role will definitely become one of the most classic roles in the history of TV dramas!"

"Sister Shi, what happened last time was that I was wrong. I really can't help it. But I really want to cooperate with you in this drama. In addition to the so-called female one, there is also a female lead who is related to the so-called The role of the female marshal is almost the same. It’s a female marshal. A smart female marshal! I look at the entire entertainment industry, and you have the temperament to control the role of the female marshal! Or, sister Shi, you don’t remember the villain, and then Help me? I'm sure that this female marshal character, after your interpretation, will definitely become one of the most classic characters in the history of TV dramas!"


Yang Ming continued to call each side.

So, got two female two side by side.

Moreover, the two actresses are very enthusiastic.

After all, a good character is hard to come by.

What's more, it is still such a strong production team.


Which female celebrity does not want to play the queen?

The marshal.

This role is so popular.

And she is a smart female marshal!

Such a role can add more to your own image.

Therefore, the two incompatible movie queens came to the crew with joy and joy to lift the sedan chair for Chu Xi.

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