The beauty of Chu Xi is so direct that anyone can see it.

Chu Xi's beauty is also restrained. There is no unpleasant dominance or frivolousness. She stood there like that, as quiet as a secluded pool, people couldn't help but calm down and admire it, and she couldn't give birth to half frivolity.

Approximately, this is "natural beauty" plus "poems and books in the belly", right?

Su Min was so emotional.

Anyway, no matter what beauty it is, Chu Xi is absolutely beautiful.

Such a peerless beauty with inexplicable enthusiasm, as long as you pull into your camp, you can make money!

Even just "cooperation" can make a lot of money.

Therefore, Su Min promptly signed the cooperation with Chu Xi, and immediately after returning home, he asked the boss to send Chu Xi a job.

This was the result of today's wave of official operations.

Actually, this matter hadn't been settled so quickly.

As a result, the boss still hesitated.

After all, letting an artist who is not an employee of his own company play the heroine of his own investment, how can it be regarded as a disadvantage.

Although it is divided into nineteen, it is still a loss! Compared to those newcomers who have signed a contract, the loss is huge!

Secondly, Chu Xi is indeed a pure newcomer in the entertainment industry. She has not had any relevant experience before, nor has she appeared on any occasion. The directors and others in the circle are not optimistic about her.

I was afraid that her acting skills would not be enough, and she was afraid that her appearance would not be good enough, ruining the drama I worked so hard to create.

After all, this day Chen Entertainment arranged for Chu Xi to act, but it was the heroine.

Even, the crew specially consulted with Tian Chen's boss, and asked if he could arrange a supporting role for Chu Xi with relatively few other roles.

This makes Tianchen Entertainment's boss a bit embarrassed.

Because she really believes in Su Min's professional vision.

But I don't exactly want to talk to those famous guides and the like.

Ji Fang just dragged the saw until this time Chu Xi was pushed into the hot search again.

At this moment, the boss of Tianchen Entertainment was also speechless: The hot search physique of this product is really too evil, right? !

In addition, Su Min repeatedly assured that Chu Xi's appearance was very good.

As a result, she made a decisive decision and directly "talked about it."

Chu Xi's heroine status was completely finalized.

"Red Makeup Chaotang", the prime minister, Gu Yinge.

The first heroine.

As soon as the news came out, all her readers boiled over.

Wow~ My family is too great, right? Can actually go to a TV series!

And still the heroine!

not only that-

Careful readers went to pick up the crew and found that from the director to the screenwriter to all the production crews, they are all big guys!

And the other starring actors are all top-notch stars!

Such a powerful team, all of them give themselves a big lift!

I'm really awesome! Really give us a face!

Suddenly, all readers of the Chu family felt proud.

Furthermore, he also praised and embellished all his big actions without any bottom line:

It's really full of positive energy! So diligent! So talented! She was so kind, not forgetting to remind our readers to learn, and also attracted the same positive energy fairy teaching blogger!

Where can I find such a big deal?

Can't find it anywhere!

Except for the sky, there is only this one on the ground!

This wind of public opinion is like a snowball, rolling across the entire network, making more and more people follow.

Especially some parents praised it even more: Yes, such an author is really rare. Not only keeps diligent and keeps updating, but also establishes a positive and persistent image for children. They also don’t forget to recommend teaching videos to children. Instead of being obsessed with reading novels, I understand the principles of combining work with rest and learning happily.

This is really worth chasing after children!

It is much better than other so-called "idols" and "idols".

What? I heard that this author is going to act?

That's right!

This kind of author should come out, walk under the lights, walk on the stage, and let more people see it!

It is really the wish of all parents to have this kind of people attract the attention of their children and become their idols!

After all, people have a dream boyhood. At that time, it is easy to be obsessed with some beautified light and shadow figures. Many years ago, they were called "idols" and later "idols"... No matter what they were called, they had the same meaning. It's nothing more than a kind of dreamy thought of adolescence.

And those "starlights" who are looked up to, through these worship and infatuation, make a lot of money.

For this, although parents don't want to, they can't help it.

It's just that, looking at it from another angle: since it can't be circumvented, it is better to let some positive energy "starlight" lead the trend.

At least, these positive energy "starlights" will give children some positive influences.

And this Chuci is very big, obviously is the outstanding one among them.

This author not only works hard and persists, but also recommends teaching videos to remind children not to forget to learn.

I believe that the drama she plays must also be positive.

Moreover, everyone has a little bit of it:

This "Red Makeup Chaotang" is really a play of positive energy.

In the play, a group of women do not let their beards and eyebrows, and they hold their homeland and the world stable. Even, it can be said to be exclusive!

The female protagonist Gu Yinge is even more talented and unparalleled, and she is the number one female protagonist in all ages!

What's even more rare is that she is truly stunning, rather than relying on men.

Such a heroine, in the eyes of parents, is still worth learning from their children.

Especially girls.

In modern society, men and women have equal obligations, and women are even weaker in terms of rights.

If a girl wants to live a good life, she really needs to bear more.

This requires girls to be stronger.

Looking at this kind of real heroine, it's actually quite good.

Moreover, this author named "Chu Ci" will remind readers to learn?

Well, that would definitely remind the small audience to pay attention to study.

Well. That's it!

Anyway, such a big deal, everything done is right!

The influence she has on the children must also be good! Yes, it is like that!

In other words, the recommended short video blogger is also very powerful.

From elementary school to middle school, and even university, all the important and difficult mathematics knowledge are readily available. Still in a very interesting way.

What a genius!

This Chuci recommends her so, they must be good friends, right?

Sure enough, good people are always with good people.

I hope that my children can also be infected by them and become more outstanding.

In this way, no matter what age group he was, he praised Chu Xi very much.

Even with it, I also admire Ancheng very much.

Even, they were respected by a group of netizens as "fairy friendship cp".

—Of course, some weak voices will weakly say: in fact, "fairy love cp" is also quite good. However, there were few people and low volume, and was soon buried in the crowd of other people.

But anyway, Chu Xi and An Cheng are really red.

Needless to say, Chu Xi's back-end subscription income has been soaring one after another, which is her best proof of popularity.

The new article is still in the serialization period, and countless companies have already booked it. However, Su Min had already helped her boss say hello to her: The copyright of the novel should be signed to Tianchen first.

Naturally, Chu Xi would not object.

Tianchen was originally the No. 1 entertainment company in China, with the best production team, the most effective publicity channels, and the highest signing fees.

What's more, this is the relationship of signing and cooperation, and the favor of smoothing the boat is still necessary.

Su Min also voted for the peach, saying on the spot: "In the future, the heroine of the adaptation of this novel, you should come yourself. By the way, don't forget the next copy, next copy, and every subsequent copy, and return it to our company."

Chu Xi smiled and said, "Don't worry, you are always first."

This was originally Chu Xi playing a trick. He only agreed to give Tianchen Entertainment a "priority", but he didn't really agree that every book in the future would be signed to Tianchen.

Because no one can tell what's going on.

Human nature is also very complicated.

It’s better to leave your own things in your own hands and see the situation for sale than to make an appointment earlier.

Although shopping malls only accept paper contracts, all verbal promises are innumerable, so no one minds to say something about it. What to do afterwards, anyway, everything is predicated on self-interest.

But Chu Xi didn't want to be that kind of person. She is still quite willing to believe in her words.

For nothing else, a good self-image can make her appreciate herself more.

She now likes this kind of self-appreciation of herself.

Hard work, hard work, success, beauty, happiness...

This kind of self really makes people live more and more energetic.

The veteran mourning house in the old world has long since become the past.

Well, if you can live so energetic and hopeful, who wants to go to the funeral?

Just like An Cheng, who used to live in that unit, was very mournful and very homely, because no matter how hard he struggles, it is a waste of struggle.

There is no benefit except to get a nonsense such as "Those who can do more".

Moreover, when you think about it carefully, the words "the one who can do more" is shamelessly out of the sky.

"Work hard" but not "get too much", it's a **** to coax a fool to work, it's disgusting!

In such a tormenting environment, day after day, An Orange was eventually ground into the last world's self.

Therefore, sometimes Chu Xi wanted to come, saying that he was helping the original owner to protect An Cheng, but in a sense, he was actually protecting himself.

Protect the oppressed helplessness and exhaustion, and prevent "she" from being bullied by the society.

Just like An Orange, you don’t have to work hard while you are depressed that you will never be able to get a job title and no more money—

The school is full of technical secondary school graduates who are not a few years older than me, and myself as a master's degree, queuing up for professional titles according to teaching age... Hehe, I probably won't be able to get up to a level before retirement.

As for other aspects, let alone think about it. All the "long" that can add extra money has nothing to do with her.

Not to mention a lot of principals and a lot of directors, even if there are too many "grade leaders", "subject team leaders", and "research team leaders" in all disciplines, she doesn't have her share.

The most funny thing is that she was pushed to write countless papers, and did one topic after another, but she couldn't even find a "mathematics teaching and research team leader".

The author has something to say: Sprinkle soil on Arbor Day.

Three thousand words per chapter. There are more than a thousand words left, haha, I'm so capable. Happy happy~

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