Naturally, Ling would not sit and watch all this.

Just kidding, is her the protagonist today?

She coughed heavily and brought the topic back: "You don't need to act here. I don't believe that sister will quit such a good job. Besides, even if she really quit that job, she will definitely have a better place to go. . And after so many years, I must have saved a lot of money, how could I need to eat other people’s and drink other people’s? What's more, you are just friends, how can you give her nothing?"

Her theory considers herself impeccable.

However, Chu Xi just laughed: "You think too much, Xiaocheng hasn't saved any money for so many years. It's good for her to support herself with her salary. As for us...heh, we are naturally friends. But Sometimes friends’ feelings are not shallower than family members. Reliable friends are sometimes more reliable than unreliable family members."

What she said is true.

Moreover, between her and An Cheng, this fact is just a reflection of this fact.

However, these words sounded a bit harsh in the ears of the An family and A Ling.

Isn't this a clear hint that her friend is more reliable than their family members and has a deeper relationship with Ancheng?

An's father and An's mother have some uncomfortable feelings, but they still focus on guilt.

But Ling is purely disgusting.

After all, the sister-in-law and the eldest-in-law are not real relatives, nor do they have real feelings, but are forcibly defined as the so-called "family."

This is similar to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

But it is easier to show contradictions than the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Because the conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are not very obvious.

As a result, the mother-in-law is the "mother", occupying the absolute moral high ground. The word "filial piety" makes the daughter-in-law unable to breathe.

Unless a daughter-in-law completely ignores public opinion and the views of her husband, she is afraid to be hard-headed.

Secondly, the mother-in-law has the expectation of old age for the daughter-in-law.

After all, this world is used to male chauvinism. Not many men take care of their bedridden parents personally, and they basically count on their daughter-in-law.

Therefore, the mother-in-law often dared not offend the daughter-in-law too hard.

It can be said that basically, as long as the coffin is not closed for a day, the mother-in-law will not give up on her daughter-in-law's expectation for the elderly.

Take a step back and say that even if the mother-in-law knows that the daughter-in-law is completely unreliable, she will rely on her son or grandson/granddaughter to support herself in the future, and she does not want to be too clear to have conflicts with her daughter-in-law.

After all, the daughter-in-law is the son’s wife and the grandson/granddaughter’s mother. The contradiction is really too great, and it will not be easy to care for the elderly in the future. It will either affect her image in the hearts of children and grandchildren, or cause her daughter-in-law to cause trouble in the future. .

In short, each has its own abacus.

There are too many scruples between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

It's not too hostile on the bright side.

Basically, they will maintain the surface peace, with only a few words of innuendo piercing each other, or using a little wrist secretly. Or, find various reasons to prove how bad the other party is, how wronged you are, to win over the man in the middle, and win public opinion.

But between aunts-in-law, it's much simpler.

Neither "filial piety" is a big killer of destiny.

There is no ultimate expectation of "old care".

No matter how much the conflict between each other, there is not much psychological burden and moral pressure.

Therefore, there are often more conflicts between aunts-in-laws on the bright side.

Even some aunts-in-laws have no contradiction. But when a daughter-in-law has a deep grudge against her mother-in-law, she has many things that she can't explain clearly. She is afraid that her husband will not be on her side, so she deliberately leads the conflict to the other's brothers and sisters.

For example, not to mention that the in-laws are cruel, but the uncle or the sister-in-law is bad, deliberately attracting the in-laws... to win over the husband and separate the intimacy between the husband and the in-laws.

These tricks have been passed down for many years and have been constantly renovated. It has long been a tacit secret for the parties concerned.

A Ling was fascinated by those circumstances, and she knew everything about these things.

Therefore, she aimed directly at An Orange this time.


Anyway, she is not afraid to offend An Cheng.

If Ancheng is rich and promising, as long as An's parents speak up, she should help her younger brother or help. If you don't offend, you have to help.

This is her obligation as a sister.

It is also a prerequisite for her to live well in Anjia.

Even if she gets married in the future, as long as she doesn't want to cut off the family path of her natal family, she must listen to her parents to help her brother. It has nothing to do with whether the sister-in-law is good or not.

And if An Orange really has no money and no interest, then it doesn't matter to offend it.

She couldn't help herself anyway.

Sister-in-law and sister-in-law who can't contribute money, are all cumbersome! The more offended the better! It's best to offend and not to interact for a lifetime!

Therefore, A Ling has no psychological burden, and doesn't want to give An Cheng a bit of face.

On the contrary, she was very happy An Cheng and Chu Xi came forward.

In this way, she doesn't have to confront An's father and An's mother clearly.

Although now speaking in the name of being pregnant with a male fetus, he is invincible.

But it is not good to leave a bad impression after all.

It is not a good thing to make in-laws hate early.

After all, the in-laws are not poor in the countryside.

If one is poor and only waiting for the old to raise, then naturally the more offending the better, it is best to offend and not to contact each other for a lifetime.

But if in-laws have money and connections, they will naturally have a good impression.

Only in this way can they better contribute their money and efforts.

Although they only have An Jie a son, everything in the future will not be given to others except for his son, daughter-in-law and grandson.

But in the end, people are selfish, and they also have places where they want to spend money. If it is really anxious, the old couple is dead and spends all the money in a timely manner, then it would be bad.

They still have to coax a little bit so that they are willing to save money and do their best to save all the money to their sons and daughters-in-law, and to worry about their sons and daughters-in-law's work and life matters and make more contributions to them.

Parents with a certain status are eager to show off, which is still very helpful to young people.

For example, Aling herself always wanted the nurse to become a fuller, but she failed every time she took the exam.

An's parents are in the local old system, and they have some connections. She also points out that they can save their old faces and look for people everywhere to get the job done.

Therefore, compared with Ancheng, this Anfu Anmu is better to be less offended.

What's more, even if you don't consider other things, just consider An Jie's emotions, it's the same.

Everyone has special feelings for their parents.

There is also a deep sense of "filial piety" that has been educated since childhood.

Few people can stand on the side of their daughter-in-law and really hate their parents.

But brothers and sisters are different.

When they grow up, they have their own small families, and brothers and sisters are scattered all over to live their own small lives, and they are no longer a real "family".

The brotherhood that once had blood thicker than water will naturally follow suit.

The author has something to say: Happy Equinox~~

On the ninth day of the day, clock in

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