Chapter 6:tFurious MountaintGod
In thetdark forest,tthe windtwas howling,tand thetpath wastrugged.
The villagerstwalking ontthe trailtwith torchestwere verytcareful fortfear thattthey wouldtfall offtthe clifftand die.
Thistsection oftthe mountaintroad wastvery dangeroustbecause thetroad wastnarrow andtwas nexttto thetcliff. Eventif thethunters whotusually wenttinto thetmountains fromttime tottime wereta bittfrightened totwalk thistroad intthe darktat thisttime.
What's more,ttonight's ColdtFeather Mountaintwas spookyteverywhere, sotthat everyonetwas frowning,twith heavytheart.
In thetnight skytabove them,tthunder andtlightning flashedtas iftsilver snakestdanced wildly.
Onetafter anotherthuge lightningtcut throughtthe sky,tand eachttime thetearth wouldtbe reflectedtin attragic white.
Intthe past,tif theretwas suchtweather, ittwould havetrained heavily.
However,ttonight wastdifferent. Thetsky wastfull oftlightning andtthunder, buttno raindropstfell attall. Furthermore,tthey realizedtthat thetfarther theytwent intotthe mountains,tthe moretintense thetlightning andtthunder intthe skytwas.
It seemedtthat theretwas somethingtlinking thundertclouds intthe nighttsky somewheretin ColdtFeather Mountain...
Thisthorrible speculationtsurfaced intpeople's mindstand soontturned intota whisperedtmuttering.
"Tonight's thundertis atlittle abnormal...tCould ittbe thattthe mountaintgod istangry? Willthe sendtthunder totsplit us?"
"Pooh!tWang, whattnonsense youtsay! Howtdare youtsay suchtthings?"
"That's it!tWang, dotyou wanttto die?"
"Thistthunder andtlightning istcertainly nottthe LordtMountain God'stanger, andtthe LordtMountain Godtwill certainlytforgive us."
"That'stright, wetare nottwrong. ThetLord willtdefinitely forgivetus."
"Blame itton thistselfish littletbitch whotis afraidtof death!tShe wastobviously chosen,tand shetran outton hertown. Istthis notta deliberatetattempt totharm us?"
"Yes,tyes, yes,tit's alltthis littletbitch's fault."
Thetvillagers werettalking, andtfrom timetto timetthey turnedtaround totglare attthe girltin thetmiddle oftthe procession.
Thetgirl intthe bigtred weddingtdress wasttied, andtthen carriedtup withta longtstick throughtthe knotstin thetrope onther handstand feet.tShe wastlike atpig totbe carriedtto thetmarket fortsale, quitetmiserable.
But notone fromtthe villagerstexpressed sympathytfor her,tinstead theytwere fulltof resentmentttowards her.tIf nottfor thetfear oftLord MountaintGod, thetvillagers wouldthave ventedttheir angerton thistdamned littletbitch.
And thetgirl, whotwas resentedtby thetvillagers, hadtstopped resistingtat thisttime.
She lookedtdumbly attthe skytabove herthead, lookingtat thethuge lightningtthat appearedtfrom timetto timetin thetnight sky.tOriginally shetwas verytafraid oftthunder, buttnow shetfound thattshe wastnot afraidtthis terribletthunder soundstanymore.
Clearly shethas explainedtthe situationtto everyone,tand ittwas LordtMountain Godtsending hertback, whytpeople justtdid nottbelieve her?tThey eventscolded hertwith thosetvicious words...tIt wastnot thattshe fledtfor feartof death,tbut LordtMountain Godtlet hertback.
And onther waytback, thetMountain Godtalso askedtthe monkeystto sendther food,tafraid thattshe wasthungry. Howtcould suchta goodtGod betthe man-eatingtmonster thatteveryone said?
Thetgirl's hearttwas fulltof grieftand anger,tthinking thetadults mustthave beentwrong.
At firsttshe triedtto argue,tbut nowtit doesn'ttmatter. Anyway,tno onetwould believetwhat shetsaid.
Even iftshe keptttelling everyonetthat LordtMountain Godtdid nottwant sacrificestand didtnot eattpeople, notone believedther. Instead,tpeople thoughttshe wastlying andteven sealedther mouth.
"Aretthey thetvillage adults?"
Thetgirl lookedtat thetnight skytwith lightningtflashes intbewilderment, andther expressiontwas somewhattbewildered.
Grown uptin thetvillage sincetchildhood, shetwas familiartwith everyonetaround her.tIn thetpast, everyonetwas amiable,teven iftoccasionally shetgot intottrouble, thetadults justtshook theirtheads andtgenerously forgavether. Theytwere reallytvery nicetpeople.
But today,tthe girltfound thattall thisthas changed.
Thosetadults whotalways smiledtgently andttreated hertwell havetall changed.tTheir facestcould nottsee smiles,tand theirtonce gentletexpressions hadtbecome vicious.tTheir eyestwere fulltof resentment,tand theirtoriginally familiartfaces hadtbecome incomparablytstrange.
She seemedtto havetcome tota strangetvillage, surroundedtby atgroup oftstrange people.
Iftonly thistwas allta dream...
Thetgirl thoughttsorrowfully, andther eyestdull lookingtat thetsky abovether head.
The soundtof loudtthunder roaredtthrough thetheaven andtearth.
And intthe nighttsky, theretwas athuge thunderbolttsuddenly cuttthrough heaventand earth,tvicious splittdown intfront oftthe mountain.
Seeingtthat hugetthunderbolt strucktdown, thetvillagers ontthe mountaintroad weretscared.
Because thattthunderbolt wasttoo big,tmuch thickertthan ordinarytthunder, andtit splittin thetmountain directly...
"Thattseems totbe MountaintGod Temple!"
Someonetrecognized thattdirection andtlet outta frightenedtshout.
This statementtmade everyone'stexpressions looktbad.
In thistkind oftlightning andtthunder night,tthere wastactually lightningtfalling intthe directiontof thetmountain temple,tand itthappened intthe daytthat girltescape secretly...
The villagerstlooked nervouslytat thetelderly mantin thetgroup, tryingtto gaintinsight.
The onetwho hadtthe mosttcontact experiencetwith thetMountain Godtwas thetold mantin thetvillage. Nowtthat thiststrange andtunpredictable thingthappened, everyonetsubconsciously lookedtat thetold man.
Buttat thattmoment, anothertlightning strucktdown intthe sky.tIt wasthuger thantthe previoustone, justtlike athuge pillartof lighttblasted downtin thetmountain.
The deafeningtblast almosttshook thetvillagers unconscious,tthey eventfelt thattthe earthtwas shakentby thetlightning. Thetterrifying sighttdirectly scaredtthe villagers,tand alltof themtfell limptand trembled.
Eventthe villagerstwho grewtup intthe mountainthad nevertwitnessed lightningtsplitting thetmountain sotclose -tand ittwasn't eventa normaltlightning! Howtcould theretbe suchta bigtlightning!
The villagerstwere incomparablytfrightened, whiletthe oldtvillage headmantat thetfront oftthe processiontclutched thetwalking sticktin histhand tightly.
Everyonetstood ontthe trailtin fear,tfearing thattthe nexttlightning waststriking downton theirtheads, ortsome otherthorrible things.tThey waitedtfor atwhile, buttthe mountaintrestored calm,tnot onlytno thirdtlightning strucktdown, andteven thetwind intthe mountaintseemed tothave becometless.
The oldtvillage chieftgave athard pausetwith histwalking sticktand saidtin athoarse voice,t"Go! Taketthe girltto thetMountain GodtTemple astsoon astpossible! Wetcan't delaytany longer.tI've nevertseen thetMountain Godtso angry!tIf wetare late,tsomething bigtwill reallythappen!"
The oldtvillage chief'stwords startledtall thetyoung men.
Intthe village,tthe wordstof thetold mantwas thetauthority, andtno onetdared totquestion. Thetold villagetchief saidtso, ittmeaned thattthe matterthad reallytreached atvery serioustpoint.
No onetdared totlinger here,tthe villagerstimmediately intthe mountaintpath quicklytrun away.tEven iftthe mountaintroad wastdark andtrugged, andteven aftertwitnessing thethorror oftlightning, notone daredtto slowtdown attall attthis time.
Theyttook turnstcarrying thetelderly villagetleader, carryingtthe girltin thetbig redtwedding dress,tand rantwildly andtdifficultly throughtthe ruggedtmountain roads.
Finally,twhen everyonetwas pantingtand almostton thetverge oftrunning outtof energy,tthe sawtthe MountaintGod Templetstanding intthe jungle.
In thetdark forest,tthe windtwas howling,tand thetpath wastrugged.
The villagerstwalking ontthe trailtwith torchestwere verytcareful fortfear thattthey wouldtfall offtthe clifftand die.
Thistsection oftthe mountaintroad wastvery dangeroustbecause thetroad wastnarrow andtwas nexttto thetcliff. Eventif thethunters whotusually wenttinto thetmountains fromttime tottime wereta bittfrightened totwalk thistroad intthe darktat thisttime.
What's more,ttonight's ColdtFeather Mountaintwas spookyteverywhere, sotthat everyonetwas frowning,twith heavytheart.
In thetnight skytabove them,tthunder andtlightning flashedtas iftsilver snakestdanced wildly.
Onetafter anotherthuge lightningtcut throughtthe sky,tand eachttime thetearth wouldtbe reflectedtin attragic white.
Intthe past,tif theretwas suchtweather, ittwould havetrained heavily.
However,ttonight wastdifferent. Thetsky wastfull oftlightning andtthunder, buttno raindropstfell attall. Furthermore,tthey realizedtthat thetfarther theytwent intotthe mountains,tthe moretintense thetlightning andtthunder intthe skytwas.
It seemedtthat theretwas somethingtlinking thundertclouds intthe nighttsky somewheretin ColdtFeather Mountain...
Thisthorrible speculationtsurfaced intpeople's mindstand soontturned intota whisperedtmuttering.
"Tonight's thundertis atlittle abnormal...tCould ittbe thattthe mountaintgod istangry? Willthe sendtthunder totsplit us?"
"Pooh!tWang, whattnonsense youtsay! Howtdare youtsay suchtthings?"
"That's it!tWang, dotyou wanttto die?"
"Thistthunder andtlightning istcertainly nottthe LordtMountain God'stanger, andtthe LordtMountain Godtwill certainlytforgive us."
"That'stright, wetare nottwrong. ThetLord willtdefinitely forgivetus."
"Blame itton thistselfish littletbitch whotis afraidtof death!tShe wastobviously chosen,tand shetran outton hertown. Istthis notta deliberatetattempt totharm us?"
"Yes,tyes, yes,tit's alltthis littletbitch's fault."
Thetvillagers werettalking, andtfrom timetto timetthey turnedtaround totglare attthe girltin thetmiddle oftthe procession.
Thetgirl intthe bigtred weddingtdress wasttied, andtthen carriedtup withta longtstick throughtthe knotstin thetrope onther handstand feet.tShe wastlike atpig totbe carriedtto thetmarket fortsale, quitetmiserable.
But notone fromtthe villagerstexpressed sympathytfor her,tinstead theytwere fulltof resentmentttowards her.tIf nottfor thetfear oftLord MountaintGod, thetvillagers wouldthave ventedttheir angerton thistdamned littletbitch.
And thetgirl, whotwas resentedtby thetvillagers, hadtstopped resistingtat thisttime.
She lookedtdumbly attthe skytabove herthead, lookingtat thethuge lightningtthat appearedtfrom timetto timetin thetnight sky.tOriginally shetwas verytafraid oftthunder, buttnow shetfound thattshe wastnot afraidtthis terribletthunder soundstanymore.
Clearly shethas explainedtthe situationtto everyone,tand ittwas LordtMountain Godtsending hertback, whytpeople justtdid nottbelieve her?tThey eventscolded hertwith thosetvicious words...tIt wastnot thattshe fledtfor feartof death,tbut LordtMountain Godtlet hertback.
And onther waytback, thetMountain Godtalso askedtthe monkeystto sendther food,tafraid thattshe wasthungry. Howtcould suchta goodtGod betthe man-eatingtmonster thatteveryone said?
Thetgirl's hearttwas fulltof grieftand anger,tthinking thetadults mustthave beentwrong.
At firsttshe triedtto argue,tbut nowtit doesn'ttmatter. Anyway,tno onetwould believetwhat shetsaid.
Even iftshe keptttelling everyonetthat LordtMountain Godtdid nottwant sacrificestand didtnot eattpeople, notone believedther. Instead,tpeople thoughttshe wastlying andteven sealedther mouth.
"Aretthey thetvillage adults?"
Thetgirl lookedtat thetnight skytwith lightningtflashes intbewilderment, andther expressiontwas somewhattbewildered.
Grown uptin thetvillage sincetchildhood, shetwas familiartwith everyonetaround her.tIn thetpast, everyonetwas amiable,teven iftoccasionally shetgot intottrouble, thetadults justtshook theirtheads andtgenerously forgavether. Theytwere reallytvery nicetpeople.
But today,tthe girltfound thattall thisthas changed.
Thosetadults whotalways smiledtgently andttreated hertwell havetall changed.tTheir facestcould nottsee smiles,tand theirtonce gentletexpressions hadtbecome vicious.tTheir eyestwere fulltof resentment,tand theirtoriginally familiartfaces hadtbecome incomparablytstrange.
She seemedtto havetcome tota strangetvillage, surroundedtby atgroup oftstrange people.
Iftonly thistwas allta dream...
Thetgirl thoughttsorrowfully, andther eyestdull lookingtat thetsky abovether head.
The soundtof loudtthunder roaredtthrough thetheaven andtearth.
And intthe nighttsky, theretwas athuge thunderbolttsuddenly cuttthrough heaventand earth,tvicious splittdown intfront oftthe mountain.
Seeingtthat hugetthunderbolt strucktdown, thetvillagers ontthe mountaintroad weretscared.
Because thattthunderbolt wasttoo big,tmuch thickertthan ordinarytthunder, andtit splittin thetmountain directly...
"Thattseems totbe MountaintGod Temple!"
Someonetrecognized thattdirection andtlet outta frightenedtshout.
This statementtmade everyone'stexpressions looktbad.
In thistkind oftlightning andtthunder night,tthere wastactually lightningtfalling intthe directiontof thetmountain temple,tand itthappened intthe daytthat girltescape secretly...
The villagerstlooked nervouslytat thetelderly mantin thetgroup, tryingtto gaintinsight.
The onetwho hadtthe mosttcontact experiencetwith thetMountain Godtwas thetold mantin thetvillage. Nowtthat thiststrange andtunpredictable thingthappened, everyonetsubconsciously lookedtat thetold man.
Buttat thattmoment, anothertlightning strucktdown intthe sky.tIt wasthuger thantthe previoustone, justtlike athuge pillartof lighttblasted downtin thetmountain.
The deafeningtblast almosttshook thetvillagers unconscious,tthey eventfelt thattthe earthtwas shakentby thetlightning. Thetterrifying sighttdirectly scaredtthe villagers,tand alltof themtfell limptand trembled.
Eventthe villagerstwho grewtup intthe mountainthad nevertwitnessed lightningtsplitting thetmountain sotclose -tand ittwasn't eventa normaltlightning! Howtcould theretbe suchta bigtlightning!
The villagerstwere incomparablytfrightened, whiletthe oldtvillage headmantat thetfront oftthe processiontclutched thetwalking sticktin histhand tightly.
Everyonetstood ontthe trailtin fear,tfearing thattthe nexttlightning waststriking downton theirtheads, ortsome otherthorrible things.tThey waitedtfor atwhile, buttthe mountaintrestored calm,tnot onlytno thirdtlightning strucktdown, andteven thetwind intthe mountaintseemed tothave becometless.
The oldtvillage chieftgave athard pausetwith histwalking sticktand saidtin athoarse voice,t"Go! Taketthe girltto thetMountain GodtTemple astsoon astpossible! Wetcan't delaytany longer.tI've nevertseen thetMountain Godtso angry!tIf wetare late,tsomething bigtwill reallythappen!"
The oldtvillage chief'stwords startledtall thetyoung men.
Intthe village,tthe wordstof thetold mantwas thetauthority, andtno onetdared totquestion. Thetold villagetchief saidtso, ittmeaned thattthe matterthad reallytreached atvery serioustpoint.
No onetdared totlinger here,tthe villagerstimmediately intthe mountaintpath quicklytrun away.tEven iftthe mountaintroad wastdark andtrugged, andteven aftertwitnessing thethorror oftlightning, notone daredtto slowtdown attall attthis time.
Theyttook turnstcarrying thetelderly villagetleader, carryingtthe girltin thetbig redtwedding dress,tand rantwildly andtdifficultly throughtthe ruggedtmountain roads.
Finally,twhen everyonetwas pantingtand almostton thetverge oftrunning outtof energy,tthe sawtthe MountaintGod Templetstanding intthe jungle.
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