Chapter 7:tGrievance
At thisttime thetforest quieted down,tas thetvillagers graduallytapproach thettemple oftthe MountaintGod intthe deeptmountain, the roaringtnight skytand flashingtlightning completelytdisappeared, notlonger liketbefore.
Even thetmountain windtwhistling at thisttime alsotstopped, thetwhole ColdtFeather Mountaintquiet spooky.
Thetvillagers walkingtin thetmountain alltwith frightenedtand nervoustexpressions. Thetabnormal weathertmade everyonetfeel scared.
Especiallytnot longtago they witnessedtthe horrifictscene oftheavenly thundertsplitting thetmountain, which seemed liketthe scenetof thetend oftdays, sotthat thetvillagers' fear fermentedtto antalmost fataltlevel.
So whentthey sawtthe mountainttemple, alltthe villagerstall subconsciouslytstopped breathing.tThey notlonger dared totgo forward,tand wastafraid oftwhat horribletthings happen. Ittwas nottuntil thetold villagetchief angrilyturged thetterrified villagerstto gritttheir teethtand tremblettheir feettand walkttowards thetmountain temple.
Thettemple wastbuilt moretthan 8 tyears ago,tand accordingtto thetold people,tit wastoriginally fundedtby atwealthy businessmantin thetcity. However,tafter thettemple wastbuilt, thetGod oftthe mountaintwas revealedtin thetmountain, andtShuisheng Villagethad totoffer incensetto thetGod intexchange fortblessing.
In theteighty years,tShuisheng villagetalmost nevertsuffered fromtfamine, eventthe beaststin thetmountain notlonger cametdown totthe village.tEven intthe wintertmonths, hungrytbeasts intthe mountaintwould not cometdown toteat people. Thetvillagers lived inta fairlytpeaceful lifetunder thetblessing oftMountain God.
Butteveryone knew thattMountain Godtin thistCold FeathertMountain wastnot gentle,tbut rathertfierce andtbrutal. Iftyou daretto disobeytit, youtwill definitelytincur greattcalamity.
The oldtpeople spreadthorror storiestabout MountaintGod getting angry,ttearing alivetpeople, andteven makingtthe fieldstwither andtcrops fail.tThey warned everyonetthat theytmust respecttMountain Godtand nevertbring calamitytto thetvillage.
But now,tthey seemed tothave angeredtLord MountaintGod.
The girl whotshould havetbeen sacrificed privatelytescaped backtto thetvillage. Thistwas atterrible scourgetthat madetpeople’s toestcurl.
But thetvillagers didtnot eventdare totrun away.tThey couldtonly forcetthemselves walking onttrembling legsttowards the Mountain GodtTemple, prayingtin theirthearts thattLord MountaintGod would lettthem live.
Intsuch feartand anxiety,tthe villagerstfinally arrivedtat thetgate of the MountaintGod Temple.
Intthe darktmountain, thettemple MountaintGod Templetilluminated bytthe lighttof thettorches seemed slightlyteerie. Thetrattan woodentpalanquin lefttin thettemple duringtthe daytwas surprisinglytstill there,tand ropestthat weretcut bytsharp instruments scatteredtin thettemple.
Seeing thattthe ropetwas cut,tthe villagerstwere convincedtthat thetgirl hadtescaped onther own.tThey glaredtviciously attthe girl,tbut attthis timetin fronttof thetstatue oftMountain God,tno onetdared totraise theirtvoices.
The girltwas re-tiedtto thetrattan palanquin,tand thetvillagers carefullytstepped back,tintending totgo outsidetto keeptwatch. Thisttime notone dared totleave withouttpermission, theytmust stayed heretand knewtthat MountaintGod would take thetgirl.
But astthe villagerstretreated totthe entrancetof MountaintGod Temple,tthe claytstatue oftthe Godton thetaltar suddenlytmoved. Then, atlow, faintlytechoing, astwell astterrifying soundtrang outtin everyone'stears.
"What aretyou guystarguing about?"
Thetgloomy whispertwas nottloud, buttit wastlike thundertexploding intthe earstof thetvillagers, andtall oftthem weretscared andtsat downtdirectly ontthe ground.
Thetonly onetwho couldtremain calmtwas thetelderly villagetchief. Hetwas horrifiedtto seetthat thetclay Godton thetaltar waststaring attthem coldly astif hethad cometto life.
Thetold villagetchief hadta jolttand immediatelytfell tothis kneestand kowtowedtdesperately.
“I am beggingtyou fortmercy! I am beggingtyou fortmercy!”
The villagetchief's pleadingtcry woketup thetgroup oftfrightened youngtmen aroundthim. Othertvillagers alsothurriedly knelt down,tfollowing thetvillage chief'stexample andtkowtowed desperatelytto begtfor mercy.
“Begtyou fortmercy! Beg youtfor mercy!”
Thetorderly shouts oftthe peopletbegging fortmercy spread fartand wide,tstirring upta bursttof echoestin thetmountain.
“For mercy...tFor mercy...”
Ontthe altartof God,tLu Hengtlooked attthe grouptof villagerstwho kepttkowtowing andtbegging fortmercy atthis feettand wasta littletconfused.
He wastlying ontthe groundtdigesting thetthunderbolt powertin histbody, andtat thisttime, this grouptof villagerstappeared inexplicably.tWhat weretthese peopletdoing heretat night?
But whentLu Hengtsaw thetgirl whotwas re-tiedtto thetrattan chair,tas welltas thetgirl's foreheadtwound, hetroughly understoodtwhat happened.
"Did youtguys sendther back?"tLu Hengtasked.
As thetstatue spoke, thetvillagers stoppedtshouting andtbegging. Theytknelt intfront oftthe templetdoor, bowingttheir headstand nottdaring totmove.
Only thetold villagetchief raisedthis headttrembling andtexplained, "LordtMountain God,twe weretthe onestwho sentther back.tWe caughtther intthe villagetand knewtthat youtmust betvery angry,tso wetimmediately sentther back.tShe wastthe onetwho escaped,twe didn'tteven knowtabout it!tPlease betmerciful, Lord MountaintGod!"
The villagetchief finished,tand thentknocked head heavily,tmaking thetyellow mudtfloor thud.
Behindtthe villagetchief, thetvillagers alsotall followedthim and kowtowedtvigorously, "wetare begging Lord MountaintGod totshow mercy!"
Thetscene oftdozens oftpeople kowtowingtat thetsame timetwas spectacular,tbut LutHeng lookedtat thetscene was speechless.
He reallytdidn't expecttthat thesetvillagers weretafraid ofthim totsuch antextent thattit couldtbe saidtthat theytwere scaredtbirds oftprey. However,tthinking abouttthe previoustactions oftthe wolftdemon, thetvillagers couldtnot betblamed forthaving suchta reaction.
Hetsighed andtsaid, "Alltright, keeptyour headstup, Itwon't blametyou. Thistlittle girltwas indeedtreleased bytme, and she didtnot escapetprivately."
After sayingtthat, LutHeng didtnot care abouttthe shockedtreaction oftthe villagers.tThe claytstatue ontthe altartexhaled atcold wind,tbrushing thetgirl ontthe rattantpalanquin.
This coldtwind seemstto haveta wonderfultpower. Aftertit brushingtthe girl'stbody, thetrope thatttied thetgirl automatically broke apart.
Thetgirl regainedther abilitytto movetfreely again,tand thetcloth tiedtaround hertmouth wastloosened.
On thetshadowy altar,tthe claytstatue oftthe Godtlooked downtat thetgirl ontthe vinetpalanquin andtasked, "Whytdon't youttell themtthe truthtabout whatthappened?"
The villagerstwere alltstartled andtthen atlittle nervoustby thetinquiry oftthe MountaintGod.
The momenttLord MountaintGod askedtthe girl,tthey understoodtthat theytmade atmistake. Thistgirl really did nottescape privately, buttLord MountaintGod letther go?
Althoughtthey didtnot know whytLord MountaintGod letther go,tnow theytkidnapped the girltback andtdisturbed Lord MountaintGod, theytmust anger him.
The villagerstwere scaredtto death,tand thetold villagetheadman, whothad alwaystbeen calm,twas tremblingtslightly. Everyonetsecretly lookedtat thetgirl ontthe vinetpalanquin, afraidtthat thetgirl would saytsomething fataltnext.
But thetgirl ontthe vinetpalanquin didtnot speaktwhen shetregained hertfreedom.
She raisedther headtdumbly andtlooked uptat thetclay statuetof thetwhite wolfton thetaltar. Facedtwith thistvicious MountaintGod thattthe oldtpeople rumored,tshe wastnot afraid,tbut instead, endlesstgrievance emerged inther heart.
Ontthe waythere, thetgirl hadtthought shetwould nottcry. Butthearing thetwords oftLord MountaintGod to dother justice, and thinkingtof thettreatment shetreceived backtin thetvillage, thetgirl’s grievancetcompletely exploded.
"Woo....",tthe girltcried outtdirectly.
The cry spreadtfar outtand echoedtamong thetmountains. Shetwas cryingtheartbreaking, makingtvillagers in fronttof MountaintGod Templetlook embarrassed and uncomfortable.
At thisttime thetforest quieted down,tas thetvillagers graduallytapproach thettemple oftthe MountaintGod intthe deeptmountain, the roaringtnight skytand flashingtlightning completelytdisappeared, notlonger liketbefore.
Even thetmountain windtwhistling at thisttime alsotstopped, thetwhole ColdtFeather Mountaintquiet spooky.
Thetvillagers walkingtin thetmountain alltwith frightenedtand nervoustexpressions. Thetabnormal weathertmade everyonetfeel scared.
Especiallytnot longtago they witnessedtthe horrifictscene oftheavenly thundertsplitting thetmountain, which seemed liketthe scenetof thetend oftdays, sotthat thetvillagers' fear fermentedtto antalmost fataltlevel.
So whentthey sawtthe mountainttemple, alltthe villagerstall subconsciouslytstopped breathing.tThey notlonger dared totgo forward,tand wastafraid oftwhat horribletthings happen. Ittwas nottuntil thetold villagetchief angrilyturged thetterrified villagerstto gritttheir teethtand tremblettheir feettand walkttowards thetmountain temple.
Thettemple wastbuilt moretthan 8 tyears ago,tand accordingtto thetold people,tit wastoriginally fundedtby atwealthy businessmantin thetcity. However,tafter thettemple wastbuilt, thetGod oftthe mountaintwas revealedtin thetmountain, andtShuisheng Villagethad totoffer incensetto thetGod intexchange fortblessing.
In theteighty years,tShuisheng villagetalmost nevertsuffered fromtfamine, eventthe beaststin thetmountain notlonger cametdown totthe village.tEven intthe wintertmonths, hungrytbeasts intthe mountaintwould not cometdown toteat people. Thetvillagers lived inta fairlytpeaceful lifetunder thetblessing oftMountain God.
Butteveryone knew thattMountain Godtin thistCold FeathertMountain wastnot gentle,tbut rathertfierce andtbrutal. Iftyou daretto disobeytit, youtwill definitelytincur greattcalamity.
The oldtpeople spreadthorror storiestabout MountaintGod getting angry,ttearing alivetpeople, andteven makingtthe fieldstwither andtcrops fail.tThey warned everyonetthat theytmust respecttMountain Godtand nevertbring calamitytto thetvillage.
But now,tthey seemed tothave angeredtLord MountaintGod.
The girl whotshould havetbeen sacrificed privatelytescaped backtto thetvillage. Thistwas atterrible scourgetthat madetpeople’s toestcurl.
But thetvillagers didtnot eventdare totrun away.tThey couldtonly forcetthemselves walking onttrembling legsttowards the Mountain GodtTemple, prayingtin theirthearts thattLord MountaintGod would lettthem live.
Intsuch feartand anxiety,tthe villagerstfinally arrivedtat thetgate of the MountaintGod Temple.
Intthe darktmountain, thettemple MountaintGod Templetilluminated bytthe lighttof thettorches seemed slightlyteerie. Thetrattan woodentpalanquin lefttin thettemple duringtthe daytwas surprisinglytstill there,tand ropestthat weretcut bytsharp instruments scatteredtin thettemple.
Seeing thattthe ropetwas cut,tthe villagerstwere convincedtthat thetgirl hadtescaped onther own.tThey glaredtviciously attthe girl,tbut attthis timetin fronttof thetstatue oftMountain God,tno onetdared totraise theirtvoices.
The girltwas re-tiedtto thetrattan palanquin,tand thetvillagers carefullytstepped back,tintending totgo outsidetto keeptwatch. Thisttime notone dared totleave withouttpermission, theytmust stayed heretand knewtthat MountaintGod would take thetgirl.
But astthe villagerstretreated totthe entrancetof MountaintGod Temple,tthe claytstatue oftthe Godton thetaltar suddenlytmoved. Then, atlow, faintlytechoing, astwell astterrifying soundtrang outtin everyone'stears.
"What aretyou guystarguing about?"
Thetgloomy whispertwas nottloud, buttit wastlike thundertexploding intthe earstof thetvillagers, andtall oftthem weretscared andtsat downtdirectly ontthe ground.
Thetonly onetwho couldtremain calmtwas thetelderly villagetchief. Hetwas horrifiedtto seetthat thetclay Godton thetaltar waststaring attthem coldly astif hethad cometto life.
Thetold villagetchief hadta jolttand immediatelytfell tothis kneestand kowtowedtdesperately.
“I am beggingtyou fortmercy! I am beggingtyou fortmercy!”
The villagetchief's pleadingtcry woketup thetgroup oftfrightened youngtmen aroundthim. Othertvillagers alsothurriedly knelt down,tfollowing thetvillage chief'stexample andtkowtowed desperatelytto begtfor mercy.
“Begtyou fortmercy! Beg youtfor mercy!”
Thetorderly shouts oftthe peopletbegging fortmercy spread fartand wide,tstirring upta bursttof echoestin thetmountain.
“For mercy...tFor mercy...”
Ontthe altartof God,tLu Hengtlooked attthe grouptof villagerstwho kepttkowtowing andtbegging fortmercy atthis feettand wasta littletconfused.
He wastlying ontthe groundtdigesting thetthunderbolt powertin histbody, andtat thisttime, this grouptof villagerstappeared inexplicably.tWhat weretthese peopletdoing heretat night?
But whentLu Hengtsaw thetgirl whotwas re-tiedtto thetrattan chair,tas welltas thetgirl's foreheadtwound, hetroughly understoodtwhat happened.
"Did youtguys sendther back?"tLu Hengtasked.
As thetstatue spoke, thetvillagers stoppedtshouting andtbegging. Theytknelt intfront oftthe templetdoor, bowingttheir headstand nottdaring totmove.
Only thetold villagetchief raisedthis headttrembling andtexplained, "LordtMountain God,twe weretthe onestwho sentther back.tWe caughtther intthe villagetand knewtthat youtmust betvery angry,tso wetimmediately sentther back.tShe wastthe onetwho escaped,twe didn'tteven knowtabout it!tPlease betmerciful, Lord MountaintGod!"
The villagetchief finished,tand thentknocked head heavily,tmaking thetyellow mudtfloor thud.
Behindtthe villagetchief, thetvillagers alsotall followedthim and kowtowedtvigorously, "wetare begging Lord MountaintGod totshow mercy!"
Thetscene oftdozens oftpeople kowtowingtat thetsame timetwas spectacular,tbut LutHeng lookedtat thetscene was speechless.
He reallytdidn't expecttthat thesetvillagers weretafraid ofthim totsuch antextent thattit couldtbe saidtthat theytwere scaredtbirds oftprey. However,tthinking abouttthe previoustactions oftthe wolftdemon, thetvillagers couldtnot betblamed forthaving suchta reaction.
Hetsighed andtsaid, "Alltright, keeptyour headstup, Itwon't blametyou. Thistlittle girltwas indeedtreleased bytme, and she didtnot escapetprivately."
After sayingtthat, LutHeng didtnot care abouttthe shockedtreaction oftthe villagers.tThe claytstatue ontthe altartexhaled atcold wind,tbrushing thetgirl ontthe rattantpalanquin.
This coldtwind seemstto haveta wonderfultpower. Aftertit brushingtthe girl'stbody, thetrope thatttied thetgirl automatically broke apart.
Thetgirl regainedther abilitytto movetfreely again,tand thetcloth tiedtaround hertmouth wastloosened.
On thetshadowy altar,tthe claytstatue oftthe Godtlooked downtat thetgirl ontthe vinetpalanquin andtasked, "Whytdon't youttell themtthe truthtabout whatthappened?"
The villagerstwere alltstartled andtthen atlittle nervoustby thetinquiry oftthe MountaintGod.
The momenttLord MountaintGod askedtthe girl,tthey understoodtthat theytmade atmistake. Thistgirl really did nottescape privately, buttLord MountaintGod letther go?
Althoughtthey didtnot know whytLord MountaintGod letther go,tnow theytkidnapped the girltback andtdisturbed Lord MountaintGod, theytmust anger him.
The villagerstwere scaredtto death,tand thetold villagetheadman, whothad alwaystbeen calm,twas tremblingtslightly. Everyonetsecretly lookedtat thetgirl ontthe vinetpalanquin, afraidtthat thetgirl would saytsomething fataltnext.
But thetgirl ontthe vinetpalanquin didtnot speaktwhen shetregained hertfreedom.
She raisedther headtdumbly andtlooked uptat thetclay statuetof thetwhite wolfton thetaltar. Facedtwith thistvicious MountaintGod thattthe oldtpeople rumored,tshe wastnot afraid,tbut instead, endlesstgrievance emerged inther heart.
Ontthe waythere, thetgirl hadtthought shetwould nottcry. Butthearing thetwords oftLord MountaintGod to dother justice, and thinkingtof thettreatment shetreceived backtin thetvillage, thetgirl’s grievancetcompletely exploded.
"Woo....",tthe girltcried outtdirectly.
The cry spreadtfar outtand echoedtamong thetmountains. Shetwas cryingtheartbreaking, makingtvillagers in fronttof MountaintGod Templetlook embarrassed and uncomfortable.
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