I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1043: The supremacy of blood and the repayment of the gift of fertility

Chapter 1043: Bloodline Supremacy and Repaying the Gift of Childbirth

“Someone gave me two vouchers for the aquarium on the street. Let’s go and see it together in the afternoon.”

At half noon, Uncle Jiu came back with two convenient bags of meat and vegetables, and said to Qin Yao, who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet, "You have been in seclusion for several years. It's time to go see the outside world."

 Qin Yao's mind suddenly flashed back to the scene in the movie in which young Arthur manipulates fish in the aquarium. His heart moved slightly and he responded: "Okay."

 In the original work, what is Arthur's most precious superpower?

  It is not the bloodline of Atlantis, nor the powerful strength and steel body gained from the bloodline, but the ability to communicate with any sea creature without distinction.

Relying on this ability, he was able to establish contact with the deep-sea monster Karason who guarded the Golden Trident, allowing Karason to recall the original King of Atlantis, and then confirm Arthur's kingly bloodline and let him take his own life. The golden trident of the first king was taken away.

It can be said that if it were not for this ability, even if Arthur was a descendant of the King of Atlantis, he would not be able to get close to the golden trident, let alone rely on this artifact to unify the seven seas.

  1:30 pm.

Uncle Jiu took Qin Yao to the aquarium on the flyer, and took the elevator down to the ocean world isolated by tempered glass.

Through the bright lights above and the clear and huge glass, visitors can clearly see various fish in the ocean, even some ferocious sharks.

Qin Yao stood in front of a huge blue glass, looking at the colorful fish on the other side of the glass. He was silent for a moment, and gently pressed his young and white palms against the glass, trying to fish without using any energy in his body. Communicate with these fish.

Uncle Jiu didn't know what he was doing, but he didn't ask any questions. He stood beside him, his eyes shining with golden light, and his sight was farther and deeper than ordinary people, so that the whole person seemed to be in the ocean.

 After a long time, Qin Yao failed.

He does not seem to have this innate talent. If the soul does not use its power, the physical body will be a simple house.

 How can buildings communicate with marine life?

“Are you confused?” Uncle Jiu asked in a low voice as he frowned and retracted his palm.

Qin Yao nodded and said: "I tried to use the power of blood to command the fish, but failed."

“Why do you have such an idea?” Uncle Jiu said in astonishment.

Qin Yao chuckled and said, "Arthur has this ability."

As early as a few years ago, Qin Yao told him the origin of Arthur's name, so Uncle Jiu knew what Arthur meant and said: "Arthur's ability to have this kind of ability does not necessarily rely on his body. The biggest Maybe it depends on the soul. Because the body has no independent consciousness, it can't even understand what the command is, so how can it really command the fish? "

 Qin Yao was thoughtful, raised his right hand again, placed it close to the glass, and used his spiritual thoughts to control the fish into various shapes.

So, is it possible that both the first king and Arthur have awakened the ability to control their spiritual thoughts. The so-called ability to communicate with sea creatures is to use their spiritual thoughts to release various emotions and commands?

The two masters and apprentices spent the whole afternoon wandering around the underground ocean world. It was not until night fell that they followed the scattered tourists to the above-ground world and walked out of the gate of the aquarium...

 Ten days later.

 It was a stormy night with lightning and thunder, and the waves were crashing against the shore crazily.

In the lighthouse, in the bedroom, Qin Yao suddenly opened his eyes, got out of bed, put on a coat, and strode out of the room.

  When he came to the living room, Uncle Jiu also opened the door and walked out. The two looked at each other, and then walked back and forth to the observation deck of the lighthouse.

 In the wind and rain, on the observation deck, a scarred nine-headed monster snake lay on the ground, unconscious.

 Qin Yao raised his right hand and pointed his palm at the body of the strange snake. The light of boundless faith suddenly surged out and poured crazily into the opponent's body, quickly repairing the winding scars.

After a long time, Xiang Liu gradually woke up under the treatment of the power of faith. When he saw Qin Yao's figure, he immediately exhaled a long breath, and his tense mind gradually calmed down.

 Seeing Qin Yao meant to him that he was truly safe.

 “Why were you injured like this?” Qin Yao asked in confusion after all the wounds on the opponent were healed.

In his opinion, even if Xiang Liu can't beat him, he should be able to run away.

"After entering the sea, I went to the Kingdom of Sibel, one of the seven seas. When I was exploring the military camp, I was discovered somehow. Then all kinds of random lights came over me. I was stunned without even seeing the enemy. .

By the time I came to my senses, it was already too late to leave. If I hadn’t been living towards death, fighting to the death, and breaking free from the encirclement of the army, you probably wouldn’t be able to see me now. "Xiang Liu said with a sigh.

 Chin Yao: “…”

If the Xibel Kingdom has such strength, then what about the Kingdom of Atlantis, which inherited the main body of the ancient Atlantis Empire?

His guess is correct. The road leads to the same goal. When technological civilization develops into a science fiction civilization, even gods will not have the strength to sweep across a science fiction civilization.

 To complete system tasks, the most important thing is to get the golden trident and have the power to command the ocean!

 As for now, his first priority is to grow up slowly...

 It’s just that there is no script in life, and plans often fail to keep up with changes.

Two days after Xiang Liu returned, at dusk, a thin figure dressed in black with eagle eyes and a hooked nose rushed out of the sea and arrived at the lighthouse door like a ghost.

Not long after, just when he raised his right hand and was about to knock on the door, the door of the lighthouse was suddenly opened from the inside. A young man with shoulder-length hair and a resolute face stood in the room and came into view.

"Who are you?" Qin Yao recognized who the other party was at a glance, but still asked knowingly.

As Qin Yao, he could recognize the other person's identity; but as Arthur, it was impossible for a person to remember what happened when he was born more than ten years later.

"I am your mother's subordinate. You can call me Mr. Vico, or Director Vico." The person said seriously.

"My mother?" Qin Yao said softly with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

 “Yes.” Vico nodded solemnly.

“Arthur, it’s very rude to block guests at the door.” Uncle Jiu said.

Qin Yao turned slightly sideways and said, "Please come in."

Vico strode into the room and saw a middle-aged man with a condensed temperament, firm eyes, and a round face standing in front of a counter, looking at him calmly.

 “Hello.” Vico greeted.

“Hello.” Uncle Jiu nodded slightly and asked, “Tea or coffee?”

 “Coffee bar, thank you.”

Uncle Jiu came to the coffee machine, took two cups of coffee, walked to a table, and said softly: "Mr. Vico, please sit down."

Vico sat down and asked hesitantly: "You don't seem surprised by my arrival?"

Uncle Jiu gently placed the coffee in front of him and asked: "Why should we act surprised? Atlanna is already extraordinary. It is normal for her to have subordinates."

Vico: “…”

There is nothing wrong with this explanation.

Qin Yao came to the two men and said bluntly: "I'm just curious about the purpose of Director Vico's visit."

Vico took a sip of the coffee, then took a long breath, stared at Qin Yao and said, "Arthur, I'm here for you." "Come for me?" Qin Yao said in his heart: That's it. Are you taking on a disciple?

To his surprise, however, Vico was not here to recruit a disciple. He said solemnly: "Arthur, you are the only one who can save the queen...that is, your mother."

 Master and disciple: “???”

“What’s wrong with his mother?” Uncle Jiu asked.

Vico turned to look at him and said in a deep voice: "After His Highness returned to the country, he received strong support from the previous king's old staff, but he was still not as good as King Ovax politically.

 In order to preserve the strength of the old army, she had no choice but to follow the agreement, marry the king, and become the queen of Atlantis.

 Originally, the queen and the king were opposed to each other, and their political power gradually became equal. But one day, the queen became pregnant..."

Hearing this, Qin Yao subconsciously looked at his master, feeling that a hat appeared out of thin air on his head.

Green glossy.

Zhizi Mo Ruofu, as soon as he raised his eyes, Uncle Jiu guessed what he was thinking and gave him a fierce look.

 Actually, Uncle Jiu himself felt fine and didn't feel like he had been cheated on. After all, the son in front of him could be his son, but the queen far away at the bottom of the sea was really not his wife.

 The green one is the original body, what does it have to do with him being a parasite?

What's more, it's hard to say who is the one between the original person and the king...

On one side, the master and apprentice were communicating silently; on the other side, Vico's narration continued:

"After the queen became pregnant, if nothing unexpected happened, the child born would be the next king of Atlantis. As a result, many of the old men's ideas changed, and they gradually became less tit-for-tat with King Ovax, and even There is a tendency to gradually get closer.

Ovax seized this opportunity and used the child to make a big fuss, which attracted many old ministers to rebel. The queen is now gradually losing power.

If the current situation continues, I am afraid that after the child is born, the queen will lose her authority, and her fate will not be up to her. "

"So..." Qin Yao said, "What can I do?"

Vico said: "Follow me as your eldest son, so as to make peace with the old tribe."

 “Are you kidding?” Qin Yao was stunned.

To King Orvax, Arthur was his fiancée and a **** of humans. It was also the main reason why he hated his fiancée so much that he later sacrificed her to the Trench people.

His and Atlanna's son Orm was influenced by him and hated human beings. Finally, under the control of his **** for power, he tried to unify the Seven Seas and counterattack the mainland.

Going back to Atlantis at this time, Orvax will definitely regard Qin Yao as a thorn in his side, not to mention unhappy.

Of course, Qin Yao knew that what Vico said was true. If Atlanna could not find any political allies, it would not take long before she would be sacrificed to the Haigou tribe...

Vico probably saw the bad future of his queen, so he wanted to change her fate, and finally decided to take action on himself.

"I'm not joking."

Vico said seriously: "The people of Atlantis only recognize the bloodline of the first generation king, regardless of whether the bloodline was born from the queen and the guard captain, or from the queen and a human.

Your bloodline is the greatest talisman. It is impossible for Orvax to order your execution or face you directly, otherwise he will usher in an unprecedented rebellion. "

 Chin Yao: “…”

 The classic theory of bloodline supremacy.

 I just feel that Ovacs is so pitiful!

He was originally a guard captain with a bright future, but he was favored by the previous king, became the fiancé of the eldest princess, and was even promised the position of king. Everything was so beautiful.

As a result, just when he was daydreaming about the future, his fiancée ran away shouting that he was free to fall in love, and got together with an old loser in the mainland who couldn't marry a wife, and they gave birth to a child.

Even now, this child still appears in front of him to disgust him, but because of the lineage theory, he is a majestic king and is not even qualified to kill this child.

Qin Yao thought that if he were to take his place, he would definitely go crazy.


Even though Ovacs is very pitiful, Qin Yao can't feel good about him just because he pities him.

Not to mention that Atlanna, who was in an arranged marriage, was also very pitiful. The mere fact that Atlanna had given him a child in this life was destined to prevent him from siding with Orvax.

 It is also because of this gift of childbirth that he must seriously consider this matter now.

"I know very well how much danger you will face if you return to the kingdom with me, so I will not force you to make a decision." Vico said: "If you are not willing, then I will come often in the future to teach you martial arts. Develop your potential and help you have the power to save the queen in the future.”

"I don't suggest you go." Uncle Jiu said: "You are not yet under age, and it is not time to bear all this. Ovacs can't do anything to you openly, but he will definitely try his best to kill you. You are too dangerous."

Qin Yao hesitated for a long time and sighed: "She gave me this life. When I can help her, how can I watch her be exiled?"

  Yes, even though Atlanna was exiled to the Trench Country, she still survived.

 But is going to jail a good thing?

As a son, how can he remain indifferent to the fact that his mother was exiled and imprisoned?

To be honest, Qin Yao doesn't have much feelings for Atlanna, it can even be said that he has no feelings, but he has to pay back the karma of the gift of childbirth.

 Helping Atlanna change the fate of being exiled for many years may be his only chance to repay this period of karma.

Uncle Jiu pondered for a moment and said to Vico: "Can I go with you? Of course, in another capacity."

Vico shook his head: "Didn't you understand what I just said? The blood of the first king is Arthur's talisman, so the king cannot order Arthur's death.

 But if the king orders your death, even the queen will have a hard time saving you in the Kingdom of Atlantis. "

Uncle Jiu: “…”

 “When are you going?” Qin Yao suddenly asked.

Vico pursed his lips and said, "The sooner, the better."

Qin Yao: "Then let's do it now."

Uncle Jiu's face was filled with worry. He summoned the empty sword box with his hands and said, "Take this set of artifacts with you."

Vico: “???”



 Where did he get this box from? !

 (End of this chapter)

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