I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1044: The strange underwater world of Bo Yun

 “If you have anything to ask, just ask directly.”

On the waterway to the Kingdom of Atlantis, Qin Yao turned to look at Vico, who kept peeking at him, and said calmly.

Vico hesitated for a moment and said hesitantly: "I don't understand where your father took out the box from, nor how you put the box into a small bag. What is this?" technology?"

 He ​​was sure that even the Kingdom of Atlantis, which had the most technologically powerful power among the Seven Seas, had not mastered this level of technology.

“This is the use of energy.” Qin Yao explained: “I can only explain it to you this way.”

If you explain it in detail, it will inevitably lead to the concepts of soul, space bag, and even universe. The theory is related to countless concepts, and it will be very troublesome to explain it thoroughly.

Vico’s face was filled with surprise: “Aren’t you ordinary humans?”

“When did we say that we are ordinary human beings?” Qin Yao asked rhetorically.

Vico was still shocked: "But the Queen said..."

"She hasn't seen us for ten years." Qin Yao said.

Vico: “…”

 Suddenly, he felt a little more confident in his plan.

 A powerful eldest son of the king is undoubtedly popular among the old king's old men.

 Three hours later.

Weike took Qin Yao to the front of a large and colorful city. Looking around, the bright lights illuminated a beautiful city picture.

 “Let’s go.”

Vico landed on a light bridge leading to the city gate with his feet and said softly.

Qin Yao then fell down and sighed: "The legendary underwater dragon palace is nothing more than this..."

“Dragon Palace?” Vico said sideways: “No Dragon Palace can compare to the civilization of Atlantis, even if this civilization is in a dilapidated state.”

Qin Yao laughed and waved his hand: "I'm not talking about the Dragon Palace in the sea, but the Dragon Palace in Eastern mythology."

Vico was silent.

 He has no knowledge of Eastern mythology at all.

Not long after, the two came to a lighthouse-like Crystal Palace. Vico said to a guard: "Vico, member of the Throne Council, wants to see Her Majesty the Queen."

“Director, please wait a moment.” A silver mecha warrior holding a gun responded, then turned around and flew into the palace.

 A few minutes later, the silver mecha warrior came back and said, "Mr. Director, the queen has invited me."

Qin Yao followed the two of them, walked along a red carpet, and walked into the depths of the splendid Crystal Palace. The woman wearing a white and gold royal dress gradually became clear in his eyes.


The queen wore a crown and held a scepter. She stood in front of a white gold seat. She just greeted Vico when she glanced at Qin Yao's body and her expression suddenly changed.

 “Meet Her Majesty the Queen.” Vico saluted.

The queen's body turned into an afterimage, carrying a stream of water in the sea, and quickly came to Qin Yao, and asked with a trembling voice: "Are you..."

“I am Arthur.” Qin Yao took a step back slightly.

The Queen's heart trembled, and she suddenly turned her head to look at Vico: "Why did you bring him here? How dare you bring him here?"

Vico sighed: "Queen, our situation is already very dangerous. If we can't stabilize the current old army, then when Ovax wins the hearts of the old army with His Highness the Second Highness, your fate will not be decided by you."

Atlanna grabbed his neck and lost her temper rarely at this wise man: "So you brought my eldest son to take risks? Don't tell me, you don't know the dangers involved. Ovax, I will definitely try my best to kill him.”

Vico looked calm and said with difficulty: "My Queen, this child is more powerful than you think."

A look of absurdity appeared on Atlanna's face: "You say it again? A ten-year-old child, you said powerful?"

  Vico: “Yes.”

 “Absurd,” Atlanna scolded.

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said, "Maybe, it's not that absurd."

 “Huh?” Atlanna’s eyes were filled with astonishment.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pointed at her. Before Atlanna could react, his palm seemed to be electrocuted and he was forced to let go of Vico's neck.

 “This is...” Atlanna was shocked.

Qin Yao said calmly: "A few years ago, a powerful force awakened in my body, and this force gradually came under my control."

“It is the blood power of the first generation king.” Vico said with certainty: “There is only one answer!”

Atlanna was still in a state of confusion, and her whole body froze in place.

“Queen, do you remember that legend?” Vico said suddenly.

Atlanna murmured: "One day, the new king will return and use the power of the trident to rebuild Atlantis again. At that time, Atlantis will rise again."

"That's right." Vico said with a pious look on his face: "For so many years, no one has obtained the Trident of the Sea King. I believe this is because the trident is waiting for its destined owner, and this person is His Highness. "

Atlanna came back to her senses and said, "Then you shouldn't have brought him here. Instead, you should train him secretly and then guide him to find the Trident of the Sea King."

Vico lowered his eyes and said, "But if something unexpected happens to you during this process, what's the point of finding the trident?"

 “Ovax doesn’t dare to kill people of the bloodline of the Neptune.” Atlanna said with certainty.

Vico said: "But what if he doesn't kill, but chooses to exile? Exile you to another place and kill with a borrowed knife."

 Atlanna: “…”

Qin Yao said at the right time: "I'm already here, so it doesn't make much sense to discuss whether I should come or not."

Atlanna was in a very complicated mood, and she didn’t know what to say for a while.

Vico exhaled softly and said, "Your Majesty, I'm going to summon the old team."

Atlanna nodded silently, and after watching Vico leave, she said to Qin Yao sincerely: "Did he force you?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "No, I came here voluntarily. No matter what, you are my mother in this life."

Shortly after.

 Golden Palace.

The silver-armored soldier riding a seahorse hurriedly came to the palace gate and said to the silver-armored guard guarding the palace gate: "Urgent information, I want to see His Majesty the King immediately."

 “I’m going to report to Your Majesty.” A guard holding a black firearm handed all the weapons on his body to his comrades, turned around and ran into the palace.

The silver-armored soldier stood there like a sculpture. It wasn't until the opponent turned back that he seemed to have revived and followed the opponent into the palace.

“The agents of the fourth team of the third battalion of the Feihou Army pay homage to His Majesty the King.” After seeing the burly figure in front of the throne, the silver-armored soldier quickly knelt down on one knee and said piously.

"What's your emergency?" the blond, blue-eyed, majestic-looking king with a short beard asked in a serious voice.

“It is reported that Director Vico brought the queen’s illegitimate son from the human kingdom and is now convening the former king’s old troops.” said the silver-armored soldier. "What?" Ovax's eyes widened suddenly, and a fierce aura emerged from his body.

“Director Vico has brought back the queen’s illegitimate son, and the queen is summoning the former king’s old troops.” The silver-armored soldier lowered his head and repeated silently.

"How dare she! How dare she do this." Orvax gritted his teeth, and the fierce aura on his body instantly turned into a billowing murderous aura, filling the entire palace.

The silver-armored soldier did not dare to answer, or even make any other action.

 “An unruly slut.”

Ovax kicked away his golden throne and roared loudly.


The Golden Throne flew up diagonally and hit a wall hard, smashing through the wall with a deafening sound.

A mermaid with snow-white skin swam in along the big hole in the wall, came to Ovacs, and asked softly: "What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

“That **** Atlanna actually brought her illegitimate child back to the kingdom!” Orvax said with extreme anger.

The mermaid pressed herself into his arms, and the coolness of her body made him feel a little better while he was burning with anger.

 “What is your Majesty going to do?”

Ovax said coldly: "I must kill this **** and cut him into pieces."

The mermaid shook her head and held his cheek with both hands: "No, you can't do that. The blood of the first king is protecting him. If you openly attack him, the old king's old tribe will make trouble at home. Abroad, the ambitious king will Will find the right to attack the kingdom."

“Bat, he’s just a bastard.” Ovacs clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"You must not say this outside." The mermaid said softly: "After all, the first king is the common belief of the seven kingdoms, and his blood represents righteousness. If you and the queen had not had a child, then the next king of the kingdom would He will be the king."

"He is dreaming." Ovacs sneered: "I will not give him this chance. Just because you can't kill him openly doesn't mean you can't do anything to him."

The mermaid said: "The Queen's Crystal Palace is heavily guarded and it is difficult for assassins to break into it."

 “I have my own way,” Ovax said.


 “It’s really the blood of the previous king.”

 Crystal Palace, in the main hall.

Thirty-six members of the Atlantis Throne Council watched Qin Yao cut his palm with a knife, and drops of golden blood flowed out, and they all said in their hearts.

"Everyone, do you have any questions now?" Vico asked loudly, standing next to the queen.

Everyone looked at each other, then bowed to Qin Yao and said, "See you, Your Highness."

With a generous smile on his face, Qin Yao raised his hand and said, "You sages, you don't need to be polite, please get up quickly."

 Everyone stood up straight, and one of them asked the queen: "So, His Highness Arthur is your eldest son, right?"

"Yes." Atlanna said solemnly: "I hope you will be as loyal to Arthur as you were to the late king."

From this sentence, the directors heard many different meanings. Their originally fluctuating hearts calmed down again, and they said in unison: "Loyalty!"

Seeing with her own eyes the thirty-six directors who pledged their allegiance at the same time, Atlanna breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "With your joint assistance, this child will be able to establish himself in the kingdom."

“Protecting the bloodline of the first king is the mission of every Atlantean.” One of the directors said.

Atlanna was very satisfied with their current stance, so she encouraged everyone a few more words, and finally condescended to send these directors out of the Crystal Palace in person.

“Queen, I’m going back first.”

After the thirty-six directors left, Vico stood in front of the gleaming gate of the Crystal Palace and said with a smile.

Atlanna turned her head and glanced at Qin Yao, and said suddenly: "Vico, you can be Arthur's teacher."

Vico was stunned for a moment: "Aren't you going to teach the prince yourself?"

Atlanna’s face gradually became firm: “I need to take active actions for his safety.”

Vico smiled: "This is the style that the Queen of Atlantis should have... I will teach Prince Arthur tomorrow."

Soon after, the two watched Vico go away and returned to the palace side by side.

Atlanna pointed to the doors in the Crystal Palace and said, "Arthur, go pick a room you like."

Qin Yao pointed to a room casually and said, "Let's just use it. It only needs a room to stay in."

Atlanna nodded and said with hopeful eyes: "Can I hug you?"

Qin Yao was a little embarrassed and excused himself: "I'm no longer a child..."

Atlanna felt very disappointed in her heart, and forced a smile on her face: "The current Kingdom of Atlantis is like **** to you, and this Crystal Palace is the only safe place in hell. If it weren't for me, Escort, you’d better not leave here, understand?”

 Chin Yao: "I understand..."

 The next day.

Atlanna waited specially for Vico to come before leaving the Crystal Palace with a guard.

Qin Yao did not ask where the other party was going. He just asked Vico calmly: "Teacher Vico, where are you going to start teaching me?"

"How about martial arts?" Vico said thoughtfully: "If the king is the goal, then martial arts does not have to be the best, but it must be at the top level."

Qin Yao shook his head: "I want to start with history and geography, okay?"

 It’s not that he looks down on Vico.

 If fighting alone, he can kill the opponent even without using the Nine Swords of Emptiness.

 After all, despite having an extra body, his immortal-level soul has never been weakened.

"History and geography..." Vico paused, then said, "Okay, so are you going to study history or geography first?"

 Three hours later.

A silver-armored guard wearing a face-covering helmet came over carrying two plates of fruit and said respectfully: "Your Highness, Mr. Director, you two should have something to eat first."

Vico nodded slightly and said, "Then let's take a rest."

Qin Yao reached for a plate of fruit and suddenly asked the guard in front of him: "Why do you keep staring at me?"

“This subordinate is not looking at you,” the silver-armored guard said.

Qin Yao said in a solemn voice: "No, you do."

Silver Armored Guard: “…”

Vico, who was about to eat the fruit, paused with his palms, looked around the two of them, and finally said to the silver-armored guard: "Soldier, please take off your mask."

The silver-armored guard took off his mask without hesitation, revealing an unimpressive Western face: "If you have any doubts about my identity, Sir, I can prove it to you."

Qin Yao smiled, pointed to the two plates of fruit on the table and said: "Eat these two plates of fruit, and you will be able to prove your loyalty, soldier!" (End of this chapter)

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