I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1045: Make your own rebellion, crazy proposal

Chapter 1045: Rebellion, crazy proposal

Under the joint gazes of Qin Yao and Vico, the silver-armored soldier suddenly felt extremely stressed.

 “What are you hesitating about?”

Vico said in a solemn voice.

These words were like a fuse. The silver-armored soldier suddenly pulled out a gun from his arms and wildly pulled the trigger in the direction of Qin Yao.

A dazzling blue beam of light spurted out from the barrel and came to Qin Yao in an instant.

 “Your Highness, be careful!”

Vico shouted, and even stood up suddenly, trying to use his body to block the bullet for Qin Yao.

Then he saw that when the bunches of blue light approached His Highness, they suddenly stopped in a piece of pale golden light and became still in the void.

Vico was stunned.

The silver-armored soldier was dumbfounded.

Qin Yao raised his hand and slowly closed his palms. The blue beams of light quickly disappeared as time passed, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a group of soldiers with guns rushed in quickly. After seeing the silver-armored soldiers pointing guns at Qin Yao, they quickly knocked them to the ground and confiscated their weapons.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" one of the leaders asked in fear.

If something happens to Prince Arthur, their entire **** team will be the first to become the tool for the Queen to vent her anger!

 “I’m fine.” Qin Yao said calmly.

“Bless me, the first king.” The leader exhaled a long breath, feeling like he was surviving a disaster.

Qin Yao pointed to the assassin who was pinned to the ground and said, "Check him carefully. Whether you can get away with it depends on how much you can find out before the queen comes back."

 “Thank you, Your Highness.” The guard leader said gratefully.

If the other party hadn't said this, and if they couldn't atone for their sins, when the Queen returned to the Crystal Palace and learned about this matter, although she wouldn't vent her anger on them, a purge would definitely be inevitable.

 At that time, he, the leader, will bear a large part of the responsibility, and he will be lucky to be laid off safely...

“Arthur, did you awaken the ability just now by yourself?” After the guard leader dragged away the assassin, Vico asked with a complex expression.

He now understood why Prince Arthur was not very interested in learning martial arts. In fact, it was not that he was not interested, but that he was not qualified to teach him.

 At least he doesn't know yet what level the other party's martial arts level has reached. The only thing that can be known is that it will definitely be far better than itself.

 A ten-year-old child is far better than himself in martial arts...

If he hadn't seen the magic of the other party with his own eyes, he would never believe it.


 Qin Yao nodded slightly and stared closely into Vico's eyes: "Teacher, I want to know about the current official system of the kingdom."

Vico was startled, and he didn’t even have time to ask about “awakening”. He asked confusedly: “Why do you suddenly want to know about this?”

“The king gave me a gift as a meeting gift. Of course I want to give him a gift in return.” Qin Yao said calmly.

Vico's heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly said: "The current official system is very mature and you can't find any loopholes."

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "I'm not looking for loopholes in the official system, I'm looking for ways to create obstacles for the king. Such empty explanations are too troublesome. You'd better explain the official system to me first, and then I'll tell you. My thoughts."

Vico pondered: "The current official system is an assessment system. The Civil Service Commission regularly organizes examinations. Those who want to be officials must fight their way out among countless candidates before they can enter the official selection process. The so-called official selection, Instead of letting candidates who pass the exam choose Yousi, Yousi selects them.”

 “Sounds fair.” Qin Yao said.

Vico nodded: "This is a time-tested system that is conducive to the stable development of the kingdom."

“But I think this will also lead to the loss of some talents.” Qin Yao said with a smile: “Because there are many talents who are not proficient in exams.”

Vico's heart tightened: "What do you mean?"

"Don't avoid enemies when promoting talents, and don't avoid relatives when promoting talents. I think that in addition to the assessment system, a recommendation system should be added. For officials, any talent that is beneficial to their governance can be placed in useful positions through recommendations. Instead of spending a lot of time and energy on assessment, Qin Yao said.

With the ability to become the Queen’s think tank, is Vico’s reputation in vain?

Just hearing this, he guessed what Qin Yao meant, and said with a trembling voice: "Your Highness, this is a move that kills a thousand enemies and damages one thousand.

 You are destined to become the King of the Sea in the future, how can you dig your own corner?

Once the recommendation system is officially recognized, it will inevitably lead to large-scale nepotism, and the country's political system will be in chaos. "

Qin Yao said: "I am destined to become the King of the Sea, but I am not the king of Atlantis now!

 When we proposed the recommendation system, the first thing King Ovax had to face was the domestic aristocracy.

 Once it is not handled well, the great nobles in the country will alienate from it.

 But if you want to satisfy the nobles, you must go through the recommendation system.

 Through the recommendation system, his own foundation will be shaken. If the favor and prestige does not come from the king, then the recommended officials will naturally not be in awe of the king.

 What will happen then? I think it will be exciting. "

Vico stared at the little boy in front of him with his mouth open, as if he was looking at a terrible devil.

This is a child?

 Is this a question that children should think about?

"My Highness, once this beast is released, it will be difficult to put it in the cage again." After a long time, Vico said seriously: "Have you ever thought about how to deal with this source of turmoil in the future?"

Qin Yao smiled and said: "When autumn comes on the eighth day of the ninth month, I will kill hundreds of flowers after they bloom; the fragrance will reach the sky and penetrate Chang'an, and the whole city will be covered with golden armor."

Vico: “…”

It is difficult for English to express the beauty of Tang poetry, but Vico felt the murderous intention from this poem.

What on earth is this Your Highness going to do?

“Don’t understand?” Qin Yao looked at him and asked.

Vico nodded dumbly: "You didn't say a solution."

Qin Yao said leisurely: "You are saying that I am destined to be the King of the Sea, not the King of Atlantis.

 The solution is also very simple. After I unify the Seven Seas, we will implement one country, two systems and macro-control.

 Do not destroy the recommendation system that was born in the Kingdom of Atlantis, but lock the recommendation system in this land.

At that time, a red line will be drawn, and any big noble who dares to cross the line will be uprooted. "

Vico: “…”

 He was speechless.

 The statement that he was destined to become the King of the Sea came from his mouth. Could it be that now he is asked to say, "I don't think you can do such a great thing?"

 Isn’t this a slap in the face?

  Yes, internally, it is difficult to solve the nepotism and official corruption caused by the recommendation system, but if the Seven Kingdoms are unified and Atlantis is just a city-state, then it will really be useful to kill whoever jumps. "The recommendation system should be proposed by the queen." Qin Yao added: "Once she proposes this political idea, she will get the support of the domestic nobles and many senior officials. With the support of these people, it will be difficult for Ovax to Shake her foundation again."

Vico murmured: "I'll think about it, I'll think about it again."

This kind of queen takes the lead in rebellion, and she is rebelling against her own family. He needs to think carefully about it.

"You can think about it when you go back." Qin Yao said with a smile: "Your most important task now is to give me history and geography..."

 At the same time, in the Golden Palace.

Ovax raised his eyebrows and stared at the detective in front of him: "You said you saw a person being dragged out of the Crystal Palace by the guards?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The agent said, "The man is wearing guard armor. There should be a rebellion within the Crystal Palace."

Ovax silently clenched his fists and thought to himself: "The assassin was dragged out, so... was the assassination successful?"

 In a blink of an eye, it was night, and Atlanna came back and walked into the Crystal Palace alone.

Vico ended the day of teaching with a complicated mood. After a moment of hesitation, he did not mention the "rebellion" to the queen, but only mentioned the assassins during the day.

Atlanna was particularly angry about the assassin. She immediately summoned the leader of the guard army. From the collar, she learned that someone had bribed the other party's family and used the other party's family to poison and assassinate him.

Without even thinking, she knew who did it. But the problem is that the assassin's family can no longer be found. Without evidence, she cannot attack the initiator. She can only record the incident silently and wait for the future to be settled...

 “You look worried.”

At the dinner, Qin Yao sat opposite the queen and looked at her frowning face.

Atlanna exhaled softly, hesitated for a moment, and said, "My support rate in the kingdom is not optimistic."

Qin Yao's heart moved and he said: "Except for the former king's old men, others think that you and Ovax's child are more suitable to be the king of Atlantis, right?"

Atlanna’s face was full of astonishment. She didn’t expect this child to have such a keenness in politics.

Seeing her unbelievable look, Qin Yao said with a smile: "In distant China, people are divided into legitimate sons and daughters by blood. He is the legitimate son, and I am the eldest son. Only legitimate sons are qualified to inherit the great cause. Bastard does not."

Atlanna sighed: "There is no such thing as Atlantis, but your paternal lineage is not as good as your brother Orm."

“What’s going on with Omu now?” Qin Yao asked.

"Ovax has sole control of Orm's teaching power, and it is difficult for me to see him." Atlanna said.

Qin Yao suddenly realized.

 No wonder in the original work, King Orm hates humans and Arthur so much that he even tries to conquer the sea and counterattack the mainland, prompted by his desire for power.

  It turned out that Ovax’s little teachings made his hatred deeply planted in the other party’s heart.

It is precisely because Aum has not had contact with his mother since he was a child and has not developed feelings for him, so after he came to power, he did not think about going to the Haitou tribe's territory to find him...

 “This is not something you should worry about.”

Looking at her eldest son's pensive look, Atlanna felt a little distressed and said, "As long as you still live in this Crystal Palace, you can help me stabilize the situation."

Qin Yao smiled and immediately put down his knife and fork: "I've finished eating."

Seeing that he wanted to go back to the room, Atlanna quickly said: "Can you tell me about your father's situation in the past ten years?"

Qin Yao suppressed his smile and said thoughtfully: "Ten years is an extremely long time for a person. This long time is enough to change many things. If one day you see him again, I hope that no matter what he becomes, Either way, don’t let this disappoint you.”

 Atlanna was speechless.

 This child is so mature that he doesn’t look like a child at all.

"I'm going back to the room first." Qin Yao stood up and pointed to the door.

Atlanna said: "I want to apologize to you for today's assassination. It was my problem. I promise that similar things will not happen again."

Qin Yao smiled and said, "I believe you."

 In the following days, Atlanna went out almost every day, and Vico came over almost every day.

 Qin Yao followed Vico to learn the history of ancient Atlantis, the history of the current Kingdom of Atlantis, and even the history of the other six countries, as well as the geographical locations of the six countries, and focused on the location of the trench.

In the original book, in order to find clues to the trident, Arthur traveled from the sea to the Sahara Desert, from the Sahara Desert to the prehistoric ruins, and learned about the Hidden Sea from the projection of the prehistoric ruins. This journey alone was a long one. of length.

Qin Yao knew that the final answer was the Hidden Sea, so he asked Vico to teach him geography knowledge.

If you know where the trident is hidden and still follow the plot in the original work, isn't this a mistake in your head?

 The next day.

When Orvax learned that the **** was still alive and well, he suddenly felt bad. He smashed the glass cup in his hand to the ground, and the wine in the cup spilled on the ground.

 “Father?” A young lady who was about to enter suddenly stopped at the threshold with a look of astonishment on his face.

 “Om, come here.” Orvax took a deep breath and waved to Shota.

The child with a jeweled hijab and delicate appearance ran into the palace and said, "Who made you angry?"

 “Some things really should be told to you.”

Ovax touched the other party's head and said, "Don't you always want to know why your father doesn't let you see your mother?

I tell you now that your mother is an unclean person. During her engagement with her father, she found a wild man on the mainland and gave birth to a wild son.

 Now, she is even more aggressive in bringing that **** back from the land, which is simply shameless. "

Om was stunned and dumbfounded.

Ovax grabbed his shoulders and said solemnly: "My child, your mother brought that **** to the kingdom just to steal your throne. You must be wary and vigilant of him. If possible, Just kill him ruthlessly. If he doesn't die, your hidden danger will never go away."

 Om: “…”

 At the same time, inside the Crystal Palace.

 After careful consideration, Vico told Atlanna about the proposal of the recommendation system, but did not mention that it was Arthur's idea.

 He did not want to take away Arthur's credit, but did so out of protection for Arthur.

Since ancient times, whether in the East or the West, those who propose changes will face endless storms. He chose to take the storm on himself and let Arthur only enjoy the final results.

After Atlanna heard this suggestion, her first reaction was that Vico was crazy, and then she realized the mystery behind it.


 Is this gamble too big?

What if Arthur fails to obtain the trident and has the power to command the ocean, then what awaits the Kingdom of Atlantis?

 (End of this chapter)

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