I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1067: Ancient Master

 The middle-aged black man's expression paused, and he looked down at the little boy in the woman's arms: "Dylan, what did you do?"

He couldn't just listen to the woman in front of him, so he didn't ask the other person how the little boy disrespected her.

Dylan: "I didn't do anything to disrespect her. I just told her that His Holiness was very busy and asked her not to disturb her at will."

The middle-aged black man then turned to look at Qin Yao and said, "Miss, is that so?"

 Qin Yao looked at the naughty child, chuckled, and then used the mirror spell in the Book of Heaven to condense a golden mirror with divine power, and reproduced the conversation between the two in the mirror.

When the middle-aged black man heard the words "What big thing can you, an ordinary person, do? Even if it is a big thing in your life, to His Holiness, it is just a trivial matter for a stranger", his expression suddenly changed. .

The woman who was hugging Darren immediately let go of him and asked with a serious face: "Dylan, is this your attitude towards visitors all the time?"

Dylan whispered: "I just think it's unfair! Why should people like them come and say a few nice words to Kama Taj, or even kneel down and beg, and His Holiness should help them?"

 The middle-aged black man sighed: "Then you should listen to her purpose, instead of letting her go back indiscriminately."

Darren said plausibly: "I listened to everything before, but after listening more, I found that the people who came to ask for help were all motivated by their own selfish desires, and no matter how high-sounding the reasons were, they could not cover up the fact that they wanted to get something for nothing. So later on, I was unwilling to do it again. Listen to it, so as not to feel sick again after listening to it.”

The middle-aged black man was very helpless and said: "If Kamal Taj has guests again from now on, you should not receive them."

Having said this, he did not give the other party a chance to argue. He turned to Qin Yao and said, "Sorry, I made you laugh. I am Modu, a disciple of the Supreme Master. What do you want to ask for help from the Supreme Master?"

Qin Yao said calmly: "I want to ask the Supreme Mage to help me break my soul out of this body."

Modu was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Qin Yao looked at him quietly and said, "Can I tell you the reason after I see the Supreme Mage? I really don't want to repeat the same words over and over again."

Modu nodded slightly and asked, "What do you call it?"

 Chin Yao: "Christine Palmer."

 “Okay, Miss Palmer, please follow me.”

 A few minutes later, Mo Du took Qin Yao into a palace, slowly came to the door of a retreat room, knocked on the door and said, "Master Gu Yi."

In the retreat room, a middle-aged woman with a thin face and a white robe with a shiny head slowly opened her eyes. The strange red to black mark between her eyebrows gradually disappeared into her skin.

 “Please come in.”

Modu pushed open the door with both hands, took Qin Yao into the quiet room, and said: "Master Gu Yi, this Miss Palmer, would like to ask you to break her soul out of this body."

A hint of surprise appeared on Master Gu Yi’s fair cheeks, and he asked Qin Yao, “Why?”

Qin Yao explained: "Because this is not my body."

Golden light suddenly flashed in the eyes of Master Gu Yi, trying to see the soul of the other party through the skin of the body. As a result, the appearance of the soul reflected in her eyes was the same as the skin.

 “With all due respect, I don’t see anything unusual.”

Qin Yao didn't expect that the system's parasitic effect was so unbelievable that even Master Gu Yi couldn't see it at all. He pondered for a moment and explained: "I think it's because I have merged with this body in spirit and flesh. If you If you can cast a spell to knock me out, you can see the abnormality."

Master Gu Yi pondered: "Can you tell me what happened to you?"

Qin Yao then said what he had planned for a long time: "The thing is like this. I was originally a escapist mage from the Maoshan sect of the Taoist sect in China. An accident occurred during my practice, which led me to become possessed. My body was burned by thunder and fire, and my soul was destroyed." I fell into the endless abyss. I don’t know how long it took, but I saw the light from the abyss. When I opened my eyes, my soul appeared in this girl’s body..."

Listening to his story, Master Gu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, while Mo Du looked shocked.

"I didn't want to take away this girl's life, so I tried every means to leave this body, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do it. In desperation, I had to search all over the world for help. My man then heard your name, Master Gu Yi." Qin Yao said.

 “Come here.” Master Gu Yi waved.

Qin Yao nodded and strode to the opposite side of her.

Master Gu Yi stretched out his hand and pressed it on his forehead. Strands of golden mana were like threads, connected to his forehead like tentacles, detecting the body's sea of ​​consciousness.

 The result was that no matter how carefully she searched and detected, she could not find the existence of the other party's sea of ​​consciousness.


Mage Gu Yi murmured.

Qin Yao stared into her eyes calmly and asked, "What's weird?"

Master Gu Yi shook his head and said, "Be prepared, and I will try to see if I can help you pull out your soul."

 “Okay!” Qin Yao cheered up and held his breath.

Master Gu Yi slowly turned his right hand, and a layer of golden light gradually emerged from his palm. He stepped forward and lowered his body, pushed his arm forward, and slapped Qin Yao's stomach with his right palm, making a muffled sound.

Qin Yao groaned, his body suddenly arched up, flew up upside down, and fell to the ground.

Mage Gu Yi flashed behind him in an instant, raised his hand and hit him **** the back with another palm, with the same muffled sound.

Qin Yao, who was not prepared for the opponent, was directly slapped to the ground. However, apart from pain and a series of discomfort reactions, he did not even feel his soul trembling, let alone being beaten out of this body by Master Gu Yi.

 “I’m sorry, I can’t do it.” Master Gu Yi said helplessly.

 A look of shock appeared on Modu’s face.

 This is the first time he has seen something that made Master Gu Yi helpless.

Qin Yao coughed a few times and struggled to stand up: "It doesn't matter, you are not sorry for me, my situation is special. But I still want to ask you for advice. Do you know who can help me?"

Master Gu Yi really knew that there was someone who could help him, but the problem was that she couldn't name that person, let alone guide the poor man in front of him to find him.

“I don’t know who can help you solve this problem, but I suggest you stay at Kama Taj and wait for an opportunity to escape.”

 “Opportunity?” Qin Yao muttered to himself.

Master Gu Yi nodded and said: "Yes, if there is any place in the world that can give you such an opportunity, it can only be Kama Taj.

I can arrange for you to enter Karma Taj's library, which contains a large number of books brought by Karma Taj's countless mages from all over the world.

 There are many of these books that even I feel amazed by. You can read and practice in the library, and find solutions to current difficulties along the way. "

Qin Yao looked stunned and said, "Can I ask a question?"

 “Say.” Master Gu Yi said.

Qin Yao: "Why are you so nice to me? You know, half a quarter of an hour ago, we had never met."

Master Gu Yi smiled slightly, with a hint of kindness in his smile: "Because you are a good person." "What?"

“You said it yourself, your body has been damaged, and you want to get out of this girl’s body not to return to your own body, but simply because you don’t want to take away her life. If you have this idea, it means you are a good person.”

Master Gu Yi said: "I appreciate your kindness and kindness, and think that your kindness and kindness are meaningful for maintaining peace in the world. Because I can feel that maybe you have the strength."

 Chin Yao: “…”

Master Gu Yi stared into his eyes and said: "Because of your kind thoughts, Kama Taj shows kindness to you. I hope that you can continue to be kind to everything in this world in the future, okay?"

Qin Yao took a deep look at her, and at this moment he suddenly realized that the title of saint possessed by the other party was not only derived from his strong strength, but also from his own moral standards!

Even if it is just because of the goodwill expressed by the other party at this moment, Qin Yao will not sit back and watch Kama Taj fall.

"The world kisses me with kindness, and I will repay it with songs." Facing Master Gu Yi's kind eyes, Qin Yao said seriously.

Master Gu Yi suddenly laughed, raised his left hand slightly, and drew two circles with his right hand in front of him. Sparks suddenly flashed in front of the three of them. These sparks condensed into a circular portal leading to other spaces during high-speed rotation. On the other side of the portal is a library with countless bookshelves.

This portal is called the Dimension Gate in the current world. Theoretically, as long as the magic power is strong enough, one can instantly come to any place on the earth.

Of course, if you are going to other planets, you will need coordinates or certain items...

“Master Modu, go and do your business first.” Master Gu Yi said loudly.

Mordu nodded, turned and walked towards the door of the ashram.

After watching him leave, Master Gu Yi pointed at the door with sparks flying and said: "Come with me, I will take you to meet someone."

Qin Yao strode behind her and walked through the dimensional door to the center of the library.

"Master Gu Yi." At this time, a fat man wearing a dark red uniform and green hair came over and greeted him respectfully.

Master Gu Yi smiled and nodded, pointed at the fat man and said to Qin Yao: "His name is Wang, and he is the current administrator of this library."

 “Hello.” Qin Yao said proactively.

The king nodded silently, and then saw Master Gu Yi pointing at the woman in front of him and saying, "Wang, she is Miss Palmer."

Qin Yao felt very uncomfortable with the title of Miss, and said with a smile: "You can call me Christine."

“Why did you bring Christine here?” Wang asked Master Gu Yi.

"She will read and study in this library from now on. Wang, please take more care of her." Master Gu Yi said.

Wang was slightly startled, then confirmed: "Any area?"

Master Gu Yi turned to look at Qin Yao: "You should know about black magic, right?"

Qin Yao nodded: "Dark magic comes from evil gods."

"That's right." Ancient One Mage said: "The books in this library are all-encompassing, and there may be some black magic books hidden in them. Can you guarantee that you will not be tempted by those black magic books?"

Qin Yao said decisively: "I can."

"Okay." Master Gu Yi then looked at the king and ordered: "She can read books in all areas."

“Yes, Master Gu Yi.” Wang said respectfully.

“Take him to familiarize himself with the environment, and tell her what magic is all about.” Master Ancient One waved his hand and opened a dimensional door again. Before leaving, he said to the king.

“Okay, Master Gu Yi.” Wang lowered his head and said.

Shao Qing, as the dimension door with sparks flying disappeared into the library, Wang raised his head and looked at Qin Yao, saying: "Actually, there is no need for me to take you to familiarize yourself with the environment. After living here for a long time, you will naturally become familiar with the environment here. Okay, let me take you to your place first."

 “Thank you.” Qin Yao said softly.

"You're welcome. We will meet often in the future, and maybe we will slowly develop into very good friends." Wang said.

 Subsequently, Wang took Qin Yao to walk in the huge library and asked in a casual manner: "Have you taken Master Gu Yi as your disciple?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "No...she asked me to come to the library so that I could find a solution to my own dilemma."

 “Dilemma?” Wang asked curiously.

Qin Yao hesitated and said nothing.

The king understood immediately and said, "If it's not convenient to say it, there's no need to say it. It doesn't matter. By the way, are you a practitioner?"

  He couldn't feel any fluctuations in magic power from the other party, so he took advantage of the situation and asked.

Qin Yao said: "Yes! But my practice system is different from yours."

 In his memory, the source of magic power of the Supreme Mage's lineage is "Emperor Weishan".

"Vishan Emperor" is the collective name of the three gods. These three gods are: Ohit, the **** of white magic, Hogos, the demon **** of extra dimensions, and Agamotto, the **** born from the tears of the **** of white magic.

Using Eastern thinking to understand it, it is equivalent to the fact that the power of Buddha comes from one’s own practice, but the origin of Buddha’s power is the Buddha...

 Because before Buddha, there was no concept of Buddha.

While the king was chatting with Qin Yao, in the retreat room, Master Gu Yi and his disciple Mo Du, who had left and returned, were also chatting. The main content of the chat was Qin Yao himself.

"Master Gu Yi, I think you are too trusting in Christine." Modu said: "I don't think we can be sure whether what she said is true or false. What if she made up a story with the purpose of entering the book? Where to study in the library?”

Master Gu Yi smiled and said, "So what?"

 Mordo: “…”

Master Ancient One said: "As long as she is not an evil **** from another dimension and has no ill intentions towards the earth, then we can turn her into a monk of Kama Taj. If there is a catastrophe of heaven and earth in the future, maybe she can also contribute to this. A force.”

Modu was startled for a moment, then said: "Your mind is as broad as the sea. I hope she can understand your painstaking efforts."

Although he didn't think that a girl could make any contribution to the great catastrophe, the teacher's thinking was fine.

 In Kama Taj, there are many mages gathered here to protect the earth.

However, what he didn't know was that Master Gu Yi only said half of what he said.

The main reason why she kept Christine was not as simple as wanting to absorb her into Kama Taj... (End of this chapter)

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