I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1068: Dark magic, reunion with the Doctor

 The next day.

 Kama Taj, Library.

Wearing a dark red mage uniform and holding a red apple in his hand, the king sat behind a table and stared blankly forward.

Beside the bookshelf in front, a tall figure wearing a white mage uniform and a blond shawl with beautiful appearance is holding a magic book in the palm of his left hand. The fingertips of his right hand are shining with a touch of golden light, which is used to flip through the magic book. Two light wings are behind him. Waving lightly, like a butterfly resting on a flower, spreading its wings.

This kind of light wing is not a profound spell. Even if the opponent can cast it after just looking at it for a while, she is at most a genius.

There are so many talented mages in Kama Taj. The number of talented mages that Wang has seen alone can be counted on one hand.

 The problem is, this woman does not use mana to perform magic, but a power that he cannot understand.

It's like adding diesel to a gasoline car. Not only did the car not have any problems, it even became more powerful and ran more stably than before.

 As an auto mechanic... bah, a traditional mage, it was difficult for him to understand what he was seeing now.

 “As I expected, she is a genius.”

As the sparks of the dimensional gate lit up, the ancient mage suddenly appeared next to the king.

Wang scratched his head, his face full of confusion: "Master Gu Yi, I don't quite understand why magic can be activated if it's not mana. It's just like diesel is also a kind of fuel, but why doesn't it cause problems when added to a gasoline car?"

Master Gu Yi smiled and said: "What's so difficult to understand? The reason is actually very simple. The quality of the power he is using must far exceed mana, and it is backward compatible. Since it is backward compatible, it There won’t be any problems you worry about.”

Wang suddenly understood, and then a look of shock appeared on the chubby Asian face: "Doesn't that mean that no matter what spell it is, as long as he masters the spell or gesture, she can release it immediately?"

Master Gu Yi nodded and said: "She may not have been a natural practitioner when she first embarked on the path of spiritual practice; but at this moment, she is equivalent to a natural mage."

Hearing this, the king's expression changed slightly, and he said in a voice that only two people could hear: "You keep her because you want to train her to be an heir?"

“She has the potential to become the Supreme Mage.” Master Gu Yi said.

Wang: "But, you didn't admit her! Strictly speaking..."


Master Gu Yi raised his hand in front of his mouth and suddenly disappeared into the library.

Beside the bookshelf, Qin Yao turned to look in the direction of the king, but only saw a little bit of dissipating firelight.

 “King, who came just now?”

"It's Master Gu Yi." Wang said expressionlessly: "She took away two magic books."

Looking at his serious look, Qin Yao asked with a smile: "Why do you always have a straight face? It seems like everyone owes you money."

Wang Frankly said: "A smile consumes more energy than a blank face. If I am pleasant to everyone, there will be endless greetings and countless human relationships that need to be taken care of."

Qin Yao was dumbfounded, then put the books in his hands back into the bookshelf, pointed to a single bookshelf in the corner with countless books tied with chains, and asked: "Why are the books on this shelf locked with chains?"

“The main function of the chain is not to lock the books, but to serve as a warning to those who want to borrow them.

Some of the magic books on this bookshelf can harm the mage's body, some can harm the mage's soul, and some are even simply dark spells.

 If you practice out of curiosity, you may get very miserable consequences. "Wang explained.

Qin Yao strode to the row of bookshelves and asked, "Can I read these books?"

"Of course you can, given the advice of the Ancient Master. But I have to remind you, never be seduced by dark magic. The last librarian was killed because of a mage who was seduced by dark magic..."

"Casillas." Qin Yao recited the name silently in his heart.

 In the original work, Dormammu, the King of Darkness, is not Doctor Strange’s life and death enemy at this stage.

 At this stage, the doctor, or Karma Taj’s greatest enemy, is Casillas, the former student of the ancient mage.

 Some people say that Casillas betrayed the ancient mage and joined Dormammu's evil camp in order to resurrect his dead family members.

But in Qin Yao's view, this guy has no such loving thoughts at all, and his tragic past has nothing to do with his turning to darkness.

 Judging from the plot, he is like an addict, addicted to the pursuit of power that transcends time and dimensions.

 When a drug addict suffers from an illness, he can't help but pursue the stimulation, and he is constantly chasing the stimulation brought by this power.

 Whether it is meaningful or not is not important at all. What is important is to "get" the satisfaction of that moment.

 In terms of timeline, if nothing unexpected happens, when the doctor loses his hands due to a car accident and finds Kama Taj to seek a solution, Casillas will appear soon...

 In this case, there is still plenty of time left for you to quietly learn magic.

On the other hand, this is the advantage of not following the doctor's plot, otherwise time will be completely wasted on the doctor's growth process.


Soon after, when Qin Yao reached for a book, Wang suddenly shouted: "I suggest you don't touch this book."

Qin Yao heard what he said, but did not follow his advice and directly took the book off the chain: "Why?"

"Because this "Book of Cagliostro" is a book of black magic. Once opened, the consequences will be disastrous. Remember what I told you before, the mage who killed the previous librarian? He It was after reading this book that I went to extremes," Wang said solemnly.

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said, "I believe I won't be tempted."

 “That guy said the same thing.”

Wang said seriously: "Proud and arrogant geniuses always think that they are different and can always do things that others cannot do, but traps do not distinguish whether you are a genius or a fool. If you take the initiative to go to the abyss, you will definitely fall into it." inside."

Qin Yao said: "I understand what you mean, but if I believe in something, I must try it..."

Before he finished speaking, he opened the forbidden book.

 Eternal time, endless dimensions, immortality…

The moment the book was opened, three core themes came into Qin Yao's eyes.

Qin Yao devoted himself wholeheartedly to the book, flipping through the pages, and soon reached the middle of the book, where a torn page forcibly stopped his reading.

 “This page…”

"This page was torn away by the traitor." Wang said: "If nothing else happens, he will communicate with the dark world through the demon mark on this page. Therefore, Kamathaj has been waiting for his attack ”

Qin Yao turned to look at the Eye of Agamotto enshrined in front of his desk, and said slowly: "I can..."

The king immediately understood what he meant and said firmly: "No, you can't! Wait, how do you know that the Eye of Agamotto can reverse time?"

He is now a little suspicious of the reason why the other party appeared in Kama Taj...

Qin Yao raised the "Book of Cagliostro" in his hand and explained: "There is a record in this book. Have you not read this book?"

Wang stared at him for a while, and gradually let down his guard: "This book is a forbidden book in my eyes. No matter how fascinating the black magic in it is, I will not read it.

In addition, don’t think about using the Eye of Agamotto to reverse time. This may lead to time paradoxes and time loops, or even completely erase everything involved. Can you understand the horror of this? "

Looking at his determined look, Qin Yao knew that as long as the other party was still in the library, he would not allow himself to use the Eye of Agamotto to restore the missing page of the Book of Cagliostro.

 That night. Qin Yao was sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing meditation, when an inaudible voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

As he opened his eyes and listened, the voice finally became clear. It was clearly someone calling his name.

 “The Dark Lord, Dormammu.”

 The name flashed through Qin Yao's mind and he didn't dare to respond at all.

He knew very well that this call was the summons of darkness, which probably came from the fact that he opened the "Book of Cagliostro" today.

As long as you respond to Dormammu's call, your body will be brought into the other dimension where the other party exists. Maybe you will become Dormammu's slave like Casillas.


This sound kept ringing from late at night until dawn the next day.

If it were a weak-minded person, I am afraid that he would have collapsed at this moment. Even if he did not respond to this call, he would vent his emotions in various ways.

But Qin Yao always treated it calmly, pretending that he did not hear the call from the darkness.

Mage as powerful as the Ancient One was eroded by the darkness after responding to the darkness. How could he think that he could do something that the Ancient One could not do after reading the guide?

Dormammu can shout if he wants.

 Already read, no reply!

 In the blink of an eye, forty-five days later.

For more than a month, Qin Yao stayed at home and even spent all his time reading various magic books. He only needed to read most of the magic books once before he could use his divine power to cast them.

 A few powerful magics can be used in half a day at most, and the tricks can be found. Except for the black magic book with missing pages, there are basically no difficulties encountered.

 Lao Wang went from shock to shock at the beginning, then from shock to numbness, and finally from numbness to becoming accustomed to it.

People can't be shocked all the time, the heart will also get tired.

 “Click, click.”

This afternoon, Qin Yao was reading and practicing as usual. Lao Wang was sitting behind the table, holding an apple and gnawing on it.

Suddenly, a dimensional gate appeared in the middle of the two people. An ancient mage wearing a white robe and a shiny forehead walked out with a tall man in slovenly clothes and a full beard.

 “Master Gu Yi.” Wang and Qin Yao greeted together.

When the slovenly man heard Qin Yao's voice, he suddenly raised his head and shouted in astonishment: "Christine!!"

 “Stephen, long time no see.” Qin Yao said calmly.

"You, you, you..." The doctor stuttered, and his spiritual world seemed to have received a huge impact.

“You two know each other?” Master Gu Yi asked in surprise.

Qin Yao smiled: "We used to work in the same hospital, so we can be considered ex-colleagues."

Master Gu Yi’s face paused and he said with emotion: “That is really an extraordinary fate.”

The doctor forced down the complicated emotions in his heart and asked, "Christine, why are you here?"

Qin Yao responded: "I'm here to ask Master Gu Yi for help, what about you?"

The doctor raised his slightly trembling hands and said, "I also came to her for help."

 Qin Yao nodded and remained silent.

 But the doctor didn't want to end the call just like that. He still had many questions to ask: "What about you, why did you come to Master Gu Yi for help?"

Qin Yao said: "Sorry, I can't tell you the reason."

He can tell Gu Yi and Mordo about the matter of possessing Christine, but he cannot reveal anything to the doctor, otherwise, disaster will occur in the future.


“Since you two know each other, it’s up to you, Christine, to take Stephen to familiarize himself with the environment.” Master Gu Yi said with a smile.

Qin Yao thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

Master Gu Yi then turned to look at Stephen: "If you encounter any doubts in the future, you can either go to Modu or come to me."

 “Thank you.” Stephen said sincerely.

Mage Gu Yi shook his head, raised his hand and summoned a dimensional gate, disappearing from the sight of the three of them.

 “Kristen, then take Stephen for a spin.” Old Wang said.

 Qin Yao turned to look at the doctor who was staring at him, and waved: "Let's go, I will take you around Kama Taj."

Stephen followed him with a dull expression, walking out of the huge library and walking among the temples with ancient charm.

While passing by a Buddhist temple, he was suddenly awakened by the sound of a bell and asked, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "No."

Stephen's expression was complicated and strange: "I really didn't expect to see you here."

After a lot of hard work, I finally found the mysterious place, but ended up meeting my ex-girlfriend here...

This feeling is really hard to express in words.

Qin Yao said calmly: "Are you sure you don't look at the route and only look at me? If that's the case, then let's go back."

Stephen quickly turned his head and looked around. He had a thousand words in his heart, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

"So, what is your current identity?" After a while, he finally started talking.

 “It can be regarded as the mage of Kama Taj.”


Qin Yao nodded and immediately began to introduce the architecture inside Kama Taj.

Stephen listened quietly, and unknowingly, the two of them returned to the stone steps of the library again.

“Master Modu should have arranged a place for you, right?” Qin Yao asked.


 “Then go back.”

 “I’ll come back to you tomorrow.”

Stephen said quickly.

Qin Yao waved his hand and walked into the library without saying a word.

Stephen watched her back disappear from sight quietly, feeling in a trance.

Is this still the Christine I am familiar with? ! (End of chapter)

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