I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1117: The Queen Mother's Pain

“My dearest lady, I would like to see you, the landowner of Pantaoyuan.”

A few days later, the Queen Mother was watching the memorials of the gods in Yaochi. A fairy in green suddenly appeared in front of the palace door and bowed down.

The Queen Mother was slightly startled, and then suddenly remembered that March 3rd was coming soon, and she thought that the Earth God was here to ask if there would be a peach feast this year.

 “Call him in.”

"Mother, I am punished by death." Unexpectedly, after the landowner entered the door, he fell to the ground and said in a trembling voice.

The Queen Mother's face changed slightly and she shouted softly: "What happened?"

"I would like to report to the Queen, due to the failure of my supervision, the largest purple-striped peach tree in the peach orchard was infested by insects. The essence of the fruit of the nine peaches was sucked dry, and only a waste shell was left hanging on the tree. Today, it fell from the tree when it was blown by the wind. "The land in Taoyuan is fair."

The Queen Mother stood up suddenly, her eyes sharp: "Are you sure it was an insect attack, rather than someone sneaking into the peach orchard and stealing the peaches?"

Taoyuan Digong: "I am sure! Not to mention that the ban on Taoyuan was arranged by you personally. It is impossible for ordinary gods to break through the ban and enter the peach grove. Even if someone enters the peach grove through some secret treasure, it is impossible for him to eat nine peaches. Ah, besides, you’ve already come in, so you can’t take it with you when you leave?”

When the Queen Mother heard this, she felt that it made sense.

 This is the most basic logic. Who would enter Baoshan and just grab a handful of things and leave?

“Have you found the bug that eats the peaches?” the Queen Mother asked again.

Taoyuan Digong shook his head: "Before I had time to search, after discovering this matter, the little **** came to you to report it as soon as possible."

The Queen Mother said in a deep voice: "Since you have never made any mistakes before, I will give you three days to hunt down all the bugs hidden in the peach garden. If something like this happens again, don't blame me for punishing you." It’s a sin.”

Taoyuan Tugong secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly kowtowed and thanked: "Thank you for your grace!"

 He knew that this was the first time and it would also be the last time.

This time, fortunately, the loss was small, so the empress did not get angry.

 Otherwise, the empress will not consider the issue of ability, just like the Taoyuan land lord who was deposed and punished. He was demoted to the mortal world just because he failed to watch the Monkey King stealing peaches...

How can the Monkey King be respected by a small landowner?

 But in front of the angry empress, who would be willing to intercede for the land lord who is destined to have little interaction with him?

Not long after, after returning to Taoyuan, Tu Tu Gong launched a detailed search, but not a single insect was found.

Sitting alone under the peach tree, smelling the fragrance of peaches, and thinking for a long time, Tu Tu Gong finally made a decision.

 If there are no bugs, then bugs will be created. For the sake of your own job, those nine peaches must be lost to bugs! !

 Qin Yao didn't know that because of the Tiangong system and the selfish motives of the Taoyuan landowner, his peach theft was settled.

 In fact, he is not afraid even if he is exposed.

 After all, his relationship with Heaven was on the same level as fire and water, and he was not afraid of itching if there were too many lice.

Not to mention that he now has a backer. With a suitable opportunity, Guanyin can help him complete the task of revising the rules of heaven and get rid of the current predicament.

 After the regulations of heaven are revised, perhaps their father and son will still be wanted by heaven, but San Shengsheng will be free again. By then, his merits will be considered complete and he will be able to pay off the cause and effect of borrowing Liu Yanchang's body.



 Early morning, on the top of Cuiyun Mountain.

Just as Qin Yao was facing the rising sun with agarwood and breathing in the sun's energy, a large mountain in the distance suddenly collapsed without any warning. The sound of the landslide shook the heaven and the earth.

The father and son looked up together, their eyes shining with a faint golden light.

Using the super long field of vision to look to the front of the mountain with the help of magic power, he saw the old fox flying quickly towards Xiaoyu who was maintaining a clapping posture.

"Thank God, congratulations to you, Xiaoyu. You have finally mastered the splitting palm of the sky. This is the first time in the past eight hundred years that a fox has mastered this unique skill after your mother." He landed lightly next to Xiaoyu. , the old fox's eyes were filled with tears unconsciously.

Xiaoyu closed her legs and exhaled: "No need to thank God. My cultivation of splitting the sky palm has nothing to do with heaven and earth. It all depends on the ten thousand years of mana given by the wick of the lotus lamp."

 The old fox's expression froze and he was speechless.

 She deliberately did not think about the favor that the Liu family and his son had shown to Xiaoyu, but the fact was that without the Liu family and his son, it would have been a question of whether Xiaoyu could survive, let alone cultivate into the Heaven-Splitting Divine Palm.

This reality made her feel mixed emotions every time she thought about it.

 And the more realistic situation made it impossible for her to open her mouth to talk about revenge.

“Dad, I’m going to find Xiaoyu.” On the top of Cuiyun Mountain, Chenxiang looked away and said with a smile.

Qin Yao nodded silently: "Go."

Agarwood stood up excitedly, and her body suddenly turned into a golden light, heading straight towards the grandfather and grandson.

I don’t know whether it was because the old fox was hiding deeper, or because Chenxiang’s vision was relatively low. Since he had never seen any hostility in the old fox, he followed Xiaoyu’s seniority and truly regarded the old fox as his grandma.

 It was fine for a day or two, but as time went by, the old fox's heart became a little soft.

At this time, seeing Chen Xiang showing up nearby, a complex emotion flashed through her eyes, and she asked lightly: "Are you here to play with Xiaoyu again?"

Chen Xiang smiled honestly and touched the back of his head: "Yes, grandma, will you come with us?"

 The old fox shook his head and said: "You two go to play, what are you doing with me? Go quickly, go quickly, don't hinder my eyes here."

 Chen Xiang nodded, and in front of the old fox, he grabbed Xiaoyu's hand and said, "Yu'er, let's go."

Looking at their joined palms, the old fox's eyes twitched slightly, but in the end he didn't say anything and let them leave...

In Cuiyun Mountain, everything is peaceful, so peaceful that Chenxiang can even fall in love without any worries.

Outside Cuiyun Mountain, Nezha, who was sitting cross-legged on the clouds, watched this scene with his heart, and an aunt-like smile appeared at the corner of his mouth unknowingly.

“Nezha, why are you laughing?” Not far away, Li Jing, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, suddenly asked.

Nezha opened his eyes and lied seriously: "Father, I remember the happy days of my childhood."

Hearing this, Li Jing even felt a little dazed.

The little baby who was not even taller than his waist is now the famous Santan Haihui God in the three worlds. Counting the time, it is at least more than 1,500 years since he became a god.

 Where did the time go?

“Trash, trash, no matter how much time you give them, they won’t be able to capture Cuiyun Mountain!”

In the Yaochi, the Queen Mother, who found the Jade Emperor flirting with other fairies but could not lose her temper, used the excuse that Li Jing, Erlang Shen, and Zhang Daoling were not able to do things well, so she smashed the things on the table with a gloomy expression.

She can amend the laws of heaven and prohibit any heavenly gods from falling in love, but she has no control over the Jade Emperor.

Because the rules and regulations of heaven are originally the tool for the Jade Emperor to rule the three realms. How can a tool control its owner?

Moreover, even if the Jade Emperor really does something with a certain female fairy, that female fairy will also escape the prohibition of falling in love in the law of heaven.

 Thinking of this, she became even more angry.

But anger was anger, but she never lost her reason. She knew that she could not control the Jade Emperor, so she had to quietly transfer her anger and focus all her hatred on the Liu family and his son... "What's wrong with the empress?" Outside the Yaochi, listening inside With the sound of banging banging, the Jade Emperor, with his face glowing red and a smile on his lips, slowly put away his smile and asked the fairy in green who was waiting outside the palace.

The fairy in green knelt on the ground and lowered her eyes and said, "I don't know."

The Jade Emperor stood in front of the door, thought for a moment, and then turned around and left.

Since the Queen Mother was in a rage and the Jade Emperor was more powerful than her, she did not notice what was happening.

After venting her anger for a long time, she finally calmed down the anger caused by jealousy until she smashed everything in front of her.

"We can't go on like this." After whispering softly, the Queen Mother stepped out and left the palace.

I saw her raising her hand to summon the immortal chariot, sitting on the chariot, and falling straight to the mortal world.

 South China Sea, Mount Putuo, Purple Bamboo Forest.

Avalokitesvara's heart was moved, and she calculated with her fingers, and then said to the good fortune dragon girl in front of her: "The Queen Mother's Dharma is about to arrive. Please take someone to greet her outside the forest."

 “Yes, Bodhisattva.” The cute-looking dragon girl with good fortune clasped her hands together and bowed slightly.

Not long after, the Queen Mother’s Immortal Chariot landed in front of the Purple Bamboo Forest, and the Good Fortune Dragon Girl quickly led her disciples to bow and salute.

Zizhulin, or Guanshiyin, has its own set of standards for receiving foreign visitors.

 If the person's status and strength are not as good as hers, then it is up to the other party to pay her respects.

 Those whose status and strength are equal to or almost the same as him will be greeted by maids and others.

 She would take the initiative to greet those whose status and strength were higher than Guanyin's.

The Queen Mother may not be as powerful as her, but the other party is the nominal head of the three realms of female immortals, and the group of disciples she welcomes is the favor she gives to the other party.

 Lean less.

Led by Shancai Longnu and others, the Queen Mother went straight into the purple bamboo forest and came to the waterfall that never stops flowing all year round.

Wearing a white dress and a smiling face, Guanshiyin stood at a stone table in front of the waterfall. She pointed to the stone bench opposite and said with a smile: "My queen, please sit down."

The Queen Mother sat on the stone bench with a dignified manner. Avalokitesvara immediately made tea with her bare hands, and the fragrance of tea overflowed in a moment.

“Won’t Bodhisattva ask me why I came?” Looking at her calm and quiet look, the Queen Mother said softly.

Avalokitesvara smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you to speak on your own. In the end, whether you speak or not depends on your heart."

The Queen Mother exhaled softly and sighed: "I came to the Bodhisattva for help... I can just complain."

Avalokiteśvara suppressed her smile and asked, "What are you suffering from, empress?"

The Queen Mother said helplessly: "All living beings in the three realms, especially the gods in heaven, think that I am too heartless. Even though I have a husband, I have changed the laws of heaven to stipulate that gods are not allowed to have an affair.

 But no one or no **** has thought carefully about the terrible consequences of allowing gods and immortals to marry.

 First of all, some immortals seem to have lost their brains once they fall in love, and they will give everything for love.

 The key is that you give everything you have, but you have to give everything he thinks. For the sake of love, you will not hesitate to subvert the three realms.

Secondly, once the gods form a family and a bunch of little gods are born, they will form a family of gods. When the family gets bigger and the needs get bigger, they will ask for power.

 Having tasted the sweetness of power, they will try to hold on to it.

Monsters like aristocratic families have already appeared in the human world. Will a family of gods and immortals also appear in the heaven? "

Avalokitesvara had to admit that what the Queen Mother said made sense.

There really is that kind of infatuated person with no brains, who will destroy the world at every turn in the name of love.

And once it is stipulated that gods can intermarry, a family of immortals will inevitably appear.

 After all, you can’t allow intermarriage but not allow others to have children, right?

 However, no matter how reasonable it is, what does it have to do with her?

 This is not something she should think about, and she also has her own demands...

"What do you hope I can do for you?" Avalokitesvara asked calmly.

The Queen Mother said: "The Jade Emperor and I represent the face of the Tian family and cannot do anything easily, but you can. I hope you can go to Cuiyun Mountain for me to subdue the Bull Demon King and the Liu family and his son."

Guanshiyin was silent for a moment and said: "But the poor monk feels that the tighter you press, the stronger the resistance will be. After all, it is human nature for men to love women, and the gods today are all transformed by human beings through cultivation, and their nature is not the same. It will become extinct as it becomes a god.

 Not to mention the Three Realms, just in this heavenly realm, there are probably countless gods who are restricted by heavenly rules and cannot be with the people they like.

 As time goes by, if love is not available, big problems may arise. Therefore, the poor monk believes that instead of forcing them, it is better to facilitate them. "

The Queen Mother stood up suddenly, with a serious face: "But the Buddha who won the battle came to see you in advance?"

"Don't worry, just listen to what I have to say." Guanshiyin said leisurely.

 The Queen Mother hesitated again and again, and finally sat down: "You say it."

Avalokiteśvara: "All effects originate from causes. Strictly prohibiting gods and immortals from being sentient is the cause of thousands of effects.

 Originally, this matter has nothing to do with my Buddhist sect, and it is not easy for a poor monk to meddle in my own business. But since you have begged the poor monk today, you have brought this cause and effect to me.

The poor monk wants to make a bet with you on whether the Liu family and his son can split Huashan Mountain and rescue the Three Holy Mothers.

 If they can, please ask the empress to pardon their family and modify the heavenly rules to allow gods to have feelings.

If they can't split Huashan Mountain and save the Three Holy Mothers, then I will personally take action and surrender the Bull Demon King and the Liu family and his son. "

 The Queen Mother was silent, with all kinds of thoughts flashing through her mind.

Avalokitesvara did not urge him, but said: "This will not do any harm to you."

The Queen Mother pondered for a long time and nodded slowly: "Yes, but it will take ten days before Liu and his son can go to Huashan, and you can't help them split the mountain to save people. In addition, the time to save people must be limited. I will give them three days at most." Months…”

Avalokitesvara knew that the Queen Mother wanted to seal Huashan, and she had no objection to it: "I don't have a problem either, so that's settled."

 After reaching the agreement, the Queen Mother immediately flew away from the purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea and went straight to the sky above Mount Huashan.

Sitting on the fairy chariot, she raised the curtains of the car window and turned to look at the majestic Huashan Mountain. She smiled coldly, took out a golden Cosmos Bowl from her hands, and threw it down the car window.

The Qiankun Bowl grew bigger and bigger as it flew down, eventually becoming hundreds of times larger. The mouth of the bowl was facing down, and it rested on the top of the mountain.

The next moment, as she recited the instructions, immeasurable golden light suddenly spewed out from the mouth of the bowl, and the golden light poured down like a tide, covering the entire mountain.

 Chop a mountain to save your wife?

Daydreaming! (End of chapter)

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