I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1118: Qin Yao's self-knowledge

 Ten days later.

The heavenly soldiers and horses stationed above Cuiyun Mountain retreated like the tide under the leadership of the three gods.

While Qin Yao and others were guessing what was going on, Sun Wukong turned over in a somersault, stepped on a somersault cloud, and hung outside the mountain-protecting formation.

“Liu Yanchang, Liu Chenxiang, come with me, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is waiting for you in Huashan.”

 “Don’t go out, be careful of scams.”

The Bull Demon King held the iron rod tightly in his hand, and his nervousness was palpable.

Qin Yao used his magical power to look at it, shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, even if there is a scam, as long as we stay together, we have nothing to fear from anyone."

After saying this, he looked up at the Victorious Buddha on the golden cloud and asked: "Holy Buddha, why is Guanyin Bodhisattva waiting for us in Huashan?"

Sun Wukong waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't ask me, you should ask the Bodhisattva yourself this question."

Qin Yao nodded silently, and then said to Xiaoyu: "Take the restriction."

"Okay." Xiaoyu responded crisply and put away the defensive mask without hesitation.

 “I’ll ride on the clouds.”

The Bull Demon King was still a little uneasy about the monkey in front of him. With a thought in his mind, billowing black clouds suddenly rose under his feet.

Sun Wukong chuckled and said, "Old Niu, you have suffered a lot in recent years, right?"

After the gods and demons boarded the demon cloud, the Bull Demon King flew up on the demon cloud, keeping a certain distance from Sun Wukong's somersault cloud: "Who said that I, the old cow, suffered a loss?"

“You will gain wisdom if you suffer a setback. You look so cautious now, it looks like you have suffered a loss.” Sun Wukong laughed loudly.

The Bull Demon King glared and said: "Smelly monkey, stop talking nonsense and lead the way!"

 In the evening of that day.

 The sky is filled with red clouds.

Two clouds, one golden and one black, brought the saints to the front of Huashan Mountain, but they saw a woman in a white dress leading two children, a boy and a girl, standing quietly at the gate leading to the Huashan Immortal Mansion.

 The breeze blew up the hem of her white skirt and messed up her long black hair. This scene was so beautiful that everything around her seemed to be a foil to her...

 “Meet Guanshiyin Bodhisattva.”

 Fortunately, none of the people present were short-sighted and would not be distracted by the foreign minister's skin, so they greeted him in unison.

"No need to be polite." Guanshiyin raised his hand with a smile on his face: "Liu Yanchang, I made a bet with the Queen Mother. The bet is within three months, can you and your son split Huashan Mountain and rescue Yang Chan. I bet you can, but the Queen Mother bets you can’t. If I lose, I will help the Queen Mother suppress you. If she loses, I will forgive your family’s sins and change the rules of heaven.”

"Thank you Bodhisattva." Hearing this, Qin Yao bowed deeply.

Avalokitesvara said calmly: "From now on, the fate of your family is in your hands."

Qin Yao lowered his arms and stared boldly into the opponent's eyes: "I will never let you lose."

A hint of strangeness appeared in Guanshiyin's heart, and he waved his hand and said, "Don't let yourself lose. If I lose, I have nothing to lose, but if you lose, the consequences will be very serious."

After saying this, she took the two boys and turned into light and left without even leaving Qin Yao a chance to respond.

“It’s good now, my mother is saved.” Chen Xiang said excitedly after watching Guanyin leave.

"Don't be too happy too early, look up." Qin Yao said in a solemn voice, but there was not much joy on his face.

Agarwood looked up, and with a flash of light in her eyes, she finally saw the golden bowl that the naked eye was not qualified to see.

"What is this stuff?"

"The innate holy treasure Qiankun Bowl." Sun Wukong said: "According to legend, its defense is unparalleled in the world, even your lotus lantern is slightly inferior."

  Agarwood: “…”

 “Let me try it out.”

The Bull Demon King transformed and used his magical power to control the heavens and the earth. He raised the iron rod in his hand, which was enlarged countless times, and smashed it towards the golden Qiankun Bowl.


As a aftermath spread out in the form of a halo, the Bull Demon King was instantly ejected by a powerful force and turned into a small black dot in the distant sky.

 “Old cow!” Princess Iron Fan shouted, and hurriedly stepped on the banana fan to catch up.

 “It’s really hard.”

 Agarwood gave a fair evaluation.

He still knows the strength of the Bull Demon King. Without the protection of the Lotus Lamp, the father and son would have fallen into each other's hands long ago.

But even the Bull Demon King was bounced away by the passive defense of the Qiankun Bowl, which fully shows the power of this innate holy treasure.

“Is there anything else in the world that can split this holy treasure?” Qin Yao asked knowingly.

Having the plot of the original novel as a guide, he certainly knew that the Sky-Opening Ax left by Pangu could split the Heaven and Earth Bowl.

 But the problem is that with his current status, he should not know about the Pangu Ax.

With the attention of countless powerful people, it is very stupid to use the "prophet" ability.

 Incredibly stupid!

Sun Wukong thought for a long time and said: "It is said that when Pangu created the world, he left behind a magical ax, which later generations called the ax that opened the sky. If you can find that magical ax, you will be able to split the bowl of heaven and earth."

Qin Yao said: "Does the Holy Buddha know where this sky-opening ax is?"

Sun Wukong shook his head: "If I knew, I would have gone there to see if I could get the divine ax. However, I can ask my master, he should know."

“Is your master…the Buddha of Sandalwood Merit?” Chen Xiang asked.

“No, I’m talking about my mentor.”

Sun Wukong explained something, then turned into a golden light and quickly disappeared into the clouds. Only one instruction came down: "You guys wait for me here, I will come back as soon as I go!"

"Xiaoyu, you and Lao Niu are waiting here. If the Holy Buddha comes back with good news, you can tear open the psychic talisman and we will come back immediately." After retracting his gaze, Qin Yao turned to the little fox and said.

 “Where are you going?” Xiaoyu asked doubtfully.

Qin Yao: "We will travel across thousands of mountains in three months to find the divine axe."

"Traveling to a thousand mountains?" the old fox asked: "How can you be sure that the magic ax will be on the mountain?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, but I believe that treasures have spirits. The divine ax is a sacred object that opens the sky, and it must not be willing to be buried deep underground. So I plan to search in the mountains to see if I can gain anything. ”

 The old and young foxes were thoughtful.

This reason...can't really find anything wrong with it.

Not long after, Qin Yao and Agarwood left together in the clouds, and the time was refreshed day by day.

 Thirteen days later.

Sun Wukong came back after a somersault, and Xiaoyu hurriedly greeted him, holding the psychic talisman and saying eagerly: "Holy Buddha, have you asked for the location?"

Sun Wukong shook his head and said helplessly: "Don't ask for the location, I haven't even seen the master. Obviously, he doesn't want to pay attention to this matter."

Xiaoyu's heart trembled and she said, "What should we do then? How could Chenxiang and the others find the sky-opening ax within three months if they search aimlessly?"

Sun Wukong sighed: "I just hope that even Heaven will help them, otherwise..." In fact, he didn't have much hope for this.

If the Sky-Opening Ax was so easy to find, it would have been born a long time ago. How could it be left to this day?

 In the blink of an eye, two months passed like this.

After flying down a mountain peak again, Chen Xiang’s disappointment became more intense and she asked, “Dad, what’s the difference between this and finding a needle in a haystack?”

"It's easier than finding a needle in a haystack." Qin Yao said: "After all, the needle is too light and will fluctuate with the sea water, never settling in place, but the Sky-Opening Ax will not drift with the tide."

  Agarwood: “…”

 Another half month later.

Seeing that the three-month deadline was getting closer and closer, Chen Xiang inevitably became impetuous.

On this day, after searching the mountain again to no avail, he turned to his father beside him and said, "Dad, the time will be up in half a month. I don't think we can continue searching like this."

"Look at you, you are in a hurry." Qin Yao said calmly: "How many times have I told you, you need to be calm when doing big things. Being in a hurry can make mistakes easily, and being in a hurry and making mistakes can lead to terrible consequences. So no matter what you face, , Don’t be too impatient.”

Liu Yanchang in the original work cannot teach Chen Xiang because he is a pedantic scholar. He can teach Chen Xiang how to read and write, but not other things.

That's why Chen Xiang in the original work is so irresponsible. Even though he has Ding Xiang as his fiancée, he still can't let go of his relationship with Xiaoyu.

After confirming their relationship with Xiaoyu, he immediately stopped saving his mother and wanted to go into seclusion. The angry Eighth Prince cut off his relationship with her.

And Qin Yao can easily handle this big boy in terms of strength and experience, so he taught him hard work and tenacity when he was a child.

Even if he is a bit impatient, he can't blame Chenxiang for this. After all, if Qin Yao hadn't known that the Sky-Opening Ax was in Kunlun Mountain, he would have been anxious in the face of the increasingly approaching three-month deadline.

Chen Xiang took a deep breath and said, "I understand what you are saying. What I mean is, should we go back and see if there is any news about the Dou Zhan Buddha."

Qin Yao shook his head: "If there is news about the victory over the Buddha, Xiaoyu should tear open the psychic talisman and summon us back. Okay, keep looking. If you don't give up, you may not succeed, but if you give up even on yourself, then It will definitely not succeed.”

 Agarwood was speechless.

 The seventh to last day.

 Heavy snow fell from the sky and the cold wind howled.

The father and son followed a straight line to the Kunlun Mountains. Qin Yao used his magic power, opened his fiery eyes, and scanned the huge mountain range. A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and he whispered: "Eh..."

 “Did you find anything?” Chen Xiang asked quickly.

Qin Yao: "There is a cave in this mountain."

Chenxiang's mood suddenly fell to the bottom, and she said helplessly: "Dad, among the ten mountains we are walking on, at least eight of them must have caves. Mortal Qi practitioners love to practice in hiding in the mountains, so it is not normal to have caves in the mountains. ?"

Qin Yao waved his hand: "It's abnormal, because I can't see the inside of this cave. This means that there is a layer of restrictions outside the cave, and the person who arranged the restrictions must be stronger than me."

 Agarwood: "This is normal. There are also ancient immortals and gods in the mortal world."

Qin Yao shouted angrily: "Shut up and come with me."

  Agarwood: “…”

He thought about it over and over again, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong with what he said.

A few days later, Qin Yao and his eldest son came to a stone cave. As soon as they climbed the stone steps in front of the cave, a melodious voice came from the cave: "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

“We, father and son, are two loose immortals in heaven and earth. We are here to find the ax to open the sky.” Qin Yao responded.

"How did you know that the God's Ax was in this cave?" the voice said in shock.

 Agarwood's eyes suddenly widened and she shouted: "The sky-opening ax is in this cave?!"

 “Don’t you know about this?” The voice was full of surprise.

Liu Chenxiang didn't have the time to argue with him about this. She turned around and grabbed her father's clothes, jumping up and down with excitement: "Dad, dad, we found the Sky Axe. We finally found the Sky Axe."

Qin Yao said calmly: "Don't be excited. Finding is not getting. On the other hand, this is just the beginning."

 “Finding is not getting, that’s right.”

The door slowly opened, and the voice became much louder because of the opening of the door: "I am the Snow God who guards the Kaitian God's Axe. I, the God of Quan, and the God of Death have been ordered to guard the Kaitian God's Axe for millions of years. So far, there is no one." People can pass through three levels and see the divine axe. What ability do you have to borrow the divine axe?"

Qin Yao did not answer and asked instead: "May I ask what the specific forms of these three levels are? Are they meant to defeat you?"


Snow God laughed loudly and laughed for a long time: "It's not that I look down on you two, father and son. Not to mention the immortals, even the immortals who stand at the top of the immortal path can't even think of defeating us head-on."

Qin Yao didn't think that the other party was humiliating him, because there was nothing wrong with this.

If the three gods were so easy to defeat, Kaitian Divine Ax would not remain in this cave.

“If it’s not defeat, does it mean to complete the test set by the three of you?”

"That's right." Snow God said: "As long as you can complete the three tests, you can see the divine axe."

Qin Yao: "May I ask what these three tests are specifically? Once we understand this question, we can answer your first question."

 Snow God: "I can only tell you one word, heart."

Qin Yao said: "Refining the heart."

Snow God was very surprised and said: "You are the sixteenth person who has hit the mark among the passers-by over the years."

 Chin Yao: “…”


It's not unknown that the Daqingkai Sky Ax is hidden here. Those gods who know about this and are eager for heaven to lift the law of forbidden love are also absolutely crazy. Not one of them secretly hints to them, and the main one has nothing. Do it, don't touch anything, and reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

“Now, please answer my first question.” Snow God said.

Qin Yao reached out and patted Chenxiang on the back, then pushed him in front of him: "We dare to come because this child has a sincere heart, a pure heart..."

During the questions and answers with the Snow God, he knew that he couldn't even think about the third level.

Although his life experience and experience are much higher than Agarwood, and the city is much higher than him, but in the trial of refining the heart, this is not a good thing.

To put it more bluntly, if nothing else happens, those who meet the requirements of the three gods should be pure and kind people. Only pure and kind people can control the ax of the gods and will not do things that destroy the heaven and the earth.

If the love-minded heroes and heroines of those ancient puppet fairy tales were given the ax to open the sky, they would definitely ignore the three worlds for one person.

 Even said something like "If she were not here, what would be the meaning of the existence of the Three Realms?"

 Speaking of which, is he a pure and kind person?

Qin Yao felt very guilty for forcing this word on himself.

 This is not someone else’s character.

 Even the opposite of what he is as a person.

 Fortunately, he did not teach Agarwood bad things, nor did he indulge her into a playboy.

 With the blessing of destiny, it is still possible for this big boy to pass three levels in a row. (End of chapter)

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