I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1243: Karmic fire, fierce power

Chapter 1243 Karmic fire, fierce power

  【Inspection ended...It has been confirmed that you have been poisoned by the plague. 】

  【Is it detoxifying? Detoxification requires 550 filial piety points. 】

Not long after, two lines of light symbols quickly flashed in front of Qin Yao's eyes, waking him up from his reverie.

“The poison of the plague...is not the Seven Arrows of Nail.”

Qin Yao didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed, muttering to himself with cold eyes.

There is a plague fairy outside the city. Naturally, there is no need to explain the source of the plague.

The problem is that if the Plague Immortal had the ability to poison himself silently, Xiqi would have been destroyed by him long ago.

Since this is the case, there is only one possibility. Someone in the Chan Sect colludes with the Plague Immortal to kill him quickly.

Thinking of this, the black face of Fear Liusun immediately came to his mind, but he quickly rejected it.

It is true that he is afraid of Liu Sun and hates himself, but this black dwarf has no guts to collude with the Jie Jiao demon.

 Subsequently, a disgusting coffin face replaced the fearful Sun face and flashed in his mind.

 At this stage, only this old **** dares to do and can accomplish this...

"Little Dragon Girl." With a thought in his mind, Qin Yao called out softly as the light talisman disappeared from his eyes.

 A flash of red light suddenly flew out from between his eyebrows, manifesting into a red figure in the air.

 “Did you call me?”

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "Go and notify Jiang Shang for me, saying that I have been poisoned by a strange poison and am in danger."

Sister Long's face paused slightly and she whispered, "You don't look like you are in danger now."

Qin Yao smiled silently and lay down on the bed. His face quickly turned pale, his eyes were bloodshot, his lips were chapped, and he looked like he was seriously ill: "Does it look like this?"

Sister Long said: "It looks similar on the outside, but I'm worried..."

"Don't worry, I have a way to prevent outsiders from seeing the clues." Qin Yao waved his hand.

Sister Long bowed her hands, then turned into a flash of red light and quickly passed through the window.

After he left, Qin Yao breathed out softly and said secretly: "How many filial piety points are needed for the system to disguise itself as a serious illness that can hide it from the scrutiny of other golden immortals and Ran Deng?"

  【System calculation...】

  【Calculation completed, it takes 1888 points of filial piety to hide the truth. 】

 Chin Yao: “…”

This TM product is more than three times more expensive than detoxification.

  Absolutely outrageous.

But in order to find out the mastermind behind it, he still closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Exchange to conceal the truth and pretend to be seriously ill."

 【The transaction is in progress, 1888 filial piety points will be deducted from this transaction, and your balance of filial piety points will be 139453 points. 】

  【The transaction is successful, the disguise has taken effect...】

 After half an hour.

Ji Fa, Jiang Ziya, and all the immortals from Kunlun arrived hand in hand. They looked at the Western Zhou Dynasty Master with his eyes tightly closed on the hospital bed, his complexion was pale, and his breath was weak, with different expressions.

 “National Preceptor, National Preceptor~~”

Ji Fa took the lead and took two steps forward. He was the first to come to the window and called out with panic on his face.

However, the immortal on the bed showed no reaction and seemed to be unconscious.

Jiang Ziya came over second, lowered himself and sat on the edge of the bed, put **** of his right hand on Qin Yao's arm, and then raised his right hand like a sword finger, touching Qin Yao's forehead, his expression became more solemn.

“How are you doing, Prime Minister?” Ji Fa asked hurriedly as he took back his palm with a serious look on his face.

Jiang Ziya paused slightly, stood up and moved away from his position: "It seems to be the poison of the plague."

Hearing this, Ji Fa subconsciously stepped back, far away from the bed, and asked with wide eyes: "Plague? Is it contagious?"

Whenever Jiang Ziya speaks a word, he will immediately leave the yard.

Jiang Ziya shook his head and turned to look at the Antarctic Immortal: "Elder brother, let's take a look."

The Antarctic Immortal nodded slightly and walked to the window. He raised his hand and shot out a divine light from his fingertips, which connected with Qin Yao and examined him from head to toe.

As the white halo disappeared at the soles of Qin Yao's feet, the Antarctic Immortal said in a solemn voice: "Yes, he has indeed been poisoned by the plague, and it is a particularly powerful and potent plague poison."

Nezha knelt down with a bang and kowtowed heavily: "Masters, please cast a spell to save my master."

The Antarctic Immortal looked into his eyes, raised his hand and said: "No one said not to save me, you get up first."

Concerned about his master’s life, Nezha stood up obediently and said with gratitude: “Thank you, uncle.”

Antarctic Immortal took a deep breath and glanced at all the junior disciples: "Which one of you is going to cure the poison of this plague?"

All the immortals present, except for Huanglong, all looked at their noses with their eyes and their minds with their noses, just like the poor students being asked questions by the teacher in class.

Master Huanglong frowned and said, "Junior Brother Qingxu, you should still have the Nine-Revolution elixir given by your uncle, right?"

Qingxu Daodezhen waved his hands repeatedly: "No more, no more, it has been used up a long time ago."

Huanglong Zhenren: “…”

If it had been used up a long time ago, why did you just ask Huang Tian to turn into a corpse?

However, Qingxu refused to save Shen Gongbao. He could not search the opponent. He could only turn his head and glance at the other golden immortals. Finally, he looked at the man with a dragon bun on his head, wearing a plain robe, eyebrows like small moons, and eyes like twin stars. The female Prime Minister Jinxian, with a happy face and a little red lips: "Junior brother Cihang, it is said that the nectar in your jade bottle can cure all poisons, why not..."

Taoist Cihang shook his head and said, "Senior brother, what a coincidence. In order to achieve a breakthrough in my realm a few days ago, I used up all the nectar in the bottle. Now the bottle is empty."

ˆHuanglong: “…”

 He could see that neither of them wanted Shen Gongbao to live.

Naturally, the Antarctic Immortal also noticed this. With a faint sigh, he took out a jade porcelain vase and poured out an elixir that exuded golden light. He smashed the elixir with his hand and turned it into streams of light, passing through Shen Gongbao. The mouth and nose are submerged into its body.

Not long after, Shen Gongbao suddenly exhaled two bursts of green energy from his mouth and nose, which slowly dissipated in the air, and then slowly woke up.

“Master, are you okay?” Nezha asked hurriedly when he saw him waking up.

Qin Yao struggled to sit up and shook his head: "My body is very weak..."

 Subsequently, he bowed his hands to the other Chanmen Golden Immortals one by one and thanked them for coming to visit him.

"The poison in you is very cunning and strange. There is no elixir made from the corresponding spiritual grass. Other ordinary elixirs only have a suppressive effect and cannot completely detoxify. Unless you take the nine-turn elixir of Master Taishang Laojun, it can One pill can break all poisons." The Antarctic Immortal waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be polite. Nezha immediately said: "I will go to the Supreme Saint and ask for the elixir."

"No, this is my business. It's me who should go." Qin Yao stood up from the bed with great difficulty and said firmly.

Nezha was anxious and worried: "You are so weak, how can you go there in person?"

Ran Deng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "The White Crane Boy can be restored to his true form, and he can take Shen Gongbao to Tushita Palace."

The Antarctic Immortal raised his head and glanced at him, a flicker of suspicion flashing in his heart.

Logically speaking, after the conflict about Ma Shan, Ran Deng should have hated Shen Gongbao so much. Why is he still making suggestions for him now?

 When things go wrong, there must be a demon. What kind of "demon" does this deputy leader hide in his heart?

“That’s fine, I’ll **** Junior Brother Shen to Tushita Palace.” Master Huanglong suddenly said.

 “Stop him!” At this moment, the sound of burning lanterns suddenly sounded in the ears of fearful sun, which shocked his heart.

"Don't look at me, stop him quickly." Seeing that the black dwarf seemed to be slow for a beat, and even tended to look at himself, Ran Deng hurriedly transmitted the message again.

Hearing this, Sun Zhenliu resisted the urge to look at Ran Deng and said in a solemn voice: "Brother Huanglong, let Nezha **** his master to Tushita Palace. The danger Kong Xuan brought to Xiqi has not been eliminated yet. Wan Once you leave, Kong Xuan comes back, and the defense of Xinghuang Banner is only a small fraction of yours, so what?"

Huanglong Zhenren: “…”

With Jiang Ziya’s death case in mind, these words are not alarmist.

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said: "Let's make this decision. I also ask senior brother to call Baihe Boy."

The Antarctic Immortal took out a bell from his hand and shook it gently. In less than a stick of incense, a huge white crane flapped its wings and glided to the bedroom, transformed into a boy in white and said, "Greetings to Master, Pay my respects to the deputy leader, and pay my respects to all the master uncles."

“Disciple, my master has a task for you...” The Antarctic Immortal put away the bell, and then explained the cause and effect in the most concise language.

 “I will obey my teacher’s instructions.”

  After hearing the mission, Boy Baihe simply stopped entering and showed his true form again: "Uncle Shen, please get on my back."

“Master, I will support you.” Nezha quickly came to Qin Yao’s side and raised his hand.

“It’s okay, no need, we haven’t reached that point yet.” Qin Yao flatly refused and walked out of the door step by step, but all the Golden Immortals of the Chanjiao could see that he was walking very hard, relying on his strength to hold on.

After a while, Qin Yao flew onto Bai He's back. His body even staggered a little when he landed, but fortunately he managed to stabilize himself. He turned around and waved, "Brothers, I'll be back as soon as I go."

 “Go.” The Antarctic Immortal waved his hand.

 Then, the white crane spread its wings and flew up, followed closely by Nezha, and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye...

  Half an hour later.

Seeing the first heaven looming in sight, the White Crane Boy breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Uncle, Junior Brother, have you been to Tushita Palace before?"

 Qin Yao shook his head.

Nezha said enthusiastically: "No, let alone Tushita Palace, I have never even been to the Heavenly Palace."

White Crane Boy chuckled and said, "Then do you know the specific heavens of the thirty-third heaven?"

Nezha looked curious: "I don't know, what is the thirty-third heaven?"

Just when Baihe Boy was about to explain it to Nezha, four green hurricanes swept in with majestic momentum, surrounding them in the four directions of east, west, north and south.

"Who dares to block our way?" Nezha turned over his hand and took out the flaming thunder whip, and asked pretending to be ferocious.

 However, his age and body do not make people feel evil, only a little funny.

"Shen Gongbao, with our four brothers here, you absolutely cannot go to heaven for help." In the eastern hurricane, a handsome young man in white held a chime and shouted: "Do you want to die or live?"

"You young man, you don't have any skills or even logic at all. Who the **** would want to die?" Qin Yao asked.

The boy in white: “…”

The evil cultivators in the other three hurricanes lowered their heads one after another, holding back their laughter so as not to embarrass their senior brothers.

However, Nezha had no inhibitions and laughed loudly: "I let you show off your hatred, will you be beaten?"

"Shut up."

The young man in white shouted angrily and immediately knocked the chime in his hand at Nezha. A sound wave visible to the naked eye rushed forward quickly and arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Nezha waved his whip to meet him. As a result, the flame whip easily penetrated the sound wave line, but the line broke and did not break up. It continued to move forward. When it fell on Nezha, he immediately cried out with his head in his arms.

Qin Yao waved his sleeves and closed the realm of the Kingdom of God as soon as it was released. In an instant, the four hurricanes and the evil Taoists in them were collected on the Hongmeng Red Lotus.

 “What is this place?” The four of them were all confused.

"Welcome to my kingdom of God." Qin Yao's figure appeared in front of the four people, looking at them with a half-smile.

“You were infected by my master’s plague, how could you still be released from the Kingdom of God?” the young man in white asked with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Your master's plague...are the four of you Lu Yue's disciples?" Qin Yao asked in return.

“Exactly.” The young man in white said anxiously.

Qin Yao pondered for a moment, then summoned four strands of karma fire as thick as hair and as long as a little finger from Hong Lian's body with a flip of his hand, and waved his hand towards the four people.

The four of them did not dare to underestimate the flames. They quickly used their martial arts and imperial weapons to stand in front of them, trying to stop or defeat the line of fire.

However, this line of fire was like an indestructible thin needle, easily piercing through their immortal energy barrier and even their natal magic weapon, and then penetrated into their bodies through the center of their eyebrows.

The four of them were tortured so much by the sharp needle-like pain that they couldn't bear to die. They screamed so hard that even the hurricane around them could no longer sustain themselves, and they fell directly onto the lotus platform from mid-air.

I don’t know how long it took, but the heart-piercing pain gradually subsided. The four people, covered in sweat and with blurry eyes, lay flat in the middle of the lotus platform, motionless as if they were dead.

Qin Yao slowly flew down from the air and came to the four people: "How do you feel?"

 “What do you want?” The young man in white gradually focused his eyes and struggled to stand up.

Qin Yao said indifferently: "First, remove the plague poison from my body; secondly, plant this poison in Lu Yue's body even more severely."

“Stop your wishful thinking, we will not betray Master.” An evil cultivator gritted his teeth and stood up, saying in a solemn voice.

 “I like people with backbone.”

 Qin Yao smiled slightly, and the karma fire that penetrated the other man's body became hot again, directly burning his soul, making him roll on the ground like a living fish jumping out of the sea, and soon he was bruised and swollen, and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

The other three people were frightened when they saw it, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

I don’t know how long it took. Seeing that the man was about to die, Qin Yao finally controlled his karma and said indifferently: "Do you want to do it again?"

The evil cultivator who collapsed on the ground was trembling with fear and shouted: "Kill me, you kill me!"

"Killing you will be too easy for you. Listen clearly, I will ask you one last time if you want to do it again." Qin Yao raised his foot and stepped on his head, lowering his eyes and asking.

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