I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1244: force rebellion

 Chapter 1244: Force Rebellion

 “No more, no more.”

The evil cultivator was so frightened that his body was shaking like chaff and he shouted hoarsely.

Qin Yao slowly raised the soles of his feet and glanced at the other three disciples of the Plague Immortal who were shrinking their necks: "For you here, death is not the end, but a kind of relief. Making your life worse than death is considered punishment. Completed The tasks I assigned you are the only way you can avoid punishment."

The three of them lowered their heads in unison. No one dared to look into the evil star's eyes, for fear of being punished.

 At this point, the four of them completely surrendered to Qin Yao's lustful power and obeyed his orders...

 The outside world.

 One level beyond the sky.

Nezha stepped on the hot wheel and was suspended in the void. When he saw the master putting away the four thieves, he opened his eyes and asked hurriedly: "Have you dealt with them, master?"

Qin Yao nodded, waved his sleeves and released the four thieves from the realm of the Kingdom of God. They controlled them in the air with immortal energy. He asked quietly: "Tell me, how can I get rid of the plague on my body?"

Under the gaze of Nezha and Baihe Boy, Zhou Xin whispered: "The plague on your body comes from the plague doll. This doll was brought into Xiqi City by a will-o'-the-wisp. It must be planted on a living person to survive. Therefore. , as long as you go back and carefully search the living people in the house, peel the plague doll out of someone's body, and burn it completely, you can break this technique. "

"A living person... no wonder." Qin Yao suddenly realized, and finally understood the reason why his search was fruitless.

“Then we don’t have to go to Tushita Palace anymore?” After hearing this, Nezha asked in hindsight.

"The antidote to the poison has been found, so there is no need to go to Tushita Palace anymore." Qin Yao sighed with emotion and said with a smile, "This is a good thing. It is difficult to repay favors, and it is even harder to repay the favors of superiors."

Nezha sighed: "It's a pity that we are all here, but we don't have the opportunity to go to the sky."

Qin Yao laughed dumbly, and then said: "Who said you can't go shopping?"

After saying that, he turned to look at the four disciples of the Plague Immortal, and his tone suddenly became serious: "I will open a door directly to the Xiqi Imperial Master's Mansion here later, and secretly send the four of you to the mansion. And Your mission is to remove the plague doll from the living body and burn it as soon as possible. After completing this, do two more things for me, and I will give you your freedom."

 “Is this true?”

The four people who were originally in despair were overjoyed when they heard this, and Zhou Xin even asked everyone's thoughts in a trembling voice.

Qin Yao said categorically: "I will never speak falsely in my life."

 The four of them looked at each other and ignited their hopes for life...

 The next day.

Nezha and the boy Baihe were playing in Tianhe. Qin Yao carried them on his back and opened a dimensional door. His body swayed and split into two. The clone stayed to watch them, while the main body quietly returned to the Imperial Master's Mansion. In the bedroom, he whispered: "Everyone, come out."

The four disciples of the Plague Immortal rose up from the ground, bowed and saluted: "Greetings to the Taoist Priest."

Qin Yao asked: "Have you taken out the plague doll?"

 Zhou Xin immediately responded: "It has been taken out and burned."


Qin Yao raised his hands, built a dimensional door leading to the outside of Xiqi City, and said in a solemn voice: "The second task is to poison Lu Yue."

 The hearts of the four of them sank.

 Although they have heard this request more than once, it is still very stressful when they actually do it.

You must know that this is a serious act of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!

Qin Yao said: "If a man does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. Go ahead and kill him, but live the four of you. Do you think this is unacceptable?"

Zhou Xin took a breath silently and said, "Daoist Master Shen, can you find another way to solve the problem? For example, the four of us go to persuade the master to surrender?"

Qin Yao sneered and said: "Persuade to surrender? Surrender to whom? I will not accept his surrender."

 Zhou Xin: “…”

Li Qi, one of the four disciples, suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily: "Master Taoist, if you dislike my master, we can also persuade the master to leave the Shang Army camp and stop working for Wen Zhong."

Qin Yao sneered and said: "Then how should I settle the account of my poisoning? If he succeeds, he will become famous. If he fails, he will escape unscathed. How can there be such a good thing in the world? Go ahead, stop thinking about anything, from Lu Yue From the moment he aided Zhou, released the plague, and harmed the soldiers and civilians of Sishui Pass, he lost the qualifications to be a human being and an immortal. "

The fourth disciple had no choice but to pass through the gate of dimension under the threat of the power of karma fire, appeared outside the city, and then rushed straight to Sishui Pass.

Shortly after.

The four of them took the order and stepped into the city gate tower. When they looked up, they saw Wen Zhong sitting on the main seat and the master sitting on the guest seat. At this moment, everyone looked at them with shining eyes.

 “Meet the Grand Master.”

 “Meet the Master.”

 After quickly looking away, Zhou Xin led his junior disciples to bow and salute.

"Quick and excuse me." Lu Yue waved his hand, and then asked impatiently: "Why are you coming back now? Have you killed Shen Gongbao?"

Zhou Xin shook his head and sighed: "No, it's hard to explain in a word, Master."

The expectation on Lu Yue's face suddenly disappeared, and he frowned and said: "What happened? The four of you are practicing, there is no way you can't beat Nezha."

 In fact, when Bai Hetongzi left with Shen Gongbao, he learned about this from the mouth of the ghost fire that reappeared, so he sent four disciples to ambush early, just to kill him with one blow.

 He himself and Wen Zhong guarded Sishui Pass to avoid shameless sneak attacks by the immortals of the Chan Sect.

But I never thought that something that was expected to happen would go wrong after all...

Zhou Xin smiled bitterly and said: "Master, we have been fooled. Shen Gongbao's entourage is not only Nezha, but also Yang Jian, who has great magical powers. At that time, Nezha was in the light, and Yang Jian was hiding in the dark, waiting for us to kill After they came out, they attacked us from behind. If we hadn't escaped immediately after discovering this situation, you might not have seen us. "

 Lv Yue was speechless.

 If this is the case, it is reasonable for the four of them to lose...

Hearing this, Wen Zhong couldn't tell whether he was happy or sad, only a mixture of five flavors.

 The good thing is that Shen Gongbao is saved.

 The bad thing is that Shen Gongbao can be saved...

 “I would like to inform the Grand Master that there are two Qi Refiners seeking to see you.” In the silence, a soldier suddenly appeared, breaking the atmosphere.


Wen Zhong murmured to himself, then stood up suddenly and said to Lu Yue: "I think they are people with lofty ideals who were attracted by the talent list. Master Lu, please wait here while I go to greet these two immortals." ”

Under normal circumstances, other people would have stood up and expressed their willingness to go out with the Grand Master to greet him. However, Lu Yue himself was arrogant and considered himself to be the number one disciple of Jie Jiao, second only to the saints. The one who killed the first one was not a saint. How could he condescend to greet him?

"Grand Master, please go. If necessary later, Pindao can give these two people a try for the Grand Master." "That's not necessary." Wen Zhong said hurriedly: "Xiqi City is right in front of us, so use Xiqi City It’s most appropriate to serve as a touchstone.”


Wearing armor and an iron helmet, Wen Zhong flew down to Bishui Pass and looked intently at the two immortals who took the initiative to surrender. He saw the one on the left wearing a fishtail crown and a red Taoist robe, with a face as heavy as a jujube and a beard and hair. They are all red; the one on the right is wearing a black and white Taoist robe, holding a blue steel sword, with slender cheeks and sharp eyebrows. He looks like he is not easy to mess with...

At the same time, the two men were also looking at Wen Zhong. After a while, the red-robed Taoist on the left took the initiative to ask: "But Grand Master Wen Zhong?"

"I am Wen Zhong. May I ask the names of the two immortals?" Wen Zhong said, cupping his fists.

The two looked at each other and laughed loudly at the same time. The red-robed Taoist said: "We are from the same sect as you. I am Luo Xuan, the master of the Fire Dragon Island. ring."

Wen Zhong lowered his arms and called with joy: "It turns out to be Senior Brother Luo and Senior Brother Liu. This can solve my urgent need."

 The two immortals laughed again, very satisfied with Wen Zhong's compliment and respect.

Their path to immortality has all come to an end, and there is no way forward. What they pursue for the rest of their lives is fame and fortune, and both of these things need to be achieved through the old master in front of them...

Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

 Lv Yue has been having a hard time in the past half month.

 Very uncomfortable.

On the one hand, since the arrival of Luo Xuan and Liu Huan, he felt that Wen Zhong gradually began to pay less attention to him. When you don't go to the other party, the other party will no longer come to you to discuss major matters of defeating the enemy.

 In fact, Wen Zhong spent far more time with these two people than he did with him, which made him particularly angry in his heart.

If Wen Zhong hadn't told him in advance that Xiqi City would be used to test the two immortals, he would have been unable to help but find trouble.

On the other hand, it seems to be closely related to this aspect. Perhaps because he is on fire in his heart, his own emotions are becoming more and more manic, impulsive and irritable. A word, an action, or even a look from others may make him instantly fury.

This manic mood made his body burn like a furnace, and as a result, he became inexplicably ill...

Moreover, the illness became more and more serious. Under the intense fire, he spurted out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

Since spitting out this mouthful of blood, his whole body has become completely sluggish, and his physical condition has become worse and worse.

When Wen Zhong learned about this incident, Lu Yue had already vomited blood. In order to show condolences and care, he quickly took Luo Xuan and Liu Huan to visit him. As a result, Lu Yue's expression changed when he saw these two people. Suddenly it got worse.

"Brother Lu Dao, are you poisoned?" Luo Xuan suddenly asked after carefully looking at Lu Yue's face.

Lu Yue suppressed the desire to snort coldly, waved his hands and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. I am an ancestor who played poison. Who can poison me?"

 Luo Xuan: “…”

The other party has said so, what else can he say?

Wen Zhongdao: "Then what is the cause of your illness? It can't be without a reason, right?"

 Lv Yue himself knew very well that the reason was jealousy.

 But can he tell the reason?

 Speaking of it, it seems that he is extremely small-minded and has a problem with his character.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously lied: "Maybe the old illness has recurred, so don't take it seriously. The most important thing now is to defeat Xiqi! Grand Master, I have a plan to defeat Xiqi."

Wen Zhong took advantage of the situation and asked, "What's the plan?"

 “Water Veins!”

Lu Yue's face was gloomy and his voice was solemn: "I can put a large amount of plague poison into the water veins. At that time, the plague poison will flow along the water flow, ignoring the defense of Xinghuang Banner, and flow into Xiqi City, causing all those who are contaminated by this water to be infected. Then it spreads from person to person, fissioning like crazy.

In this way, it won't take long for an unprecedented plague to break out in Xiqi City. Even if the immortals of the Chan Sect have elixirs, how many elixirs can they have to save the people of the city? "

 Wen Zhong: “…”

 Luo Xuan: “…”

 Liu Huan: “…”


After a long time, Wen Zhong shook his head and said firmly: "This plan is too vicious. How can the civilians be innocent?"

"Those are not civilians, they are a group of rebels." After being rejected in person, Lu Yue felt a fire burst out of his heart and went straight to the top of his head, making him furious and his scalp numb.

Wen Zhong sighed and said: "Taoist Master Lu, this poisonous trick must not be used, otherwise it will be counterattacked by cause and effect. Just take a good rest and recuperate. When you are cured, we can talk about other things."

Lu Yue clenched his hands tightly and resisted the urge to curse, but there was still a bit of resentment in his voice: "If that's the case, then the three of you should discuss other solutions."

Seeing his angry look, the three of them had no choice but to leave. After going out, Wen Zhong's eyebrows gradually rose, his face full of worry.

 “What is the Grand Master thinking about?” Luo Xuandao said.

“I feel like Daozhang Lu seems to have changed.” Wen Zhong said worriedly: “Isn’t he under some evil spell?”

 Two people: “…”

"A woman's benevolence, a woman's benevolence." In the room, after Wen Zhong led people away, Lu Yue was so angry that his whole body was trembling and he muttered to himself.

Looking at the master with this appearance, Zhou Xin's eyes flashed with unbearability, and in the end he could only turn his head away, not daring to look at him again.

In fact, Luo Xuan was right, Lu Yue was indeed poisoned, and what he was poisoned was the Extreme Yang Heart Fire Poison that the four of them jointly refined.

This poison is hidden between the heart, liver and lungs. If it is poisoned by a generous person and does not act rashly, then the toxin's effectiveness is limited. It can't even kill people, nor can it destroy the balance of the human body.

But if a person who is stingy, loves to get angry, or has a bad temper is poisoned by this poison, then the poison will go straight to the heart with each anger, eventually leading to sudden cardiac death.

 And this way of death looks no different from dying of anger.

 In other words, this is so angry!

 No one knows their master better than the four of them, and if they can poison the right person, they will naturally be unfavorable...

"How can such a benevolent woman like Wen Zhong be the cunning and cunning opponent of the Immortals? He is destined to lose, and there is no way he can win."

At this time, a fierce light suddenly flashed in Lu Yue's eyes, and he turned to look at Zhou Xin and others: "The four of you, secretly go to contact Xiqi at night, saying that our master and disciples must abandon the darkness and turn to the light. If the Western Zhou Dynasty is willing to accept us, I will help them poison the Flame Immortal Luo Xuan and Kowloon Island Liu Huan."

 Four people: “…”

It seems that the poison has made the master confused, and the sword is already hanging above the opponent's head.

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you go quickly?" Seeing that the four people were indifferent, Lu Yue shouted sharply.

The four of them immediately ran out of the master's house as if they were running away, and looked at each other in silence on the quiet street late at night.

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