I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1286: Qin Yao: If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Chapter 1286 Qin Yao: If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

In Qin Yao's memory, there seems to be a chapter in the original work dedicated to Jin Zha and Mu Zha's outsmarting the Wandering Soul Pass.

Although he didn't quite understand why two descendants of the Immortal family who were flying into the sky and escaping from the earth had to outsmart the Wandering Soul Pass without any immortal masters, there was indeed such a plot.

In the plot of the adapted drama "King Wu Defeats Zhou", this plot is even more confusing.

Faced with Dong Bohou's request for help, the officials of the Western Zhou Dynasty sent Yang Jian and Nezha to assist after discussion.

Then facing the mortal guard Dou Rong and his wife, these two famous immortal generals of the Chan Sect still chose to go undercover. Finally, they cooperated with Jiang Wenhuan and broke through the Wandering Soul Pass.

This is really difficult to explain logically.

Regardless of Yang Jian or Nezha, they are all immortals who can challenge Sun Wukong in a duel, and Sun Wukong fighting a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals is just like playing.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals can't be inferior to a group of mortal soldiers and generals in Wandering Soul Pass, right?



What kind of plane?

With this doubt, Qin Yao accepted Jiang Ziya's request, summoned Nezha with a piece of talisman, and flew to the Wandering Soul Pass in the clouds and mist...

Lintong Pass was already the last pass for Zhou Jun's westward expedition to the east, so he set out from Lintong Pass and soon came to the Wandering Soul Pass filled with soldiers, and opened his eyes to look at the city wall below.

As his eyes glanced around, within twenty or thirty seconds, he saw a couple from an attic filled with wounded soldiers.

This couple, the husband is wearing a general's armor, a broad sword hanging from his waist, and two green bronze helmets with animal feathers on his head. They look majestic.

The lady is wearing a plain white dress, her appearance is beautiful and dignified, her eyes are like dots of paint, and her temperament is gentle and easy-going.

"They should be the rightful masters." Qin Yao pointed in their direction, and immediately took Nezha down to the clouds.


The soldiers guarding outside the ward immediately discovered their whereabouts. They all raised their spears and steel knives and shouted sternly.

Qin Yao had no interest in "showing his holiness in front of others" in front of these little soldiers. He waved out a stream of immortal energy from his sleeves and instantly immobilized all the soldiers outside the ward.

"Someone is here. I'll go take a look." Dou Rong, the commander-in-chief of Youhun Pass, turned his head and looked out the door, and then said to his wife.

"I'll go with you." The female general, who was respectfully called Mrs. Chechi in the army, said in a solemn voice with heroic brows.

In terms of commanding the three armies and marching in formation, she is actually far superior to her husband.

So much so that now the entire army is respectfully addressing her as Mrs. Tetsuchi, and gradually no one calls her by her original name anymore...

However, the couple walked out of the wounded soldier building and looked up, only to see that the guards who followed them were all frozen in place. Two figures, one tall and one short, walked through the crowd and slowly came towards them.


Dou Rong raised his hand and pulled out the long sword from his waist, blocked it in front of his wife, stared at the two people standing five steps away and said: "You are such a demon, how dare you offend our military power!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Qi of countless soldiers around him continued to flow into his body, faintly condensing into a heavenly and earthly image that could not be seen or heard by mortals.

"That's it." Looking at the huge dharma body with surging arrogance, the doubts lingering in Qin Yao's heart were immediately solved.

It is no longer important whether this Dharma is mentioned in the original book. In this world modified by Fang Mo, this Dharma fixes possible logical flaws.

Just like King Zhou possesses the human king's energy, he can defeat Yang Jian.

Dou Rong, the future martial arts star, has something similar to a general's soul in this magical world. It seems that as long as the army does not disperse, he is still the commander of the army, so he is not a lamb to be slaughtered against the immortal masters.


This general soul's power is enough to resist ordinary Xian family disciples, but it is not enough in front of Qin Yao.

The Four Evil Swords are paired with the Red Lotus of Karma Fire, not to mention the Xuanyuan Sword as a supplement. This equipment is called the All-God Equipment in the game. It can break armor just like playing...

"Why is that so?" Dou Rong asked in confusion.

Qin Yao explained: "When I came, I was very confused about how the general relied on to resist Dongbohou's attacks for more than ten years. Could it be that Donglu couldn't even find a Qi refiner? Now I understand, it's The Qi Masters of Donglu cannot carry out a beheading operation against you."

"You're not from Donglu?" Dou Rong's heart sank slightly.

In fact, if the other party was from Donglu, he would not be too afraid. After so many years of defending the city, Donglu never got any advantage from him.

But when the opponent is not from Donglu, there is only one situation: the opponent is from Xiqi.

The fact that Xiqi counterattacked the Yin and Shang Dynasties and conquered five passes in succession has already reached Youhun Pass. He is confident in blocking Donglu, but he is not sure about resisting Xiqi.

After all, none of the five great passes from Xiqi to the Yin and Shang Dynasties is worse than the Wandering Soul Pass, and the guard of the pass is even more powerful than Dou Rong...

Qin Yao nodded, and with a thought, he summoned the Four Evil Swords out of thin air and hung them on both sides of their master and apprentice: "General Dou, surrender. You are a natural-born general, and you should not and need not be buried with the Shang Dynasty."

"Without the late king, I would still be just a child begging for food. I would not finish my last meal and suffer from poverty. How can I turn my back on you if I am deeply favored by the king?" Dou Rong pointed his sword at Qin Yao and said coldly: " Just use whatever magic you have, and I will accept it."

After what he said, Qin Yao had some respect for him and was unwilling to take his life hastily. He raised his eyes and looked at the woman in plain clothes standing side by side with him: "May I ask if your wife is Mrs. Chedi who is famous in the three armies?"

Mrs. Chedi immediately understood his thoughts and waved her hand: "There is no need to waste words here. I will not help you persuade my husband, even if I already have some ominous premonitions."

Qin Yao sighed and said: "Why bother? Speaking of which, General Dou, you also said that it was the late king who showed kindness to you, not Emperor Xin of Zhou Dynasty. You have resisted the attack of Dong Bohou's army for more than ten years for the Yin Shang Dynasty. Fa, I have repaid the kindness of knowing and meeting you a long time ago..."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see the real deal."

Dou Rong clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands and suddenly swung the heavy sword in the direction of the master and apprentice. A sharp force of energy rushed out from the edge of the sword, and Fa Xiang behind him also swung the sword.

Qin Yao had no choice but to wave his hand forward, and the four evil swords hanging on both sides flew out quickly, annihilating the Gang Qi like a crushing force. Then two swords sank into Dou Rong's chest, and the other two swords shattered the dharma image behind him.

"Ms. sir!!"

Mrs. Tetsuki had a premonition that something bad would happen to them, but she never thought that they would be so strong. The gap between them was so huge that it was despairing.

"Ding Dong." The heavy sword in Dou Rong's hand fell to the ground. He relied on his stubborn strength to hold on without falling. He turned to look at Mrs. Chedi and said: "Madam, I have paid back what we owe Yin Shang; Just surrender and live with my wishes."

After saying this, he could no longer hold on, and his majestic body fell to the ground like a golden mountain toppling a jade pillar, blood splattering.

Mrs. Chechi silently picked up her husband's heavy sword and looked at the two masters and apprentices: "I have been familiar with military books since I was a child. I only hate that I am a girl and have never been taken seriously. I have a lot of talents but cannot spread them. Until I met my husband.

We, husband and wife, played in harmony, had similar interests, studied together, and made progress together, and finally shined in this bitter and cold place, making Dong Bohou unable to leave the country for twenty years.

But I never thought that one day it would end like this.

Military tactics and wisdom seem like a joke in front of the world.

No matter how good the art of war is, what's the use of being resourceful? A sword from an immortal can defeat all kinds of strategies.

The mixed existence of immortals and mortals is actually the most tragic thing for all the famous generals in this world. Hahahaha, sad and ridiculous. "

After saying that, she did not rush towards the master and apprentice with her sword. Instead, she chose to kill herself. Blood spilled on the spot and she fell next to her husband.

"Master, I feel like we have become evil people."

Looking at the couple lying on the ground and the bewildered generals and guards, Nezha murmured.

Qin Yao reached out and touched his head and said softly: "There is no right or wrong here, only winning or losing. Zha'er, you must remember today's scene and realize that this is the reason why we must continue to become stronger. Once If we stop and stand still, if certain disasters occur in the future, we will be like them and be in trouble. "

Nezha looked very complicated and nodded heavily.

This scene today touched him the most since he began to practice Taoism.

In particular, Mrs. Chechi’s words and Master’s words kept ringing in my ears like a bell...

Shortly after.

Qin Yao took Nezha to the residence of Dongbohou Jiang Wenhuan. After being informed at all levels, he was finally led by a personal guard to the commander's tent.

At this time, he has sword-like eyebrows and tiger eyes, a golden crown for his hair, a black beard on his upper jaw, a smooth chin, a set of brass-colored armor on his body, and a black cloak tied behind him. Donglu Zhi has a kingly bearing. Wang was waiting in front of the tent. When he saw the figures of the master and the disciple, he immediately raised his hands and said: "Jiang Wenhuan pays homage to the two immortals... I look forward to you two, just like the wheat field looks forward to the rain, and the rice looks forward to the snow."

Qin Yao smiled and returned the greeting: "Master Hou, your words are serious."

Jiang Wenhuan waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Don't stress, don't stress. In fact, since my father died in Chaoge, in the past twenty years, I have been in the army all the time, thinking about entering Chaoge and avenging my father all the time, but I was Dou Rong and his wife led their troops to block the pass and were unable to advance. After hearing that the Western Zhou Dynasty had successfully defeated the five passes, they thought of asking for help. By the way, do you dare to ask the names of these two immortals? "

Qin Yao put down his arm and said warmly: "I am a poor Taoist, Shen Gongbao. This person next to me is my disciple Nezha."

Jiang Wenhuan's eyes widened in shock and he said in shock: "It's the Imperial Master who is here. Xiaohou didn't come far to greet him. I hope the Imperial Master will forgive me."

"I don't blame the Marquis, it's because I deliberately didn't report my family name in advance." Qin Yao said, "Master Marquis, please send someone to take over the Wandering Hound Pass as soon as possible."

"Ah?" Jiang Wenhuan was dumbfounded.

His shock just now was somewhat staged to express respect for the Western Zhou Dynasty's imperial master, but after hearing Qin Yao's request, he was really shocked.

Qin Yao explained: "The guards of Youhun Pass, Dou Rong and his wife, are dead, and the military morale of the Yin and Shang guards has been broken by me. Now the door of Youhun Pass is wide open, waiting for you to send someone to accept it."

Jiang Wenhuan: "..."

He didn't have enough brain for a while.

In other words, after receiving his request for help, the Western Zhou Dynasty Imperial Master did not come to him immediately. Instead, he went directly to Youhun Pass to kill Dou Rong and his wife, captured Youhun Pass, and then Did you just come to me to take over the city?

"Master Marquis, Master Marquis?" Seeing that Dong Bohou froze, Qin Yao called repeatedly.

Jiang Wenhuan woke up from a dream and said with a complex expression: "No wonder the Western Zhou Dynasty was able to conquer five cities in just a few years. With the help of Taoist Shen, why worry about the failure of the king's career?"

He had been fighting for nearly 20 years and failed to defeat a wandering soul level, yet the opponent captured it in just one visit. What kind of terrifying strength is this?

At this moment, Jiang Wenhuan even gave up the idea of ​​becoming a king because of this, let alone the extravagant desire to become the common master of the world...

All the ambitions and ambitions disappeared in an instant...

at the same time.

The Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect were still running on the road to rescue their fellow sect members. At this stop, they arrived at Tianwai Tianwa Palace. In the huge palace, they saw the empress Nuwa who was well-mannered and emitting soft holy light all over her body...

"Please save our fellow disciples, please." The Antarctic Immortal led his fellow disciples to kneel in front of the saint, touching their heads to the ground, and his voice was like a mournful cry.

"What's wrong with your senior brother?" Nuwa looked down at Immortal Chanmen and asked in confusion.

After the Conferred God was opened, the secret of heaven became increasingly chaotic, so even a saint could no longer understand everything by counting with his fingers, and she could not guess what disaster had happened to these immortals' fellow disciples...

But looking at them like this, the situation should be quite troublesome.

The Antarctic Immortal took a deep breath and told the whole story of the incident.

Of course, in his narration, Long-eared Dingguangxian became an undoubted villain. His crimes were so heinous that he should be directly punished to death by heaven.

But Nuwa is not the kind of person who is easily incited. In other words, except for the leader of Tongtian, the other saints are not so easily incited.

Therefore, regarding the story of the Antarctic Immortal, she only selectively listened to the story about Long-eared Dingguang Immortal trapping the five Kunlun Immortals, and did not believe the rest.

However, even so, those who should be helped should still be helped. After all, Long-eared Dingguangxian wanted to protect Yin Shang, and her purpose was to destroy Yin Shang and make the unscrupulous king pay a heavy price for his foolish behavior.

After pondering for a moment, she turned her hands and took out a magic lamp and a flag, and pushed them in the air to the Antarctic Immortal:

"I don't want to take action directly, lest I attract criticism from Heaven, so I will lend you these two treasures to break the formation. This lamp is a treasure lotus lamp. If you walk forward with the lamp, you will not be afraid of the attack of the Hunyuan Golden Dou.

The flag is a banner that attracts demons. It has the power to attract and control demons and can control countless demons in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

After breaking the formation, you have to return these two treasures as soon as possible. Can you do it? "

The Antarctic Immortal raised his hands, caught the lotus lantern and the demon-beckoning flag, and said loudly: "Thank you, empress, I will definitely be able to do it."

Nuwa waved her hand and said: "Then go quickly. I hope your five brothers trapped in the formation are still alive!"

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