I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1287: No rabbit, no eagle

After borrowing the lotus lantern and the demon-calling flag, the Kunlun Golden Immortals headed by the Antarctic Immortal Wen quickly rushed back to the Battle of the Gods. Without having time to exchange greetings with Jiang Ziya, they rushed directly into the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the foggy sky, Daji sat cross-legged in the void with the long-eared Dingguang Immortal skin bag on her head. After seeing the figures of the immortals, she did not hesitate to activate the Hunyuan Golden Dou held in her arms.

Bright beams of light suddenly descended like thunder, hitting the heads of the golden immortals with precision.

The Antarctic Immortal raised the lotus lamp silently, and strands of blue-gold light flew out of the lamp holder at high speed, blooming into an illusory green-gold divine flower around them.

The golden light beam like a guillotine in the realm hit the sacred flower, and disappeared without even turning up a single wave.

Daji was shocked and immediately ordered the demons and immortals in the formation to attack.

However, when thousands of demon immortals came one after another to the golden immortals, the Antarctic Immortal just raised the banner to attract demons, and these demon immortals uncontrollably knelt down and prostrated themselves on the ground.

Daji was horrified by this scene, so without any hesitation, she immediately escaped from the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and was nowhere to be found in an instant...

At this time, the golden immortals did not expect Daji to leave so simply, let alone effectively stop him.

After controlling thousands of demon immortals, all the golden immortals worked together to release a stream of clear radiance, constantly purifying the sky full of demonic mist.

After spending about half a stick of incense, they finally purified the demonic mist of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. Only then did they discover that the long-eared Dingguang Immortal who was the guardian of the formation had run away at some point, and the Five Immortals of Chanmen were also nowhere to be seen in the formation. figure.

The Antarctic Immortal's heart gradually dropped to the bottom. He waved the monster summoning flag vigorously and controlled a relatively tall monster among the thousands of monsters. He shouted softly: "Where did the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal go?"

The tall monster: "I don't know, I was still in the formation before you came."

Antarctic Immortal: "..."

After a moment of silence, he asked again: "What about the Hardware Immortal trapped in the formation?"

"We ate two, and Master Shen Gongbao Shen rescued three."

This monster was obviously very familiar with the situation. He answered whatever he asked, saving him a lot of physical pain and even death.

The Antarctic Immortal, however, felt as if he was struck by lightning. He stared and said, "Eat...eat two?"

The tall monster nodded slightly: "Yes, I remember those two are named Guangchengzi and Juliusun..."

The Antarctic Immortal's vision went dark and he almost fainted and fell to the ground.

Since the beginning of the Conferred God War, has Chan Cult ever suffered such a loss?

"Wait a minute, what did you say? Shen Gongbao rescued three?" Among the immortals, Chi Jing was the first to come to his senses and asked with a look of astonishment on his face.

The tall demon fairy: "Yes, you heard it right."

Red sperm: "..."

Even if the master once again violated the agreement of the Supreme Being, descended to earth in person, and rescued three fellow disciples, would it be more reasonable than Shen Gongbao rescuing three fellow disciples?

That's Shen Gongbao.

It was Shen Gongbao who was expelled from his master.

How could he save the Three Immortals?


This demon must be lying!

The Antarctic Immortal also felt that this matter was too outrageous, so he simply controlled the opponent's body and soul with the demon summoning flag, and then raised his hand and pressed it on the opponent's forehead, mapping out this part of his memory and manifesting it in the air...

Then the Golden Immortals saw that just as the Thousand Demons shrank themselves to the size of ants and crawled all over the Five Immortals, a loud shout suddenly came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Gongbao appeared magnificently like a savior from heaven, and finally took away the three immortals Manjusri, Samantabhadra and Cihang.

After the playback of this memory was completed, the brains of the immortals became rigid, or in other words, shut down, and they have not recovered for a long time.

There are three factors that caused this result. On the one hand, it was the tragic situation and tragic consequences of Guangchengzi and Ju Liusun. On the other hand, the insults of the three golden immortals to the master. Finally, Shen Gongbao saved the three golden immortals.

Especially the last thing, it’s so outrageous!

It's so outrageous that they can't even understand it.

"Elder brother, is it possible that... someone else is pretending to be Shen Gongbao?"

After a long time, Master Lingbao asked softly.

The Antarctic Immortal took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down the complicated emotions in his heart: "Yes or no, just ask Shen Gongbao."

"What about these demons and immortals?" Dao Xing Tianzun glanced at the demons and immortals, with murderous intent surging in his eyes.

The Antarctic Immortal raised the demon summoning flag and took all these demons into it: "Keep it for now, maybe you can use it later. The top priority now is to find Shen Gongbao!"

Not long after.

The immortals hurried back to Lintong Pass from Mianchi County, and then led by Huang Long to Qin Yao's mansion, only to find that the mansion was deserted and there was no one around.

The Antarctic Immortal closed his eyes and released his spiritual consciousness, which continued to spread around like water patterns. Soon he saw the other party's figure in the attic of Lintong Pass City Gate.

"In the city gate tower."

The Antarctic Immortal suddenly opened his eyes, turned his body, and instantly turned into a rainbow light that shot straight into the sky.

The other golden immortals turned into light and followed, and soon they landed in front of the city gate attic.

In the attic.

Qin Yao sat opposite Jiang Ziya and explained in detail how he captured the Youhun Pass.

Of course, the main reason is to implement one's own achievements.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya was no longer a human in front of him, but a humanoid record book of achievements.


Suddenly, a burst of chaotic footsteps reached their ears, interrupting Qin Yao's statement.

And just as they followed the sound, the Antarctic Immortal and the Golden Immortals strode forward and came straight to Qin Yao. A pair of eyes with emotions such as suspicion, scrutiny, and disbelief stared at his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows.

"Did you save Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Cihang?" the Antarctic Immortal asked in a solemn voice, suppressing the complex emotions surging in his heart.

Qin Yao nodded and admitted frankly: "Yes."

"Then why didn't you tell us?" Dao Xing Tianzun asked subconsciously.

Qin Yao said in surprise: "Are you questioning me?"

"It's not a question, it's a question."

The Antarctic Immortal made peace, and then asked Qin Yao without giving Qin Yao a chance to get angry, "Where are the three of them now?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "I don't know. In the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, Long-eared Dingguang Immortal forced them to say some things they shouldn't have said. Because of these words, they disappeared after I released them. ”

The immortals knew very well what he should not have said, and they couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

From a behavioral logic perspective, there is nothing wrong with Shen Gongbao's answer.

Thinking about it from his perspective, if they were forced to scold their master, they might choose to disappear.

"You even know that I rescued people. Does this mean that the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation has been broken?" Qin Yao asked.

The Antarctic Immortal nodded slightly: "We borrowed the lotus lantern and the demon summoning flag from the Wa Palace to break the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation."

"The long-eared Dingguang Immortal..."

"Didn't catch it!"

Hearing this, Qin Yao and Jiang Shang breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and immediately looked at each other tacitly.

If Daji is caught by the Golden Immortals now, it will not be a good thing for either of them.

True Monarch Qingxu Daode stared at Qin Yao's cheek, and taking advantage of the gap between words, he suddenly said:

"Shen Gongbao, we checked the memory of a certain demon immortal in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation and found that you entered the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation when five of my brothers were unconscious. You called Long Er out of the mist and communicated with each other in code for a while. Then, The demon immortals began to bite the immortal bodies of Senior Brother Guangchengzi and Senior Brother Juliu Sun, but you hid yourself.

Then, you suddenly appeared and rescued the three Samantabhadra with great righteousness. How did I think about it? Why did I feel that there was something fishy in it?

What exactly did you and Chang Er say in code, and why did you go to all the trouble to act out like this? "

Qin Yao said coldly and solemnly: "It's really interesting. I saved your brothers, but you didn't say thank you to me. Instead, one or two came to question me under the guise of questioning. Is there still justice? Is there still morality? ?ah?"

The True Monarch of Morality: "..."

The Antarctic Immortal had a headache, but he had to stand up and make peace again.

The biggest problem now is: Shen Gongbao is no longer a disciple of the Chan Sect. Whether you respect them or not depends on your mood.

Obviously, no matter whether they are moral or moral, they have not clearly realized this, and they still treat Shen Gongbao with the same attitude as in the past. How can the other party swallow his anger again?

"Fellow Daoist Shen, Daode is just worried about your fellow disciples and is too excited. I have no intention of questioning you. What's more, your behavior in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is indeed strange, and there is no room for us to be suspicious."

Qin Yao sneered: "If you have any doubts, I will try my best to answer them? If I am willing to answer the questions you just asked, I have already given you face."

The most annoying thing is that you guys obviously want to ask for help from others, but you still have to rely on personal strength to speak. You are groveling to those who are stronger than you; you are arrogant to those who are lower than you. Disgusting, so disgusting. "

The faces of the immortals turned pale after being scolded by him, and Chi Jingzheng said angrily: "Don't speak too harshly."

"Hard to hear? I just told you what you did. Isn't this ugly?"

Qin Yao sneered and said, "Tell me, what I said was wrong? Did you also have the same attitude when you went to Wa Palace?"

Red sperm: "..."

The Antarctic Immortal felt exhausted mentally and physically, but he had to figure out all the doubts in this, so he bowed deeply to Qin Yao and said sincerely: "I apologize to the Taoist Master on behalf of my junior brothers, and I hope you don't have the same experience as them. ”

Looking at the immortals who seemed to have accepted so many grievances, Qin Yao said coldly: "They are not children anymore. They did something wrong and said the wrong thing, and they still need adults to step forward?"

The Antarctic Immortal took a deep breath and ordered: "Practice, morality, and apologize."

Second: "..."

If they were facing a saint, they could still lower their heads and apologize.

But facing an abandoned disciple who was expelled from the master's sect, facing a despicable goblin, how could this head be lowered?

The Antarctic Immortal was furious in his heart and shouted: "It seems that fellow Taoist Shen Gongbao Shen really did not accuse you wrong. After being aloof for a long time, you feel that you are respected by the saints, right? Except for the saints, no one can control you." Do you bow your head?"

Erdao was scolded by him again, so he took advantage of the situation and apologized. In this way, they were apologizing at the senior brother's repeated request, rather than giving in to the goblin.

Qin Yao was well aware of their thoughts. After seeing their hypocritical faces clearly, he was no longer angry, but only found it funny.

With such a group of backbones, Chanjiao deserves to be picked off by Western teachers.

"Okay, for the sake of the immortal being good to me in the past, I will explain the situation."

Silently putting away his thoughts of gloating, Qin Yao said in a solemn voice: "After entering the formation, I communicated with Chang Er in code words because I wanted to cut him off from the monsters in the formation.

To put it more bluntly and simply, I have the confidence to bribe Chang'er alone, but I don't have the confidence to bribe the monsters in the formation.

In this case, it is the most appropriate way to reach a cooperation with Chang'er alone and then use Chang'er to force the monsters.

Therefore, many things cannot be known by the monsters, and can only be transmitted through the air.

During the transmission, I talked with Chang'er about bribery.

People often say coercion and inducement, but in my opinion, inducement should be carried out before coercion, otherwise the other party's mentality will explode if the pressure is too tight.

I promised Chang'er that as long as he can release the five immortals, I will find a way out for him, and I will also protect him to the death with Tongtian Sect Master to solve his worries.

I advised him not to wait until he reaches a dead end and then regret not choosing a way out today. By then, it will be too late to say anything.

After my persuasion, his attitude softened, but he only agreed to release three people, because he also needed to explain to the monsters and immortals below, otherwise how could he lead the group of immortals in the future?

And this is his bottom line.

At the same time, he also asked me to cooperate with him in a play, so that he could leave the stage, otherwise I couldn't even take three people away, and the demons and fairies would not allow me to take people away.

This is the cause and effect, does anyone have any questions? "

Golden Immortals: "..."

They began to analyze the scenes they saw from the beginning, and then corresponded with Shen Gongbao's narration, and they really couldn't find any logical flaws for a while.

This statement can be self-consistent.

Qin Yao glanced at the expressionless faces and said loudly: "Since you all have no questions, then my question is here. The five golden immortals were trapped in the formation, and I rescued three of them by my own strength. May I ask if the Chan Sect will reward me?"

Nanji Xianweng: "..."

Golden Immortals: "..."

Before coming to ask in a hurry, no one thought that Shen Gongbao would demand a favor.

Seeing that no one answered, Qin Yao frowned: "No way? I saved the three golden immortals, and you Chan Sect didn't show any appreciation? "

The South Pole Immortal said: "I will definitely show some appreciation, but the premise is that they are still the Golden Immortals of our Chan Sect. Let's put it this way, if they can still return to Kunlun, I will personally report to the Saint and give you a satisfactory thank you."

Qin Yao sneered: "What is this? Not showing off your eagle until you see the rabbit? Or are you just painting a pie for me? When I rescued them, they were still the Golden Immortals of Kunlun. As for whether they are still willing to be the Golden Immortals of Kunlun after I rescued them, what does it have to do with me? Is it appropriate for you to use their choice to offset my reward?"

The South Pole Immortal secretly groaned in his heart: You still have the nerve to talk about us, I think you are the one who is not showing off your eagle until you see the rabbit!

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