I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1291: The end of fate, King Zhou surrenders!

"Wait until Tai Bing comes back." Qin Yao said softly to Jiang Ziya's expectant gaze.

Jiang Ziya hesitated and said: "Even if Tai Bing brings back the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, we can't deal with the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal!"

Qin Yao shook his head: "At this moment, the Chang'er Dingguang Immortal relied on sacrificing the Hunyuan Golden Dou driven by his fellow sect. With the blessing of so many demon immortals, he was able to block the killing gods and the immortals to block the killing immortals. .

But where are there so many fellow Jie Cult disciples for him to sacrifice now? So, he is not as scary as you think now. "

Jiang Ziya's heart moved slightly and said: "This means that as soon as the Shanhe Sheji Map arrives, we can launch a counterattack?"

Qin Yao turned around and walked out: "If nothing unexpected happens, fine!"

Facts have proved that there are not that many accidents in the world; and if accidents happen frequently, it is not called accidents, but it is called bad luck.

Two days later, Tai Bing came back with Tai Yi smoothly, and the Map of Mountains and Rivers was still in Tai Yi's hands.

Therefore, with Jiang Ziya and Qin Yao as the leaders, the Zhou army formulated a complete battle plan.

That is: Yang Jian is the vanguard and fights against Yuan Hong; Shen Gongbao leads Nezha, and Tai Bing and the two generals fight against Chang'er; the other immortal generals, such as Long Ji, Hong Jin, Jin Zha, Muzha and others, fight against Yuan Hong's men Demon general.

As for the ordinary generals and mortal soldiers of the Zhou army, they were led by Jiang Ziya, who sized up the situation and were always ready to press the border with the army after the immortal generals won the battle, overwhelm Yuan's army, and reoccupy Mianchi County.

This plan is not outstanding, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

But in the confrontation between the two armies, another name for being quite satisfactory is stability.

Under normal circumstances, only when you are inferior to the enemy in all aspects and you are at a disadvantage, you will make dangerous moves and use cunning tactics to win...

That night.

The moon is sparse and stars are scattered, and insects are chirping.

In Mianchi County, the merchant troops on duty were holding weapons and weapons, talking and laughing in small groups.

The elite troops of the Shang Dynasty have long been defeated in the previous battles. These soldiers that King Zhou now entrusts to Yuan Hong were servants or farmers in Chaoge a few months ago. What kind of military discipline and ability are expected from them? To rely on them to win is just as absurd.

Yuan Hong has never practiced military training, and he doesn't feel the need to do so.

His requirements for these merchants are very low, as long as they can play a role in military control of cities and counties. The victory of the war still depends on these fairies!

In the handsome tent.

The Shang army generals gathered together. Yuan Hong, who was dressed in military uniform, sat on the main seat and said to the long-eared Dingguangxian at the bottom left: "Brother Taoist, we can't delay it any longer. If we drag it on, the Chanmen Golden Immortal will come back. We But there is no strong enough help to wait.”

Daji, disguised as having long ears, sighed: "Marshal, it's not that I want to delay, but we really have no chance of winning if we start the decisive battle now. The Hunyuan Golden Dou in my hand is very powerful, but with my own strength, I can only You can’t fight an offensive war if you fight a defensive war.”

Yuan Hong pursed his lips and finally said what he had been wanting to say for the past two days: "In that case, Brother Dao, why not lend me this magic weapon first? After defeating Zhou Jun, I will return the magic weapon to you as soon as possible. ”

"This..." Daji looked hesitant.

The battle has been going on so far, except for Hunyuan Jindou, she has no other trump card in her hand.

If she lends Jin Dou to Yuan Hong, if Yuan Hong loses this trump card, she will have no choice but to persuade the king to surrender.

Seeing that he did not refuse sternly, Yuan Hong was about to persuade him, when suddenly there was a noise outside the big tent.

"Commander, it's not good, the Zhou army has attacked the camp."

At this time, a soldier guarding the outside of the tent suddenly turned around and rushed into the commander's tent, kneeling down and saying.

Yuan Hong raised his eyebrows, pulled out the iron rod from his ear, and said as he walked: "Generals, follow me to meet the enemy!"

Shao Qing, when he led these generals out of the commander's tent, he saw three groups of smoke rushing toward them at extremely fast speeds. Wherever they passed, people were jumping on their backs, and they arrived in front of them almost in the blink of an eye.

"Yuan Hong, let's compete again."

In the smoke and dust in the middle, Yang Jian waved a three-pointed two-edged knife with one hand and shouted loudly.

Yuan Hong's eyes were filled with evil, he held a long stick to meet him, and shouted: "Stop being so arrogant."


The immortals and demons collided with each other in roars, and the long sticks and the long knives collided rapidly, making a deafening noise.

In the smoke and dust on the left, Qin Yao and his two children, surrounded by four evil swords, shouted like a reminder: "Long Er, look at the sword!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the four evil swords flew out side by side and went straight towards Chang Er (Daji).

Daji's mind tightened, and she immediately summoned the Hunyuan Golden Dou to be placed three feet above her head. As her magic power circulated, a golden light fell like a waterfall, covering it.

The Four Evil Swords came to the golden light in an instant, passed through the light easily, and then penetrated Daji's body. However, Daji seemed not to be hurt in any way.

Qin Yao knew that Daji was now between the real world and the inner world of Hunyuan Jindou. If nothing unexpected happened, it would be difficult for him to hurt her.

However, he never thought about killing the opponent here. The main task of him and the two young generals was to hold the opponent back and not give her the chance to hunt others with Hunyuan Golden Fight.

the other side.

Jin Zha and Mu Zha led the charge towards the snake spirit Chang Hao and the centipede spirit Wu Long, and a melee broke out between the two sides.

Facing Shuang Zha who possesses the immortal magic weapon, Chang Hao and Wu Long are obviously at a disadvantage. In less than thirty rounds, they are forcefully forced back to their original form and bite the immortals desperately.

Yuan Hong glanced around and saw the crisis of the two demons. He just wanted to repel Yang Jian as soon as possible and return to the aid of the two demons. Therefore, he fought more and more fiercely, and he turned into a giant ape with every blow. Sweeping them down made the void tremble.

Yang Jian really felt the difficulty. After slashing dozens of times with Yuan Hong, he dragged the knife away.

Yuan Hong secretly breathed a sigh of relief and immediately prepared to rescue the two brothers, but unexpectedly, Yang Jian suddenly turned around and entangled him again.

He had no choice but to raise his voice again and fight with Yang Jian. After thirty or fifty rounds, Yang Jian dragged the knife away again.

Yuan Hong quickly turned around and ran towards the two demons. Unexpectedly, Yang Jian came back at this time...

After going back and forth like this five times, the anger in Yuan Hong's heart could no longer be contained. Only Yang Jian was left in his eyes. He wanted to kill him quickly, but he didn't notice that the two of them left the battlefield while fighting... …

Yang Jian fought and retreated, and finally fled. At this moment, Yuan Hong, who was red-eyed, had no idea of ​​rescue and just pursued and chased. However, he saw Yang Jian fleeing to a peach mountain and disappeared in an instant.

Yuan Hong didn't have time to think about anything, his body was faster than his mind, and he rushed into Taoshan with a strong wind.

The next moment, countless chains made of laws and symbols came from all directions. Yuan Hong smashed them with all his strength, but the chains seemed to be endless and endless.

Outside Peach Mountain.

In the void.

Master Taiyi held the pointing Jiangshan pen in his hand, and with a slight wave, the Taoshan in front of him turned into a picture scroll. Then he waved the picture again, and Yang Jian, who had broken into Taoshan earlier, was released.

Looking at Yuan Hong who was still smashing the chains of law, Yang Jian sighed: "This magic weapon is really powerful."

Master Taiyi put away the map of mountains and rivers, and said with a smile: "One thing only defeats another, nephew, please return to the battlefield quickly. After capturing Yuan Hong, the Yin Shang Dynasty is exhausted."

Yang Jian nodded, cupped his fists and said, "Uncle, say goodbye!"

On the battlefield.

Daji watched Yuan Hong pursue Yang Jian with her own eyes. She waited and waited, but Yuan Hong never came back. She became more and more anxious, so much so that she made frequent mistakes in the battle. Qin Yao saw that she was absent-minded and took the initiative to let go. The small water spread and then the big water irrigated her, so she didn't die.

"Hey, nine-tailed fox, please concentrate. If you don't concentrate, I won't dare to draw my sword."

Seeing that this sister was getting more and more excessive, Qin Yao had no choice but to take the initiative to remind her.


At this moment, her mood is really hard to describe!

Shortly after.

She still didn't wait for Yuan Hong, but saw Yang Jian flying back with the fairy light, and her heart suddenly sank.

Qin Yao sent a message again: "Yuan Hong has been captured. What are you waiting for? Why don't you run away quickly?"

Daji woke up as if from a dream, and quickly turned into a white light, rushing straight into the sky.

Qin Yao immediately turned the four evil swords, pointed them at the snake spirit and centipede spirit, and shouted: "Destroy the luck of the Yin Shang, today!"

In the blink of an eye.

As the four evil swords penetrated the bodies of the giant snake and the flying centipede, Jiang Ziya made a decisive decision and led the Zhou army to march on the Shang camp. The last army of the Shang Dynasty perished...

The next day.

After repairing in the middle of the night, the Zhou army crossed the river from Mianchi County and went straight to Mengjin. They successfully joined forces with Dongbohou's army, which had been waiting here, and the princes who had arrived in the past few days. The Yin and Shang dynasties were destroyed before their eyes. .

When the news came back to the Chaoge Palace, King Zhou, who was already anxious to get angry, was furious. In addition, he lost the blessing of the human king's energy, vomited blood, and died on the spot.

Fortunately, Daji returned to the palace at this moment. When she saw Queen Zhou who had died, she immediately gave her life to her.

She is a nine-tailed celestial fox. Unless her soul is destroyed, she has nine lives.

He died two lives before entering the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and had seven lives left. As a result, four lives were given to King Zhou, but they failed to wake him up successfully. He had to grit his teeth and continue to live his life. In the blink of an eye, he passed five lives and finally saved him from death. Rescued from the dead end.

King Zhou slowly opened his eyes, looked at the queen who was close at hand, and murmured: "What have you done?"

Daji lay down next to him and said: "I gave you five of my lives... five lives in exchange for one of yours."

King Zhou smiled bitterly: "Why bother? Yuan Hong has also been defeated. The Yin Shang Dynasty has exhausted its energy. I will eventually die."

Daji shook his head: "We don't have to die. We don't have to die. I made a deal with Shen Gongbao. As long as we surrender, he will not only protect us, but even promise to give us a godship and give us a chance to live forever."

King Zhou: "?"


My country has been destroyed, can I still live forever?

After a moment, he said in disbelief: "He must have lied to you. How is that possible?"

Daji shook her head and said, "Has Your Majesty ever heard of Shen Gongbao lying to others? Even on the battlefield."

King Zhou tried hard to recall that from Shen Gongbao's time in Chaoge and the battle reports he had received, he could not find a single example of Shen Gongbao breaking his word.

"Can he really guarantee that we can become gods?"

Daji said: "I believe he can!"

I believe this is not groundless speculation, nor is it a hot head, but the good result of Shen Gongbao letting her go time and time again.

If the other party wanted to kill her, they would have had countless opportunities to do so long ago.

Not to mention, just a few hours ago, the other party let him go again.

Shen Gongbao was so violent that she didn't feel anything at the time, but now that she thinks about it, she realizes how outrageous it was.

King Zhou's face looked uncertain, and he was obviously engaged in a brainstorming, or spiritual game.

Seeing this situation, Daji also used her ultimate move: "Your Majesty, don't you want to live with me forever?"

King Zhou found the steps and walked down them: "That's all, just surrender..."

In the original work, the reason why he burned himself in the Zhaixing Tower was because Daji was dead at that time and he had no hope, so he chose to commit suicide out of despair.

Now that his lover is still alive, and he may obtain immortality and divine status, and there is a step to climb that loves beauty more than the country, he would choose to commit suicide if he is crazy...

at the same time.

Meng Jin.

Jiang Ziya was writing "The Ten Major Crimes of King Zhou" and "The Song of Confession to the Army and the People".

Although the war has been fought so far, it is unlikely that there will be a strong resistance to the demon god, but he can still take credit for his achievements.

When he becomes a god after the war, these achievements can also become the foundation for his becoming a god.

The greater the merit, the higher the divine status. Is there anything wrong with this?

"Marshal, Marshal..." Suddenly, a personal guard ran into the tent with a happy face.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Ziya hung up his brush and asked with a smile.

The guard said: "Someone from Chaoge has come, saying that King Zhou is willing to surrender."

Jiang Ziya's smile suddenly froze on his face.

The next moment, Qin Yao, Yang Jian, Nezha, Jin Zha, Muzha, Long Ji and others came one after another, gathered in the big tent, and greeted the stiff-faced Jiang Shang.

Jiang Ziya looked at the faces and asked, "Do you all know?"

Yang Jian smiled and said: "The Imperial Preceptor has already told us. Congratulations, Marshal, we succeeded in conquering the merchants."

Jiang Ziya lowered his head and glanced at the two proud letters where the ink was still dry. There was no surprise in his heart. Instead, he was filled with bitterness.

"Everyone, don't be surprised. Is this a scam?"

Qin Yao smiled and said: "What other deceit can there be? Is the marshal worried too much?"

Jiang Ziya said seriously: "I think we still need to take a long-term approach and review it carefully."

Qin Yao suppressed his smile and said: "I don't think it is necessary. If the marshal is worried, I will take the first step and take over Chaoge."

Jiang Ziya: "..."

Seeing him speechless, Qin Yao immediately said: "Nezha, gather your vanguard troops and follow me to take over Chaoge's defense."

"Yes, Master." Nezha said, cupping his fists.

Jiang Ziya opened his mouth, intending to stop him, but he couldn't find any valid reason.

During the war, he was the generalissimo. He had great righteousness and could speak a few words.

However, with King Zhou surrendering, can this still be considered wartime?

Shortly after.

Master Qin Yao and his disciples led more than 10,000 vanguard troops to the gate of Chaoge City. Looking around, they saw King Zhou wearing an ordinary black shirt, standing side by side with Daji wearing a long cloth dress, followed by a group of Yin and Shang people. members of the royal family…

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