I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1292 Brother Jiang, it’s time to be deified!

"Master Shen." The moment she saw Qin Yao, Daji waved her hand enthusiastically.

This behavior did not seem like surrender, but rather like some relatives from her mother's side had come.

When they came close to the two, Qin Yao dismounted with his apprentice, and the knights behind him also jumped off their horses. This situation made King Zhou feel much better.

At least, Shen Gongbao did not have the hypocrisy and disgust of the immortals, and did not humiliate him in public.

Of course, this was only Shen Gongbao.

If it was Jiang Ziya who came, he believed that the other party would definitely denounce his mistakes, thus satisfying the vanity of the victor.

Thinking of this, once compared, his favorability towards Shen Gongbao instantly increased, and he greeted him: "Master Shen."

Qin Yao bowed and responded: "Your Majesty, Queen."

Hearing his address, King Zhou felt even more deeply, and said from the bottom of his heart: "In the Zhou army, only you are willing to call me the king. I know, I know that they call me King Zhou with extreme contempt, and compare me with Xia Jie."

Qin Yao sighed: "This cause and effect is hard to explain."

King Zhou was speechless.

The beauty in the hibiscus tent is fragrant, and the moon is ashamed of the flowers.

But if the enchanting one can act, marry Changle back to serve the king.

The Shang Dynasty was ruined by this poem!

Seeing that he suddenly lost consciousness, Daji had to say: "Master Shen, let's go into the city."

Qin Yao nodded and ordered: "Nezha, you take the vanguard army to control the city defense, you are not allowed to enter the inner city, and send scouts to invite the marshal's army to come."

"Yes, Master." Nezha clasped his fists.

King Zhou came back to his senses because of this order, and said with a complicated expression; "Master, if there was no poem, would you stay in Chaoge?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "No, but I wouldn't go to Xiqi either."

"I... I was really wrong." King Zhou sighed.

The king who had been strong all his life finally admitted his mistakes after the country was destroyed.

It's a pity that the mistakes he made could not be undone.

It's a great fortune to be able to keep a life.

Soon after, the couple took Qin Yao into the palace. King Zhou ordered the attendants who remained in the palace to prepare a banquet. The three of them sat on the top of the Zhaixing Tower and drank...

"Will the Zhou army slaughter the royal family after entering the city?" King Zhou asked softly after toasting three times.

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "No one dares to do this when I am here."

King Zhou breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: "Perhaps, this is the best result."

Daji took out the Hunyuan Golden Bowl and gently placed it on the table: "Master, how should this be handled?"

As the best of the nine-tailed foxes, apart from the love brain, she is still very decisive.

In her opinion, since she chose to believe Shen Gongbao, she should give him all her trust to avoid being indecisive and finally getting nothing.

Qin Yao raised his right hand and attracted the Hunyuan Golden Bowl to himself: "I will return it to the Three Heavens. You are not suitable to see them."

Daji nodded and summoned a rope to tie up immortals: "What about this?"

Qin Yao said: "Keep this for now in case Jiang Ziya changes his mind. King, Queen, I must remind you that the fall of the Shang Dynasty and the beginning of the Conferred Gods are not the end, but the beginning of a new struggle. I hope you can be mentally prepared."

The emperor and queen looked at each other, and then King Zhou asked: "Where is the enemy?"

Qin Yao said solemnly: "In the sky! This infinite calamity was not completely exploded because of me. To put it more bluntly, if not enough immortals died, it would not satisfy the way of heaven.

So, after the Conferred Gods, there will be more calamities. At that time, it will be a fight with the sky, and there will be no more following the will of heaven."

The emperor and queen looked at each other.

Three rounds of wine.

Five flavors of dishes.

Jiang Ziya led his army to Chaoge and quickly took control of the world's number one city.

Afterwards, he led Yang Jian, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Taiyi, Tai Bing and others into the palace, and then, under the guidance of the palace servants, he came to the Zhaixing Tower, where he and the emperor and empress looked at each other in silence.

If Shen Gongbao hadn't been there, he would have definitely scolded King Zhou for being a tyrant and a tyrant, and scolded Daji for being a scoundrel who brought disaster to the country, and belittled the emperor and empress to nothing, but now, he couldn't scold them.

Qin Yao put down his wine glass and stood up slowly: "The affairs of the world are over, Daoyou Jiang, it's time to confer the gods."

When it comes to conferring the gods, Jiang Ziya is very unhappy in his heart. He doesn't want to follow the other party's rhythm, or he doesn't want to do things according to the other party's instructions: "Daoyou Shen, conferring the gods is a major event in the three realms, and an auspicious day must be chosen."

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure about this?"

Jiang Ziya smiled and said, "What's uncertain about this? Daoyou think conferring the gods is a trivial matter?"

Qin Yao smiled and waved his hand and said, "That's not the case."

After that, he unfolded his own kingdom of God in this Zhaixing Tower and slowly said, "My king, my queen, I will inconvenience you to stay in my kingdom of God for a few days."

"Thank you, Taoist." Daji said with gratitude.

King Zhou was slightly stunned, and then he turned around: Jiang Ziya didn't want to confer the gods immediately, so the period before conferring the gods was actually the most dangerous time for him and Daji.

The way to resolve the cause and effect is not only to fulfill the promise, but also to resolve the cause and effect with the person who has the cause and effect with you!

In other words, Shen Gongbao is protecting them with his own actions and fulfilling his promise with practical actions...

"Master Shen, you are a true gentleman." After thinking about this clearly, King Zhou said silently in his heart.

Because of this, he dared to have a little expectation for the future.

Not long after, Qin Yao put away the emperor and empress and left. There were only a few Chanjiao disciples left in the huge Zhaixing Tower.

"You can't tell the difference between right and wrong. We are all alike." Jiang Ziya said in a low voice after watching his figure go away.

Yang Jian, Shuang Zha and others all looked at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, but no one agreed.

They can't tell who is right and who is wrong, not at all.

If you can’t tell right from wrong, then what’s right and wrong?


It's just a murderous intention, a saint goes with it, and an ant fights for his life...

After a long time.

Qin Yao unknowingly came to Jiang Ziya's fortune-telling parlor where he had lived for a long time. When he was about to reminisce about the past, he suddenly heard bursts of crying coming from the parlor.

A flash of surprise quickly flashed across his face, and the next moment, he walked in through the door, only to see a dead soul sitting on the chair where Jiang Ziya had been, covering his face and crying bitterly.

"Mr. Ma?" Qin Yao called.

Ma Shi, who was crying at the desk, looked up at the sound. After seeing Qin Yao's face clearly, a flash of fear could not help but stand up on his face. He quickly stood up and explained: "I didn't mean to cry here. I heard that Jiang Ziya led his army into the city. I remembered this place again, so I came here to have a look..."

"Then you get hurt when you see something?" Qin Yao asked with a strange expression.

Ma shook her head and said: "No, I feel regretful in my heart, and my intestines are almost green with regret. If I could have been obedient back then, today I would be the wife of the marshal and the wife of the Prime Minister. How could I die on the bed with all the people around me?" There’s not even anyone who can die.”

At this point, she began to cry again.

Qin Yao: "..."

In the past, when he and Jiang Ziya had a good relationship, he didn't like anything about Ma. He was even responsible for the divorce between Ma and Jiang Ziya.

But now that he and Jiang Ziya had fallen out, and there was no friendship between them anymore, the disgust he felt when he looked at Ma was gone.

After pondering for a moment, he said slowly: "Have you ever thought about where to go?"

Ma sighed: "Let me tell you the truth. I am waiting here because I want to see Jiang Shang again. I want to wait a few more days. If Jiang Shang still doesn't come here, I will go to the underworld and be reincarnated." That’s it.”

Qin Yao shook his head: "When I go to the underworld, drinking Meng Po soup is no different than losing my soul. I have a good arrangement, are you willing to listen to it?"

How could Mr. Ma not know Shen Gongbao's magical power now? He immediately knelt down and said loudly: "Please give me some advice from the Taoist priest."

Qin Yao said: "Jiang Ziya is now the person destined to become a god, and he is in charge of the important task of becoming a god. Although you are separated from him, you can be a husband and wife for a hundred days. When he can become a god, you can go to Qishan to ask for a god. . Wouldn’t it be happy to be a god and live as long as heaven?”

Ma was overjoyed and kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you so much, Taoist Master, thank you so much, Taoist Master."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "No need to thank you, I only have one request, don't tell others that this was my instigation, otherwise Jiang Ziya will not make you a god.

Even after you become a god, you must not reveal anything, otherwise, my enemies will not let you go. "

Ma raised three fingers and swore: "I swear to God that I will not reveal anything. If I violate my oath, my soul will be destroyed and I will never be reincarnated."

Qin Yao smiled: "Good."

Seven days later.

The ninth day of the lunar calendar.

Auspicious days of the zodiac.

The white crane boy under the Immortal Seat in the South Pole of Yuxu Palace led twelve golden warriors to descend to the mortal world. The twelve people carried a wooden sedan. Under the attention of the emperor and ministers of Chaoge, Jiang Shang was invited to get on the sedan and go to Qishan Mountain to become a god.

What does it mean to appear holy in front of others?

This is what makes people appear holy!

Jiang Ziya's vanity was satisfied to the greatest extent, and he said with a smile: "Your majesty, and all my colleagues, I am sorry to accompany you. Li Jing, Yang Jian, Nezha, Jin Zha, Mu Zha... you and other immortals will follow behind the sedan chair, and we will be together. Xiang Shengju."

After saying this, the powerful man lifted up the sedan chair and flew into the sky. The immortal generals named by him came out and followed closely, flying towards Qishan Mountain.

Halfway through, the boy Baihe delivered the jade talisman and golden edict given by Yuanshi Tianzun to Jiang Shang, and said: "Uncle Master, when you confer a god, please be sure to enshrine this jade talisman on the canonization platform, and then read out the saint's golden edict. , there must be no mistake.”

Jiang Ziya took the jade talisman and golden edict, nodded and said, "I understand. By the way, have you found the three senior brothers Baihe, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Cihang?"

White Crane Boy smiled bitterly and said: "No, it's like the world has evaporated. Now the Patriarch is waiting for the end of the Conferred God. After the secret is clear, he can use his fingers to deduce where they have gone."

Jiang Ziya nodded: "The three senior brothers are also confused. The master is not incapable of accepting others. The saint's heart is as broad as a galaxy. Even if they are scolded under duress... so what? Master, can you still blame them?"

Baihe Boy: "..."

He didn't dare to take up this topic randomly.

Shortly after.

The flying wooden sedan landed on Qishan Mountain. Jiang Ziya glanced around and saw Qin Yao sitting cross-legged in the center of the Conferring God Platform, joking with Bai Jian...

"The rightful owner has arrived."

When he saw each other, Qin Yao also saw their figures, stood up and said.

Bai Jian stood up and hurriedly took a few steps forward to greet him: "Taoist Master Jiang, you are finally here."

Jiang Ziya smiled, flew down from the wooden sedan, and handed the jade talisman to the other party: "I'm sorry to bother you, dear brother, to enshrine this jade talisman."

Bai Jian took the jade talisman with both hands and said respectfully, "Yes."

When the jade talisman was enshrined by Bai Jian, the Divine Conferment Platform suddenly shone with divine light, rising up to Qingming and down to Huangquan, alarming the three realms.

At this moment, the gods in heaven, the demons in hell, and the immortal cultivators on earth all turned their attention to Qishan Mountain to watch this ceremony destined to be recorded in the epic.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Jiang Ziya unfolded the Golden Edict of the First Dynasty and said loudly: "The road to immortality is very different, how can it be passed without a thick line of bacon? The paths of gods and ghosts are different, how can it be coveted by flattery and evil?

Even though I have been refining my energy on the island, I haven't killed the three corpses, and I will be catastrophized five hundred years later. I always hold true to the secret gate. If I don't transcend Yang Shen, I can't go to the promise of Three Thousand Yaochi...

I pity you that your body has been cut off by the sharp edge, and you are sinking into the sea of ​​misery every day. Although your heart is loyal, it is wandering and helpless. Jiang Shang is specially ordered to appoint you and others as the eight righteous gods according to the severity of the calamity and the level of goods, and they will be in charge of each department, and they will be in charge of the heaven and earth..."

Not far away, Qin Yao felt a trace of ridicule in his heart.

What a high-sounding title, the conferring of gods and calamities has been whitewashed as the kindness of a saint.

It's still the kindness of his original saint!

Lian'er, this word is used wonderfully.

As a consecrated god, do I still have to be grateful to you, the great saint?

After a long time, Jiang Ziya finally finished reciting this long and smelly thing, and solemnly enshrined it on the desk. Then he held an apricot-yellow flag in his left hand and a divine whip in his right hand. He stood in the middle and shouted softly: "Anoint the God. ,start!"

When he finished saying this, Qin Yao immediately stepped forward to the altar and asked loudly: "Looking at the battle to confer gods, I think that I have the highest merit. Who has any objection?"

Jiang Ziya: "..."

Brother, the gods of the three realms are watching, don't steal the show!

Seeing no one answered, Qin Yao smiled and said, "That means you have no objection?"

Jiang Ziya took a deep breath and forced a smile: "Taoist Shen helped establish the Western Zhou Dynasty, and his contribution was to Sheji; he saved the two kings several times, helped the building to collapse, and turned the tide before it fell...

Collect 50,000 Yin Shang Central Palace troops, kill the king of demons, break the formation, kill Wen Liang, punish Ma Shan, anger Lu Yue to death, kill Yu Hua...

He conquered several passes and surrendered to the Ni King. His achievements were outstanding and known to everyone. He was indeed the number one hero among the gods. "

Qin Yao nodded slightly and said, "What kind of god can this number one hero be granted?"

Jiang Ziya pursed his lips and said: "With the first merit, he can be named the leader of the three realms and one of the three hundred and sixty-five Qingfu Zhengshen, and he can become a god in the flesh."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't dare to ask for the position of leader of the three realms. I just want to exchange my merits for a heavenly rule and a request, and ask Haotian God to grant it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud voice sounded in the void: "Shen Gongbao, what rules do you want to change and what requirements do you want?"

Everyone in the three realms knew that this was the response of the Emperor of Heaven, and everyone on the God Conferring Stage bowed to see him.

Qin Yao followed and saluted. After the ceremony, he raised his head and said: "The rules of heaven are that once a cultivator in the world becomes an immortal, he must ascend. Anyone who avoids and does not ascend will be regarded as violating the rules of heaven.

Immortals after ascension are not allowed to go down to the lower world without any reason. From then on, immortals and mortals are separated forever and do not interfere with each other. They also provide an environment for the common people in the world to recuperate..."

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