I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1322: Shakyamuni: Fellow Daoist, don’t you think you are a little bit against the will of he

"May I ask...who is your chief?"

Seeing the three heroic warriors with arrogance and arrogance, like ancient demon gods, Sun Wukong was pleasantly surprised, but his heart was filled with doubts.

The three human generals laughed at the same time. Their laughter was either high-spirited or majestic, showing their heroic appearance.

Just laughing, Dahong responded: "We can't say yet, it will be easily detected by that thing in Tianji Pavilion."

Sun Wukong nodded, cupped his fists and saluted: "Anyway, thank you all for standing up to protect the villagers of Huaguoshan."

Dahong waved his hand: "This is what we should do. It's not enough to praise, let alone thank you. Monkey, come with us."

Sun Wukong's face was full of astonishment: "Let's go? Where to go?"

"Go to a place where the Tianji instrument cannot detect it."

Dahong said: "We will give you targeted training to help you transform yourself."

Sun Wukong hesitated.

After all, this was only their first meeting, and he couldn't let down his guard against these people yet.

Seeing that he was reluctant to answer, Chang glared and shouted: "Are you afraid?"

"Chang Xian, don't be rude." Limu said immediately.

Chang Xian said: "I am not rude, I just spoke louder..."

Sun Wukong took a long breath and said, "Give me a reason to believe in you."


Dahong came to him, raised his palm with his palm facing down, and quickly scratched the inside of his palm a few times with his fingers.

After sensing the two words drawn by the other party, Sun Wukong suddenly widened his eyes and looked shocked.

"How?" Dahong silently retracted his finger and said with a smile.

Sun Wukong tried his best to control his shock and said, "I'll go with you!"

"Immortal, what will happen to Huaguoshan after you leave?"

"Yes, Immortal, let's leave later..."

When the villagers who were eating melons heard this, they reacted one after another and tried to persuade him.

Sun Wukong followed the sound and smiled brightly: "Don't worry, I have painted all the spirit gathering arrays on Huaguo Mountain. You may not be able to see anything for a while, but your life will definitely get better day by day."

After hearing what he said, the villagers couldn't help but kneel down to thank him.

"Let's go." Dahong said softly.

Qu Kui and the monkey have greatly improved their views on demons...

A few days later.

Qin Yao incarnated and came to Lingshan Paradise in his own image, and was soon invited to the Daleiyin Temple by the Buddha.

"Fellow Daoist Shen." Seeing him face to face, Sakyamuni took the initiative to step down from the lotus platform with a smile on his face and clasped his hands.

"Fellow Taoist Shi." Qin Yao returned the greeting with his hands in hand, also smiling.

Sakyamuni waved his sleeves, and a lotus platform of equal height appeared out of thin air opposite his own lotus platform: "Fellow Taoist Shen, please take a seat."

"Thank you." Qin Yao did not refuse, and took the initiative to fly to the lotus platform and sit cross-legged.

Sakyamuni also sat back in his seat and looked into each other's eyes: "I don't know if you are here, what advice can you give me?"

Qin Yao said calmly: "There is something big, a very big thing, and I want to talk to fellow Taoist."

Shakyamuni's heart moved, and he immediately said to his left and right: "You all, please step back."

The Buddhist monks in the hall bowed and left one after another, and in a blink of an eye, they were the only two people left in the huge hall.

Qin Yao said again: "Please close the door and say something."

Seeing how solemn he was, Sakyamuni became even more serious and closed the heavy door of Leiyin Temple with his hand.

When the hall fell completely silent, Qin Yao looked directly into Sakyamuni's eyes and said in a serious voice: "To make a long story short, I want to send the Queen Mother into reincarnation."

Sakyamuni was dumbfounded.

It took a long time to recover.

Even after he came to his senses, he thought he had heard wrongly: "Fellow Taoist, who do you want to send to reincarnation?"

Qin Yao said word by word: "The Queen Mother is the current Supreme Saint."

Sakyamuni: "..."


This guy is crazy.

Even during the Conferred Gods Period, there was nothing so exaggerated!

Today, when the Jade Emperor has passed through the tribulation, the Queen Mother is nominally the number one person in the Three Realms.

If you want to send the number one person in the Three Realms to reincarnation, is that not called a rebellion?

This is called heaven-defying!

"What's wrong?" Seeing that he didn't speak and just stared at him, Qin Yao raised his eyebrows and asked.

The corner of Sakyamuni's mouth twitched: "Fellow Taoist, don't you think this is a bit against heaven?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "The Queen Mother cannot represent heaven, and she is the one who rebelled against heaven. Tianjiyi is almost a replica of the way of heaven. She is not even a saint, but she wants to control the power of heaven. She has a heart that can be punished. From this Speaking of which, I am following the path of heaven.”

Sakyamuni: "..."

I have always heard that Shen Gongbao has a sharp tongue, and I can see that today.

In fact.

Even if everything he said was right, this was crazy.

"Don't be silent all the time. Do you dare to do it with me?" Qin Yao asked bluntly.

Sakyamuni smiled bitterly: "It's not that the poor monk is always silent, it's really that your idea is too shocking. I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it. The poor monk's heart was trembling just now..."

Qin Yao said: "It's not that his soul will be scattered and he will never be reincarnated. What are you afraid of?"

Sakyamuni was speechless again.

However, in order to prevent the other party from talking about him again, he did not remain silent for too long this time, and directly changed the subject: "What can I do in the vision of fellow Taoist?"

Qin Yao said: "Persuade the two saints to stand with me."

Sakyamuni paused for a moment and said in surprise: "Why don't you directly talk to Saint Zhunti about this matter?"

Qin Yao said calmly: "This plan still needs the full support of Buddhism. You are the current Buddhist World Honored One. I will bypass you directly and go to Saint Zhunti. So where is the respect for you?"

Sakyamuni: "..."

He couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment, but the look he looked at the other person suddenly became much softer.

This kind of respect expressed with actual actions is more favorable to people than verbal respect.

"How sure are you?" Sakyamuni asked after Shaoqing.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "Qiu Cheng, at least 70%!"

From a plot point of view, he did not believe that the Sage Heavenly Lord could change his fate against the will of heaven.

From this point of view, he did not deceive Sakyamuni. He truly believed that he was following the will of heaven.

It’s just that this heaven is the heaven of heaven’s will!

"So high?" Sakyamuni couldn't believe it.

Qin Yao nodded: "The Queen Mother is going against the grain and will reap the consequences in the end."

Shakyamuni took a deep breath and said: "I want to hear your plan... It's not that I don't believe you, it's really that this matter is very important."

Qin Yao said: "No problem! After I leave here later, I will go to Huoyun Cave again and try my best to win the support of the Three Emperors. Finally, I will visit Biyou Palace and ask the leader of Tongtian to invite all the saints on the grounds of discussing Taoism. Entering the Biyou Palace, the Three Realms will briefly enter the age of no saints."

Sakyamuni murmured to himself: "An era without saints?"

If there is a short-lived era without saints, then based on the foundation Shen Gongbao mastered during the Conferred God Period, there may be hope for success.

Once the Queen Mother enters reincarnation, there will inevitably be a power vacuum in the heaven for a period of time. This is the best period for Buddhism to penetrate the heaven.

At this moment, Sakyamuni was moved.

Four hours later.

In front of Huoyun Cave.

Qin Yao slowly walked out of the dimension door and said loudly: "Junior Shen Gongbao, please see the Three Emperors."

Immediately, Fuxi's voice came out: "Come in."

Qin Yao stepped through the door and came to the belly of the cave, only to find that Fuxi was the only one on the futon, while Shennong and Xuanyuan were nowhere to be seen.

"Greetings to the Emperor."

Seeing the saint in front of him, Qin Yao bowed and saluted again.

"My family members don't need to see outsiders." Fuxi smiled heartily, and then took the initiative to explain: "Shen Nong and Xuanyuan went to various places to seal their spiritual veins, so they are not in the cave."

Qin Yao nodded and sighed: "For the sake of the human race, the three of them are worried."

Fuxi waved his hand and said with a smile: "We have been blessed by the human race, so we should be like this. If the human race is strong, the holy status will be strong, and that is what we should do. By the way, why did you come to Huoyun Cave?"

Qin Yao smiled and said softly: "I want to send the Queen Mother to reincarnation."

Fuxi smiled and frowned, "Why did she offend you?"

"She didn't offend me, she offended the people." Qin Yao then told Sakyamuni's rhetoric again.

Fuxi muttered: "Yuanshi, Nuwa, and even the Supreme Being will not allow this to happen."

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "I know, so my next stop is Biyou Palace. I am going to use all my connections to bring the Three Realms into a saintless era for a short time."

Fuxi pondered for a long time and said: "Now that the army of Heaven is strong, even if it enters the age of no saints, how can you fight?"

"It's not difficult." Qin Yao said clearly: "Now that the Heavenly Court is as strong as the Three Hundred and Sixty-Five-Six Righteous Gods, as long as the connection between the Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord and the Conferred Gods List is cut off, the only thing she can rely on is what she has cultivated. Those gods, and these gods are not that powerful. "

Fuxi asked curiously: "How are you going to cut off the connection between them?"

Qin Yao smiled and said, "She has a daughter named Azi."

After getting what he wanted in Huoyun Cave, Qin Yao immediately rushed to Biyou Palace to win the support of the leader of Tongtian.

at the same time.


Qin Yao himself was also taking action, and secretly invited Ah Zi out of Tianji School. The two of them rode on the clouds and mist, one after another, to a lonely peak among a sea of ​​clouds.

"Mr. Li, is there anything you can't say to me in Tianji School?" Ah Zi asked bluntly after his feet landed on the top of the lonely peak.

Qin Yao slowly raised his arms, and the realm of the Kingdom of God spread out, covering the entire lonely peak in an instant.

Thick white mist immediately appeared, blocking all outside prying eyes...

AhZi was startled, and subconsciously activated the immortal energy in her body to prepare herself.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to attack you."

Qin Yao said softly: "I just don't want our next conversation to be noticed by others."

AhZi still tensed her immortal body and asked in a solemn voice: "What do you want to tell me, sir?"

"Tell me about the Supreme Saint." Qin Yao said, "The Supreme Saint is your mother, right?"

Azi pursed her lips and said, "Yes, you have a grudge against her?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "I have no grudge against her, we just have different ideas. I think she has been blinded by the desire for power and she no longer looks like a person."

These words spoke directly into Ah Zi's heart.

She also felt that her mother was becoming more and more indifferent, and her soul seemed to be slipping into a terrible abyss, becoming less and less warm.

Especially when the other party said, 'If it were my child who was possessed by a demon, I would kill him without hesitation.' Azi could clearly feel that these were not angry words, but sincere words.

That’s why she was so heartbroken at that time.

Is there anything more sad than watching her own mother gradually lose her humanity?

“So, what do you mean?”

After a long time, A Zi calmed down and asked with strong vigilance.

Qin Yao did not answer directly, but asked: “You said that you did not accept the destiny of the Supreme Saint, what about now?”

A Zi said: “I still do not accept it. I think it should not be like that. Guilty or not, it should be said by facts, not... speculation.”

“I don’t accept it either, so I want to break this so-called destiny and the Tianji instrument deep in the Tianji Pavilion. And if you want to save your mother, the two of us are like-minded comrades, or comrades-in-arms.” Qin Yao said.

Ah Zi asked, "Do you think that breaking the Heavenly Secret Instrument can save my mother?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said, "No, just breaking the Heavenly Secret Instrument can't save your mother. It will only make her more angry, and her heart will gradually be filled with hatred, and eventually her godhood will be distorted. The real way to save your mother is reincarnation, through reincarnation, cleanse the impurities attached to her heart."

A Zi: "..."

"I won't force you, nor will I rush you. Think about it after you go back, whether you want to do this with me."

Qin Yao said, "As for now, I just remind you that your mother is now on the verge of extinction. When she completely loses her humanity, you will be no different from others in her eyes."

His words are by no means aimless, nor are they deceiving Ah Zi.

In the original book, when Ah Zi gave the human-shaped doll to the Supreme Saint Tianzun, it could still touch the other person's heart.

But in the middle and late stages, when the Supreme Saint forced Yang Jian to destroy his humanity, she herself lost her humanity, so when Ah Zi disobeyed her, she killed her and turned her into ashes...

Not long after.

Ah Zi returned to Tianji Academy, climbed up to the roof as usual, and looked at the sunset in the sky.

However, the red glow became redder and redder in her eyes, and finally burned on the Flower and Fruit Mountain like a fire from heaven, and finally burned the earth into a scar.

She couldn't sit still anymore, turned into a fairy light and flew out of Tianji Academy, and went straight to Erlang Shen's Judicial Heavenly God Mansion.

"Ah Zi, why are you here?"

Erlang Shen, who received the news, hurried over and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

In the past, Ah Zi had said that she didn't like the Judicial Heavenly God Mansion, always felt that it was too cold, too gloomy, and full of uncomfortable feelings, so she rarely came.

Now she came directly without a sound, how could he not be puzzled?

"Brother Erlang, I want to know how many lives have been lost under the Heavenly Secret Instrument during this period of time." Ah Zi said seriously. (End of this chapter)

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