I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1323: Heaven and earth as chessboard, gods as chess pieces

In the courtyard of the mansion.

Yang Jian's face was slightly stiff.

AhZi looked at his face, her heart sinking: "A lot?"

Yang Jian took a long breath and said, "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"Because Tianzun used the Tianji instrument to reflect the tragic situation in Huaguo Mountain in front of all the freshmen of Tianji School. I want to know how many creatures died tragically due to this so-called early elimination of hidden dangers." Azi said.

Yang Jian pursed his lips and said: "I can only tell you that there are many cases of this kind of thing every day. I can't find out how many cases there are specifically, because Tianzun will not give me relevant figures."

Azi really wanted to ask, Brother Erlang, do you think Tianzun has gone crazy, but she was afraid that the walls had ears, so she held back: "I know, thank you, Brother Erlang."

Yang Jian reminded: "I know you sympathize with these creatures, but I hope you won't do anything stupid because of it. The power of sympathy will not make you stronger, but if you offend Tianzun, the consequences will be disastrous."

A Zi forced a smile on her face and said: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, how could I possibly offend Tianzun? I won't say any more, I have to rush back to class."

Yang Jian pondered for a moment and said, "Don't hide anything from me. No matter what it is, I will help you."

Ah Zi's smile suddenly brightened: "I know, Brother Erlang is the best to me..."

Lean less.

After leaving Judicial God's Mansion with a smile, the smile on Ah Zi's face quickly faded away as soon as she flew out of the solemn gate. The dissatisfaction in her heart gradually turned into anger, which continued to burn her soul...

Inside Biyou Palace.

Temple high platform.

After listening to Qin Yao's request, the leader of Tongtian asked: "Even in the age of no saints, it is not a simple matter to send the Queen Mother into reincarnation. Tell me, what kind of helpers have you found now?"

Qin Yao said: "Currently I have only found the Buddhist Gate and the Fire Cloud Cave."

"If they try their best to help you, then there will be no problem. The question is, will they do their best." The Tongtian Cult Master said: "Have you ever thought about what if one of them takes a stab at you in the process? "

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "No, because I connect them not only with favors, but with common interests.

For Sakyamuni, the Jade Emperor has passed away and the Queen Mother has reincarnated again. Even if someone else comes to the throne, he can be a helper, thus penetrating power into the heaven and making the East and West no longer distinct.

For the three emperors of Huoyundong, sending a queen mother into reincarnation can offset countless killings by gods and maintain peace in the world, which is conducive to their current plans.

Otherwise, if there is another battle to confer gods, all living beings in the world will be devastated, and their holy throne may even be shaken.

No one but me can give them this common interest in this regard.

After all, if the Queen Mother wanted them to betray her, the benefits she would transfer would definitely not be as much as what she would gain by working together with me. "

Tongtian pondered for a long time and suddenly asked: "They can all get what they want by supporting you, but what about me, what can I get?"

Qin Yao said: "After the reincarnation of the Queen Mother, Ah Zi takes power. In order to prevent the Western Buddhas and Lao Lao from shaking the foundation of the heaven, I am afraid that the help of saints will be indispensable."

At this moment, Tongtian was stunned.

This game of chess was played so unethically.

In the end, the person who suffered the most became the Jade Emperor.

After all, according to this kid's plan, Buddhism and Taoism are to check and balance each other, integrate with each other, and become a body of common interests around Ah Zi.

In this community of common interests, if there is no external impact, there will definitely be internal fighting. Whoever is more capable will get more.

But once there is an external impact, such as the return of the Jade Emperor, they will unite together to support Azi's status as a ruler.

Otherwise, if the Jade Emperor regains power, how could he give them such great benefits?

Buddhism and Taoism check and balance each other, the Jade Emperor checks and balances Buddhism and Taoism, and Azi checks and balances the Jade Emperor.

Under this situation, it can be said that unless Ah Zi makes some fatal mistake, when the Jade Emperor returns from the calamity in the future, he will be disappointed to find that he has become a mascot.

"Have you considered the feelings of Chanmen?" After a long time, the leader of Tongtian asked.

Qin Yao said: "I don't need to consider their feelings. It's you who should make such considerations. If the Jiejiao you lead cannot shoulder the task of checking and balancing Buddhism, then it's not a bad thing for the Chanjiao to step forward."

The leader of Tongtian Cult said: "I mean, what if Chan Sect and Buddhism unite?"

Qin Yao asked in confusion: "Why can't you be the one who leads the Chan religion to resist Buddhism?"

The two looked at each other, and then they laughed in unison.

"It's interesting. From now on, there will be some fights around the heaven." The leader of Tongtian Cult said.

Qin Yao said: "Let's fight, let's fight, it's better than a fierce fight like becoming a god. Fighting with the sky is endless fun. Fighting with the earth is endless fun. Fighting with people is also endless fun."

"Playing such a big game of chess, if the chess piece collapses, you will be doomed." Tongtian said: "Aren't you afraid?"

"Why don't you do something because you are afraid? If I don't do it, who will do it? Who dares to do it?" Qin Yao asked.

Tongtian fell silent and said with emotion: "The ten heroes of Jie Jiao are not as good as one leopard."

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "My master may not think so..."

Tongtian said enthusiastically: "Why don't you go tell him and see if he will expel you from the school?"

Qin Yao rolled his eyes.

Am I sick?

I have nothing to do to test my ancestor’s Taoist heart...

The next day.

Tianji School.

After class, Qin Yao secretly winked at Ah Zi, who was sitting in the first row. The latter understood and silently followed him out of the school, and the two parties gathered on the lonely peak in the clouds again.

"Have you thought about it?" After opening the Kingdom of God, Qin Yao asked directly without any nonsense.

"What can I do?" Azi asked.

She really didn't know what she could do to help.

Now, all she needs to do is give an order from the Supreme Saint, and she can be controlled directly.

This is power.

The supreme power of the Supreme Being in Heaven.

And what about her?

Except for brother Erlang, who is a relative, he doesn’t even have a confidant in heaven!

Qin Yao said seriously: "You can take the whip from her hand."

Ah Zi was stunned: "How can I get it?"

This is different from the jade-stealing and knife-stealing in the story. An item as valuable as the divine whip cannot be placed somewhere in heaven. It will only be placed in the personal domain of the Supreme Saint, and there is no place to steal it.

Qin Yao said: "Rely on the image you have shown over the years, and I have made some arrangements... Now let's bring the topic back to you, and you will tell me clearly whether you want to save your mother."

Ah Zi said: "We must save her, but the problem is, now that His Majesty has gone to overcome the tribulation, and the Queen Mother is reincarnated again, won't Heaven be left without a master?"

"And you." Qin Yao said with a smile.

AhZi looked shocked and pointed at herself: "Me? Do you think I can control the three realms?"

Qin Yao said: "I can teach you...there is still time."

"This is not a matter of teaching or not, nor is it a matter of learning or not. The main reason is that I have little prestige." Azi said: "I am afraid that the heaven will be turbulent and create even greater disasters."

Qin Yao smiled: "Don't worry, I have considered all the issues you are worried about. At that time, you will use the whip to control the list of gods as your operational troops.

The two churches of Buddhism and Taoism will protect you and help you scare Xiaoxiao.

You only need to learn how to balance the three forces of Buddhism, Taoism and the gods, and you will be able to establish this ruling power. "

Azi: "..."

Only now did she know what it means to use the heaven and earth as a chessboard and the gods as chess pieces.

This man is terrible.

"Mr. Li, who are you?"

After a moment, Azi said seriously: "I don't believe that someone with such courage and calculation would remain unknown in the Three Realms."

Qin Yao pondered for a moment, then transformed into the image of Shen Gongbao, cupped his hands and said: "I have met Princess Azi, Shen Gongbao."

Azi opened her mouth in shock.

But who knows about the matter of becoming a god, who doesn’t know about Shen Gongbao?


Now it makes sense.

A few days later.

Qin Wan, Zhao Jiang, Dong Quan, Yuan Jiao, Sun Liang, Bai Li, Yao Bin, Wang Bian, and Zhang Shao suddenly launched a rebellion without any warning, rebelled against the Heavenly Court, and flew back to Jin'ao Island. .

When the news came out, the heaven was shaken, and the Supreme Saint Tianzun was furious. He was immediately promoted in the Lingxiao Palace and was furious with the gods.

In the main hall.

The gods looked at their noses with their eyes, and their noses looked at their hearts, silently listening to the roar of the Supreme Lord, venting their dissatisfaction.

This kind of thing is indeed very bad. If the Supreme Saint is indifferent to this, some gods who are not willing to be controlled on the list of gods will flee in large numbers.

By then, all the achievements of the Conferred Gods that belong to the Heavenly Court will be completely lost. After the Jade Emperor returns, the Queen Mother will not be able to explain to him.

"Wen Zhong, why did Lord Jiutian rebel against the world?"

After venting his dissatisfaction, Shangsheng Tianzun asked the Lord of the Thunder Department.

Wen Zhong shook his head: "Reporting to Tianzun, I don't know. They rebelled without any warning, and they talked and preached, inciting the gods of the Lei Department to descend to the realm one after another. My Lei Department is almost in chaos now."

The Supreme Saint Tianzun said coldly and solemnly: "I will give you one day to quickly bring all the rebellious generals to justice on the spot as a warning to others."

Wen Zhong sighed: "Tianzun should ask someone else to do this kind of thing, otherwise if they hide without a trace during this period, I can't explain it.

After all, they and I are both Jiejiao Immortals. In the eyes of others, they may think that I am deliberately covering up. "

The Supreme Saint Tianzun frowned, looked around at the other immortals, and asked: "Who wants to suppress the rebellion in the lower world?"

"I am willing to put down the rebellion in the lower world!"

In the silence, Ah Zi, wearing a black divine bird crown, a black gown, and a complexion as white as pure jade, slowly entered the palace holding a golden scepter.

Shangsheng Tianzun was slightly startled, and a conspiracy theory emerged subconsciously in his heart: "Who asked you to come?"

"My heart made me come."

Ah Zi raised her head and looked directly into the other person's eyes and said, "I didn't even figure out why they left, so I just rectified the law on the spot as a warning to others. Isn't it too cruel?

Perhaps, what are their reasons?

Perhaps, they also had no choice but to do so?

You are always like this. A single thought determines the life and death of countless people, regardless of whether they are innocent or not. "

Shangsheng Tianzun shouted coldly: "When will it be your turn to teach me?"

Ah Zi said: "This is not preaching, it is explaining the facts. Mother, since my father passed away during the tribulation, you have been willful too many times. If you continue to be so willful, it will only make people feel more and more like God." If you have a poor family, you will definitely become disloyal in the future.”

Shangsheng Tianzun laughed in anger. This was the first time since she came to power that someone dared to speak to her like this in public.

"Okay, okay, you are kind and not cold-blooded. Don't you want to know the truth? Go, you go, I won't stop you. I want to see how far you can go and what you can change. "

AhZi put away the scepter, knelt on one knee, stretched out her arms upwards, and said in a solemn voice: "Please give me the divine whip, and give me a chance to be powerful first and then be kind."

"You have made some progress, and you actually know how to put power before kindness." Shang Sheng Tianzun mocked.

Ah Zi remained unmoved and still raised her arms high.

In front of this hall full of immortal gods, the Supreme Saint Tianzun didn't say any unpleasant words. Instead, he summoned the divine whip with a flip of his hand and pushed it into her hand: "I'll give you two days at most. I want one." Perfect result.”

AhZi suddenly grasped the whip and said firmly, "I can definitely do it."

"It must be possible?" There was a hint of mockery on the face of the Supreme Saint Tianzun, and then he looked at a young man in black armor standing at the starting point: "Tianpeng, you lead the 300 Heavenly Machine Army to follow Princess Azi on the expedition. "

The resolute-faced black-armored god general clasped his fists and saluted: "Yes, Heavenly Lord."

at the same time.

In the human world, the sunset is bright and beautiful.

Dahong, with white hair and a cane in hand, appeared on Huaguo Mountain and walked straight towards the only mountain village that was barren to the naked eye.

"It's an immortal."

"The Immortal is back..."

Villagers carrying various homemade farm tools accidentally discovered him and shouted loudly.

Soon, the whole village was alarmed. Except for the patients who could not get out of bed, all the villagers ran out and gathered in front of Dahong, kneeling down to salute.

They will never forget in this life that when a group of terrifying demons appeared accompanied by sky fire, this old man and two immortals appeared out of the sky to save them from life and death.

"Get up, everyone."

Dahong called everyone up, then scanned the crowd, and soon found a beautiful and refined young girl among them, beckoning: "Come here."

The young girl slowly came to Dahong and said in reverence: "Immortal..."

Dahong asked: "Do you have an accompanying stone?"

The girl looked confused: "Sage, what is companionship?"

Dahong laughed dumbly, and then said: "It's just a stone that I brought with me since I was a child."

The girl suddenly understood, and immediately pulled out a rope from her neck, and used the rope to pull out a strange stone: "This stone was brought up by me since I was a child. It has been sixteen years now."

"Can I see this stone?" Dahong asked.


The girl immediately took the stone off her neck and handed it to the other party: "You can look at it as you wish."

Dahong stretched out his hand to hold this strange purple-black stone, silently sensing the power of the stars in it, and nodded: "That's right... Girl, come with me, Qu Kui wants to see you."

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