I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1342: Your teacher will walk with you

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, Xiao Bailong, and Jinghe Dragon King looked at each other, and finally looked at Qin Yao intently, waiting for his next words.

Qin Yao let out a long breath and said, "A few days ago, I sensed the birth of a demon, and rushed there. I saw a black lotus flying out of the mountain crevice and drilling into the body of a peacock demon, trying to use her body to transform.

Just when I was about to split the peacock's belly and take out the black lotus, the Buddha came and saved the peacock, and also saved the demon black lotus.

At that time, I begged the Buddha to eliminate the hidden danger immediately, but the Buddha did not listen, thinking it was not urgent. He wanted to take the peacock back to Lingshan and let Ayi Nafa, the first divine sword in the three realms, take out the black lotus.

In front of all the Buddhas, Ayi Nafa took out the black lotus, but I still sensed the demon fetus in the peacock demon's body. I reported it to the Buddha in public, but the Buddha still did not believe it.

Soon after that, the ancient Buddha Ran Deng passed away. I suspect that it was the work of the demon, otherwise how could anyone live well. Well, why don't you just die?

Moreover, if my estimate is correct, the death of the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp is just the beginning. The Buddha will not clean up this mess, and he will definitely run away.

I can think of excuses, just say something like destiny, destiny and other words to fool the saints.

And once Tathagata leaves, with the power of that monster that can even kill the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, no one in the Buddhist world will be able to compete with it, and a catastrophe of the three realms is coming.

From now on, for safety reasons, Wukong can no longer return to Huaguo Mountain, Bajie can no longer return to Gao Laozhuang, Lao Sha can no longer return to Liusha River, and Xiaobailong can no longer stay in the Dragon Palace.

The most important thing is that no one can return to Lingshan, otherwise they will fall into the trap! "

Hearing him come to this, the five gods and Buddhas were stunned, even dumbfounded.

If someone else had said this, they would have sneered long ago. How could people believe such an outrageous thing?

But the one who said this was the master (the holy Buddha), an upright person who would never joke about such things!

"I can't imagine what kind of monster in this world can force the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp to death and scare off the Buddha Tathagata." Zhu Bajie murmured.

Qin Yao was about to speak when a loud voice suddenly came from outside the palace: "Your Majesty, the disciple of the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, Yunju Venerable, has come and claimed to have an important matter to see Prince Ao Lie."

The Dragon King of Jinghe River then looked at Xiao Bailong and asked in confusion: "Lie'er, do you still have a relationship with Yunju Venerable?"

Xiao Bailong shook his head: "No, we have never met and have no relationship at all."

Qin Yao said: "Then it is possible that he wants to find someone else through you, you can go and see him."

Xiao Bailong bowed and said: "Yes, Master!"

In front of the Dragon Palace.

Yunju Venerable, with bloodstained clothes and pale face, walked back and forth in front of the stone steps to the door, his face full of anxiety.

Since leaving Lingjiu Mountain, he first went to Chang'an City, but he searched Chang'an and did not find the trace of the Merit Buddha. Instead, he was inexplicably chased by the demon clan.

After trying his best to escape, he collapsed on the bank of the Jing River.

After that, he spent two whole days to barely recover some of his physical strength and magic power, and was able to cast the water-avoiding spell to visit the Dragon Palace.

Fortunately, he learned from the guards of the Dragon Palace that the Eight Heavenly Dragons Guangli Bodhisattva was in the Dragon Palace at this time, and it should be easier to find the Merit Buddha through Guangli Bodhisattva...

He was not afraid of trouble, but he was afraid that the master's relic would be snatched away on the way, and he would not be able to deliver it to the Merit Buddha as instructed by the master, then he would be blamed for his death!

"I am Ao Lie, and I meet the Venerable."

Just as he was eagerly looking forward to it, the little white dragon in white clothes and with an upright figure walked out of the Dragon Palace with his followers and said with a bow.

"Yunju greets the Bodhisattva." Yunju quickly returned the greeting, and then asked anxiously: "May I ask the Bodhisattva if he knows where the Sandalwood Merit Buddha is?"

The little white dragon narrowed his eyes and asked cautiously: "Why are you looking for my master?"

Yunju was really in no mood to be polite, so he took out his master's relic from his arms and said solemnly: "My master asked me to give this relic to the Merit Buddha, but I searched Chang'an and couldn't find the Merit Buddha."

Looking at the golden Buddha bone relic, the little white dragon's face changed slightly, and he waved his hand and said: "Come with me."

Yunju was slightly stunned, and then overjoyed: "Could it be..."

"That's right." Before he could ask the question, the little white dragon responded directly.

Yunju was so happy that a stream of heat surged in his body, and he murmured: "Master bless, Master bless!"

In the secret room, Qin Yao, who heard the conversation between the two, was stunned.


Give it to me?

Give it to the wrong person, right?

It should be for my monkey?

What went wrong in the middle?

After a while, the little white dragon led the Yunju Master to the secret room. The moment he saw Qin Yao, the Yunju Master's eyes were filled with tears and he called out, "Gongde Buddha~"

Qin Yao put his hands together and bowed slightly, "Meet the Master."

The Yunju Master quickly held his palm and stuffed the Buddha's bone relic into his palm, "This is what my master asked me to pass on to you. You must keep it well."

Qin Yao subconsciously held the Buddha's bone relic, which was still a little warm, and asked with a puzzled look on his face, "May I ask the Master, why did the ancient Buddha ask you to pass this relic to me?"

Yunju shook his head and said, "I don't know the reason either. My master asked me to do this after he entered Nirvana. By the way, he also asked me to tell you that the reason he entered Nirvana was because he blocked someone's way."

Qin Yao: "..."

Blocked someone's way?

Whose way was blocked?

If there is no conspiracy theory, then it should be Wu Tian's way that was blocked.

But in the context of conspiracy theories, it is no longer the demon lord who is blocking his path.

Rather, it is a certain hypocrite’s road to centralization of power!

To put it bluntly, how can we allow others to snore on the side of the bed?

"Master, it's very strange." Zhu Bajie asked, "Even if the monster's power is overwhelming, with the strength of the Lantern Ancient Buddha, it won't even have the ability to escape, right?"

Qin Yao muttered: "I understand, the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng was not killed by monsters."

Zhu Bajie looked surprised: "Then how did he die? As you said at the beginning, his family was living well, so why did he seek death?"

Qin Yao had no intention of covering up the Tathagata and said, "What do you think the ancient Buddha's words about asking Venerable Yunju to bring me to me mean?"

Zhu Bajie thought for a while, waved his hand and said: "Master, this disciple is stupid and cannot understand the mystery."

Qin Yao pointed out: "Then let me ask you, who will benefit the most from the nirvana of the ancient Buddha Ran Deng?"

"Of course it's a monster." Zhu Bajie said without thinking.

Qin Yao said calmly: "Think about it again."

A flash of light flashed in Sun Wukong's mind, and his eyes suddenly widened: "It's Tathagata!"

"That's right, it's Tathagata." Qin Yao said: "Looking at the entire Buddhist world, only the ancient Buddha Randeneng can share the authority of the Buddhist kingdom. After Randeneng's Nirvana, he will be the true Supreme Being in the Buddhist world, and there will no longer be anyone above him. A great emperor."

Everyone: "..."

This statement is so shocking that people dare not think about it carefully. Once they think about it carefully, they feel shuddering.

Qin Yao silently held the relic and said, "Do you still remember what I told you? From now on, we will completely move into the dark.

Only when the enemy is in the light and we are in the dark can we solve most crises with ease.

This requires you not to appear in places you are familiar with or your old nest, so as not to be plotted by others. "

The original work devoted a lot of space to describing the process of Wutian's plot against Wukong. During this process, Wutian pretended to be Tathagata and deliberately let Wukong discover that the underworld, heaven, and purple bamboo forest were all in a mess, with countless corpses of immortals and Buddhas.

Then when Sun Wukong came to find him, he took him to see the intact places again and told Wukong that what he saw at that time was the scene thirty-three days later.

Now that the demon boy who caused all this has been born, let Wukong kill the demon boy.

That's right, the demon boy mentioned here is the reincarnation of the Tathagata!

In this life, Qin Yao occupied Sanzang's body and felt that he owed him a lot. In addition, he had a good relationship with Wukong in several worlds. Naturally, he regarded this Wukong as one of his family members. How could he sit back and watch him be killed by Wu Tian? Playing monkey?

Turning from light to dark is the cheapest way to break the situation.

"Then where are we going?" Zhu Bajie asked.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "Find a small town or town to live in seclusion for the time being. The place is small, there will be less trouble, and we can spend more energy on investigation."

The Dragon King of Jinghe hesitated and said: "Holy Buddha, you can all leave, but if I leave Jinghe, I will be leaving my post without permission..."

"Just keep a clone. Do you know the clone technique? If not, I will teach you." Qin Yao said.

"By the way, a clone." Sun Wukong's eyes lit up and he said hurriedly: "Master, I can pull out my hair and turn into a clone, and go to the Buddhist world to investigate the situation."

Qin Yao thought for a moment and said, "I will also transform into a clone and go with you."

"Ah?" Sun Wukong looked stunned.

He was used to the days when his master sat in the background and fought alone, but he never imagined that after his master awakened to the wisdom of his previous life, he would have to be on the front line in everything he did.

"I need to confirm whether the one sitting in the Great Thunder Sound Temple is a monster or a Tathagata." Qin Yao explained.

"Well, can I ask a question?" Sha Wujing, who had always been silent, said suddenly.

"We said we are a family, what can't we ask?" Qin Yao laughed.

Sha Wujing scratched his head and said, "I still don't understand the purpose of the words that Randen Ancient Buddha brought to you."

Qin Yao suppressed his smile and exhaled a breath: "Through my performance in Lingshan, he saw that I am not very convinced of Tathagata, or in other words, I am rebellious."

Sha Wujing: "What?"

He still couldn't understand it.

What does being rebellious have to do with that sentence?

Looking at the confused Lao Sha, Qin Yao could only say in the most straightforward vernacular: "Before the ancient Buddha Randeneng passed away, there were two forces in the Buddhist world. One force obeyed the Tathagata, and the other force obeyed the ancient Buddha. .

These two forces have been living in peace and harmony for countless years. Suddenly one day, the appearance of a monster gave Tathagata some ideas.

And when the monster found the Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng under his control, Ran Deng understood this idea.

He is not afraid of monsters, he is afraid that the Buddhist world will be divided and there will be no possibility of coming together again.

For the Buddhist world, the most dangerous thing is not the invasion of monsters, but fission from within.

To prevent this situation, he chose to sacrifice himself to maintain stability within the Buddhist world.

However, he can sacrifice, but he may not be willing to do so. He needs someone who has a treason against Tathagata to help him take revenge.

So, that sentence came up, as well as the matter of asking Venerable Yunju to come and deliver the relics. At this point, do you understand? "

Sha Wujing suddenly understood and said sincerely: "Master, you are so amazing. It is so difficult for me to understand, but you thought of this with just one sentence."

Qin Yao said: "It's actually very simple. From the time when I indulged Kasyapa and Ananda to ask for human affairs from us, the impression of Buddha in my heart began to collapse.

When he deliberately delayed the destruction of the black lotus, which led to the Nirvana of the ancient Buddha Dipankara, his glorious image in my heart has been completely shattered.

When the sacred glory is gone, he changed from a good person to a hypocritical image, and many things can be deduced by conspiracy theories.

And for hypocritical people, the results deduced by conspiracy theories are often the facts."

Sun Wukong sighed: "Master, I really don't want to stay in the Buddhist world. What I hate most is all kinds of calculations. People's hearts are like ghosts."

The Buddhist world he imagined when he was seeking scriptures is too different from the Buddhist world he has seen during this period of time. This gap makes him feel like a thorn in his throat, and he can't feel relieved if he doesn't spit it out!

Compared to being a fighting Buddha in this kind of Buddhist sect full of calculations, he would rather be a free monkey in Huaguo Mountain.

No matter how righteous he is, he cannot make him compromise and erase his own nature.

Qin Yao said softly: "Wukong, what I want to tell you is that this world is so dark and dirty.

Even if you resign from the position of Buddha and declare that you will no longer ask about the affairs of the Three Realms, and want to be a free monkey and live freely, some people will still be worried."

Sun Wukong frowned and said: "What are they worried about?"

"They are worried about your rebellious nature."

Qin Yao stared into his eyes and said word by word: "The Fighting Buddha wearing the fighting armor is within the rules of the Buddhist world, and the Monkey King without the fighting armor is not within any rules. Therefore, you can only put on this armor to make them feel at ease."

Sun Wukong: "..."

"Okay, it's time to set off."

Qin Yao silently retracted his gaze, his mind moved, and his divine power flowed, and an identical clone suddenly appeared beside him.

Sun Wukong raised his right hand, pulled out a hair, and turned into a clone. The clones of the master and the disciple set off, riding on clouds and heading straight for the Buddhist world.

In the Great Leiyin Temple.

In the Mahavira Hall.

Wutian, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Tang Xuanzang and Sun Wukong have entered the Buddhist world. Black robe, notify everyone to disguise themselves and don't let them see the flaws."

As soon as the voice fell, he himself transformed into the appearance of Tathagata.

Black robe nodded, turned around and turned into Maitreya Buddha, and walked out of the Mahavira Hall quickly.

In a blink of an eye, when the master and the disciple arrived at Lingshan, they saw that Lingshan was normal, with smoke curling and Sanskrit sounds, and it didn't look like it had experienced war.

"Meritorious Buddha."

"Victorious Buddha."

And on the way from the foot of Lingshan to the Mahavira Hall, countless Buddhist monks bowed and saluted, and there was no mistake in the etiquette.

Amidst countless greetings, the master and his disciple's clones soon arrived in front of the palace. Qin Yao put his hands together and said loudly: "Sandalwood Merit Buddha Tang Xuanzang, with his disciple Fighting and Victory Buddha Sun Wukong, asks to see our Buddha Tathagata!"

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