I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1343 Who is lawless?

"Come in."

In the main hall, above the golden lotus platform, Wutian disguised as Tathagata said lightly.

Qin Yao then stepped into the hall with Wukong. Looking around, he saw that the hall was empty except for Tathagata and Ananda Kasyapa, one master and two servants.

"Meet the Buddha."

The two of them clasped their hands together again and bowed to salute.

Wutian raised his hand, motioning for them to stay on their feet and avoid courtesy, and asked: "You two masters and disciples came together, why are you here?"

"Wukong, what are you talking about?" Qin Yao turned around and asked.

Sun Wukong waved his hands repeatedly: "Master, let me tell you. My old Sun has a stupid heart and a stupid mouth. If he says any inappropriate words, he will only make the Buddha unhappy."

Wutian laughed: "Wukong, in your mind, am I just such a small-minded person?"

"That's not the case." Sun Wukong chuckled and said, "The main reason is that I can really irritate people with my words."

Wutian: "..."

Qin Yao glanced at the two bastards standing with hands hanging down, and with a thought in his heart, he asked, "Are Ananda and Kasyapa very quiet today?"

If the Tathagata had been around, Ananda and Kassapa would have definitely fought back, but now sitting on the lotus platform is the Demon King Wutian, how could they dare to be so presumptuous?

So, facing Qin Yao's inquiry, both of them stood silently with their hands tied and their noses watching their hearts.

Seeing this situation, Qin Yao knew what was going on and spoke again: "Buddha, please remove Ananda and Kasyapa. The poor monk has extremely important matters that he wants to discuss with you."

Hearing these words, the two venerables lost their composure. Ananda said in a deep voice: "Kung De Buddha, we two are close followers of the Buddha. What do you want to say to the Buddha while avoiding us? Could it be that you are sowing discord and hurting people behind your back?" ?”

Qin Yao laughed: "There is a saying in the world, if you don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If you don't do anything wrong, what are you afraid of now?"

Kassapa shouted softly: "This sentence is nonsense. No matter whether you have done something wrong or not, everyone is afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. We two brothers are also afraid that you will throw dirty water on us in front of the Buddha and say bad things about us."

Qin Yao waved his hand: "Don't flatter yourself. If I want to say something bad about you, I can do it in front of you. What else do I need to do to give you face?"

Ananda, Kasyapa: "..."

This is very hurtful.

"Okay, Ananda, Kasyapa, please step back." Wutian said in a solemn voice.

The two great Buddha attendants were completely shocked by Wu Tian. Under his order, they did not even dare to fart, bowed and saluted, and strode away.

After watching them leave, Wutian raised his hand and closed the vermilion door of the Mahavira Palace, and asked with a smile: "Buddha of merit, do you have anything extremely important to say to me?"

Qin Yao clasped his hands together and said calmly: "Xuan Zang has met the great monk."

Wutian's smile paused for a moment, and then he asked with confusion on his face: "Xuan Zang, what are you talking about?"

Qin Yao put down his hands and looked directly into the other person's eyes: "The young monk said that he has met the great monk."

"I heard it clearly. What I asked was what it meant." Wutian said seriously.

Qin Yao: "The great monk should stop teasing the junior monk and his disciples. Do you dare to ask the great monk his Dharma name?"

Wutian was silent.

At this point, he was basically sure that the other party had discovered his disguise.

The problem is, he can't think of where he was exposed.

After a moment, Wu Tian's body flashed with purple-black light, and he changed from the image of Tathagata back to the appearance of the original deity. The golden lotus under the seat also turned into a black golden lotus: "Xuan Zang, how did you find out?"

Qin Yao said: "In front of the Tathagata, Ananda and Kassapa were arrogant and proud, but just now, the young monk only saw awe of the great monk in them."

Wutian pursed his lips and sighed: "You are so careful! However, you just directly exposed my identity like this, aren't you afraid that I will do something to you?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "Master, please take a closer look at us."

Wutian narrowed his eyes, and a purple-black divine light flashed in his eyes. He immediately saw the nature of their clones, and couldn't help but laugh: "What a Sandalwood Buddha!"

"Please forgive me, monk." Qin Yao said politely.

He knew very well that Wutian longed to be respected, and any disrespectful behavior would deeply irritate his heart, which had been imprisoned for more than five hundred years and was riddled with holes.

"I am Buddha Wutian." Qin Yao's attitude really made Wutian feel very comfortable, so he answered the question raised by the other party.

"Buddha..." Qin Yao muttered these two words and then said: "The great monk wants to replace Tathagata?"

Wutian: "Want it? I have now replaced Tathagata!"

Qin Yao said calmly: "Is Tathagata dead?"

Wutian: "..."

"You don't seem to have much respect for Tathagata?" Shao Qing asked with a strange look on his face.

Qin Yao: "He is a hypocrite, why does he get my respect?"

Wutian: "..."

He was shocked.

The Buddhist Merit Buddha said that the Buddha was a hypocrite. This...

Simply lawless!


No, I am lawless!

"Are you a Buddhist?" Wutian couldn't help but ask after coming back to his senses.

"Yes." Qin Yao said, "But originally I wanted to retreat, but I was afraid of trouble."

Wutian could see that this man was very sincere.

So sincere that one is often left speechless.

"So, you hate Tathagata!"

"Monk, it doesn't matter whether I hate him or not. What matters is what you will do next after you have actually replaced his position."

Wutian said without hesitation: "Of course I am the one who unifies the three realms, and I am the only one who dominates."

This was the huge ambition he had born during the five hundred years of being sealed in the Dark Abyss, and it was also the strong belief that supported him to break the seal and return to the Three Realms.

Qin Yao shook his head: "I dare to ask the great monk, throughout the ages, except for the Jade Emperor, who is the nominal supreme king of the three realms, has anyone ever truly unified the three realms?"

Wutian frowned: "What others can't do, I may not be able to do it!"

"I believe you can do it." Qin Yao said.

Wutian: "?"

After being silent for a long time, he asked in a strange voice: "Do you believe...then why are you asking me that question?"

Qin Yao said: "I believe you can do it, but I don't think you can persist for how long. If it is only ten or twenty days, it is like the life of a mayfly, what is the meaning of a lifetime?"

Wutian: "..."

He is silent today more than he was in the past five hundred years!

"Xuan Zang, what exactly do you want to say?"

"The young monk wants to say that the only one who can unify the three realms is the way of heaven. No matter how powerful the monk's magic power is, he cannot be stronger than the way of heaven."

Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "Because the little monk doesn't like the Tathagata, I sincerely advise the big monk to control the demon Buddha's tribulation within the Buddha realm. This can extend the time for the big monk to rule Lingshan."

Wutian was stunned and said in astonishment: "Are you giving me advice?"

"That's right. The main reason is that I don't want the entire Three Realms to be destroyed."

Qin Yao said seriously: "I know that the great monk has great ambitions, a good plan, the opportunity to contain the universe, and the ambition to swallow up the world, but there are some things that cannot be achieved by one person.

To be more specific, the young monk said, you do not have enough manpower to control the three realms, or even the Buddhist world.

In this case, you can only rely on demons, and these demons are mixed, and some are even worse than good. They cannot understand the ambitions of the great monk at all. Most demons will only make the land under their control a mess and make the people miserable. .

At that time, the bigger the place you control, the more creatures will be affected by the disaster, and the greater the karma will be gathered on you, which will eventually bring about the backlash! "

Wutian: "..."

He wanted to refute, but he felt that these words were accurate and fully focused on his predicament.

"Wait a minute, you are also a Buddha in the Buddhist world, aren't you afraid that I will harm the Buddhist world?" After a moment, he took a different approach and asked based on his identity.

Qin Yao said calmly: "Young monk, don't be afraid. Xiniu Hezhou under the rule of the Tathagata is already full of smog. When the young monk and his disciples go west, the farther west they go, the more powerful the demons they encounter and the more creatures they kill.

For example, the three demons of the Lion and Camel Ridge, and just the Golden-winged Dapeng King, ate all the humans in the Lion and Camel Kingdom, from the king, prime minister, to the traffickers and footmen, no one was spared. Has the great monk ever harmed so many people? ? "

Wutian: "..."


He has never harmed so many people!

"Therefore, the young monk sincerely hopes that the great monk can dare to teach the sun and moon to change the sky and fulfill the name of Buddha." Qin Yao spoke again.

Wutian pursed his lips and said, "Xuan Zang, you really... exceeded my expectations!"

Qin Yao asked: "Did the monk agree?"

"Are you willing to join me?" Wutian said without hesitation, "I can give you a position below one person and above all Buddhas."

Qin Yao said: "I don't want to."

Wutian's mood was up and down due to him, and now he became angry again: "Why?"

"I don't like to be controlled by others." Qin Yao said sincerely: "Whether it is Tathagata, the Jade Emperor, or the great monk you."

Wutian: "..."

You guy...

"Then can you do something for me?" Wutian asked after a long time.

"What's the matter?"

"Find the reincarnation of the Tathagata and bring it to me."

Qin Yao shook his head: "I can't help, not at all. If I do this, what's the difference between agreeing to join your army?"

Wutian Youyou said: "If you don't help me with this, I'm afraid I won't be able to trust you anymore."

Qin Yao said: "I just want to make you worry. If you don't listen to my good advice and insist on unifying the three realms, causing the destruction of the three realms, then I will definitely rebel against you."

Wutian: "..."

"What if I send someone to chase you? I will chase you with no way to heaven and no way to the earth."

"If you kill me, I will naturally kill you too. It just depends on who has the better move."

Wutian laughed loudly: "Tathagata can't kill me, what are you talking about?"

Qin Yao said calmly: "Can't we kill the relics? For example... seventeen."

Wutian seemed to be strangled by the neck, and he couldn't laugh anymore: "How did you know about this?!"

"Randeng Ancient Buddha told me that his relics are now in my hands." Qin Yao lied.

Wutian stared at his eyes for a long time, then waved his hand to open the main door of the Main Hall: "You guys, please step back."

Qin Yao nodded, turned around and walked towards the door with Wukong. After crossing the threshold, he suddenly stopped and looked back and said, "Monk, I'm watching you."

"Get out!" Wutian shouted loudly, dumbfounded.

Qin Yao waved his hand and quickly went away with the monkey...

After watching them leave, Wu Tian's expression kept changing, and then he summoned the four powerful generals, Black Robe, Giant Scorpion, Black Lotus Holy Envoy, and Ying Yao, and told Qin Yao's advice in detail, but he disappeared. Regarding the matter about the relics, he finally asked: "Do you think these words are reasonable?"

"My subordinates think he is exaggerating a bit."

Wearing a purple hair crown, a long face and black lips, the giant scorpion woman in a black gown raised her hands and said: "Why can't monsters rule the three realms? He is simply discriminating against the monster clan!"

Wutian shook his head: "No, monsters really can't control the three realms, because the era of the monster clan has passed."

A look of eagerness appeared on the face of the black-robed protector, and he said: "Buddha, the demon clan is your foundation. You must not listen to that monk's deception."

Wutian waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I will not give up on the demon clan, but this problem really needs to be solved."

Wearing round jewelry and an embroidered green robe, Ying Yao muttered: "Buddha, my subordinates have a way to solve this problem."

Wutian looked at his military advisor and asked, "If you have any good ideas, just tell me."

Ying Yao said: "The demon clan cannot rule the three realms, but we can turn the demon clan into gods and Buddhas.

The Buddha only needs to subdue Ayinaval, who is known as the best sword in the three realms, and he can rely on his ability to build a workshop that imitates the gods.

At that time, the demon clan can enter the hall. "

Wutian: "..."

What is the difference between this and self-deception?

Is it because of their identity that monsters can't rule everywhere?

There is a reason for this, but Xuanzang mainly talks about the nature of mind.

If the character remains unchanged, even if a new layer of skin is put on, the areas that should be managed poorly will still be managed poorly, and the result will be as the other party said, causing devastation to all living beings!

"Forget it, let's master the Buddhist world first and tame the Buddhas."

After a long silence, Wutian said softly.

The giant scorpion woman was anxious and wanted to argue, but was lightly kicked by Ying Yao beside her, and then she shut her mouth.

"Buddha, I suggest that the task of taming the Buddhas be given to Ananda and Kasyapa. The Buddhas who were willing to accept the threat of force knelt down when the Golden Buddha fell.

Those who are still unwilling to give in now are all those who are not afraid of death. The role we demon clan can play is not very high. "After stopping the giant scorpion woman from arguing, Ying Yao continued.

Wutian nodded slightly: "Summon Ananda and Kasyapa..."

At this point, Qin Yao's words directly eliminated the God's Workshop, which played a major role in the sequel, and also caused Wutian to temporarily slow down the pace of dominating the three realms.

Of course, this also indirectly saved the lives of many humans and gods, which can be called infinite virtue!

What a pity.

Now Yin De is far less important to Qin Yao's practice than it was in the early days.

What he needs now is the merits of heaven, and this kind of merits of heaven must often be in line with the movement of heaven's general trend, or can only be obtained by assisting the movement of heaven's general trend.

For example, he helped Ksitigarbha enter the underworld and gained some heavenly merits.

And his current behavior of admonishing Wutian does not meet the conditions for reward in terms of the general trend of heaven, so he can only accumulate yin virtue and follow his thoughts in order to have clear thoughts and a clear conscience!

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