I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 159: Burn it! (Please subscribe)

Chapter 159 Burn it! (Please subscribe)

“Dad, although you bit me, I don’t blame you.”

In the Long Ancestral Temple, in front of the coffin of Mr. Long, Liu Dalong said with a sincere face: "However, my son, I haven't lived enough yet, and I don't want to be a zombie for the time being... In order for me to survive, I have to aggrieve you."

At this point, he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the door: "Guard, come in, pry your mouth, and saw your teeth."

 “Yes, Commander!”

Two sergeants from the guards trotted in. One held an iron hook and a crowbar, and the other held a clean, spotless double-headed iron saw. They stopped in front of Mr. Long's coffin and bent down to dig into the coffin. The upper and lower lips of a dead body.

But no matter how they pushed or broke it, the upper and lower lips of the dead body were like iron plates stuck together, and there was no way they could get even a tiny gap.

"Reporting to the commander, I really can't open my mouth." After trying many times, the two soldiers finally gave up and stood up straight to report.

“Is this also caused by corpse energy?” Liu Dalong asked Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu nodded silently: "The zombies in the dormant state will not open their mouths until the corpse energy is dissipated."

"Mr. Qin, do you have any good ideas?" Liu Dalong asked again.

"Yes." Qin Yao said seriously: "It's very simple. Don't pry, cut off the neck first, cut off your father's head, and let it dry for three to five days. The corpse gas in your mouth will almost be gone. By then you will You can pry it off as much as you want, break it off as you want."

 Liu Dalong: “…”

"Is there a gentler way?" After a long time, he said with a tangled expression: "After all, this is my dad, not a piece of discarded wood."

"Other than that, I am the only one who does it myself." Qin Yao rolled up his sleeves and said, "But it needs to be stated in advance that miracles brought about by vigorous efforts often have some side effects. For example, breaking one or two bones, or... Once the chin is removed, it cannot be pushed up.”

Perhaps Qin Yao's words about beheading at the beginning greatly lowered Liu Dalong's bottom line. At this moment, he no longer felt any resistance when he heard about breaking bones and removing jaws, and responded: "It's okay, just don't behead. I really can't stand it." After my father dies, his head will be in a different place."

Qin Yao shrugged, stepped to the coffin, stretched out his hand to take Mr. Long out of the coffin, and gently placed it on a table that was supposed to be used to place tributes, and then pinched the old man's cheek with one hand. , pinched his chin with his other hand, and pulled it sharply in the opposite direction with both hands. There was only a click sound, and I don't know where the bones were crushed. Fortunately, after the jaw was dislocated, the mouth was indeed opened.

  Streams of black corpse gas visible to the naked eye emerged from the old man's mouth and gradually disappeared into the air.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang." Liu Dalong slowly came to the four guards who looked straight at him, raised his hand and slapped them on the head one by one, and scolded: "Why are you just standing there? Why don't you hurry up?" Jagged Tooth!"

The four guards came to the zombie in a panic. Two of them opened their mouths. Two of them knelt on either side of the head. Each of them grabbed the handle of the iron saw and placed the iron saw on the zombie's teeth. Start sawing.

Without the protection of corpse energy, no matter how strong the zombie teeth were, they could not withstand the devastation of the iron saw. They were cut off after a while and sent to Liu Dalong's hands.

“Lin Jiu, how many teeth do you think I need to take to poison my corpse?” Liu Dalong clenched the zombie teeth and raised his head and asked.

"I can't tell...you'd better grind it into powder bit by bit and drink it." Uncle Jiu said seriously: "You can stop drinking it until your nails return to normal."

 Liu Dalong nodded and shouted: "Captain of the guard!"

 “Commander.” A non-commissioned officer stepped to the gate, crossed his legs and raised his arms in salute.

Liu Dalong walked over and handed all the teeth into his hand: "Go and grind all these teeth for me and boil them into a pot of detoxification soup. I will drink it slowly at night."

 “Yes.” The guard captain took the order and left.

“Commander, it’s getting dark soon, and your father’s body needs to be disposed of as soon as possible.” Qin Yao raised his head and glanced at the sky, only to see the setting sun reaching the edge of the mountain like a fire, and the sky was filled with red light.

Liu Dalong said: "How should we deal with it?"

“The best way is to burn it with fire. Once the fire is put down, it will be over.” Qin Yao said. Liu Dalong was a little hesitant when he heard this.

 In this era, although the cremation system existed, it was not popular.

 When someone dies in an ordinary family, the rich order a coffin, and the poor roll it up with a mat and bury it directly in the ground.

When someone from a high-ranking official's family dies, it goes without saying that there are various burial items. This also extends to the mysterious profession of gold-touching captain.

 Burning his father, once word spreads, it will inevitably arouse a lot of discussion among the general public.

"For the sake of Nianying, let me remind you one last time." Qin Yao pursed his lips and said softly: "If you cut the grass without eradicating the roots, the spring breeze will bring new growth. This time, you are destined to be lucky. My master and I will come It’s relatively timely, but what about next time?”

Liu Dalong sighed and said: "I know, let's burn it if it's necessary..."

 At this point, he was suddenly startled: "Wait a minute, what does it mean for Nianying's sake?"

Qin Yao pointed to the outside of the house: "Don't worry about these trivial matters. If you don't want to chop your dad up and stuff it under the pot and burn it, you still have half an hour at most to build a wood pile."

 Liu Dalong's cheeks twitched slightly.

 He finally understood.

This guy seems to be giving you a multiple-choice question, but in fact he not only has no choice, but also has to do what he says.

 Otherwise, things will inevitably lead to the worst outcome!

With the concerted efforts of hundreds of soldiers, a wooden pile half a man high was quickly built.

Liu Dalong personally carried his father's body to the pile of wood and squeezed it for a long time. He could not squeeze out tears, so he put an end to the idea of ​​crying and waved: "Light a fire."

The dry wood gradually started to catch fire under the ignition of withered grass. The bright fire light sent away the sunset, and the sky gradually darkened...

 In the roaring flames.

  Zombies slowly wake up from their sleep.

 After recovery, I suddenly realized something was wrong.

 The sharpest fangs on my body are missing for some reason...

This is not the most terrifying thing.

 What’s even more frightening is that it is now lying in the sea of ​​fire!

The zombie was really frightened. He jumped out of the sea of ​​​​fire with a roar and kept rolling on the ground, trying to put out the flames.

 “I’m alive, my God, I’m really alive.” Liu Dalong’s heart suddenly jumped and he hid behind Qin Yao.

“It’s not alive, it’s a fake corpse.” Qin Yao pursed his lips and said, “Do you believe that after he extinguishes the flames on his body, he will come to you to talk about the relationship between father and son?”

Liu Dalong trembled hard: "Mr. Qin, for the sake of Nianying, you must help me!"

 Qin Yao grinned.

This is very interesting to say.

 (End of this chapter)

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