I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 162: What is cruelty (two in one)

Chapter 162 What is cruelty (two in one)

 Guangxi, Taiping Prefecture, Tengteng Town.

Since half a month ago, a red light fell from the sky and fell into the town. A group of zombies of unknown origin followed closely, biting everyone they saw. Some zombies even didn't spare domestic animals such as chickens, ducks, pigs, and dogs. An unreasonable disaster broke out, like an earthquake, bringing an almost devastating blow to Tengteng Town!

Young and strong young people from small towns fled overnight with anger and fear, leaving nothing behind. Elderly people, women, and children with inconveniences in their legs and bodies and weak bodies were buried one after another. Their resentment surged into the sky, which affected the Feng Shui fortune and caused drastic changes in the environment of this place. It was gloomy and gloomy, and evil spirits surged. Even if you stood outside the town in broad daylight, you would be hundreds of meters away. You can feel the cold aura, which makes your spine shiver.

Yan Wuya, who claimed to be an academician from Kunlun and a descendant of Yan Chixia, led four Taoist priests to lie on a wall outside the town. He looked into the distance and saw corpses strewn across the field, piles of bones, and countless mosquitoes and flies buzzing. , the fierce wind carrying the smell of blood and corpses blew towards their faces, making everyone frown.

"Brother Taoist, the last zombie that can spontaneously kill and cause the world to change color must be a golden armored corpse. With the strength of the five of us, we are just a piece of cake if we rush up!" At this time, a man with a goatee said The thin Taoist turned his head to look at Yan Wuya and whispered.

Yan Wuya looked resolute and upright: "It's clear sky and daylight now. Even if the golden-armored zombie can wake up from hibernation, it may not be able to exert even 50% of its strength, and those zombies with low strength can't help it. We won’t be besieged by many zombies, so this is the best time for us to take action. This trip is far less dangerous than you think.”

Goatee breathed out lightly, but his panicked heart was not calmed by these words: "I understand, but what if?"

Yan Wuya shook his head: "We, the monks, are chivalrous and righteous, punishing **** and eradicating evil. We must not look forward or backward, be afraid to move forward, and protect our lives. Even if something happens, we are just sacrificing our lives for righteousness and dying."

 Goatee: “…”

 You are noble, you are righteous, you are great.

You are willing to sacrifice your life for righteousness, just die.

If you are so noble, can you please die yourself?

 Or...don't hold us back even if you want to die!

"I suddenly remembered that there is another more important matter that needs to be dealt with immediately..." Urged by Yan Wuya's increasingly hot gaze, Goatee said calmly, turned around and jumped off the wall.

Yan Wuya was startled and subconsciously tried to persuade him to stay, but in the end he just opened his mouth without making a single sound.

 He knows everything and knows what can and cannot be said.

 “What about you?” Yan Wuya quietly watched the goatee go away, exhaled a thick breath, and looked at the other three people.

"After he said that, I also remembered..." The Taoist priest jumped off the wall, lowered his head, and said with a guilty conscience: "Brother Taoist, I still have my mother waiting at home, I must get there before dark. go back."

Yan Wuya said numbly: "I understand, Taoist Master Hengshou, please give me permission."

Taoist Priest Hengshou glanced at him with complicated eyes, waved and strode away.

"I didn't think of anything important, but it's true that I don't want to take risks." Before Taoist priest Hengshou could walk away, another Taoist jumped off the wall.

Yan Wuya's cheeks twitched and he raised his eyes to look at the last comrade: "Xingbai, you are the only one left. Should you leave or stay?"

Sun Xingbai sighed: "Wuya, it's not that I don't want to help you, but I always believe that when encountering a zombie of this level, the first thing we should do is to go back and bring in reinforcements. Taking rash actions is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg. It’s unwise…”

Yan Wuya raised his right hand, lowered his eyes and said: "Go, there is no need to say any more."

Sun Xingbai looked at him deeply, cupped his fists and said, "Take care."

Yan Wuya was speechless. When all the people around him dispersed, he couldn't help but sigh: "The world is ups and downs, and people's hearts are not the same. When personal selfishness outweighs the heroic spirit and courage, I am afraid that in the future, there will be no right or wrong, or evil or evil. There is no greater prosperity than the light of the righteous path.”

"As long as evil still exists, justice will never disappear." At this moment, Qin Yao happened to bring Mi Nianying here, and heard the other party's last words clearly.

 “Is it you?” A strange look flashed across Yan Wuya’s face.

Hearing such positive and uplifting maxims from such a self-destructive evil man, not only was he not inspired by the advice, he even felt that it was inconsistent.

"It's me." Qin Yao chuckled and said, "Mr. Yan, long time no see."

Yan Wuya nodded silently, glanced at Nianying secretly, and said in a low tone: "You are not here to hunt zombies, are you?"

 “Why do you see it?” Qin Yao gradually faded away his smile.

 He has never had the habit of putting a hot face on a cold butt.

Yan Wuya pointed at Mi Nianying and said, "I've never seen anyone carrying an oil bottle when fighting zombies. But if there is the slightest accident, she will become the zombie's ration."

“She is not a dragster!” Seeing Mi Nianying’s embarrassed look and forced smile, Qin Yao slowly narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

From Yan Wuya's point of view, there is nothing wrong with thinking this way, but thinking about it, saying this in front of the two of them would be a big problem.

Who do you look down on?

"What do you mean?" Yan Wuya asked in surprise: "You really don't plan to take her to fight zombies with you, do you?"

“Mr. Yan must be here to hunt zombies, right?” Qin Yao asked.

Yan Wuya said calmly: "I organized a bureau and brought four helpers, but when I saw that there were suspected golden-armored corpses in Tengteng Town, all four helpers left."

“Mr. Yan, do you want to leave too?” Qin Yao asked.

Yan Wuya drew out the long sword behind him, held the handle with both hands, and touched the tip of the sword to the ground. He said with a master's demeanor: "Yan is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

 Chin Yao: “…”

At this moment, he suddenly understood what the other person was lamenting just now. It turned out that the light of righteousness in his eyes was extinguished here!

It’s just that the more Qin Yao thought about it, the more something was wrong.

 When encountering danger, if I don’t follow you on the adventure, is it a bad heart? ?


Must I die in front of you to be considered a hero who sacrifices his life for righteousness?

 Suddenly, the difference between the Virgin and the Virgin **** pops into my mind...

Honestly, this upright descendant of Kunlun looks very much like the legendary Virgin Bitch!

"There's no time to waste." Seeing Qin Yao's expression getting weirder, Yan Wuya, who was worried about something going wrong, immediately said, "Do you want to act with me?"

"It's okay to act together." Qin Yao said decisively: "Besides, how about adding another bonus?"

 “What kind of lottery?”

"Let's make a bet, using the zombie fangs as proof, who of us can kill more zombies and be stronger!" Qin Yao pursed his lips and pierced the opponent's pupils with his sharp eyes: "As for the bet... I'm attracted to the magic sword in your hand."

Yan Wuya's hands holding the sword's hilt tightened slightly, and he said solemnly: "This sword is the inherited treasure of my Kunlun lineage, and it cannot be used for betting!"

"If you're afraid of losing, just say it, you're talking about an inherited treasure!" Unexpectedly, Qin Yao sneered at this, reached into his arms, and took out a copper coin sword that shone with a faint golden light. The golden light flashed as he waved it: "This is my magical sword. Is it not inferior to your magic sword? Is it enough to make a bet?"

"Enough is definitely enough, but I still say the same thing, inherited treasures cannot be gambled on." Yan Wuya gently raised the magic sword in his hand and said solemnly.

Qin Yao chuckled: "If you are so afraid of losing, how about I give you three teeth?"

 Yan Wuya: “…”

"Are you sure you can win?" After a long silence, Yan Wuya raised his head and looked at the thug in suit who looked like an iron tower in front of him.

"Not sure. But it's exciting because of the suspense, isn't it?" Qin Yao reached out and patted his shirt with a graceful demeanor.

Yan Wuya thought about it again and again, and finally shook his head and said: "Betting is okay, but betting is not. Why not change the bet to a condition. The winner has the right to make an offer to the loser that does not violate morality and does not humiliate his heart. As long as these conditions meet the above two needs, the loser must fully cooperate.”

Qin Yao laughed: "I have a question, if I win and ask for your magic sword, is this a violation of morality and an insult to your conscience?" Yan Wuya: "..."

“Why are you so determined to get my magic sword?”

Qin Yao pointed at Mi Nianying and said lightly: "I think this sword is more suitable for her to use."

 Yan Wuya: “???”

 How could an ordinary mortal be better suited to wielding a Royal Sword than he was?

  It is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world.

He didn't understand the logical relationship here, but Mi Nianying, as the person involved, was deeply touched.

 She could see that Qin Yao was protecting his shortcomings.

  Determinedly asking for the magic sword, the response was still the same as "drag the oil bottle"!

How can a swordsman who loses his sword have the right to accuse others of failing?

"Okay, I promise!" Yan Wuya glanced at Mi Nianying, who was looking at Qin Yao, and guessed part of the truth in a daze. A wave of anger came from the liver and went up to the brain, making his scalp numb and hot. .

No matter how good-tempered or upright a person is, it is difficult for him to accept that he has become a tool used to gain favor.

 “Give me your hand.” Qin Yao raised his right hand towards Mi Nianying.

Feeling grateful for his defense just now, Mi Nianying found it difficult to refuse. After a slight pause, she raised her left hand and put it into his big hand.

Qin Yao took her little boneless hand, led her to the wall, raised his foot and kicked towards the center of the wall.


 The soles of the feet filled with infuriating energy were like cannonballs, simply and crudely making a big hole in the wall. With the large hole as the center, deep cracks spread to all directions at an extremely fast speed.

Yan Wuya, who was sitting on the wall, cursed secretly, quickly jumped off the wall, and climbed into the town. As soon as his feet landed, he saw the wall in front of him suddenly collapsed. The wind caused by the falling stones swept up the smoke and dust, and was instantly submerged. His body.

 Yan Wuya: “…”

“Sorry, I forgot to tell you in advance.” Qin Yao pulled Mi Nianying across the rubble and said apologetically.

Yan Wuya wiped his face with his hands and said expressionlessly: "Let's go quickly, we don't have much time left..."

Shortly after.

The three of them came to a dark red two-story building. Looking around, they saw coffins scattered in the hall on the first floor, and strands of corpse aura constantly floated out from the gaps in the coffins. , causing the cold air to accumulate in the hall, like an ice cellar.

“Quantitative change has produced qualitative change, which is a bit troublesome.” Qin Yao stretched out his hand to feel the temperature in the hall, his eyes slightly focused.

 “What do you mean?” Mi Nianying asked curiously.

Qin Yao pointed to the coffins and explained: "Under normal circumstances, zombies will not wake up during the day, even in a room without sunlight.

 But the corpse energy in this room was too strong, which invisibly provided innate conditions for the zombies to resurrect, creating an abnormal situation.

 If we don't go in, they can wake up, but they won't wake up.

  But if we go in, it will be like throwing a piece of barbecue into a pack of hungry wolves. Even if they close their eyes, they will smell the aroma and wake up..."

With that said, he let go of the other person's hand and said, "Just stay at the door and wait for me to come back."

Mi Nianying nodded heavily, watching with shining eyes as he strode into the room, smashed the solid coffin with his bare hands, clenched the copper coin sword in his hand with his backhand, aimed at the zombie who suddenly opened his eyes in the dilapidated coffin, and sealed his throat with one sword!

“Bang, bang, bang…”

 The lids of the coffins exploded one by one, and zombies wearing official robes and flower feathers jumped out of the coffins with their arms raised, killing the two living people in the room.


 Qin Yao quickly broke off one of the fangs of the zombie in the coffin, turned around and kicked away a zombie that was trying to knock him down, and slapped a zombie on the face that was flying towards him, knocking it down to the ground.

A zombie roared, spitting black mist from its mouth, holding up its dark nails, and stabbed at him like a spear.


 Qin Yao dodged and knocked the zombie staggering with a big kick. Then, without waiting for the opponent to fall, he quickly grabbed the opponent's long hair and pulled it back violently, revealing the roaring zombie's face.

“Damn, your bad breath is really bad.” Qin Yao pulled the zombie’s head away, held one of the zombie’s fangs with his right hand, and forcefully broke off the tooth while the zombie struggled desperately.

 Mi Nianying: “…”

  Secretly paying attention to Yan Wuya here: "..."

Several zombies who were planning to rush towards Qin Yao suddenly stopped in their tracks when they saw this situation, and actually froze in place.

People are also good.

 Zombies, too.

 This is the first time they have seen someone tearing off the fangs of a living zombie with their bare hands!

  It’s too cruel.

It’s too cruel.

This guy is more zombie than a zombie, more monster than a monster, how can he still be considered a human being? ?

Qin Yao didn't care about anything else. He put the fang into his pocket and raised his hand to reach for the other fang of the zombie in front of him.

Zombies feel no pain, but their two fangs are the essence of their bodies. Therefore, Uncle Jiu said in the movie that zombies without fangs are useless.

At this moment, when his only remaining fang was about to be lost, the zombie was really frightened, whining, as if crying, and all of a sudden covered Qin Yao...

**** it!

  It’s inexplicably difficult to start!

   Thank you all for your encouragement, support and blessings.

Today is such a busy day that I haven’t even had time to read a lot of news.

I have been working on the manuscript since I got home, and I have only finished four thousand words at this moment.

But fortunately, everything has been taken care of, and I can have more time to type in the future.

thank you all.

Starting from tomorrow, check the news and gradually add updates.

Thank you, young and old, brothers and sisters...



 (End of this chapter)

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