I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 163: It’s dangerous, please parents (1st update)

Chapter 163 There is danger, please parents (1st update)


In front of Yan Wuya and Mi Nianying, Qin Yao couldn't be merciful. He hit the whimpering zombie in the face with an iron hand, forcibly interrupting the other's wailing.


Grabbing the zombie's hair and turning the corpse's head, Qin Yao grabbed the opponent's remaining fang with his right hand and broke it off with his bare hands amid a crisp sound!

 In the hall, the other zombies were frightened by his ferocity and jumped toward the door.

At the door, Nianying panicked. Just as he was about to turn around and avoid it, he saw Qin Yao leaping up, like a divine soldier descending from the sky, standing in front of him and blocking the group of corpses.

 The tall body and broad shoulders give her a constant sense of security.

Guarding in times of crisis is a fatal aphrodisiac for both men and women. If the other person is more emotional, the emergence of love is just the touch and shock of that moment!

In "The Blue Blood Sword", Yuan Chengzhi heroically saves Ah Jiu when she is in danger, and wins the heart of the beauty.

 In "The Swordsman", Lin Pingzhi's hero saves the beauty, which makes Yue Lingshan fond of her.

 Looking back at history, Song Taizu Huashan rescued Jing Niang, which has become a good story that has been passed down through the ages.

How could Mi Nianying, a little girl as blank as a sheet of paper, be the opponent of a veteran like Qin Yao?

  Getting to know each other day and night, testing and getting closer while holding hands, and finally the big killer weapon of security... The three axes fell in succession, and the other party couldn't bear it anymore, and the reflection of the other party's heroic body floated in his eyes.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Speaking of which, the zombies were forced by Qin Yao and Yan Wuya to escape, so they had no choice but to smash the wooden windows in an attempt to escape.

However, it is a clear day and a clear day outside now. As soon as a group of zombies jumped out, they seemed to be cursed, their whole bodies were weak and drowsy.

Yan Wuya rushed out, holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, slashing left and right.

Qin Yao put his right hand on the window sill, jumped out gracefully, and quickly grabbed the monster.

A group of zombies bathed in the sun were like chickens and dogs. They were quickly divided and killed by the two men, and their bodies were thrown into the street.

“Hurry up and find the Corpse King.” After taking out the zombie fangs, Yan Wuya looked up at the gray sky and said immediately.

Qin Yao waved to Mi Nianying, and the girl immediately ran over and kept up with them.

"It's too slow to search together, how about searching separately?" As he walked, Yan Wuya suddenly turned his head and glanced at Mi Nianying, and said in a deep voice: "The one who gets the fangs of the Corpse King wins!"

Qin Yao said calmly: "I have no problem."

Yan Wuya nodded with satisfaction, held the long sword, and sped away.

Being treated as a scapegoat again and again, Mi Nianying felt a little depressed and said softly: "How about I go outside the town and wait..."

"No need." Qin Yao took her little hand and led her forward: "Only those who are not strong enough and have no confidence in themselves will worry about being dragged down. As far as I am concerned, you will never be a drag. ”

Mi Nianying's heart trembled and she was no longer depressed.

Qin Yao doesn't understand the Five Elements and Bagua, let alone divination and calculation, but in terms of exploration, he has a unique skill...

Once "The Secret Technique of the Heavenly Master - The Knowledge of People" was activated, the whole world reflected in front of his eyes turned into pillars of light of various colors.

In terms of his strength, it is impossible to spy on the golden armored corpse under normal circumstances, but in fact he does not need to find the golden armored corpse directly. As long as he finds the place with the most zombies, it is equivalent to finding the location of the golden armored corpse. .

Holding the girl's hand, Qin Yao walked under the gray sky, walked through the streets, and arrived at the gate of an old house. Qin Yao turned around and summoned a Gauss pistol and handed it to the girl: "Can you use the gun?"

Mi Nianying nodded and said, "I know how to use it."

"As long as you know how to use it, take the gun and wait for me here. If you see anything approaching you, shoot. Don't give the other party a chance to get close to you." Qin Yao instructed.

"I'm afraid..." Mi Nianying's eyes flashed. Qin Yao: "It's daytime now. Zombies won't take to the streets. I gave you the gun to prepare for unexpected situations..."

Mi Nianying caught the Gauss gun and said, "I want to follow you..."

"No, there are too many zombies in this house. Once a riot breaks out, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you." Qin Yao flatly refused and reassured: "Be obedient and I will come out soon."

 “Bang.” After saying that, he kicked open the door of the house and stepped inside with his head held high.

It was clearly broad daylight, but the house was dark and cold. Qin Yao, who was walking on the stone brick road, felt keenly that there seemed to be a pair of eyes peering into him in the darkness.

 But the key is...

Except for some very special zombies, most zombies are blind. What can blind people use to spy?

Unknowingly, he came to the lobby of the house, and a cold wind suddenly blew out from inside, blowing on Qin Yao, making his whole body cold and his hair standing on end.

 “Please come forward, ancestor!”

Qin Yao is very hard-headed, but not iron. He has no interest in imitating Ultraman and then fighting back after being beaten to a pulp by monsters.

At this moment, I just felt the danger, so I turned around and called my parents.


A golden light fell from the sky and penetrated into the top of Qin Yao's head, causing his already strong body to expand rapidly.

 “Oh, let me go, you’re a **** again.” Qin Yao’s brows were filled with golden light, and Mao Santong’s strong voice came out.

Qin Yao said: "How do you do, ancestor?"

“What a heck, have the other ancestors ever told you not to abuse the magic of inviting gods?” Mao Santong said angrily.

Qin Yao said seriously: "I know, so I have never abused it."

Mao Santong: “…”

 He ​​felt that the abuse he said and the abuse in the other party's understanding should not mean the same thing.

Qin Yao walked towards the lobby and said as he walked: "Ancestor, please take a closer look at what happened to this zombie king and why he committed such a murderous act and turned the entire Tengteng Town into a sea of ​​zombies..."

  Half an hour later.

 The sky is getting dark.

Yan Wuya, who was tired of the journey, rushed here with a long sword in hand, and looked at the girl guarding the door with a gun: "What's going on inside?"

Mi Nianying shook her head: "There was a sound of fighting more than ten minutes ago, but now there is no sound at all."

Yan Wuya frowned and said in a deep voice: "I'll go take a look... Judging from Qin Yao's strength, ordinary zombies can't stop him for such a long time."

With that said, he picked up his sword and entered the door. As soon as he arrived in front of the lobby, he saw an extremely strange scene.

I saw many headless corpses lying scattered in the lobby. Qin Yao was sitting cross-legged on a coffin, with a golden glow shining between his eyebrows, and a blood-red bead on his head. Evil ghosts surrounded him, as if they were... Worshiping to him.

 “Evil things, evil arts!” Yan Wuya’s eyes flashed coldly, and he silently clenched the magic sword in his hand.

He didn't know whether Qin Yao was being controlled, or whether he was actively cultivating evil objects and practicing evil arts, but no matter what the case was, he had reason to get rid of the evil spirits!

This world is already chaotic enough.

  There can no longer be a terrifying demon disguised as a righteous man!

Writing now and posting now, ready for updates~~



 (End of this chapter)

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