I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 185: I, the good guy (two in one, regardless of

Chapter 185: I am a good person (two in one, not divided into chapters)

 About ten minutes later.

 A group of demons opened the way, two red and white demons, one on the left and one on the right, helping a girl out of the brothel.

Everyone who bumped into them along the way, whether male or female, was knocked unconscious by the Yin Qi and fell to the ground.

"Sir, there are still a group of abducted young girls imprisoned in the cellar of this brothel..." Just when Qin Yao waved his hand and signaled the red and white evil spirits to follow him and leave, the red evil spirits suddenly said.

 Qin Yao's mind was wandering.

Although he does not have much chivalrous heart, it is undeniable that performing chivalrous acts in the world of the world is the best way to cultivate the virtues of the underworld.

This is the so-called man is doing it, God is watching, and it is also said in the legend that it is not retribution, the time has not yet come!

"You take this jade body back to Yizhuang first." After making up his mind, Qin Yao said decisively.

 “Yes, my lord.”

The red and white demons bowed slightly, holding the girl's body, and slowly disappeared at the end of the street.

Qin Yao withdrew his gaze, licked his lips, and stepped into the White Jade Tower.

"Sir, are you here?" As soon as he entered the door, a pretty woman wearing a cheongsam with her thighs exposed came up to her, smiling brightly.

This smile, this tone, just like meeting an acquaintance, can instantly break down the barriers and cancel the awkwardness caused by strangers.

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Is there any younger girl?"

The woman hugged his arm very naturally and said with a sweet smile: "That depends on how young you are."

"It takes twenty-eight girls and sixteen youths. A smaller one will not work, and a larger one will not work." Qin Yao said.

“My taste is truly outstanding. Girls of this age group are immature with a hint of maturity and have the best taste.”

 “Stop talking nonsense, just tell me if you have it.”

 “Yes, but it’s expensive!”

Qin Yao sneered: "How expensive can it be?"

 “Starting price is eighty-eight oceans.”

 “Why, the prices are still different?”

The woman smiled and said: "Of course they are different. Good looks and average looks, good kung fu and average kung fu, knowledgeable people and ignorant people... it all depends on what you like."

"Let's all take a look. This matter depends on the eye." Qin Yao said.

 “Be particular about it!” the woman praised and made a gesture of invitation: “Sir, please come with me. I will take you to the private room to pick slowly.”

Qin Yao followed her to a spacious private room, and was pressed on the soft sofa by her with a sweet smile. Then she saw her put away the cheongsam with her hands, took out a picture album from the drawer in the table, and gently Put it on the table.

 “What do you mean, you want me to pick someone by looking at the picture?!”

The woman shook her head and opened the album with a smile: "How could I do such a price reduction? This list contains the prices of various projects. Our business is quite special and we must pay first. Otherwise, we will encounter that kind of price reduction. If you don’t pay after the work is done, all three parties will be displeased.”

Qin Yao clicked his tongue, sat on the sofa, looked down, and saw that it said "half body cleaning, role play..."

"What does it mean?"

"It's what you think it means." The woman said, "The kind that gives you a new life."

  Qin Yao: “How do you say the price?”

 “Thirty-eight, sixty-eight, ninety-eight.”

"Ninety-eight yuan?" Qin Yao laughed: "I can buy a top-notch shop for ninety-eight yuan!"

“So this is how rich people play, it’s a big deal.” The woman laughed.

“Your boss is a talent, Gan, he is at least eighty years ahead of his time.” Qin Yao turned to the second page of the album, looked at the names that seemed to be similar, and couldn’t help but sigh.

The woman smiled slightly and said, "Master, which project have you chosen?"

 Qin Yao flipped through the pages and finally closed the album with a snap: "I don't want to see the girl now. Instead, I want to meet your boss."

The woman’s smile froze and she said cautiously: “Sir, how can our boss be as good-looking as a girl…”

“Stop talking nonsense, if I don’t see your boss within half an hour, I will smash your white jade building.” Qin Yao lay on the sofa, put his feet on the table, and said coldly.

 The woman frowned, took a long breath, and kept a polite attitude: "Wait a moment, I will invite him over."

Qin Yao hummed, watched her twist her waist and left, and thought to himself: If the boss of Baiyulou was not reborn as a "Dongguan boy", he would probably be the founder of Dongguan's non-ferrous industry in the future!

One said that the project on that album has maintained the vitality of nearly a century. Do you dare to believe it?

 The most that future generations can do is to change the name and skin. In fact, the gameplay is just picking up people's wisdom.

 It is no exaggeration to say that half of the picture album can support a nightclub.

— Relying on the information and insights gained through the impact of the Internet, you can be like a fish in water and get promoted to a high position.

 It’s just...who said the predecessors were inferior to those who came after?

 A person who was poor in his previous life and could not do well no matter what, will most likely do worse when he travels back to ancient times. This is a fact!

Just when Qin Yao was distracted thinking about these problems, the door to the box was suddenly pushed open. A man in a mantle with a bloated figure, a slightly bald head, deep bags under his eyes, a flat nose and small eyes walked in alone. He smiled before saying anything. He raised his hands and said, "I, Wang Shiming, have met this gentleman."

Qin Yao sat up straight, picked up the picture album on the desk, shook it and said, "Boss Wang, did you come up with all the titles in this album?"

Wang Shiming blinked his small eyes and looked at the "willful" boss in front of him.

 He has a habit of looking at people not by their clothes, but by their temperament and demeanor.

A person who is arrogant and domineering is either a fool or a rich fool.

Gentle and graceful, usually young masters from wealthy families or even young masters from aristocratic families.

Those who are elegant, carefree, and uninhibited usually come from a literary family or work as scholars.

Those with twinkling eyes and timidity usually belong to a small family, have never seen much of the market, and feel guilty.

Those who are too polite and dare not look directly at others are generally poor and have no confidence.

The big boss in front of him, Yuan Tingyue Zhi, can move freely. He was obviously in a high position in the previous period and belongs to the type that cannot be messed with.

"Half I heard about it, and half I figured it out myself." Wang Shiming accompanied Xing Xing and said slowly: "Nowadays, there are so many brothels and flower shops. There is no competitiveness just by selling one's body. You have to do something sophisticated. Only by living can you stand out and make a fortune!”

 Qin Yao nodded, not in the mood to play the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and said bluntly: "I am Qin Yao, have you heard of my name?"

 "Qin Yao... Department store Qin?" Wang Shiming said in surprise.

There is a consensus among businessmen: the emergence of Chenghuang Street and Chenghuang Department Store is of epoch-making significance for the city's economy. In some ways, it was Chenghuang Department Store that revitalized the stagnant economy of Fucheng and gave many entertainment industries a foothold.

Otherwise, just like in the past, ordinary people will hold their money tightly. Saving is saving, but the lack of money circulation has caused a bad employment environment. Ordinary people cannot find other jobs besides farming, and they will not dare to spend money, so they just Can fall into an infinite loop.

Unlike today, as the foundation of the second department store in Xicheng is gradually laid, countless people have benefited.

Because of this, Chenghuang Department Store has become a pillar industry in Fucheng, and the name Qin Department Store has become more and more important, so important that it is awe-inspiring.

“It’s me.” Qin Yao smiled and said calmly: “Boss Wang, does he know why I am here today?”

Wang Shiming didn't think that Department Store Qin was here for prostitution. If that was the case, there was no need to call him over with great fanfare.

“Mr. Qin, what did I do wrong that offended you?”

Qin Yao nodded: "You can say that. Originally, I wanted to kill you, not for justice, but just to accumulate some evil virtue.

 But after seeing your paid album, I suddenly changed my mind.

In today’s troubled times, there are countless people who do bad things, but only a handful of people live such exquisite lives. "

 A layer of cold sweat appeared on Wang Shiming's forehead.

 He did not doubt that the other party could kill him.

Even if he beat himself to death in public, given his relationship with the police force, he probably wouldn't even have to enter the squad room.

 So, eating brain is always the most important thing.

 Before the prosperity of Chenghuang Department Store, it was not that there were no rich people.

 But what do the rich people do? He kept it hidden, fearing that the police would come and attack him.

 After all, this kind of thing does happen, and no one wants to sacrifice their lives to the police force in vain.

Chenghuang Department Store was the first to take the initiative to deliver it to the door. The top brass of the police force were overjoyed at first, but now they look back and realize, damn, the welfare remuneration given to police officers by the Assistance to Public Security Foundation is several times the salary of the police force. In other words In other words, the department store is supporting the Fucheng police force. Even if the top brass of the police force reacts, what will happen? If you want to set up Chenghuang Department Store, you are going to set up a foundation to assist the public security, you are going to set up brothers, otherwise it will be a mutiny.

Now that the top brass of the police force have had this painful experience, they will not allow a second foundation to assist public security to appear in the city. In other words, the opportunity to bribe the police force is only once, and this time has passed.

 Back to the topic, the entire police force is Mr. Qin’s wage earner, who dares to arrest him? It was too late for the senior police officers to cover up for him.

"Mr. Qin, I don't know what I did wrong. Just tell me and I will correct it immediately." Wang Shiming wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

Qin Yao: "I heard that you have a cellar where some trafficked girls are kept... Boss Wang, do you know why there is no beggar gang in our city?"

Wang Shiming's body trembled, and a chill came from deep in his heart. He didn't even dare to explain: "Mr. Qin, I will let them go right now."

“Don’t worry, it’s not too late.” Qin Yao waved his hand and said, “Come and sit.”

Wang Shiming laughed dryly: "In front of Mr. Qin, I'd better stand. Sitting down would be uncomfortable."

Qin Yao chuckled and said, "It's up to you... I want to ask you a question, how many brothels are there in the city?"

“There are more than a dozen large brothels, and there are even more small ones, which cannot be counted.”

“Are there many cases of abducting women and forcing them to pick up customers?” Qin Yao said.

Wang Shiming took a look at his face and whispered: "Quite a lot. After all, this business brings in money quickly and the cost is low. A brothel like mine also follows the trend. Otherwise, the girls in the building are all of a certain age. It’s so big that gradually no guests want to come and play.”

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Boss Wang, are you willing to hang out with me? It doesn't matter if you don't want to, or I'll kill you at worst."

 Wang Shiming: “…”

 This is a multiple choice question?

"I do! It's an honor for me to be able to serve as Mr. Qin's disciple."

"Very good, I like people who are knowledgeable." Qin Yao smiled and said, "I will then assign a special person to evaluate the value of your white jade building and purchase it at a fair price."

 “Acquisition?” Wang Shiming was slightly startled.

I thought…

"Of course it's an acquisition. I need you to do things for me. How can I still steal your things?" Qin Yao said lightly.

 Wang Shiming was convinced.

Even if someone waved banknotes to buy his building, he would not sell it. It is a priceless asset, but a person who can control your life and death does not use force to rob him, but buys it at a fair price. This is already It was a huge surprise.

 After all, even if Mr. Qin prostituted him for nothing, what could he do?

 Do you really think that Chenghuang Department Store only has an official relationship? If he disobeys Mr. Qin, he may not even be able to leave the city.

 “Thank you, Mr. Qin.”

“You don’t have to thank me, thank you for being willing to eat your own brain.” Qin Yao flicked the album and said with a smile, “You saved yourself.”

 Wang Shiming: “…”

I do not know what to say.

I never expected that these strange and obscene skills would one day become my talisman.

"Now that we have become a family, we can talk about some things." Qin Yao stood up slowly and said: "I am going to propose to the police station to strictly investigate the trafficking cases in the city and truly draw a red line in society. Who can Anyone who dares to do such an outrageous thing again will be killed and all their property will be confiscated.”

Wang Shiming nodded and said: "Mr. Qin will take care of things that cannot be controlled by the law. And in society, Mr. Qin's words are definitely more effective than the police station. In the future, there will be much less crime in the city...Mr. Qin's merits are immeasurable."

"Don't flatter me." Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "As for these people in your hands, after all, they were bought with money. Find a way to sell them. Whoever you sell to, I will ask the police to find someone to kill them." Knife, rescue these girls immediately.”

 Wang Shiming: “…”

If the previous surrender was due to fear of death, and the other party's acquisition of his brothel at a fair price dispelled his resentment, then this wave of blame-shifting operations made Wang Shiming initially recognize the boss in his heart.

 In terms of coquettishness, it’s still the boss’ coquettishness!

So good things can still be done?



“Yes, Mr. Qin, I will make arrangements today.”

Qin Yao patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Do a good job, I am very optimistic about you. I will learn more about management experience in the future. The brothels and flower shops in Fucheng are too messy. I intend to integrate the entire custom industry. You know what I mean." Bar?"

Wang Shiming's eyes lit up, he nodded and said: "I understand, from today on, I will be the fort in your hand aimed at the custom industry. Wherever you point, I will hit..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "I lost you, my dear, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be a blessing in disguise."

Although it is dangerous to be a fort, once you get to the position, you will be the master of the hall. The customs of the entire city... How much profit is this? !

 (End of this chapter)

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