I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 186: No one is stupid (2-in-1)

Chapter 186 No one is stupid (two in one)

 Early the next morning.

 Police Station Security Division.

  Section Chief’s Office.

Yang Kun sat on the black sofa that looked very expensive at first sight, holding a small red clay stove, pouring tea for the distinguished guests opposite, and said with a smile: "Mr. Qin is a rare guest, why do you have time to come here today?"

Qin Yao sighed and said, "Chief Yang is busy with everything. How can I dare to go to the Three Treasures Hall if I have nothing to do?"

Yang Kun suppressed his smile and became solemn: "Anything that requires Mr. Qin to take action in person must be no small matter. Please tell me, and the Public Security Department will try its best to cooperate!"

Qin Yao understood the agility in his words and smiled: "Don't worry, Section Chief Yang, I will never embarrass my friends.

It's like this. Two days ago, my people went to a brothel to have fun, and accidentally discovered that there were a group of abducted girls hidden in the brothel...

Ordinarily, this matter has nothing to do with me and I should not get involved, but I have been tossing and turning for the past two days, and my conscience has always been uneasy.

 Later, I thought about it for a long time, and I actually saw a windfall in it. I wonder if Section Chief Yang is interested? "

Hearing what he said was so exciting, Yang Kun didn't show much joy on his face, and said calmly: "Mr. Qin, does he know that there is a background behind all the large brothels in Fucheng?

They don't need to unite. As long as a few behind-the-scenes proprietors go to the director to drink tea and chat, everything will be nothing. Maybe, I, the section chief, will have to go to various brothels to apologize. "

“Are your directors afraid of them, or are you colluding with them?” Qin Yao asked.

Yang Kun: “…”

 Can this be said directly?

“The Director is also in a dilemma and does not dare to make too many enemies.”

“If you are afraid of this, why should you be the director?” Qin Yao shook his head and said with a smile: “Chief Yang, have you ever thought about replacing him?”

Yang Kun's heart skipped a beat for a moment, but his face remained calm: "Power goes from top to bottom. I don't have enough connections with the Fucheng team... If we act rashly, even if we get the support of the entire Public Security Department, we will end up with nothing." It won't end well."

Qin Yao shook his head, picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Rights can come from the bottom up, and history has proven this time and time again.

 During the Five Dynasties, Li Cunxu, the leader of the Later Tang Dynasty, was greedy for pleasure and doted on eunuchs and actors, but he did not give benefits to his soldiers. The soldiers who defended their homes and country even faced the desperate situation of starving to death. In the end, Li Cunxu died under the rebel army.

After his brother Li Siyuan arrived in the royal capital, he was elected emperor by the soldiers, confiscated all wealth and rewarded the three armies heavily.

If this period of history is not famous enough, then is the saying that water can carry a boat but also capsize it famous enough? Is it enough portion? "

Yang Kun's heart trembled: "This is a rebellion..."

Qin Yao smiled and said: "Chief Yang, under the conventional promotion system, is it possible for you to go further?"

Yang Kun took a breath and said, "Mr. Qin, I want to hear your plan."

“Have you ever heard of character design, Chief Yang?” Qin Yao asked.

Yang Kun shook his head.

“The so-called character design, to put it simply, is the character setting, which can also be said to be the role setting. It is the distinctive feature of a character that is different from ordinary people.

For example, Wei Zheng, his character is upright and dares to give direct advice. Only by maintaining this persona can he maintain his position.

If he suddenly changes his personality and obeys the emperor's words, the emperor will look down on him.

Chief Yang, whether you have followed the trend before or just followed the crowd, if you want to sit in the position of director, you must create a persona who is not afraid of power, puts the people first, and truly makes decisions for the people. "

Yang Kun: “I understand the principles, but now I want to hear the practical implementation.”

Qin Yao smiled slightly: "You just go and investigate the brothel trafficking case. No matter how your director puts pressure on you, as long as he doesn't remove you from your post, you can just go ahead and handle it as you want.

It would be better if he dismissed you from your post, so that I can accumulate public support for you and launch a charge for the position of police commissioner. "

Yang Kun was silent for a long time and asked quietly: "Is it worth it?"

“Does Chief Yang think the position of director is worth it?”

Yang Kun’s eyes narrowed and he nodded heavily: “It’s worth it!”


 Qin Yao left a piece of information given by Wang Shiming, turned around and walked out of the section chief's office. When passing by the duty desk in the lobby of the police station, he even gave a gentle smile to the little policewoman sitting on the duty desk.

Hold the information book in his hand, Yang Kun immediately convened a plenary meeting of the Public Security Department, and vigorously and resolutely laid out an action plan to combat the abduction of girls from good families.

One after another, members of the Public Security Section came out like evil tigers. With a search warrant signed by the Chief of the Public Security Section, they launched a blitzkrieg and caught all the brothels in the city off guard. This raid rescued nearly a thousand people detained in various brothels. The young girl shocked the whole city.

 That day, afternoon.

The fat director who appeared once invited all the people he found to his home, sat around a round table, and puffed away...

After smoking a whole long cigar, the fat director looked at the thirteen deputies in front of him and sighed: "That **** Yang Kun has dug a big hole for me!"

“Director Jin, are you not related to Section Chief Yang?” The representative, with his head raised and wearing a suit, looked like a dog sitting on the sofa and put out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray.

“Of course not, I, Jin Dayuan, am not a nepotistic fool.” The fat director said flatly.

“Since we are not relatives, you have no obligation to wipe his butt.” Another representative said: “He has crossed the line and must be severely punished.”

The fat director took a sip of tea and moistened his throat: "How to punish him severely?"

“This kind of black sheep must not stay in the police force.”

 “You must kill the chicken to scare the monkey and give him a small price.”

"Don't he have an unclear relationship with the department store? We can start from this aspect and convict him of corruption and bribery. We will never unjustly accuse him."

 “Dismissal from post, investigation, and sent to prison.”

“It’s too easy to send him to jail. Just dismiss him and investigate. As long as we take off this layer of skin on his body, we have plenty of ways to punish him.”


All the representatives spoke out from the perspective of harming their own interests. They were all filled with righteous indignation and gnashing their teeth. Their ferocious faces were like ghosts in the smoke, as if they were about to eat human flesh.

The fat director leaned back comfortably in his chair and watched coldly, allowing these representatives to put forward their respective demands without commenting.

The representatives were all talking with dry mouths, and then they gradually realized that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and they lowered their voices one by one until they were silent.

 “Are you done?” asked the fat director.

 The representatives nodded simultaneously.


The fat director sat up straight and slapped the table with his fat hand: "Damn, you are all yelling from the angle of the brothel, talking so loudly, but before speaking, who has considered my situation? Who cares about my future?"

The representatives were silent and looked at each other.

“I am the police chief, not a puppet in your hands!”

The fat director pointed at them and spat: "I have the right to investigate and deal with that **** Yang Kun, but what happens next?

Is Yang Kun a person?

As the chief of the Public Security Section, without the support of a consortium or banknotes, how dare he poke this hornet's nest?

Fuck you, believe it or not, if I touch Yang Kun with my front foot, someone will dig up my roots with my back foot. When the time comes, I will be dragged into the water by the consortium. Which of you is willing to fish me out? "

Facing his aggressive gaze, all the representatives lowered their heads, feeling guilty and not daring to look directly into his eyes.

 Don’t they understand this?


 They know it better than anyone else. But the position is here, the **** is here, and they have received such a huge blow for no reason, do they still have to swallow their anger?

 That doesn’t make sense.

He could only come over to encourage the fat guy and coax him to start with Yang Yan, so as to find a hint of face.

 As for the fate of the fat man...


 Can a fat man sit in the position of police commissioner? Can a fat man be an ordinary person? The background behind him is enough to help him resist revenge!

 “Political behavior has political logic.”

After losing his temper, the fat man took a long breath and said: "Don't worry about what instructions Yang Kun received to do you, he acted within the scope of his authority.

  If I deal with him in a way that does not conform to political logic, I will be the one who falls in the end.

It doesn't matter to you. After I, the police chief, fall, you can join forces to buy the next police chief, but it doesn't matter to me.

You will have to suffer this loss even if you don’t. If anyone feels unwilling to do so, they can buy a murderer and kill Yang Kun directly after they return. "

 Delegates: “…”

Paid a murderer to assassinate the chief of the Public Security Section...

 Go crazy!

 Police station.

 Public Security Section.

Yang Kun was wearing a military uniform and sitting upright in the office. There was a document in front of him, but his mind was not on it at all.

 He is waiting.

Waiting for news from the Commissioner of Police.

 My mind is like a tidal wave.

 out out out?

 “Dong dong.”

Hearing the knock on the door, his heart trembled, and he stood up directly. After taking a long breath, he regained his composure and said indifferently: "Come in."

“Chief Yang, the director is here, please come over.” A police officer opened the door and lowered his head and said.

Yang Kun nodded, with a calm face, strode to the director's office, and knocked on the open door: "Director..."

“Come in and close the door,” the fat man said.

Yang Kun walked into the office, closed the door, and said respectfully: "I wonder what the director's instructions are for calling me here?"

The fat man sat behind the desk, holding a cigar cutter, neatly cut a cigar, and threw it to Yang Kun: "Try it, it was flown in from abroad. This cigar is equivalent to half a year's income of an ordinary person." ”

"Thank you, Director." Yang Kun took the cigar, took out a match from his pocket, created a flame with a click, and lit the dark brown cigar.

 “Sit down.” The fat man pointed to the table in front of him.

“Yes.” Yang Kun sat opposite the fat man. When he saw him picking up a cigar, he quickly stood up and lit it with a match.

Two big guys in the police station openly smoked in the police station, completely ignoring the police's anti-smoking regulations.

 Having said that, those regulations are not applicable to them...

“Some people came to me and asked me to deal with you, Section Chief Yang.” Taking a deep breath, the fat man said with a smile.

Yang Kun felt a chill in his heart and said in a deep voice: "I will obey whatever the director decides."

 “What to do with it!”

The fat man waved his hand: "I'm not that stupid yet. You are performing your duties, why should you be punished? I have already warned those people severely. The main reason for calling you here is to make you Peace of mind…”

Hearing this, Yang Kun not only felt uneasy, but also felt a little disappointed for no reason.

If this temptation hadn't aroused his greed for the director's position, he could still be at ease, neither happy with things nor sad with himself. But after this incident, once the fire of desire is ignited, it will never be extinguished except by death...


Just when Yang Kun was tempted by the fire of desire and looked into the abyss, the man behind all this was holding two umbrellas and watching a group of security team members digging holes and building wells in an open space under the bright sun.

As for the person who was brought back to the physical body by the red and white demons...she is a dispensable little character in the movie, and the value of her existence is just to cause some minor twists and turns in Qiu Sheng's spiritual practice.

In reality, it is just a trigger, and there is no possibility of a lengthy scene. After being rescued, he was released from Yizhuang and managed to return home.

"Taoist Priest, brothers have been working hard for a long time. Do you think how many meters should be dug for this well?" Lou Xiaoguang stood in the shade of a tree, holding a folding fan in his hand and fanning slowly, turning his head to the side. Uncle Jiu asked next to him.

"It has to be at least thirty-three meters. Generally speaking, the deeper you dig, the better the water quality is." Uncle Jiu said.

Lou Xiaoguang nodded and said: "This is an issue related to the food and drink of the whole village. If you don't do it well, you will be stabbed in the back by the whole village. Deepen, double, and dig sixty-six rice."

Uncle Jiu: “…”

 It sounds grand, but you don’t do the work.

 A sixty-six-meter deep well is not intended to be a major project based on the current well drilling conditions.

“Captain, captain, something has been dug out.” At this time, a member of the security team suddenly ran over and said loudly.

"What was unearthed? Cultural relics!" Lou Xiaoguang asked.

That member glanced at Uncle Jiu, then leaned into Lou Xiaoguang’s ear and whispered something.

"What?" Lou Xiaoguang's eyes widened for a moment, he turned to Uncle Jiu and smiled: "Taoist Priest, please wait here for a while, I'll go down and take a look."

“Do you need me to go with you?” Uncle Jiu asked.

"No need, just rest." Lou Xiaoguang waved his hand, walked quickly to the well pit, and asked his subordinates to put it into the well pit in a hanging basket.

After a little tilt, the hanging basket landed. Lou Xiaoguang walked out of the basket and came to a dirt bag. He stretched out his hand to wipe off the dust on it, and a red light suddenly appeared.


At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the sky, blowing in pieces of dark clouds, which piled up into thick clouds, blocking all the sunlight.

"Ruby, I'm getting rich, I'm getting rich..." Lou Xiaoguang didn't even raise his head to look at it. He was immersed in the joy of digging out the gem, rubbing his hands constantly and smiling.

 “Master, we’re coming out.” Qin Yao came to Uncle Jiu’s side.

Uncle Jiu nodded silently and said, "You handle it, I will protect you."

Qin Yao felt warm in his heart: "Thank you so much, Master!"

While the two were talking, Lou Xiaoguang had been lifted out of the pit and directed his subordinates to lift a humanoid corpse.



In the sky, thunder was born in the dark clouds, and a beam of purple lightning fell from the thunder clouds, turning into countless purple arcs in the air, which was dazzling.

 (End of this chapter)

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