I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 191: Don’t put the cart before the horse

Chapter 191 Don’t put the cart before the horse

 “I understand, thank you Uncle Jiu.”

Lou Xiaoguang was silent for a long time, clasping his fists and saying, "I'll take her back first and think about it carefully."

Uncle Jiu nodded and said: "Decide as soon as possible, otherwise things will change later. If something goes wrong and your cousin bites someone else, it will definitely damage your moral character and even increase your karma."

"I will, thank Uncle Jiu for reminding me." Lou Xiaoguang said, turning to look at Sun Yunhe: "Doctor Sun, let's go."

“Wait a moment.” Sun Yunhe shook his head, bowed to Uncle Jiu with a sincere face and said, “Taoist Priest, I want to ask you a question.”


“At my age, is there still a chance to practice Taoism?”

Uncle Jiu smiled slightly: "Cultivation lies in the mind, not in the body. You can practice Tao at any time. It's just that the older you get, the harder it is to achieve success."

Hearing this, Sun Yunhe lifted up his clothes, knelt on his knees, and kowtowed: "Taoist Master, I sincerely practice Taoism. I want to become a disciple of the Taoist Master. I hope you will take me in."

Uncle Jiu bent down and helped him up, and said warmly: "Doctor Sun, there is no master-disciple relationship between you and me, so I can't accept you. But for the sake of your sincerity in learning Taoism, I can help you Write a letter of recommendation and take a trip to Maoshan to see if there is any chance for you. "

Sun Yunhe was a little disappointed, but in the end he thanked you with a grateful face: "Thank you, Taoist Master. Regardless of whether Maoshan has a chance for me in the future, I will accept your favor."


 Qin Yao was in a coma for two and a half days.

When the morning light passed through the wooden window and shone on his face, the warmth and piercing eyes were like a pair of palms, pulling him out of the dark abyss.

After waking up, as soon as he opened his eyes, the fatigue from deep inside his heart surged like a tide, making him groan uncontrollably.

This feeling is like serving many rich women who are like wolves and tigers in one night, and I feel that my body is hollowed out.

 It’s too imaginary.

 It is no exaggeration to say that the legs are weak.

  Not to mention after he time traveled, even before he time traveled, his body, corroded by various bad habits, was not so weak.

"You finally woke up." His moans startled the girl beside the bed... to be more precise, she should be called the young woman. The other party blinked her beautiful eyes and held his hands tightly.

 “How long did I sleep?”

 “It’s been two and a half days.”

 “Help me up.” Qin Yao tried to sit up by himself, but failed.

 I felt it silently, and my upper and lower dantians were completely empty. It was like I was sucked dry all at once.

 This kind of powerlessness that comes from the bottom of your heart, unless you experience it yourself, you will never understand how unforgettable it is.

Nianying helped him up obediently and said gently: "You still look very weak. Do you want to eat something?"

 “Take some.”

“Then sit tight, I’ll be right back.” Nianying said, trotting out of the room.


Qin Yao leaned on the bedside, exhaled a long breath, and thought to himself: Is this equivalent to a severe warning?

But no matter what, you can’t use the divine magic indiscriminately in the future.

This time, luckily, the master and the people from Yizhuang were there, but if the location and the scene were changed, after losing strength, I would definitely become a piece of fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others.

Thinking of this, he was even a little happy.

"I'm back."

After a while, Nianying walked in with a large bowl of porridge, sat on the edge of the bed, held a spoon in her hand, scooped out a spoonful of meat porridge, brought it to Qin Yao's mouth, and said softly: "Ah~"

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Having lived two lives, he has never had this kind of experience since he graduated from kindergarten in his previous life.

“Open your mouth, I fanned it outside, it’s not hot.” ​​Nianying said.

Qin Yao didn't know what to say, so he had to open his mouth obediently.

After eating a bowl of meat porridge, he barely regained some strength. He sat cross-legged on the bed, put his hands on his lower abdomen, and through breathing, slowly condensed a trace of true energy, which circulated along the meridians. .

He wanted to know which ancestor he had invited earlier. He was so cruel that he didn't even have any strength left for him.

If this were placed in the martial arts plane, after all the energy in the whole body was sucked dry, it would not be possible to make up for it for seven or eight years, or it would be even worse.

 After meditating silently for a day and a half, Qin Yao's body finally regained some vitality. Then he came to the warehouse and found the treasures of heaven and earth left by some ghosts and gods in exchange for the ghost paper, and frantically absorbed the energy in them to replenish his body.

By evening, at the expense of waste, he had finally returned to his prime.

 Feeling the constant surge of power in my body, I felt inexplicably emotional.


Perhaps this is the preciousness that you only know what you have after losing it!

"I want to go to Fucheng. Will you continue to practice in Yizhuang, or come with me?" Qin Yao asked Nianying at noon that day.

 “What are you doing in Fucheng?” Nianying asked.

 “Handling some business matters.”

"Then I won't go." Nianying shook her head and said, "I'm not interested in business or anything like that."

Qin Yao hugged her and said with a smile, "Wait until I come back..."

  Half an hour later.

 Qin Yao, who was dressed in a white suit, led four subordinates in black suits to the White Jade Tower. The welcoming sister saw them entering the door in a hurry, and for a moment she did not dare to step forward.

 “Is Wang Shiming in the store?”

"Mr. Qin, I'm here." Wang Shiming, wearing a gray mandarin jacket, waved at the railing on the second floor observation deck.

Qin Yao took four company subordinates to the second floor, stood in the corridor and said, "Find a place where we can talk."

Wang Shiming nodded repeatedly, led a group of people to his office, closed the door and said excitedly: "Sir, is the plan about to start?"

In the past few days, he has been looking forward to Mr. Qin's custom industry integration plan day and night. He has been tossing and turning and can't sleep at night.

Qin Yao nodded and sat on the main chair naturally: "Shiming, what are the dangers of a place like a brothel?"

Wang Shiming was slightly startled. Although he was puzzled, he still answered honestly: "The biggest harm is probably from two aspects. One is the soul. It will lose people's minds and drive men out of control again and again. Come and explore.

On the other hand, it poisons people's bodies. Because there are not many effective anti-virus methods in this world, the disease spreads seriously and causes mutual infection. Apart from that, I won’t mention the aspects of forcing girls into prostitution and causing family destruction. They are too common and too common. "

Qin Yao nodded and asked again: "How chaotic is this market?"

Wang Shiming pondered for a moment and said solemnly: "Eat people without spitting out bones."

 “Is it possible to block the brothel industry?”

"It's impossible." Wang Shiming said without thinking: "There is demand from both top and bottom, who will seal it? Who dares to seal it?"

Qin Yao pursed his lips: "What about setting up a customs industry association to control the order of the customs industry and formulate rules for all brothels? For example, severely punish those who force girls into prostitution, strictly prohibit minors from entering brothels, and organize regular physical examinations for brothel girls. Those who are sick will not be allowed to work, etc.”

Wang Shiming’s eyes widened.

He had already guessed that Mr. Qin would have a big deal, but he didn't expect that it would be as big as this.

Originally, he guessed that Mr. Qin would use his connections with the Public Security Bureau, and the black and white would work together to integrate the brothel industry with an iron fist, thereby taking a piece of meat...

 It seems that my vision is still too low! "It's possible, but this requires the consent of the senior leaders in Fucheng." Wang Shiming asked in a low voice, "Mr. Qin also has connections with the senior leaders?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter."

Wang Shiming laughed dryly: "That will be difficult...this matter involves too many big bosses' pockets. Without the strong support of the top leaders, it will be difficult to implement it."

“What if he needs me to do this?” Qin Yao asked with a smile.

 Wang Shiming: “???”

Qin Yao did not explain to him, he only needed him to execute: "From now on, Baiyulou will be renamed as Baiyulou Club, and the nature of the brothel will be canceled in name. It will focus on health care, bathing and massage.

 As for those indescribable things, they can no longer be brought to light.

Starting from today, we will stay behind closed doors for three days and organize all the girls in the building to learn health care and foot massage skills. After three days, we will officially operate according to the club model. "

Wang Shiming was stunned when he heard this, and at the same time he was suddenly enlightened.

  Men know men best, and men who can breathe are lustful.

At this moment, he realized that if a man came simply to satisfy his physical needs, he would have no more desires after a few minutes, and would even want to lift up his pants and leave.

 This is a one-time deal.

But if we follow Mr. Qin’s formula... It is a club that specializes in foot massage. Guests have to try out what it feels like to have their feet pinched and what a massage feels like, right?

After trying these two items and then relaxing, wouldn’t it be a one-stop service? In this way, the club charges three times from one person, and it does not cause any resentment among customers.

  Simply a genius idea.

"Mr. Qin, how did you come up with it?" he couldn't help but ask.

Qin Yao thought secretly: Is there any need to think about it? This routine will be the core business of those bathing centers until 2022!

 “It doesn’t matter how you came up with it, what’s important is that this is just the beginning.”

Qin Yao smiled slightly: "Three days later, on the day when Baiyulou Club reopens, I will ask the Public Security Department of the police station to strictly investigate the violations of laws and disciplines in all the brothels in the city. We will check three times a day and make them uneasy. The bosses behind those brothels are not hands-on. Tongtian? Then go to the boss of Fucheng, I'll wait for his summons."

 Wang Shiming: “…”

 He could not evaluate this approach, but he was silently envious of it in his heart.

 A man should not be without power for a day.

 This is power, and it is the use of force to oppress people through and through.

 Any other person would not be able to use this method!

“Yes, I understand, Mr. Qin.”

 Seven days later.

A group of representatives from major brothels gathered at the fat man's home again, as if they had forgotten the results of their last visit, and angrily rebuked the Public Security Department and Yang Kun, the chief of the Public Security Department.

The fat director listened quietly just like last time. The difference was that this time he didn’t bang the table after listening.

“Yang Kun did it this time.” Seeing the representatives looking at him with shining eyes, the fat director nodded.

All the representatives breathed a sigh of relief, and endless passion suddenly emerged in their hearts.

“Yeah, it’s too much. I went to check three times a day, saying it was to check for chaos in the brothel, but nothing was found and nothing was said. It disrupted our business and lost all business.”

“Director, can we punish him with abuse of power this time?”

"Not only that, but there is also the crime of collusion between officials and businessmen. It is certainly not meaningless for him to do this. He must have been instructed by certain people to achieve certain things."

Director Fatty lightly knocked on the table and said, "Okay, okay, I will go and have a good talk with Section Chief Yang. The Security Department of the police station should not become a tool in the hands of some people."

Shortly after.

 Police station.

 In the Director’s office.

The fat man was dressed in military uniform, sitting behind the desk, pointing to the chair in front of the desk and saying: "Chief Yang, please sit down."

 “Thank you, Director.” Yang Kun bowed.

 “There is no cigar this time, do you know why?”

Yang Kun sat on the chair and straightened his waist: "Because the director feels that he has done something wrong in his humble position."

 “What’s wrong?”

Yang Kun said: "It's too much."

"Since you know it, why do you do it? Maybe someone has taken advantage of it." The fat man said.

Yang Kun shook his head and said: "No. It's because I listened to a plan, a plan that can make the city less evil. Director, do you want to listen to it?"

The fat man narrowed his eyes and chuckled, "It's okay to listen."

 The next day.

  Chenghuang Department Store, in the newly renamed president’s office.

 Qin Yao had a cigar in his mouth, and his huge body was sitting on the wide boss chair. The cigar smoke flickered, which inexplicably added a bit of power.

Ren Tingting, wearing a western skirt and black silk stockings, stood opposite him in a lively manner, and said unhurriedly: "The above are all the reports of Chenghuang Department Store for this quarter. Now let me talk about the construction status of the department store in XC District. Hong Jinli ( Comprador Hong) took it from the company..."

“Dong dong, dong dong.” At this time, a soft knock on the door suddenly sounded, interrupting her report.

“Please come in.” Qin Yao pressed the remaining half of the cigar into the ashtray, raised his head and said.

Hao Jing, secretary to the executive director, opened the door and smiled sweetly: "Big boss, Director Ren, a man who calls himself the mayor's secretary came downstairs. He wants to see the big boss and says he has something important to discuss."

Qin Yao said calmly: "Invite people in."

"Yes." Hao Jing nodded, turned and left, and soon came back with a young man.

 “What’s your name?” Qin Yao stood up and asked.

"My surname is Du, Du Xinwen." The young man glanced at the two of them, and looked at Ren Tingting emphatically, carefully hiding the heat in his eyes.

This woman is dressed too seductively!

"What is Secretary Du's instruction when he comes to see me?" Qin Yao asked bluntly without murmuring.

“The leader asked me to invite Mr. Qin. I wonder if you have time now?”

 “I have time.” Qin Yao smiled slightly, knowing that his plan was mostly successful.

If the custom industry association is really established, Qin Yao will not attach great importance to the increase in wealth and power. What he cares more about is how much virtue this charity can bring him.

 Don’t put the cart before the horse.

 What is Ben?

 Practice is the foundation.

 Longevity is the foundation.

 The current stage of entry into the underworld system is the basis.

 These "three books" are all inseparable from the support of a large amount of Yin De!

 (End of this chapter)

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