I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 192: Exclusive for holidays (520 extra updates, love you)

Chapter 192 is exclusive for the day (520 additional updates, I love you~)

 It’s exactly two o’clock in the afternoon.

 Fu Yamen Building, leadership office.

Luo Hao was wearing a short double-breasted jacket and was sitting behind a pink desk. Together with the officials and squires, he looked at the sturdy man walking proudly.

With this kind of body shape and sense of oppression, in the past, he would have been a pioneer general, but he could never be associated with a business giant.

In the inherent impression of these bureaucrats, truly powerful businessmen are either the kind of old people who have been floating in the business world for many years but remain standing, or the kind of elites who have read poetry and books and even returned from other countries...

 And this Mr. Qin, the two are not dependent on each other!

Qin Yao glanced across the entire audience.

Sitting on the main seat was a middle-aged man with long hair but high energy. He was not angry and had deep eyes. He should be the leader of the city.

The group of people sitting in the guest seats were well-dressed and sanctimonious, and most of them had an aura of old-era bureaucrats.

But this is normal. Today is the transition between the old and the new, and all walks of life are a mixed bag, even half white but not black.

“Leader, this is the owner of the department store, Qin Yao, Mr. Qin.” The secretary bowed slightly and said to Luo Hao.

Luo Hao nodded and pointed to the chair opposite him: "Mr. Qin, please sit down."

Qin Yao chuckled and sat down calmly: "Look at this posture, why do I feel like you are trying to judge me?"

Luo Hao smiled and shook his head: "This is the mayor's office, not an interrogation room. Mr. Qin was joking. I invited you here today because I want to talk to you about your views on brothels."

“Yu believes that brothels are the dregs of the old era and have great harm to society in the new era. They must be banned according to law and help those skilled women to become good.” Qin Yao said with shining eyes, looking upright.

Decades later, a certain Mr. Lu Xun, who cannot be named, said: In a room full of people, if you want to open a window, everyone will not agree, but if you want to lift the roof, others will agree to open the window.

Qin Yao was well aware of the difficulty of establishing a custom industry association. Once he proposed it rashly, he would definitely be blocked, even questioned and angrily reprimanded by everyone.

Then just be more straightforward and propose to remove the roof of this house. The wind will blow away people's coolness, and the wealth will go away and people will feel happy.

 Luo Hao: “…”

 Officials and gentry: “…”

  A bomb is set off as soon as it comes up. Who can stand this thing?

“Mr. Qin, I fully understand your desire to contribute to society.”

After a long time, Luo Hao said seriously and sincerely: "But you also have to understand that brothels are not just a place for prostitutes, but involve all aspects of society. They are not the dishes and chopsticks in our hands that can be picked up at any time and put down at any time. Letting go must be taken seriously.”

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "All the people present are men, and I won't hide anything you have to say.

 The dangers of brothels are almost cancerous.

I believe that we should not turn a blind eye to the cancer just because we are afraid of breaking it open and causing the venom in it to flow out.

 Early treatment and early eradication can restore a bright future to society as soon as possible.

The leader just said that we should take it seriously, and I mean the same thing. We should deal with the specific aspects involved.

As long as our yamen leadership team is united, can there be policies that benefit the people that cannot be implemented in this city? "

 Luo Hao: “…”

 That's not what he meant when he said take it seriously...

"Mr. Qin, the implementation of a policy cannot be done just by thinking about it." A squire said: "Not to mention anything else, do you know how many practitioners live in brothels? Behind this is How many jobs? When you said you wanted to close down brothels, have you considered them or asked their opinions? "

As soon as the squire finished speaking, another person spoke: "That's not all...the world is now in a state of unrest and rogues are common. If there were no brothels for them to have fun, I'm afraid how many young girls would be brutally murdered. Mr. Qin, can you Are you responsible for this?"


Hearing these questions, Qin Yao was neither angry nor annoyed.

 After all, what he wants to do is to destroy other people’s jobs, so why don’t they just say a few words?

"I really don't know how many brothel practitioners there are, but it doesn't matter. I have a big plate. If anyone loses his job because of this matter, I can give him a new job. Maybe he won't earn as much as before, but it will definitely not be as good as before. So humble."

"As for those who are reckless and scoundrels, this is easy to deal with. Just launch an anti-pornography and crackdown on gangsters. Every once in a while, crack down hard. I believe it won't take long for our city to become a model with the lowest crime rate." City."

All the squires were stunned when they heard this.

 Still cracking down on gangsters?

 The darkest one is you!

"Okay." Seeing that the squires were speechless, Luo Hao knocked on the table and said, "Both sides take a step back!"

 One side is the old country gentry force, and the other side is the new plutocratic tycoon. As the leader of the city, he cannot help either side fight against the other side, otherwise the people's livelihood and economy will be greatly affected, which will in turn affect his career.

 Because of this, he would form such a bureau to mediate the conflicts between the two parties and avoid them from further intensifying.

 When he is in his position, what matters is not just monetary benefits...even if he also receives a lot of filial piety.

Qin Yao frowned: "The harm of brothels must be solved. I am a businessman. Although I cannot carry a gun on the battlefield to serve my family and country, I can be based on kindness and benevolence, and do my best to change the world. Better."

 Luo Hao: “…”

 Squire: “…”

 They don’t believe that there can be such a pure and kind-hearted businessman in this world.

 But the fact is before them. The person in front of them is a benevolent businessman who is willing to pay a huge price for his kindness.

“Let’s do this, I will introduce relevant laws to severely crack down on all evil behaviors related to brothels. What do you think?” Luo Hao took a deep breath and said loudly.

Qin Yao was speechless: "Leader, don't we have regulations to combat evil behavior now?"

 Luo Hao: “…”

“This doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, what do you want?” an official said angrily.

Qin Yao was silent for a while and said quietly: "Okay, I'll take another step back.

 As the saying goes, only by specializing in doing things can we be efficient. I propose to establish the Fucheng Customs Industry Association to unify the management and integration of the customs industry and specifically crack down on various evil behaviors that are harmful to customs.

 All brothels must be certified by the association and comply with the association's rules, otherwise they are not allowed to open their doors to receive customers. "

Luo Hao's heart moved, he looked at Qin Yao with deep meaning, and said before all the squires could object: "Let's give it a try. Do you squires have anything to add?"

"Since it is our association, each of our families should have a representative in the association." The squires looked at each other, and then one of them said loudly.

Qin Yao sneered: "Don't push yourself too far. If you are asked to manage the association, what's the point of establishing this association? Either ban the brothel, or you accept the supervision of the association, there is no other choice."

 “You are too overbearing,” said a squire angrily.

Qin Yao sneered: "If I were as soft as noodles, I wouldn't have to do anything."

 Squire: “…”

Luo Hao glanced at them and said calmly: "Mr. Qin, you can take the lead in organizing the Customs Industry Association, but while the Customs Industry Association supervises the brothels in the city, it must also be supervised by the government. Do you have any objections? "

Qin Yao shook his head: "I have no objection." "Then it's decided." Luo Hao smiled and said: "Mr. Qin, please go and do your work first. If you encounter any trouble during the process of organizing the association, you can come to the government office at any time. I."

 “Thank you, leader.” Qin Yao stood up, clasped his fists, and strode away.

“Leader, I think the rights of the custom industry association must be restricted, otherwise when the association becomes bigger, it will be in a difficult situation.” After watching Qin Yao leave, an official said seriously.

Luo Hao waved his hand: "We haven't even set up the platform yet, but we put forward various restrictions. He can't do it this way, he can't do it that way. It's inappropriate. Instead, let him set up the platform and wait for him to make a mistake. Then he can reshuffle the deck. Put a complete platform in the hands of a more suitable person.”

The squires knew full well that these words were addressed to them.

 What you say is better than what you sing, and you wait for the other person to make a mistake... What is wrong, and how do you define right and wrong?

Isn’t the power of interpretation of all this in the hands of his ‘prefect’?

How pitiful they are, jumping up and down and making wedding clothes for others in vain!


The rights were won, but Qin Yao could not easily delegate them to Wang Shiming to form the custom industry association.

It’s not that he doubts his integrity and loyalty, but that Lao Wang has no qualifications and is not qualified to compete with the squire bosses behind the major brothels.

 At least he had to create a basic prototype, and then let Wang Shiming and Xiao Gui Cao follow, so as not to turn the association that was supposed to be a strong deterrent into a pheasant association that no one cares about and that anyone can step on.

  Two months later.

Qin Yao used the results of the closure and rectification of four large brothels, eleven medium-sized brothels, and more than twenty small brothels to sharpen the association's sharp sword against evil, and then handed it over to Wang Shiming's hands.

 What’s interesting is that since Wang Shiming took office, the phenomenon of renaming customs industries in Fucheng has become a common practice.

 Large brothels have been renamed to XX Entertainment City, medium-sized brothels have been renamed to XX Club, and small brothels all provide massage, foot therapy, or health care services.

 In short, there was a demonic wind blowing. I wonder if it was some kind of bad taste of President Wang.

 Let’s talk about Qin Yao.

 After leaving office, he did not rush back to Yizhuang. Instead, he passed through the yin and yang teleportation array in Maoshan, crossing the two realms of yin and yang, and rushed to the Hall of Hell in the underworld to check his own yin virtues and the details of their composition.

 He wants to verify something!

 “Hello, please explain your personal information.” The official ghost said politely at the service window.

Qin Yao reported his name, place of origin, date of birth, and soon got the information he wanted.

The detailed list clearly stated that the latest Yin De income came from the establishment of the Custom Industry Association, which amounted to a total of 120 points. Scroll up, at least one-third of the total 5,677 points of virtue come from Fucheng industries...

If it is a surprise to plant a willow tree unintentionally and it will become a towering tree, then what kind of experience is it to plant a willow plant unintentionally and it will grow into a towering tree?

Qin Yao felt very happy.

 Please increase your efforts!

“Sir, do you need to apply for a card?” Not long after, when he was about to leave happily, the business ghost in the window suddenly asked.

 Chin Yao: “???”

  “That’s right.”

The business ghost explained: "In order to meet the common needs of the vast number of ghosts and gods without official status to use Yin De points for transactions, and to meet the privacy needs of the majority of Yin Department officials, our company has recently launched the Yin De Card service. Applying for the card is completely free, and you only need to pay annually An annual fee is enough, do you think you need it?”

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Such a familiar routine.

When Yinde Card becomes the mainstream of mass consumption, will there still be credit cards?

“Sir, do you have any needs in this regard?” Seeing him suddenly froze in place, the business ghost asked softly.

"How much is the annual fee?" Qin Yao came back to his senses and asked with a strange expression.

 “Only three hundred Yin Virtue points per year.”

“Three hundred? Just need it?” Qin Yao was speechless.

“It may seem like a lot at one time, but in fact, on average, it’s less than one Yin De card per day. Compared with the convenience and efficiency of Yin De Card, what does this small amount of effort count?” the salesman said.

Qin Yao laughed dumbly: "This routine is more familiar."

 Business ghost: “???”

“Let’s get one.” Qin Yao said with a smile without explaining anything.

The salesman smiled slightly and immediately put the doubts behind him. After a while, he stretched out a black card with Qin Yao's name on it from the window: "The Yinde card was successfully applied for. This is your card. Please keep it and put it in your mind." It can be activated after refining.”

 Qin Yao stretched out his hand to take the square black card, and used the magic power in his body to refine it. With a thought, a line of golden writing appeared on the black card: balance, five thousand three hundred and seventy seven.

 “Hey, this card is very useful!”

"Of course it's easy to use." The businessman said with a smile: "You only need to meet face to face to complete the consumption and transfer of Yin De Point. The three hundred years of fee to buy such an efficient service is simply worth the money."

Qin Yao laughed, waved his hand, turned around and left the Yama Hall.

 Three days later.

  Montenegro, in front of the Palace of the Virgin.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and patted the door, shouting: "Brother, your father is here, wake up."

The face of a door-god appeared on the door, his eyes were sleepy, and he was obviously not awake: "What?"

“What the hell, open your eyes and see who I am?” Qin Yao said angrily.

The door **** tried his best to open his eyes wide. After seeing Qin Yao's appearance, he suddenly became excited and slowly opened the door: "Please come in."

"What do you call me? Who am I?" Qin Yao said.

The door **** had no choice but to shout again: "Master, please come in."

Qin Yao smiled with satisfaction, stepped into the yard, and walked quickly.

In the main hall, the woman sitting cross-legged on the futon slowly opened her eyes, looked up at the figure who appeared at the door, and said with a smile: "Congratulations."

 “What do you want to congratulate me for?”

“I have cultivated my body.” Xiao Zhuo stood up and said.

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows: "What next?"

 “Then…don’t you want to try it?”

Qin Yao licked his lips, feeling a little hot in his heart.

 “I’m a virgin.” Xiao Zhuo added with charming eyes.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Damn it.

Who can withstand this? !

 (ps: On the day of 520, the male and female protagonists reunited~On the day of 520, I will add more updates as needed. I wish all brothers and sisters a happy holiday~I love you...(`)Bi Xin)

 (End of this chapter)

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