Chapter 194 Qingqing

"If you want to do good things, donating money or materials is the most direct way. Eliminating evil, helping the poor, building roads, running schools, treating diseases and saving people are the next best ways." After thinking for a moment, Ren Tingting gave some suggestions.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "Donating money and materials is a good idea, but in today's era, donated things have been deducted at all levels, and I am afraid that not even 30% of them can be implemented. Once you are unlucky, If you encounter someone who is greedy or greedy, you will probably be greedy. "

Ren Tingting was speechless.

 The world is like this. Unless we "destroy the world" and "rebuild the world", there is no way to change it.

“Since it’s not safe to use other platforms, let’s build a platform ourselves.” After a long time, Qin Yao stood up slowly and looked into her eyes.

Ren Tingting: “???”

 That’s outrageous!

“Mr. Qin, I want to hear your plan.”

"I am going to report to the government to establish the Fucheng Charity Federation, which aims to carry forward the humanitarian spirit, carry forward China's traditional virtues of poverty alleviation, help people and groups in need in society, and carry out different forms of relief work." Qin Qin Yao smiled and spoke.

He has now figured out that instead of fishing by the river and catching a tail of Yinde time and time again, he might as well just open a fish pond and raise fish by himself.

 Although the initial investment is a bit large, the rate of return in the later period is unmatched by fishing.

“I support your plan in spirit, but in reality, our current available funds cannot build such a big project.” Ren Tingting said sincerely.

Qin Yao paused for a moment and then ordered: "When you are free, make a report for me and calculate how much money is needed to build this platform and how big our gap is."

 “Okay, that’s no problem.” Ren Tingting said decisively.

 Meanwhile, on the street.

Middle-aged women wearing floral blouses walked through the crowd, their eyes like steel knives scraping across the faces of the girls, looking for suitable prey.

There are policies and measures to counter.

When the Customs Industry Association began to crack down on illegal activities in brothels, the owners who were forced to change their names to entertainment cities or certain clubs secretly bribed a group of middle-aged women to recruit new blood and asked them to use high salaries as a lure to lure women to inspect the brothels.

 Even if only two of the ten people left were there, it would be a big gain for the venue.

 Hence, this strategy actually catalyzed the creation of an industry.

Coming from the other end of the street to this end of the street, the woman in a floral shirt was a little tired. She stopped at the door of a drug store. When she accidentally glanced at it, she saw an exquisite and lovely young girl walking out of the drug store. She instantly became the focus of her eyes. A beautiful scenery.

 “Hello, little girl.” Suddenly her body gained a little more strength, and the woman in a floral shirt came to the other party with a smile on her face.

When approached by a stranger, the girl was obviously a little nervous, even defensive: "What do you want?"

“My surname is Su. You can call me Aunt Su. What’s your name, little girl?”


“Qingqing, what a good name.” Aunt Su said gently with a smile on her face.

"I have something else to do. If you have no other questions, please leave first." Qingqing said bluntly, not wanting to talk nonsense with strangers.

"Don't worry, little girl, listen to me." Aunt Su said: "I have a job here, with a minimum guarantee of twenty yuan a month. The more you work, the more you will get. There is no cap on your salary. If you work for two to three months, you will be able to work in I’m buying a house in Fucheng, are you interested?”

"Thank you, I'm not interested." Qingqing's eyes became more defensive, she waved her hand and turned around to leave.

"Little girl, don't be afraid, I'm not a liar." Aunt Su was unwilling and chased her and said, "You can come with me first. I can't treat you as a little girl in broad daylight, so why not?"

“Stop following me, otherwise I won’t blame you for being rude to you!” Qingqing shouted, attracting the attention of passers-by.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Aunt Su's face, and she had no choice but to let the other party leave.

 Fifteen of an hour later.

Qingqing walked into a wooden house with a basket of vegetables in her arms: "Master, I'm back."

In the lobby, in front of the wooden fish, an old monk wearing a dark yellow cassock turned his head and looked at him, smiling and saying: "Go and cook."

Qingqing nodded, and when she turned around, she suddenly asked: "Master, what kind of job can a girl do to earn more than 20 yuan in a month?"

 The old monk was stunned: "What do you mean?"

“On my way to Fucheng to sell medicine, three women stopped me and said they wanted to introduce me to a job that would make money very quickly,” Qingqing said.

 The old monk's face changed and he murmured: "Has the world become such a mess?"

 “What’s the chaos?” Qingqing was puzzled.

The old monk pursed his lips and said, "Stop cooking and come with me to Fucheng. Monks are merciful, so it's okay not to know. But now that I know, I still sit back and do nothing. It makes my conscience uneasy."

“Master, what are you talking about?”

"Nine times out of ten, the people you are talking to are kidnappers from brothels. They use sweet talk to lure girls into brothels and train them in various ways. A girl's second half of her life is ruined." The old monk said with a look of unbearability. .

  When he traveled far and wide, he saw such tragedies. I have even seen a woman who was deceived into a brothel. Seven or eight years later, her youth was gone. In order to make a living, she became a knife to help the evildoers, which is sad.

“Master, Qingqing, what are you going to do?” As soon as the master and apprentice left the wooden house and stepped onto the muddy path, they met a young man wearing shabby cloth.

"Let's go to Fucheng." The old monk glanced at him, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind: "Jia Le, are you busy now? If not, why not come with us?"

Jiale glanced at Qingqing and said with a smile: "I'm fine. I just want to go to Fucheng too, so let's go together."

 As dusk approaches, the sunset is bright and beautiful.

The old monk took Qingqing and Jiale into Fucheng and looked at the crowded streets: "Is it a market today? Why are there so many people?"

"I asked when I came during the day. It's not a market." Qingqing responded: "Because there are a lot of people selling things on the street, and everyone is willing to come out and walk around when they have nothing to do."

The old monk nodded and ordered: "Qingqing, you go first, and we will follow behind. If you encounter someone who says they want to introduce you to a job, just follow him and have a look."

"Yes, Master." Qingqing said, throwing away the two of them and walking forward alone.

"Little girl..." After a while, a woman in her thirties came to her.

"You also want to introduce me to a job?" Qingqing was too lazy to listen to the rhetoric anymore and directly interrupted her greetings.

The woman was startled for a moment, then quickly understood: "Has someone already looked for you?"

 “Not only that, there are quite a few.” Qingqing said.

The woman laughed: "Yes, a girl like you is like a flower, attracting bees and butterflies."

“I’m suddenly interested in the job you’re talking about. Can you take me there to find out more about it now?” Qingqing asked.

The woman was overjoyed. She didn’t expect that this could be missed, and she said hurriedly: “Of course, girl, please come with me.”

Not far away, the old monk and Jiale followed them silently, and gradually came to a flower building with the signboard of Mingyuexuan Club, and watched them walk into the flower building.

“Master, shall we go in now?” Jiale asked. The old monk shook his head: "There is no need to follow. You know Qingqing's fist and kick skills. Three or five people can't get close to her. We can just wait here for the result."

Jiale stared intently at the beautiful girl wearing shorts and exposing her thighs in the flower building. He couldn't help but swallowed and nodded silently.

 About an hour later.

Qingqing walked out intact and came directly to the two of them: "Something is wrong..."

 “What’s wrong?” Jiale asked curiously.

"The woman took me into an office. I met a beautiful girl with a name tag. The other person explained to me the scope of work and the remuneration I could get in detail, and then asked me to consider it. If I want to earn If you have this money, you can come to work anytime.”

Jiale: “…”

 Old monk: “…”

This is too easy to talk about, right?

 It’s not the situation they thought at all!

“Master, I don’t understand.” Jiale said honestly.

"Don't tell me it's you, I don't even understand." The old monk spread his hands and a light flashed in his eyes: "There is someone who may be able to give us the answer."


 “Your junior brother, Qin Yao.”

Jiale: "???"

"You haven't heard of his name, have you?" the old monk said in surprise.

Jiale shook his head: "No, what I'm curious about is, master, how do you know about Junior Brother Qin?"

Hearing him ask this, the old monk suddenly looked pained: "You are not your master, but you are in Maoshan, but you send me flying letters every three days to show off yourself. In addition to boasting, the letter contains only Qin Yao's The name appears most frequently, so how could I not know?”

Jiale smiled and asked expectantly: "Master, did Master ask me in the letter?"

Since Master left, not even a letter has been sent to him, let alone a letter every two days.

Looking at his expectant look, the old monk suddenly felt that the truth was a bit cruel to him, and said vaguely: "Of course. Okay, it's getting late, let's go to the department store quickly. Your master said in the letter, The entire Chenghuang Department Store is your junior brother Qin’s property..."

As a landmark building in Fucheng, Chenghuang Department Store is easy to find.

An old man and two young men walked into the shopping mall with a group of customers. They saw that the huge hall on the first floor was so crowded that it was noisy like a vegetable market.

"Hello, we are looking for Qin Yao." Under the gaze of the old monk, Jiale quickly came to the guidance platform and said shyly to the girl behind the platform.

"Mr. Qin is on the fourth floor. There are stairs there. You can go up directly." The guide girl in the uniform of the building smiled sweetly and turned to point to the stairs in the corner.

Jiale couldn't help but be dazzled.

 Not looking at the stairs, but at the girl in uniform.

 In the past, he was trapped in a remote mountain wilderness with only one girl, Qingqing, so he couldn't help but pay attention to her every move.

But when he walked into the city from the mountains and saw all kinds of beautiful girls, he suddenly realized that Qingqing didn't seem so beautiful anymore.

"Ahem." Seeing him staring straight at the girl, the old monk couldn't help coughing heavily.

Jiale woke up from his dream, scratched his head, laughed dryly, and walked towards the stairs first.

 Fourth floor.

CEO's office.

Qin Yao was writing a letter, thinking deeply about each word, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

 “Please come in.”

Hao Jing gently opened the door and said with a smile: "Big boss, a young man named Jiale came to the fourth floor with a monk and a girl. He said he wanted to see you."

 “Jia Le?” Qin Yao was stunned for a moment.

He has never met the other party, and has never thought of contacting the other party. The butterfly effect arises out of nowhere, and the other party unexpectedly comes to visit him.

"Yes, boss, do you want to see them?" Hao Jing said.

"Invite them...forget it, I'll go over and greet them." Qin Yao said, put down his pen, stood up and walked out the door.

 In the reception room on the fourth floor.

Jiale stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass and looked at the endless flow of pedestrians on the street. He couldn't help but sigh softly: "If you work here, you will definitely have a sense of accomplishment, right?"

“Senior brother, if you are interested, I can make arrangements for you.” Qin Yao opened the door and walked in, smiling and saying.

 The three people in the conference room looked up at the same time, with varying degrees of shock on their faces.

Such a burly, fierce-looking man was the first time even the traveling old monk encountered him!

"Are you Junior Brother Qin Yao?" Not long after, Jiale came back to his senses and spoke with a smile.

"It's me, senior brother." Qin Yao pressed his hand: "Stop standing, sit down quickly, be quiet, and go get a few cups of tea."

“Yes, big boss.” Hao Jing smiled and turned around.

"Junior brother, this kind of life of yours is called life!" Jiale said with envy as he watched Hao Jing's leaving figure.

Qin Yao smiled and said, "I still say the same thing. If senior brother wants to work here, I can arrange it right away."

Jiale pursed her lips and glanced at Qingqing secretly: "I'll think about it again."

"Okay." Qin Yao looked at the old monk, cupped his hands and said, "May I ask the master..."

“I have a rest, I have met Mr. Qin.” The old monk clasped his hands together and returned the greeting.

"Master Yixiu, you are polite." Qin Yao smiled and looked at Qingqing.

"She is my young disciple Qingqing..." Yixiu said hurriedly: "Qingqing, why don't you hurry up and pay your respects to your brother Dao Qin?"

"Meet Dao Brother Qin." I don't know whether it was because of the physique of the Taoist brother or the aura of the other party, but Qingqing bowed obediently.

"No need to be polite." Qin Yao smiled gently and asked, "Do you have anything important to do when you come to me? If not, I will treat you to dinner in the evening, and we will also communicate."

Jiale looked at Monk Yixiu, who pondered for a moment, with a kind smile on his face: "If that's the case, then I'm sorry..."

 (End of this chapter)

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