I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 195: Some things cannot be postponed

Chapter 195 Some things cannot be postponed

  Night, Xu hour.

 The bright moon is crescent.

Tianxiang Restaurant.

Qin Yao took Yixiu, Qingqing, and Jiale to the most expensive luxury bag and said with a smile: "Because there are only four of us eating, if we choose the big bag, it will be too crowded if we sit close and too loose if we sit far away. , so I ordered a small package, please don’t take it personally.”

Monk Yixiu waved his hand quickly: "Mr. Qin is very thoughtful. I am very happy. How can I dislike it?"

 “That’s good, master, please take a seat.” Qin Yao said politely.

"This won't work. Mr. Qin is the host, and we are guests. There is no reason for guests to be superior." Through the four-eye letter, Yixiu knew the status of the big man in front of him in Maoshan and Fucheng, and he did not dare to treat him as a junior. Refusing again and again.

After all, Qin Yao was not that kind of hypocritical person. He did not play any kind of give-and-take, or even push to the extreme. He opened the main seat frankly and sat down, beckoning: "Sit down, it's just a meal, not that much." rule."

The other three people took their seats one after another, and Qin Yao asked again: "Do you want to drink?"

 “The poor monk has quit.” Yixiu said.

Jiale quickly shook his head: "Junior brother, I don't know how."

 “I don’t want it either.” Qingqing said then.

Qin Yao chuckled and said to the waiter on the side: "Let's serve the dishes first, six meat and six vegetables."

“Yes, sir.” The waiter bowed, turned around and walked out of the box.

"Mr. Qin, I have a question I want to ask you." Yixiu said softly while waiting for the food to be served.

Qin Yao picked up the hot water on the table and poured a cup for each of the three of them: "Master, please speak."

“I want to know what changes have occurred in the customs industry in Fucheng. Why have those brothels been changed into such-and-such entertainment cities or such-and-such clubs?”

Qin Yao chuckled: "I am the variable."

  Three people: “???”

Qin Yao took a sip of tea and explained: "In order to solve the bad habit of human trafficking and forcing girls into prostitution, I proposed a plan to rectify the custom industry to the government office. After obtaining the approval of the government officials, I established the Fucheng Custom Industry Practitioners Management Association, specializing in the management of brothels and related industries.”

The three of them were suddenly enlightened. They clasped their hands together and said with emotion: "Amitabha, that's good, that's good."

At this time, the food was on the table, and Qin Yao greeted the three of them to use their chopsticks: "Everyone, let's start. Let's chat while eating."

“It’s delicious, it’s delicious.” Jiale picked up a piece of beef with soy sauce and after just one bite, his eyes lit up.

Qin Yao ate slowly and asked, "Is it possible that you are here for this matter?"

"You can say that."

 Yixiu responded: "Because Qingqing encountered a job recruitment in the custom industry, we were worried that the brothel would come up with some new means of harming people, so we hurried over from the countryside."

Qin Yao's face was solemn, he picked up the tea cup and said: "Master is kind-hearted and compassionate. I would like to offer you a cup of tea instead of wine."

Yixiu picked up the tea cup, touched it lightly, and drank it in one gulp: "At most, we can only discover and solve an evil thing, but Mr. Qin can eliminate evil from the source, which is far behind us."

The atmosphere was so high that Qin Yao could not honestly explain and tell the truth: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. As a monk, I cannot create new things and recreate the world, but as a relatively successful businessman, as long as I am willing It is possible to use my resources to do good deeds and protect the people.”

 These days, there is no saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Master Yixiu couldn't help being deeply shocked. He froze on the spot and stared blankly at the giant man in front of him.

 "Poor monk, ashamed..."

 Is he capable?

 Of course.

Not to mention the cultivation of Buddhism, the old monk’s medical skills can be called a great doctor!

  In the original movie, the little prince was bitten by a zombie uncle. The poison spread rapidly throughout his body, and even glutinous rice was ineffective. However, he was saved by the snake medicine prepared by the old monk himself. It was a miracle.

Having said that, with such medical skills, he spends his days traveling in remote mountains and fields, and there are only a handful of times where he can truly use his abilities to benefit the people.

From his previous perspective, this was nothing. After all, his main job was to be a monk, and medical skills were just a hobby, not even a side job.

However, people deserve to die more than others. Qin Yao's righteous words were like a sharp sword, piercing deeply into his heart.

"Master's words are serious..." Qin Yao shook his head and said: "As long as you have a heart to accumulate virtue and do good, don't do evil because it's small, don't do good because it's small, it's enough."

Hearing this, Monk Yixiu became even more ashamed and uncomfortable. His earlobes felt hot, and he opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Qin, do you think I have the ability to benefit someone?"

 Chin Yao: “???”

 This means…

 “Master, you mean...”

Monk Yixiu took a breath and said slowly: "In the past, Shimu and I lived together in a remote mountain. Although we lived in a remote place with few people, the two of us bickered and fought. You came and I went, each had his own victory or defeat. It passed quickly and happily.

Later on, Simu went out to work in the mountains and did not return for many years. The days suddenly slowed down. Maybe it’s because I don’t practice enough. Sometimes I feel lonely while knocking on the wooden fish..."

Qin Yao, Qing Qing, and Jiale listened quietly. In the words, they vaguely seemed to see the old monk sitting in the hall, knocking on the wooden fish, suddenly paused, and then fell into a state of trance.

"Now that the days in the mountains have begun to become dull and boring, and now I hear the wise saying that with great power comes great responsibility, I wonder if I should go out and do something, even if it is not to the extent of serving the country and the people. It's good to help others as much as possible...

However, although the idea is good, I really want to do it, but I don’t know where to start, so I would like to ask Mr. Qin for guidance. "Yixiu said again.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said with a smile: "I have two choices here. Master, you can listen to them both and decide which one you prefer."

 Monk Yixiu immediately sat upright and said seriously: "Mr. Qin, please speak."

 At this moment, he seemed to regard the other party as his "client".

It is said that family members should regard money as dirt, but in this world, only money can solve 99% of the problems.

 Everything else will not work!

Qin Yao said: “Recently, I have been thinking about other ways in which I can help a group of poor people.

 After pondering for several days, I decided to establish the Fucheng Charity Federation, which aims to carry forward the humanitarian spirit and provide targeted relief to unfortunate individuals and groups from all aspects, but I have been unable to find a president.

 If the master is interested, he can first become the president of the Charity Federation. Apart from that, I wonder how good the master's medical skills are? "

Yixiu thought carefully about the Charity Federation and said slowly: "The level of Chinese medicine is not bad, and there is some research on using poison to fight poison."

Qin Yao smiled and said: "What the master said is okay, it must be a superb skill..."

I see it this way. With the increasingly close exchanges between the East and the West, Western medicine is rapidly encroaching on my country's medical market with its rapid curative effect.

As for traditional Chinese medicine, many medicines are inherited from the same strain, and are even passed down from male to female. There is serious sectarianism, which has led to the loss of many medical secrets.

Hence, as time goes by, Chinese medicine is no longer moving up, but sliding down. To put it bluntly, it can’t even pick up people’s teeth.

 In the long run, it goes without saying that Western medicine will overwhelm Chinese medicine and become the mainstream medicine in society in fifty years, and the things belonging to our ancestors will slowly be thrown away.

I want to support Chinese medicine before all this happens. In this era when there are still Chinese medicine masters, Chinese medicine can be made into a system and inherited. I don’t expect to defeat Western medicine in the future. At the very least, they can complement each other. !

Master, of these two choices, one will serve the present generation and the other will benefit the future. Which one do you prefer? "

Yixiu fell into silence for a long time, until everyone had almost eaten, and suddenly said: "Mr. Qin, I want to help a Chinese medicine doctor." Qin Yao laughed: "Okay, I will arrange a place for you and Qingqing today. , I will go to the leaders of Fucheng tomorrow to discuss the establishment of a traditional Chinese medicine protection association and formulate protection rules."

It’s not that he is keen on setting up various associations, but from his perspective as an “experienced person”, the most advanced way to enter an industry is to have the right to speak and the right to formulate rules.

 Otherwise, if you have money but no power, you will be a fruit that is coveted by everyone. When the fruit matures, you will definitely attract a group of monsters and monsters.

In this case, what if we win the fight in the end? He killed a thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses, but received no corresponding reward.

 Only a fool would do such a thing.

As for picking the peach of the association...

When a group of companies come together to make the government take action, what kind of power is there when a group of associations related to people's livelihood come together?

 Approximately, you can refer to the plutocratic giants of the Bangzi Kingdom in later generations, and they are even...stronger!

 However, in order to achieve this, the most difficult thing is how to solve the problem of Fucheng’s leadership team.

 No one is a fool.

Those senior government officials are even less so.

Just one custom industry association has made them a little worried. They definitely don’t want Qin Yao to have a second association in his hands!

"Junior brother, there is still me, what do you think of the arrangement?" Seeing Master Yixiu being subdued while chatting and laughing, Jiale felt anxious for no reason in his heart.

For him, the master has left the remote mountains, and now Master Yixiu and Qingqing are also leaving. If he lives there alone, wouldn't he die of loneliness, boredom, and loneliness?

 It’s scary to think about it, it’s like going to jail...

 Forget it, stop being pretentious and vote now!

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "I will also give you two options. One is to be responsible for establishing a chain of supermarkets, with the supply of goods coming from the building, striving to cover every street in the city, and occupying the vast market in the countryside in the future.

 The other one is to be a club manager. I have a Baiyulou clubhouse and there is currently no suitable manager. The former has great prospects, while the latter is more sexually pleasing. Which one do you want to choose? "

Those bare-legged ladies popped up in Jiale's mind uncontrollably, and he swallowed hard: "Junior brother, I don't think I have the ability to be the person in charge of a supermarket chain, or I should first learn to manage a club, from low to high Gao, learn slowly.”

"OK, alright."

Qin Yao smiled and said: "I will take you to Baiyu Tower later. By the way, do you know where your master's gold is hidden?"

Jiale shook his head helplessly: "Junior brother, you don't know that my master is as guarding against me as he is against thieves. Not to mention his gold, I usually can't even find a copper plate at home."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 In memory, in the movie, Si Mu seemed to be quite harsh on Jiale.

Jiale had been begging for a piece of clothing he had worn for eight or more years before he was willing to give it to him.

 Speaking of which, are four eyes poor?

 Poor ass!

Master Ikkyu knocked on wooden fish so much that he couldn't sleep. He took a box of gold bricks and went to find Ikkyu, claiming that he wanted to buy the other party's house, and also asked the other party to set a price at will...

 In this way, the baby Jiale is really miserable, and he deserves to be picked up.

After dinner, Qin Yao personally arranged a residence for the three of them, and then took Jiale to the Baiyulou Club, summoned dozens of technicians and eight managers in the club, and announced the identity of the manager of Jiale Club in public.

Jiale stood uneasily in front of nearly a hundred people. When he looked up, he saw a beautiful sister with her thighs and waist exposed. For a moment, she didn't even know where to turn her eyes.

“You should slowly understand him, and I will leave first.” Qin Yao reached out and patted his shoulder, then turned and walked towards the door.

"Hey." Jiale shouted subconsciously. Seeing Qin Yao turn around, he scratched his head and said, "Slow down on the road."

Qin Yao smiled slightly and strode toward the darkness.

“Manager, let’s find someone to introduce you to the projects in our store first.” A young woman who still retains her charm suddenly hooked Jiale’s arm and said with a smile.

Feeling the thrilling softness, Jiale's face instantly turned red and he stammered: "Looking for...who?"

 The young woman pointed at the beautiful girls, pursed her lips and said, "You can choose by yourself."

Jiale swallowed hard.

 Children who come out of remote mountains and fields have never seen this kind of world.

 It’s a bit unbearable.

“Manager, let me introduce you to you?” At this time, a woman in a red dress with a touch of cinnabar between her eyebrows suddenly raised her jade-like arms and said softly.

 “That’s okay too.” Jiale said.

Shao Qing, watching the girl with cinnabar eyebrows leading Jiale into the massage room, many technicians felt regretful.

 It’s too late to shout.

As veterans of the romance industry, how could they not see that the manager was still a young boy, and that such a young boy would eventually have some affection for the first woman in his life.

 When there is a second one in the future, he will gradually become "heartless".

That little hoof is probably going to rely on this big tree to prosper.

 “Dong dong dong.”

 Late night.

In a small courtyard, Qingqing stood in front of the door of Master Yixiu's room with a troubled face.

"What's the matter, Qingqing?" Yixiu opened the wooden door and did not let the child enter the room. Instead, he walked out on his own initiative.

Qingqing took a deep breath and said, "Master, if Jiale went to work in a place like that, would he be a bad learner?"

"What does it mean to be a bad learner?" Master Yixiu asked softly, as if his eyes were shining with wisdom.

“That’s right, that’s it.” Qingqing said vaguely.

Yixiu said calmly: "Has Jiale expressed his feelings to you before?"

Qingqing shook her head and said angrily: "He is just a stupid person, how could he take the initiative to confess his love to me?"

 “Then do you like him?”

"I have no idea."

 Yixiu sighed: "Some things cannot be postponed. If you postpone them, you will miss them."

Qingqing was stunned.

"He has his choice, and you should also have yours. Make a decision as soon as possible." Yixiu continued: "Lest you delay and miss it, it will turn into a bad relationship."

Qingqing thoughtfully said softly: "Yes, Master..."

 (End of this chapter)

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