Chapter 196 The real boss

 The next day, morning.

 The government office compound, the mayor’s office.

Luo Hao sat on the black leather chair, looked up at the man from Angzang who was striding towards him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Qin came to see me early in the morning, what's the point of doing this?"

Qin Yao clasped his fists and said, "The mayor is busy with official duties. If there is nothing important or important, how dare I disturb you?"

After saying that, he paused slightly and put down his arms: "That's it. Recently, when I was researching how to do charity, I discovered an extremely scary thing. Currently, Western medicine is encroaching on the market share of traditional Chinese medicine. According to this trend, If it continues to develop, I'm afraid it won't take long for traditional Chinese medicine to slowly decline. That's why I came to you to see if I can help give Chinese medicine a helping hand and eliminate the sectarian differences between the various sects and integrate them together. It would be best to compile a pharmacopoeia..."

"Mr. Qin should have thought about what to do before he came here, right?" Luo Hao interrupted.

 Qin Yao smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously: "I propose to establish the Fucheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Association to ensure that the traditional Chinese medicine skills that have been passed down through the ages in China will not decline."

Luo Hao thought for a while and said warmly: "Mr. Qin, I think you are a little unfounded.

You also said that traditional Chinese medicine has been inherited for thousands of years in our country. How many years has it been since Western medicine was introduced into the country?

How do they have the qualifications to challenge our thousand-year-old culture?

I believe that even if it is fifty or a hundred years from now, when most people get sick, the first thing they will think of is Chinese medicine, not Western medicine pills. This is my confidence in our thousand-year heritage! "

 Chin Yao: “…”

  Judging from the course of history, you are a bit overconfident.

"Mr. Qin, I understand your benevolence as a benevolent businessman, but I still feel that you must not lose your roots." Luo Haoruo said pointedly.

For a person like him, even accusations would not be spoken out to his face, but he would put a layer of gentleness on top of his cold words.

Qin Yao smiled silently, cupped his hands and said, "I understand what you mean. I'll take my leave."

“Mr. Qin, go slowly.” Luo Hao smiled and waved.

 Two hours later.

Qin Yao drove the carriage and pulled large and small boxes out of Yizhuang. He returned to the Chenghuang Department Store and found a waiter to take care of the carriage. He went to the office area on the fourth floor and knocked on Ren Tingting's office door. .

"Mr. Qin." After seeing his appearance clearly, Ren Tingting stood up immediately.

"There is a carriage parked in front of the company. There is some gold and silver jewelry on the carriage. You can find someone to pick it up later. Didn't it mean that the company is short of money recently? This money is equivalent to the second investment I made on behalf of Yizhuang. In addition, Before dusk, I want a list of famous doctors in the city, including their workplaces and home addresses. Is there any problem? "

 “No problem, Mr. Qin.” Ren Tingting said quickly.

Qin Yao nodded: "I'm waiting for your list in the office. The sooner the better."

 “Yes, Mr. Qin.”

Ren Tingting did not dare to neglect. As soon as Qin Yao walked out of her office, she called Hao Jing and called a group of staff to the gate and stopped in front of the carriage.

 “You guys wait a little bit.”

Waving to the employees, she took the lead in boarding the carriage, lowered the curtain, and opened a large wooden box. The golden light from the box suddenly dazzled her eyes, making her heart skip a beat.

 Taking a silent breath, she opened the second, third...and last small box one after another. As expected, each box in the carriage contained gold, silver and jewelry.

"Mr. Qin...what do you call these gold and silver jewelry???"

Four p.m.

Ren Tingting walked into Qin Yao's office holding two names and addresses copied by herself: "Mr. Qin, the money you brought has been put into the treasury. The total..."

Qin Yao raised his hand and interrupted her report: "Needless to say, I know how much it is. Is what I'm holding in my hand what I want?"

"Yes." Ren Tingting took a few steps forward and gently placed two pieces of paper with names on the table.

"Prepare the boxes, go through the company's accounts, and exchange them for 30,000 yuan in cash. Put 500 yuan in cash in each box." Qin Yao ordered: "Leave this matter to Gran Ching to avoid encountering him again on the road. Those who rob the road are full of branches."

"Yes, Mr. Qin." Ren Tingting left without saying any unnecessary nonsense.

 “Dong dong dong.”

  Half an hour later.

The sun is slightly setting in the west.

Ge Lanqing, carrying a machete on his back, knocked on the door of Qin Yao's room.

Qin Yao grabbed a handful of name cards and put them into his pocket, stood up and said, "Call the brothers, bring all the guys, and follow me."

"Yes." Grantham licked his lips and said in a deep voice.


 Even under the impact of foreign schools, sectarianism in this era is still serious.

From the information collected by Ren Tingting, there are three major families and three weird doctors who have the most prominent status in the traditional Chinese medicine community in Fucheng.

Don’t get me wrong, the family here is not a reclusive family with masters per capita in martial arts novels, nor is it a powerful family with numerous talents in fairy tale novels, but a family of traditional Chinese medicine that has been passed down for more than two hundred years.

 Lu Yuan is the current head of Lu's Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has long been engaged in clinical practice and teaching of traditional Chinese medicine, and has continuously cultivated talents for Lu's.

More than ten years later, when these descendants of the Lu family spread out and built Lu family traditional Chinese medicine clinics in different places, Mr. Lu was fond of being named the master of traditional Chinese medicine and became famous.

Qian Zhangshu is the current speaker of Qian's Traditional Chinese Medicine. He inherited the medical skills learned from his family and went to Kyoto for further study. After returning home, he established Qian's Traditional Chinese Medicine School, which not only teaches but also treats diseases. He has rich clinical experience and is good at treating difficult and complicated diseases. The title of a god.

Chen Yanggong is the owner of Chen's Medicine. Unlike the previous two, he is not hostile to Western medicine, and even advocates taking the initiative to learn from Western medicine. Currently, most of his energy is researching capsules for treating diseases with traditional Chinese medicine, and he has his own medicine. company.

These three people are old and strong, with different identities and backgrounds, but without exception, they are all successful and famous. They are the kind of owners who are not short of money. If Qin Yao wants to rely solely on money, I am afraid it will be a fight. !

 Xi Hutong, the old residence of the Lu family.

Mr. Lu Yuan held a ruler in his hand and walked among the tables in the Ethnic Studies School. He watched a group of children answer questions diligently, with a touch of relief on his wrinkled face.

"Teacher, teacher..." A woman dressed as a man rushed over, panting.

"Why are you so panicked?" Lu Yuan's heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously clenched the ruler in his hand.

This world is a mess, and everything is in the porridge.

 It is not surprising that a group of strong men appeared and entered the Lu family, burning, killing and looting.

 Ordinary servants can protect the courtyard from small robbers, but they can't guard against the big thieves.

“Mr. Qin, the owner of Chenghuang Department Store in Fucheng, is here and he wants to see the teacher,” the woman said quickly.

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, suspecting that he heard wrongly: "Who are you talking about?"

 “Boss Qin of the department store.”

 Lu Yuan blinked.

Blinked again.

 Department store Qin, what are you doing here?

Even if Chinese medicine is to be sold, it cannot be sold in department stores.

 “Teacher, do you see me?” the woman asked.

Lu Yuan’s lips twitched: “You, please ask in a different way next time!”

 Woman: “???”

 Can you see, is there anything wrong with this? "Give me your name card." The old man said with his hand that he didn't want to talk about things that were mean or not.

The woman held up the name card with both hands. She couldn't understand it, so she simply stopped thinking about it.

 The worst thing I can do is ask next time, will you see me or not?

 “Mr. Qin, rare guest, rare guest!”

Not long after, Lu Yuan, wearing a long gown, came to the living room alone. He took a look and his heart suddenly sank.

I saw a tall, strong man, Yuan Ting, who was full of violence, sitting on a mahogany chair like a mountain, and more than 20 gangsters carrying a black wooden box in one hand and a machete in the other were lined up in two. Platoon, standing behind him.

Don't ask him why he knew they were gangsters. These people didn't look like bodyguards at all.

What's more, judging from the aura displayed by the leader, it seems that there is no need for bodyguards!

“Mr. Lu, I have been admiring you for a long time, I have been admiring you for a long time.” Qin Yao stood up, clasped his hands in his fists, and had a gentle and friendly smile on his face.

Lu Yuan smiled dryly and said: "It's just a false name, not worth mentioning. I wonder if Boss Qin came to see me today. What advice do you have?"

Qin Yao bowed slightly and said loudly: "Mr. has been treating diseases and saving people for decades, and countless people have survived. It can be said that he is a great doctor with a benevolent heart. I don't understand medical skills, but I understand the times. I see that Western medicine is rising rapidly, and I see that Chinese medicine is in the door. You are gradually declining under the drag of the disease. You have been treating this disease for most of your life. I wonder if there is a cure for this problem? "

Lu Yuan didn't know that he was doing it for yin virtue, he just felt that the other party's control was too lenient.

How about Western medicine and Chinese medicine? What does it have to do with you as a shop owner?

"I can only cure people's diseases, but not other diseases. Mr. Qin is afraid that he has found the wrong person."

Qin Yao shook his head: "As the head of Lu's Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mr., you are the ancestor of a group of future Chinese medicine practitioners and a medical master. It is definitely right to find you. Of course, if you can't give an answer If so, I have a standard answer here, but I don’t know if you are willing to accept it..."

 The leaders of Fucheng University did not agree with him to establish any further associations.

It doesn't matter.

 There are too many dynamic organizations in the world that are not recognized by the government, but they are still flourishing?

 For example...a society!

 Respect is mutual.

Since the government does not allow them to play, then let them go and play by themselves!

Unless Luo Hao brings troops in and uses the army to wipe out his plate, this plate will definitely be able to survive.

 And if Luo Hao really did this, he, the mayor, would never be able to do it again.

  Everyone is whitewashing the peace. Don’t talk about singing and dancing to promote peace under your rule. At least the people’s health is no problem. If problems arise under your rule, if you don’t take responsibility, who will?

In today's Republic of China, the officialdom is just like this.

From the restoration of the monarchy to the warlords at all levels becoming their own "kings", the good Republic of China acted like a joke!

"Mr. Qin, what's the answer you mentioned?" Lu Yuan asked with trepidation.

“I plan to establish a Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Association to protect the inheritance of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We need leaders in the traditional Chinese medicine community in our city to take charge. Mr. Lu, how about you becoming the vice president?” Qin Yao said with a hearty smile.

Lu Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth a few times, but he still didn't laugh: "May I ask Mr. Qin, has the Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Association been certified by the government?"

Qin Yao said calmly: "We are a non-governmental organization, why do we need to be certified by the government? Did the Boxer Rebellion have the consent of the Qing government?"

Mr. Lu didn’t even mention it in one breath, and he was almost frightened to death.

 What is this talking about?

 What’s not a good example to use? Why don’t you use the Boxer Rebellion as an example?

 Why don’t you use the White Lotus Sect as an example?

“Qin, Boss Qin, this, this is not worthy of such a comparison.”

Qin Yao also noticed that the old man was very frightened and said quickly: "It's just an example. Our Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Association is not involved in any political affairs."

Lu Yuan took a deep breath and said seriously: "Mr. Qin, the Republic of China is no longer the Qing Dynasty. Even if it is a non-governmental organization, it must be certified by the government."

"Clang, Clang, Clang, Clang..." Glen Ching turned his head and winked at the brothers.

The brothers put down their boxes in unison, took out a pair of swords and raised them at an angle.

Lu Yuan's body trembled and he almost peed in fear.

These people are unreasonable!

   He really is a tough bandit.

“Well, Mr. Qin, I think I can think about it again.”

A hint of surprise flashed across Qin Yao's face: "Don't you need government certification?"

"Being a human being is like using medicine. You must be flexible. If you use a dead prescription, you will die." Lu Yuan said.

"Mr. Lu's transparent life is admired by the younger generation." Qin Yao gave a thumbs up and praised.

Lu Yuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Thank you, thank you. Well, Mr. Qin, can you put down the knife?"

 “Knife, what knife?”

Qin Yao paused for a moment, glanced back, and became furious: "Who told you to draw the sword? We are here to invite Mr. Lu to come out, not to kill people. Do you follow the rules?!"

Everyone was so scolded that they didn't dare to say anything, but they all looked at Lu Yuan with wide eyes.

Lu Yuan's mouth was bitter and he hurriedly advised: "Mr. Qin, calm down, they must not have done it on purpose."

“Isn’t it intentional?” Qin Yao asked emphatically.

"Definitely not." Lu Yuan answered resolutely.

“The old man understands the righteousness well! Brothers, bow to the old man.” Qin Yao laughed.

 Shua, swish, swish…

 More than 20 men put away their sabers and bowed in unison.

 Lu Yuan: “…”

This department store Qin is not a businessman!

 Is there such a arrogant businessman in the world?

 This is a community leader!

"Mr. Lu, it's getting late. I have to catch the next show. Tomorrow morning, I will be in the conference room of the department store, waiting for your arrival." Qin Yao saluted.

Lu Yuan exhaled and asked with a hint of curiosity: "Where is the next show?"

"'s Mr. Qian Zhangshu's home. After we go there, we will go to Mr. Chen Yanggong's home. Among the three great masters, the last one left behind is because I, Yao, am not polite." Qin Yao said with a smile.

 Lu Yuan: “…”


 Three families, no one is left.

 You are so polite!

"Mr. Qin, Qian Zhangshu has a bad temper and loves to get into trouble. Even if a steel knife is attached to him, I'm afraid he won't be able to lower his eyebrows. You have to make plans early, lest you have no choice but to kill people." I don't know if it's out of concern. , Still wanting to have someone to support him, Lu Yuan said softly.

Qin Yao raised his head, clasped his fists and said, "Old sir, be careful! If that's the case, why don't you come with us?"


 Lu Yuan was dumbfounded!

 (End of this chapter)

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