Chapter 197 Great Harvest

 Qian's Prescription Hall.

Qian Zhangshu was sitting behind a desk in the lobby that was at least two decades old, using the light from the kerosene lamp to write with a pen and every word was delicate.

Every recipe printed on rice paper can save countless patients in the future, which is a great merit!

 “Dong dong, dong dong.”

At a certain moment, outside the small courtyard, Lu Yuan reached out and knocked on the door, shouting: "Old Qian, open the door."

Qian Zhangshu's writing wrist trembled slightly, and a drop of thick ink fell on the white rice paper, interrupting his memory of the prescription. He hung up his brush, put on his coat, came to the door alone, opened the door bolt and said: " Doctor Lu, is there something going on this late at night?”

 In front of the stone steps at the door, looking at the old man's thin figure, Qin Yao felt a pressure for no reason.

Instinctively running his magic power, he turned on the "Secret Technique of the Heavenly Master: The Knowledge of Human Beings". Looking around, he saw that the old man's soul was actually glowing with a layer of golden light. Even though he was practicing the authentic Xuanmen skills, he was still faintly aware of them. A feeling of poor circulation.

 It seems to be suppressed!

What is this?

With deep doubts, Qin Yao turned to look at Lu Yuan, and saw that there was also a little golden light in Lu Yuan's soul, but the amount of this golden light was too small, which was far from Qian Zhangshu's golden soul.

In an instant, I couldn't help but think of the information given by Ren Tingting: Lu Yuan trained many famous doctors for the Lu family, and eventually became a great master; Qian Zhangshu taught and treated diseases throughout his life, specializing in serious illnesses and difficult diseases. , there are countless living people, and he is praised as a living **** by the people.

“Is this a legendary merit?” Qin Yao muttered silently in his heart.

  【It is merit. 】Suddenly, the system light screen jumped into view.

“What is the difference between merit and yin virtue?” Qin Yao asked.

  【Yin refers to doing good deeds secretly, and virtue refers to good deeds. The definition of yin de is two-fold. One is doing good deeds secretly without being known. Another important point is that no matter who you are secretly, as long as you have good deeds, you will have evil virtue. 】

  【As for merit, there are two definitions of merit. The persistence of meritorious deeds can be simply understood as a kind heart, and virtue is still good deeds. To sum up, it is a kind heart and good deeds. As long as you have a kind heart and do nothing, you will get nothing. Only good deeds without a kind heart will result in negative virtue. Only good intentions and good deeds can lead to merit. This is a definition. 】

  【Another definition is that merit is determined by heaven. If a person does good deeds that help heaven and earth, help nature, and are in line with the movement of heaven, he can obtain merit from heaven. 】

Qin Yao: "What is the role of merit in practical application?"

   【Blessed by God, good fortune will be prosperous, fortune and fortune will always be with you, seek good luck and avoid bad luck. Even if death and calamity come your way, you can still get a blessing in disguise. 】

 Chin Yao: “…”

This thing doesn't make sense.


Isn’t this the protagonist template?

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin." In reality, after Lu Yuan and Qian Zhangshu exchanged greetings for a while, he saw Qin Yao staring at Qian Zhangshu with surprise on his face, as if he had seen something surprising.

Qin Yao woke up from his dream and said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I saw that Mr. Qian was full of merits, and I lost my mind for a while, but I still looked at Haihan."

 Lu Yuan: “…”

 Why didn’t you say that when you saw me?

Whether it’s medical skills or treating illnesses and saving lives, what am I doing worse than Lao Qian?

Perhaps he was speaking too seriously and his expression was too sincere. Qian Zhangshu suddenly became interested and asked with a smile: "This gentleman can also read faces?"

 “I understand a little bit, I understand a little bit.” Qin Yao said modestly.

To put it bluntly, with the secret skill of the Celestial Master's Tao, the ability to recognize people, his strength in the art of fortune-telling is enough to kill 99% of divine fortune-tellers in an instant.

“In addition to merit, what else did you see on my face?” Qian Zhangshu asked.

Qin Yao's eyes flashed with golden light, and he said: "Besides that, there is also the will of all the people... If what I expected is correct, the old gentleman should have lost money. He obviously has medical skills that can earn him a lifetime of prosperity, but he is willing to live in poverty. , regardless of whether the patient is rich or poor, the consultation fee is the same, and the cost of saving people is the same, so there are no servants around you, no filial son accompanying you, a small courtyard, a humble room, a wall of books, and a pen , a lamp, a stack of side dishes, and a bottle of sake, that’s your life.”

 Qian Zhangshu was speechless.

 Lu Yuan blinked subconsciously.

 I don’t know why, but I always feel that this guy is connoting himself.

Treat diseases and save people, charge more medical fees for rich people, charge less medical fees for poor people, rob the rich and give to the poor, isn't this a meritorious deed?

"I don't know your name, sir!" Seeing Lu Yuan blinking his eyes, Qian Zhangshu chuckled and asked Qin Yao.

 “I am Qin Yao, the owner of Chenghuang Department Store.”

“Department store Qin?” Qian Zhangshu looked surprised.

I thought he was a fellow junior brought by Lu Yuan, but unexpectedly he turned out to be a business tycoon.

“That’s right, I’m going to meet Mr. Qian.” Qin Yao saluted.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.” Qian Zhangshu returned the greeting, turned to look at Lu Yuan and said, “Do you want to give me an explanation?”

Lu Yuan pointed at Qin Yao: "Let him explain it to you."

"Mr. Qian, I'm here to ask you to come out and protect the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine." Qin Yao said solemnly: "I was still having a headache how to convince you, but now that I really see you, my headache is gone."

Qian Zhangshu laughed: "What do you mean, you think I'm easy to talk to?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said with a smile: "Please come out of the mountain. There is no need to force you with swords, guns and sticks, or inducements with gold and silver. The great righteousness of protecting my thousand-year Chinese medical heritage is enough!"

 Lu Yuan: “…”

 Is he thinking about me again?

Qian Zhangshu glanced at Lu Yuan, almost laughed out loud, and said quickly: "Stop hating me, tell me how to protect him."

 Qin Yao saw the look he glanced at Lu Yuan, smiled knowingly, and spoke out his thoughts about the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association in a hurry.

Qian Zhangshu thought about it carefully and said with a smile: "It sounds pretty good, okay, I agree."

“You agree now?” Lu Yuan lost his voice.

 Why is this different from what he imagined?

“Protecting the eternal inheritance of Chinese traditional medicine is the responsibility of our generation of traditional Chinese medicine doctors... Isn’t that why you agreed?” Qian Zhangshu asked.

 Lu Yuan: “…”

Can we not mention this?

“Two masters, it’s getting late, please come with me to find Chen Yanggong.” Qin Yao said with cupped hands.

If Lu Yuan is a heir of medical books, he is rich and restrained; Qian Zhangshu is a doctor with a benevolent heart and takes pleasure in poverty; then Chen Yanggong, who is still in his prime, has medical skills and wealth, and is well clothed and well-fed.

To put it bluntly, I make money through my craftsmanship. The food is the best, the clothes are the best, and the accommodation is naturally the best. I have a big yard in the downtown area, and I enjoy that kind of life in the middle of the city. Get the taste of tranquility.

When Qin Yao came to the house with two old gentlemen at night, he was coaxing his concubine to eat grapes under the grape trellis in the courtyard.

It's hard to say whether a person is upright or not, but Guo Guo is definitely innocent.

Hearing from the disciple that Lu and Qian came together, Chen Yanggong did not dare to neglect, slapped his concubine on the tight buttocks, and asked her to wait in the room. He wiped the red mark on his face and tidied it up. I checked my wrinkled clothes and took the initiative to go out to greet him.

 “Mr. Qian, Mr. Lu.” After walking out of the door, Chen Yanggong was the first to salute.

 “Doctor Chen.” Lu Yuan smiled and nodded. "Little Doctor Chen." Qian Zhangshu twitched his nose slightly and said with a smile, "It's better to be young."

 Chen Yanggong laughed, looked at Qin Yao and said, "Who is this gentleman?"

"Chenghuang Department Store, Qin Yao." Smelling the rouge fragrance on his body, Qin Yao gradually began to have some concerns.

 “Boss Qin.” Chen Yanggong’s eyes lit up and he clasped his fists and said, “I have admired your name for a long time.”

Qin Yao returned the greeting: "Dr. Chen, you're welcome... It's getting late today, so we won't bother you. To make a long story short, we are here to establish the Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Association. Mr. Lu and Mr. Qian have both agreed to join the association. I wonder if you have any Don’t have this intention?”

“Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Association?” Chen Yanggong looked surprised: “Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners still need to be protected?”

Qin Yao said seriously: "Western medicine is getting closer and closer. If we don't have a sense of urgency, sooner or later Chinese medicine will be overtaken by Western medicine, or even stepped on."

Chen Yanggong disagreed with this, but the joining of the two seniors made him not dare to despise the association that had not yet been established: "What I want to know is, what can I gain by joining this association; if I don't join, I will lose. What?"

 Compared to the two elders, in his prime, what he values ​​​​is more about gains and losses.

Qin Yao smiled and said: "By joining the association at this time, you can become a founding member as the vice president, and enjoy a lower status in the association. While maintaining your existing foundation, you will definitely be one step closer to gaining power. , potential, and money will all reach a new level.

If you don’t join, I won’t do anything to you, but the Chinese medicine market in Fucheng is so big. Mr. Lu and Mr. Qian have joined forces to bring together famous doctors in Fucheng. What share do you think they can take? "

 Chen Yanggong paused for a moment and said decisively: "Okay, I'll join."

"Three of you, I will wait for you at the CEO's office of Chenghuang Department Store at eight o'clock tomorrow morning." Qin Yao smiled slightly and waved: "You can chat for a few more words. I'll take my leave first..."

“Mr. Qin is a good man who is polite, follows rules, respects inheritance, and has a basis for advance and retreat.” Qian Zhangshu looked at his back and praised.

 Lu Yuan: “???”

 There is something wrong with your eyes.

“What I’m curious about is what’s in the boxes that his men are carrying.” Chen Yang was fair.

 Qian Zhangshu: “???”

 Lu Yuan: “???”

 Who knows what it is packed with.

 It has never been opened!

 “Why did you get all the money back?”

 Chenghuang Department Store, administrative area on the fourth floor, Ren Tingting asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Three great masters, one is greedy for life and afraid of death, one is profoundly righteous, and the other is a shrewd philistine. They don't need money to buy them." Qin Yao said with a shrug.

To be honest, the result was far beyond his expectation, and he didn't even experience the pleasure of throwing money at people.

Ren Tingting suddenly understood and said with a smile: "It is a good thing to spend less money. It just so happens that I plan to build another department store in Nancheng District."

 Qin Yao nodded, directed Grenching to lead the people to put the cash box into his office, and then asked: "Glenqing, you took a trip with me today. What do you think?"

Granten paused slightly and looked directly into his eyes: "Water is invisible but always tangible. Many times, plans cannot keep up with changes. All we can do is respond calmly, go with the flow, and make things develop in a direction that is beneficial to us. "

“Can you do it?” Qin Yao asked with a smile.

Grandma: "???"

"If you are confident that you can do it, take the money to hire the three weird doctors tomorrow." Qin Yao said, pointing to the piles of wooden boxes in the room.

Glenqing nodded heavily: "Mr. Qin, I will never let you down."

 The next day.

 Before eight o'clock in the morning, Hao Jing knocked on the door of the president's office and said with a smile: "Mr. Qin, the three great masters Lu, Qian and Chen are here."

Qin Yao moved his somewhat stiff neck and ordered: "Invite the three gentlemen in."


Hao Jing nodded, turned and left, and soon returned to the door with the three of them.

Qin Yao brought the three of them into the rest area. They had just exchanged a few words when he heard Chen Yanggong ask: "Mr. Qin, the three of us are vice presidents. May I ask who is the president?"

"Just a moment, he should be here soon." Qin Yao raised his head and glanced at the Western clock on the wall. It was seven forty-five, fifteen minutes away from the agreed time.

five minutes later.

The old monk in white monk robes and Qingqing followed Hao Jing into the president's office. He cupped his fists apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

“It’s because we came early.” Qin Yao stood up first and said with a smile, “Master came just in time.”

Lu, Qian and Chen saw him standing up and quickly followed suit, looking at the old monk with shining eyes...

This man looks extremely unfamiliar, and he should not be a member of the traditional Chinese medicine community in Fucheng.

"Let me introduce it to you." Qin Yao walked between the two groups, pointed at the monk Yixiu, and said to the other three: "This is the master Yixiu, who is good at fighting poison with poison."

 “I’ve met the master.” The three great masters all came to greet him.

 Monk Yixiu smiled kindly and returned the courtesy: "Three gentlemen, you are polite."

Qin Yao smiled slightly, and then introduced the three major doctors to Yixiu alone...

 Since then, the four pillars of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Association have come together to form the cornerstone of Guangsha that will protect the future of the traditional Chinese medicine community.

"This is the program of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Protection Association and your letters of appointment. You can take a good look at it. If you have no objections, please sign your names." After a brief introduction to both parties, Qin Yao took something out of the drawer. Take out the folder and brush you prepared in advance and place them gently on the desk.

Ikkyu picked up the folder and flipped through it, looking at the outline carefully, and then signed his name.

The other three people looked at the letter of appointment carefully, and after finding nothing unusual, they signed their names one after another.

“Everyone, the thousand-year inheritance of Chinese traditional medicine falls on you.” Qin Yao finally put away the folder and said seriously.

“We should work together to protect the transmission of traditional Chinese medicine in China...” Yixiu said with firm eyes.

At this moment, a sense of responsibility with a historical mission blew into the hearts of the three great doctors like a breeze and was deeply imprinted on them.

  Half an hour later.

 Qin Yao sent the five people, including Qing Qing, out of the conference room. After watching them disappear, he silently took out Yin Deka from his pocket and injected energy into it.

 Balance: Lu Qian, Two Hundred and Seven and Shiqi.

 Qin Yao was stunned.

 How come there are so many? ? ?

 (End of this chapter)

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