I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 299: Underground Western Priest (4000)

Chapter 299 The Western Priest Underground (4000)

"Boss Qin, what I want to tell you is that in the eyes of the Lord, there is no distinction between foreign countries and nationalities. The Lord regards everyone as His own children." In the depressing environment, Father Wu's face remained calm, even …kindly.

"There is no difference between foreign countries and our own country?" But Qin Yao was not so easy to fool, and sneered: "This is the reason, or excuse, for him to mobilize believers to invade other countries' faiths, right? It's very high-sounding, but the core is, I don’t care where it is, as long as I like it, the believers there belong to me, and the people there should kneel down and worship me.”

"You are too extreme." Father Wu said softly: "The Lord doesn't care whether you believe in Him or not. No matter you believe in Him or not, worship Him or not, He always exists in heaven and in the heart of every believer. We come to China, It is not to rob believers, but to spread the glory of the Lord on this barren land.”

Qin Yao laughed: "Barren? In the eyes of you Westerners, does China mean barren? Father Wu, you came from Fandigang and don't know much about China. It doesn't matter. Let me tell you, this land is never barren. When the fire of Chinese civilization began to spread to the barbarians, most of the people in the West were still savages. To this day, the people here do not lack faith. We do not ask you to come here to preach. "

Father Wu said calmly: "I can understand your xenophobic mood, because it represents fear. If you are full of confidence in the faith of your country and firmly believe that it can stand firm no matter how the foreign beliefs in your mouth impact, then you can There will be generosity and tolerance.”

 “Okay, Qin Yao, let’s eat!” Uncle Jiu said suddenly.

“Yes, Master.” Qin Yao swallowed everything he wanted to say and said respectfully.

As Uncle Jiu spoke, Qin Yao stopped fighting, and the country masters who dared not show their pride were relieved.

no way.

Boss Qin’s momentum just now was too strong, like a sharp sword, the blade of which was pressed against their necks... In this situation, who dares to act as if nothing happened?

In other words, because Qin Yao refused to cooperate and be in harmony with the light, except for Uncle Jiu who ate it deliciously, everyone else ate the meal tasted like chewing wax and felt uncomfortable.

So at the end, the master and the apprentice were the first to leave, and Ye Yang led people to send them out of Fugui Building.

“Father, this person is too arrogant.” Jon, standing behind Father Wu at the dining table on the second floor, frowned.

"Don't be rude." Father Wu said: "There are so many children of the Lord, and there are always one or two who are rebellious. This is normal. The more you encounter such children, the more patience you need."

 “The priest is still open-minded.” Mr. Su, the owner of the opium shop, said pointedly.

Father Wu smiled slightly: "Not to mention the master and disciples... Everyone, the church is planning to distribute materials to the people again tomorrow to improve people's lives. Do you want to do any good deeds?"

"Donating material things can offset the sins on your body, is that right, Father?" David said cooperatively.

"That's right." Father Wu said solemnly: "Helping others means helping yourself..."

 Long street.

 There are so many people walking around.

Uncle Jiu, who was full of wine and food, was walking with Qin Yao in the busy city and suddenly said: "Well said."

 Chin Yao: “???”

Qingran, he gradually came to his senses and couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you referring to what I said to Father Wu earlier?"

"What else could it be if it weren't those words?" Uncle Jiu asked back: "What other words could it be that you said against me?"

 Chin Yao: “…”

This small-mindedness...

"I heard a saying that was very good." Uncle Jiu opened his mouth and said, "Faith has no borders, but believers do."

Qin Yao licked his lips and said slowly: "If nothing else, I should have said this."

Uncle Jiu: “…”

 Silently, he quickened his pace.

Even until he returned to the room, he didn't say a word to Qin Yao again.

 The next day, early morning.

A Xing stood under the attic, looking up at the second-floor window of the attic, and shouted: "Master, Master~"

In the room, Uncle Jiu, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the huge figure at the table with surprise: "Have you accepted a disciple?"

Qin Yao opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start: "It's hard to explain...I'll call them up. Master, please see if they are qualified to be your disciples."

Uncle Jiu: “???”

He who calls you master, you want me to accept you as your disciple. What kind of weird request is this? ?

Qin Yao didn't care what he thought. He opened the window and said to the stars and moon below: "Come up."

"Okay, Master." Ah Xing was overjoyed and pulled Xiaoyue and ran up to the second floor.

Qin Yao opened the door for them and let them in. Then he pointed at Uncle Jiu and said, "This is my master. You can call him Uncle Jiu."

“Master.” Xingyue and I looked at each other and knelt down in front of Uncle Jiu. They immediately nodded three times.

Uncle Jiu: “…”

 Chin Yao: “…”

"Get up first and tell me your birth date." After a while, Uncle Jiu came back to his senses and said warmly.

A Xing and Xiaoyue stood up with beaming faces and announced their birthdays one after another.

Uncle Jiu was thinking about their birthdays in his mind, calculating with his fingers, and his face became weirder the more he calculated.

The reason is that no matter which hexagram technique or algorithm he uses, the calculated result is that these two people have a master-disciple relationship with him...

  It’s really strange.

"Master, is there any problem?" Seeing Uncle Jiu's face getting weirder and weirder, even staring at the two of them closely, the joy on Ah Xing's face gradually disappeared, and he asked nervously.

Hearing the title of Master, Uncle Jiu's strange expression suddenly became complicated. He glared at Qin Yao fiercely, and then said warmly to Xingyue and Xingyue: "You two do have some fate with me..."


 Xingyue and Xingyue were completely relieved after hearing this, and even gave each other a high-five.

“Qin Yao, you are responsible for them.” Uncle Jiu turned his eyes and said.

 Chin Yao: “???”

“No, why should I be responsible?”

"They all call you master. If you are not responsible, who is responsible?" Uncle Jiu said righteously.

 Chin Yao: “…”


 Everything is messed up.

   我好人师, not 我好人师, the tone is different and the meaning is different.

 Ask him to teach his disciples, what should he teach? Teach skull crushing?

“Master, why do I see the two of them having a master-disciple relationship with you?” Qin Yao tried to shift the blame.

"Didn't I tell you earlier? You are my closed disciple. What, do you think this door can be opened and closed at will?" Uncle Jiu said seriously.

Qin Yao pondered for a moment: "But I don't know how to teach others!"

"I know how to teach others. Isn't it because I haven't learned that Qiu Sheng is different from a scholar?" Uncle Jiu said by his own example: "Master leads me in, and cultivation depends on the individual."

“Master, please accept us two, we will treat you as a biological father, and a hundred years from now, we will wear sackcloth for you...” Axing turned around and knelt in front of Qin Yao. Qin Yao's face changed and he pinched his mouth: "Put it on your sister!"

 Xiaoyue: “…”

 Feeling offended.

Seeing that he finally calmed down, Qin Yao exhaled and said: "Forget it, let it be chaos. I can accept you two, but not as direct disciples, just named disciples.

I will teach you a few sets of spells at most. Normally, you don’t have to stay with me, just stay with your master. If you have any questions, you can always ask him for advice. Do you have any questions? "

It was a surprise to get started. Xingyue and I didn't have any problems, so they immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Qin Yao three times.

But they don’t have any problems, Uncle Jiu does!

 What he wants is a grandson, not two adult disciples...

"Qin Yao, am I the master or you are the master? You arranged for me very clearly." Uncle Jiu looked sideways at Qin Yao and silently drew out the peach wood sword behind him.

Qin Yao retreated tactically and stopped at the wooden door: "Master, please listen to my quibbles. No, please explain. Listen to my explanation. They become disciples just to have someone to rely on in troubled times. They want to live a stable life and never do it again." I am wandering around, and there is no point in them following me. The only way to achieve their goal is to stay with you."

Uncle Jiu frowned and asked Xingyue, "Is what he said true?"

 Xingyue nodded quickly.

Uncle Jiu hesitated for a moment, put away the mahogany sword with his backhand, and glared at Qin Yao: "I owe you!"

Qin Yao breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I don't have to worry about the two masters. I leave the matter of opening their pulses to you, master."

Uncle Jiu was so angry that he pointed at the door and said, "Get out of here, get out of here, don't let me see you again before dark!!"

Qin Yao shrugged, turned around and disappeared in front of his grandfather and grandson.

"What do you think, you want to worship this guy as your teacher?" Uncle Jiu calmed down and asked.

 Xingyue was speechless.

 What do you think?

 There is no better choice.

"By the way..." Just as the two of them were speechless, Qin Yao suddenly appeared in front of the door again: "You two came to see me early in the morning. Why?"

Axing pulled Xiaoyue to stand up and said, "We are here to report to you. The church has started distributing supplies again this morning. It is first come, first served. Everyone can receive it."

Qin Yao nodded and disappeared again with a whoosh.

 That night.

Father Wu and ten monks were sitting on a long table in the church. The candles hanging on the four walls illuminated the room as bright as day.

 “It’s time to start.” Father Wu said softly, looking at the ten people in turn.

 “Let me report first.”

A monk stood up and said: "A total of 720 pieces of clothing were distributed today, 300 kilograms of grain, 180 kilograms of noodles, 300 kilograms of vegetables... There are still 417 funds provided by the local squire group. An ocean."

“Bring the remaining money to me later. Sit down.” Father Wu said.

 “It’s my turn next.”

After the first monk sat down, the monk behind him stood up and said: "A total of 503 people came to receive supplies today, 319 of them entered the church, and the total number of people who actually listened to the sermon from beginning to end There are eighteen people, and there are currently no people willing to join the church.”

 Then the third place, the fourth place…

 Ten monks, each with his own division of labor.

“Everything is difficult at the beginning, don’t be impatient.” After listening to everyone’s reports, Father Wu stood up and asked solemnly: “Who is guarding the basement today?”

 “It’s me, Father.” Jon stood up and said.

“Be careful, don’t be fooled by the devil in the basement.” Father Wu warned.

Jon nodded: "I will read the Bible all night..."

 Two hours later.

 Jon was sitting at a table in the prayer room, with a thick Bible in front of him. He put his hand on the Bible and softly recited the lines.

As I was reciting it, I suddenly felt the urge to urinate. I held the Bible in my arms and recited it silently, then walked out of the prayer room and came to the hut.

After holding the bird and releasing it into the water, Jon shivered violently and exhaled a long breath. The scripture he had been chanting in his mouth stopped at this moment.

Just as he put the bird in the cage and turned around, his brain suddenly felt pain, his vision went dark, and he lost consciousness for an instant.


Jon came to the basement door with dull eyes, put his hand on the door handle, gently pushed open the dusty door, went down the stone stairs, and finally came to a Western priest who was crucified on a wooden cross.

In a state of confusion, Jon held the wooden cross with both hands and pulled hard, immediately pulling the sharp bottom of the cross out of the Western priest's back.

The Western priest's eyelids trembled slightly, and he suddenly opened them. His body floated up as if it was not controlled by gravity. He held Jon in his arms and bit his neck.


John shuddered violently, the blood all over his body rushed down his neck and poured into the Western priest's mouth, and his cheeks gradually turned pale.


In the priest's lounge, Father Wu suddenly sat up from the bed, reached out to put the glasses on the bedside table on the bridge of his nose, picked up a silver cross hanging on the hanger, and slowly walked to the wooden door of the basement.

Looking at the wide open wooden door, Father Wu felt nervous. He picked up the oil lamp hanging on the wall and stood at the entrance of the basement. Looking down with the light of the oil lamp, his eyes happened to hit a pair of blue and red monsters. pupil.

 “Ha~” The Western priest threw Jon to the ground and rushed toward the door like a ghost.

Father Wu immediately exited the wooden door of the basement, closed the wooden door tightly with a bang, and then inserted the silver cross in his hand directly into the wooden door.


 In the basement, at the top of the stairs, as soon as the Western priest's palm touched the wooden door, it seemed as if he had placed it on a flame. Countless streams of white smoke burned out of his palm, and the severe pain caused him to withdraw his palm immediately.

“Lord, please give me some more time... In three months at most, I will be able to gather three hundred believers to crush the darkness with the light of faith.” Standing in front of the basement door, Father Wu prayed sincerely.

 Outside the church, in the attic.

Uncle Jiu, who was meditating on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, jumped off the bed, and said quickly: "Qin Yao, come with me, there's something wrong."

Beside the desk, Qin Yao didn't say anything nonsense. He followed Uncle Jiu and jumped from the window to the second floor, rushing into the Catholic church as fast as possible.

 Unexpectedly, I happened to bump into Father Wu who was coming out of the prayer room~

   Thanks to Mr. Liu Xinghai for the 1,500 coins reward.

   Thanks to Mr. Baozi for the 5,000 coins reward.

   This reward, no response, cannot be justified.

Originally the alliance leader promised eight thousand a day, but today it continues to be ten thousand a day.

I won’t say any more, I’m going to code. I’m going to turn into a code girl.



 (End of this chapter)

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