I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 300: How to repay kindness with kindness? (6000)

Chapter 300 How to repay kindness with kindness? (6000)

“Uncle Jiu, Boss Qin, why are you here so late?” Father Wu looked surprised in front of the prayer room.

"I sensed that the evil spirit under the church has revived. Father Wu, we are here to help you kill the evil spirit." Uncle Jiu said sincerely.

"Uncle Jiu, you must have misunderstood. I have been living in the church and have never found any evil spirits."

Uncle Jiu frowned: "Father Wu, the disease has been treated by Chinese medicine. Now that the evil demon has just recovered, it is the perfect time to eradicate him. If it drags on, the minor illness will turn into a serious illness, and the evil demon's magic power will increase greatly, and it will not be so easy to deal with." ”

"Uncle Jiu, the church is such an important place that evil spirits dare not invade. Even if the evil spirits are daring and try to break into the church, the Lord's holy light will kill them." Father Wu said.

"Master, stop talking about the battle of faith..." Qin Yao reached out and tugged on Uncle Jiu's sleeves and said in a solemn voice.

Uncle Jiu: “…”

 He cannot understand.

  What kind of **** belief is it to ignore the growth of evil spirits, ignore one's own safety, and ignore the safety of the people for the sake of the faith of the Lord?

With the help of Taoism, will the glory of the Lord be obscured by destroying the evil spirits?

As if he saw the doubts in his heart, Qin Yao said sharply: "Not everyone puts life first like you.

 For some religious fanatics, faith is above all else, and everything mentioned here includes not only the lives of others, but also one’s own life.

 It has nothing to do with wisdom, but with different beliefs, ideals and ideologies, you naturally cannot understand their behavior. "

"Are you done?" The smile on Father Wu's face gradually disappeared, and he said indifferently: "Please leave after you have finished speaking. I still say what I said, the church has the blessing of the Lord and does not need help from outsiders."

Qin Yao shook his head: "If you open your mouth and keep silent, it is the Lord's blessing. If your Lord can really bless you, how could a Western priest die in the church twenty years ago?"

“That was an accident.” Father Wu said expressionlessly.

 “Deceive yourself!”

"Okay Qin Yao, since he doesn't appreciate it, let's just leave." Uncle Jiu reached out and patted his arm and said warmly.

Qin Yao nodded and walked out with him. After walking about ten meters, he suddenly turned around and said, "Father, I hope you will not regret your decision tonight in the future."

Father Wu remained silent, silently watching their master and apprentice go away...

“Qin Yao, I’m hesitating.” Uncle Jiu said softly after leaving the church.

 “What are you hesitating about, master?”

 “Should we secretly…”

"No." Before he could finish speaking, Qin Yao decisively refused: "Master, didn't you just say that since the other party doesn't appreciate it, then we will leave."

"That's just an excuse. You can't turn against someone just to punish someone in their place, right?" Uncle Jiu said.

Qin Yao was speechless: "They don't appreciate it, so we rush to exorcise them. How cheap is it?!"

In fact, Uncle Nine did this in the original work. Like a thief, he stole the body of Jon who was bitten to death by a Western priest and secretly cremated it...

"It has nothing to do with whether they appreciate it or not. I'm just worried that the evil demon will grow bigger and harm the people of Jiuquan Town." Uncle Jiu said seriously.

Qin Yao was right about one thing. Uncle Jiu did put his life first.

“When the evil demon becomes bigger, the monks will be killed first.”

Qin Yao looked directly into Uncle Jiu's eyes and said quietly: "Since those monks are not human beings, Master, there is no need for you to treat them as human beings. Once they are all dead, we will clean up the mess."

Uncle Jiu: “…”

have to.

 Except for taking action, he can't defeat this guy!

  An hour later.

In the attic, Uncle Jiu, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, squinted his eyes. When he saw Qin Yao sleeping on the table, he tiptoed out of bed and gently opened the wooden door.

“Master, why are you going?” Just as he was raising his legs to step out of the threshold, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

 “I’ll go and take a moment, you can continue sleeping.” Uncle Jiu turned around and said.

Qin Yao raised his head and smiled: "It just so happens that I was also woken up by peeing. Let's go together. Let's go together."

Uncle Jiu: “…”

After finishing their work, the master and the disciple walked front and back under the bright moon. The light of the bright moon stretched their figures very long...

“My stomach feels a little uncomfortable again.” When walking back to the attic, Uncle Jiu suddenly said, holding his stomach.

Qin Yao blinked: "What a coincidence, my stomach is not feeling well too. Shall we go there again?"

Uncle Jiu: “…”

This guy must have guessed what he was thinking.

Sigh, forget it, forget it, just go back to sleep.

"The sky is full of spirits, the earth is full of spirits, we are chasing corpses in Xiangxi, and strangers are avoiding each other." On the eve of dawn, in the hazy sky, a Taoist with a flat head carried a white cloth bag on his shoulders and a soul-catching bronze bell in his hand, shouting and leading the way. Twelve figures dressed as zombies came to the door of the mayor's house.

 “Dong dong dong, dong dong dong.”

The Taoist slapped the black wooden door of the mayor’s house hard and shouted loudly: “Come here, come quickly…”

 After a while, an old servant opened the door with a lantern. After seeing the zombies, he was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and was speechless.

The Taoist shook the copper bell and led the zombies into the yard. Soon, upon hearing the commotion, Ye Yang and his son, neatly dressed, came out and led the Taoist into the living room.

“Master Tulong, is there anything wrong with the goods?” David sat on the sofa in a straight suit and asked seriously.

"No problem." The flat-headed Taoist said with a smile: "Those soldiers think that zombies are unlucky, and no one checked what was on the zombies along the way."

David laughed when he heard this: "As I expected, those who live in the army are most afraid of the word "death."

 “When will the goods be unloaded?” Tu Long didn’t bother to compliment the young master and asked directly.

"I just returned to China not long ago, and the laboratory is still being prepared. It will probably take three days." David said, "Is it okay to leave the goods on them for another three days?"

 “We have to add more money.” Tulong said without hesitation.

 “Eighty dollars a day.” David responded generously.

 Slaying the dragon nodded with satisfaction: "Find me a safe place to put the zombies."

"It's been prepared a long time ago. Just put it in the backyard of the church." David said.

“Master, Miss Anny is back.” While the two were talking, a young man dressed as a servant hurried over.

"I'm finally back." David stood up from the sofa excitedly and said quickly: "Dad, Taoist priest, you guys chat first while I go pick up Annie."

 “Who is Annie?” Ye Yang asked doubtfully.

“The third young lady of the Liu Mansion in this town, her foreign name is Annie.” David said, glancing at Taoist Dragon Slayer, and suddenly something moved in his heart: “Taoist Master, can you please ask a zombie to perform a play for me?”

 “The hero saves the beauty?” Tu Long raised his eyebrows.

"That's right." David smiled: "As long as we perform well, I can have an excuse to live with her."

 “Okay, you have to pay more.” Tu Long said.

David looked indifferent: "When it's done, it will be a hundred dollars."

Tulu Long smiled with satisfaction: "I just like doing business with Master David."

“Get ready, the show will start tonight, don’t let me mess it up.” David waved his hand and strode out to meet his sweetheart.


“Brother Xing, the church is not sending anything out today, why are we here so early?” In the early morning, a sleepy-eyed Xiaoyue was dragged to the front of the church by Axing and asked with a yawn.

"Idiot, do you think that the end is the end for us to become master's disciples successfully? No, this is just a starting point. If we want to learn true skills from master, we need to make certain contributions." Axing said.

 Xiaoyue was still confused: "What does that have to do with us coming to church?"

"Of course it is related. Master and Master obviously regard the church as their enemy. If we can find clues that are not conducive to the church and give them to them, wouldn't it be a meritorious service?" Axing said.

Xiaoyue suddenly realized it and said with emotion: "Brother Xing, you think too much."

Ah Xing silently clenched his fists: "We must hold our destiny firmly in our own hands and never let go of any opportunity to get ahead..."

After a while, the two of them jumped over the wall into the backyard and hid in a patch of grass. They were shocked to find a Taoist priest with a flat head standing in front of more than a dozen zombies in the open space of the yard, lecturing them.

"The poison on your body cannot be removed for the time being. Please wait for three more days. Each person will receive an extra one ocean per day. There is also a job with a reward of ten oceans. The task content is to cooperate with Master David to perform a hero's rescue drama tonight. "Who among you is interested?" Pingtou Taoist asked.

 “I’m interested.” A zombie raised his hand.

 “I’m also interested.”

“Taoist Priest, to tell you the truth, my acting skills are good.”

Hearing that there was a reward of ten oceans, a group of people pretending to be zombies went crazy and shouted loudly.

The noisy sound covered up the breathing in the grass not far away, so that the dragon slayer was not able to notice the two peepers at all.

"Stop arguing, it's up to you, follow me." Tu Long pointed at someone casually and said.

Soon, after Tulong explained to each other and led the people away, the zombies immediately hid under the eaves and sighed among themselves.

 In the grass.

A Xing pointed at the wall, Xiaoyue nodded, half-bowed, and crossed her hands in front of her.

A Xing stepped on Xiaoyue's hands, jumped up to the wall, then lay down on the wall, and pulled her up.

 “Master, Master…”

In a blink of an eye, the two of them returned to the attic opposite the church and patted the wooden door gently.

"It's so early in the morning, what's wrong?" Qin Yao opened the door and said, "Isn't it because the church is distributing supplies again?"

"No, it's even more outrageous than that." Ah Xing said excitedly: "We saw a flat-headed Taoist priest using a fake zombie to transport poison in the backyard of the church, and he also said that he would let a fake zombie cooperate with David to act out a heroic rescue mission. beautiful."

Qin Yao was stunned for a moment.

It’s not surprising that the two of them could discover that zombies were transporting poison.

This is not a coincidence, it is fate, because in the original work, it was the two of them who revealed the poisoning of Taoist Dragon Slayer.

 What’s strange about him is that a hero saves a beautiful woman…

 This is a scene that has never appeared in the original work.

But having said that, combined with the plot of the original work, it is not difficult to guess who the heroine is.

 The **** girl Annie.

  Responsible for the breast value of the entire film.

 “When does a hero save a beauty?” Qin Yao asked.

“Said it was tonight.” Qin Yao smiled and said: “Okay, I understand, you two did a good job. After your master builds the foundation for you, I will teach you a set of spells.”

 Xingyue and Xingyue were overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Thank you so much, Master..."

at the same time.


 Prayer hall.

A monk ignored Father Wu who was preaching on the podium and hurried to his side and whispered softly.

"What?" Father Wu's face changed drastically. He calmed down for a while, and then he said to the more than 200 people who were listening below: "Everyone, I'm sorry, there is a small problem within the church. I can't teach anymore today. Please help me. Leave in sequence…”

 The audience looked at each other, but still stood up in cooperation and filed out.

"Close the door and lock it." After bidding them farewell with a smile, Father Wu's face suddenly became serious. He strode towards the door leading to the basement. When he got closer, he found that the wooden door was wide open and the cross originally inserted on the door had fallen on it. on the ground.

 “Bring the Bible.” Father Wu took a deep breath and ordered.

at this time.

 The church backyard.

The Western priest transformed into a vampire, stretched out his hand to lift the bruised Dragon Slaying from the ground, bit the artery in his neck, and frantically plundered his blood essence.

 Shou Long tried to struggle, but his struggle became weaker and weaker, until he kicked his legs and completely passed out.

 The Western vampire gradually let go of the dragon slaying, put his hand on his wound, and chanted silently.


In an instant, a ball of light seemed to explode in Tulong's eyes, and his pupils turned blood red.

 “Let’s go.” The Western vampire said calmly.

 Slaying the dragon nodded and rushed toward the group of fake zombies huddled in the corner like a ghost.

“Ho, ho, ho.” Seeing the dragon slayer pounce on the strangely dressed mortals like hungry wolves, the Western vampire burst into strange laughter, flicked his blood-red cloak, and disappeared in an instant.

 Can a church without believers be able to trap him?


 The darkness has broken out of the cage, and now it’s time to counterattack the light!

“Father, Aaron is missing.”

 “Father, Edgar is missing.”

 “Father, Gavin is missing.”


Not long after Father Wu came out of the basement and found nothing, bad news came one after another. In the blink of an eye, six of the nine monks were missing, so fast that he didn't even react.

"You three, stop running around and follow me." Father Wu said sternly, his head covered with sweat.

“Father, why didn’t the Lord send down the divine light to destroy the evil spirits?”

“Yes, Father, has the Lord abandoned us?”

 The two monks asked anxiously.

“Shut up, the Lord has not abandoned us, it’s just that we haven’t done our job well and haven’t gathered believers to draw the light of the Lord.” Father Wu said.

"Father, please come up with an idea, what should we do now?" The third monk tried to maintain his mood and said: "I feel that the danger is approaching."

Father Wu hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth: "Go and invite Uncle Jiu!!"

 Opposite the church.

 In the attic.

Qin Yao stood in front of the window, his eyes flashing with golden light. Looking towards the direction of the church, he saw billowing black smoke spreading from the underground of the church, constantly eroding the entire church.

The holy light that was originally blazing due to the reopening of the church continued to shrink under the squeeze of black smoke, and became like a candle in the wind.

 “A monk has died.” Uncle Jiu came to him and said in a deep voice.

Qin Yao dispersed the golden light in his eyes and turned to look at the other party: "Master, please don't show kindness at this time. Don't forget what others said before! How can you repay kindness with kindness?"

Uncle Jiu: “…”

Just when he couldn't help but want to hit his apprentice, he saw four figures running out of the church quickly and rushing towards the attic.

Qin Yao's eyes narrowed: "Master, let me deal with them."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Uncle Jiu could respond, he put his palms on the window sill and jumped down from the attic with a cool posture.

 “Boss Qin.”

Father Wu and the three monks quickly rushed to the attic and learned the Chinese greeting method of holding hands and fists.

"Father Wu." Qin Yao smiled slightly and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Father Wu pursed his lips and said shamelessly: "To be honest, we are here to ask you and Uncle Jiu to help punish evil spirits."

Qin Yao looked surprised: "Please help us to punish evil???"

 Father Wu blushed and nodded silently.

Qin Yao smiled and said: "If I remember correctly, just last night, we rushed to punish you for evil spirits, but Father, you said that there are no evil spirits in the church, and even if there are, there is no need for us. Why are you doing this? The situation changed in the middle of the night? "

Father Wu coughed dryly and said, "I'm sorry, I apologize to you for my ignorance and stupidity."

“Father...” Behind him, three monks subconsciously shouted.

Father Wu raised his hand, stopped them from speaking, and continued: "Now the evil spirits have become bigger, and they can come out to commit crimes even during the day. Please help me, my master and disciple, to punish the evil spirits."

If it was Uncle Jiu who was standing here, judging from his kind-faced and kind-hearted character, the other party would probably agree to the apology with such a low profile. It's a pity that the one standing here is Qin Yao, whose heart is much dirtier than Uncle Jiu's. He chuckled and said casually: "I'm sorry, I can't help."

“Is my apology not sincere enough?” Father Wu asked.

Qin Yao shook his head: "Your apology is very sincere, but if all the apologies are useful, what else can be done in a fair way?"

  Fr Wu: “…”

There was silence between each other for a long time. Father Wu sighed deeply: "Boss Qin, what should we do to make you agree to help us?"

"I told you last night not to regret it. Do you regret it now?" Qin Yao asked.

 “I regret it.” Father Wu said frankly.

 “It’s useless to regret!”

Qin Yao chuckled and said, "For the sake of you coming here to apologize, I can collect the bodies for you for free."

 "You..." a monk was furious.

"Jesse, shut up." Father Wu glared at the other party, calmed down his mood, and said to Qin Yao: "Boss Qin, I remember Uncle Jiu said that treating the disease with Chinese medicine only takes one night. The evil spirit will no longer be afraid of the sunshine and the holy light. If it continues, I am afraid that even you will not be able to end it, and it will be the people of Jiuquan Town who will suffer."

Qin Yao said indifferently: "I don't mind your trouble, please go back."

  Fr Wu: “…”

Seeing that he was unable to get in, Father Wu had no choice but to look up at the window and shouted loudly: "Uncle Nine, Uncle Nine..."

“Stop shouting, my master is just kind-hearted and not a big enemy. He won’t help you.” Qin Yao said flatly.

In front of the window sill, Uncle Jiu, who was about to respond, got stuck in his throat and couldn't spit out a word.

A flash of disappointment flashed across Father Wu's face, he smiled bitterly, turned around and said, "Let's go..."

"Father, what should I do if they don't want to help?" A monk asked in a low voice before leaving the attic and returning to the church.

Father Wu thought for a while and said, "Invite three hundred people to come over and read the Bible together."

The monk nodded: "Yes, Father!"

"Master, is it okay if I handle it this way?" Qin Yao asked with a smile after climbing to the attic.

Uncle Jiu responded angrily: "You've already dealt with it, and you still ask me what to do? Even if I say there is a problem, what does it mean in terms of the result?"

Qin Yao smiled and said: "No, what I mean by this is that I want you to praise me."

 “Stop dreaming.” Uncle Jiu turned his head and didn’t want to talk to this guy anymore.

In a blink of an eye, the golden crow falls in the west, reflecting thousands of red clouds.

 In the town, the Liu family's mansion.

Wearing a long red dress, a gorgeous girl with half exposed hair and a menacing weapon was sitting on a chair in the boudoir. She said to the greasy-headed young man not far away: "David, it's getting late. Look, you are." Isn’t it time to go back?”

David's breath was stagnant, and then he said with a smile: "Stay a little longer, just a little while, and I will leave at nightfall. Annie, you don't know, I still have many, many things I want to say to you."

 Anne looked helpless.

If the other party's identity was not the mayor's son, she would have called her servants to invite him out.

David chatted with Anne wordlessly, watching the sky gradually darken, and his heart was gradually filled with anticipation, and he thought silently: It’s time to start, come on, come on, come on, it’s time to show my heroic side!


As if hearing his inner call, a strange roar suddenly sounded in the yard, and then a servant stumbled in and exclaimed: "Miss, run, run, there are zombies in the house."

 “Zombie???” Annie’s eyes widened with a look of cuteness on her face.

The joy on David's face flashed, he stood up from the chair suddenly, and said bravely: "Don't be afraid, Annie, as long as I am here, no one can hurt you, not even zombies."

 Anne blinked and looked at him with a strange look on her face, wondering why he was so brave all of a sudden.

The frightened servant did not believe that this skinny guy could fight zombies, so he once again advised: "Miss, come with me quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

 Compared to David, Anne still trusted her servants more and said, "David, leave here first."

David had no choice but to follow them out of the boudoir. Looking around, he saw in the yard a zombie wearing a Qing Dynasty official robe with red eyes, chasing everyone in the Liu family.

“They look alike.” David was very satisfied and muttered to himself. He was afraid that the zombies jumping around wouldn’t be able to spot him, so he waved wildly when Annie wasn’t paying attention.

With his unremitting efforts, the zombie finally discovered them, raised his arms, and jumped over quickly.

“Ah~” Annie was so frightened that her face turned pale, her legs kept shaking, and she couldn’t walk.

 David raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stretched out his hand to pull it behind him, made a handsome fighting stance towards the zombie, and said lightly: "Come on..."

  It’s ten thousand words+ again.

   Since early in the morning, I have been working directly until now.

I am so tired and confused.

Go have a meal.

See you tomorrow~~big guys.



 (End of this chapter)

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