I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 327: Unexpected answer (4000, little brother’s alliance leader’s promise

Chapter 327 Unexpected answer (4000, brother, the leader of the alliance will update more!)

 Midnight at midnight.

Everything is ready.

Uncle Jiu went to his room and changed into a yellow Taoist robe. When he came out, he placed his pipe in the center of the altar. He picked up his brush and lightly dipped it in cinnabar. He turned around and took out a white-shelled egg from a bamboo basket, and painted the egg with cinnabar. Soul-calling charm.

Nine eggs were drawn in a row and placed neatly on a shelf filled with rice grains. Uncle Jiu took out three incense sticks from his hands, bowed and inserted them into the incense burner, lit them with the flame of the talisman paper, and flicked the remaining talisman. The pieces of paper turned into sparks and fell into the incense burner.


Uncle Jiu suddenly jumped over the altar, picked up the soul-inducing flag erected on the side, and asked Sister Xia: "What is your husband's name?"

“Brother Yao, what’s the explanation for this jump?” Nianying hugged Qin Yao’s waist, stuck to his side, and asked with her feet up.

Qin Yao lowered his head and whispered: "Of course there is a saying. If the master just sits there and summons the dead ghost with a wave of his hand, do you think it's a loss if you are the sponsor?"

  Nianying: “…”

 Ah this…

 So that’s what it says!

 “The ox gets water, the ox gets water…”

At this time, Uncle Jiu, who learned the name of the dead ghost from Sister Xia, picked up a cinnabar pen and drew a door on a piece of white cloth. While calling, he placed the pipe he had prepared in advance in the center of the door, and then stepped on the seven-star step. Dance the soul-inducing flags.


Suddenly, the door of the cinnabar painting lit up with a faint golden light, and the talismans on the nine eggs then emitted nine beams of light, converging on the door, stabilizing the golden red door.

 “The ox needs water, the ox needs water, come back quickly.”

Uncle Jiu shook the soul-inducing flag and pointed it at the golden red door on the white cloth.

With a snap, a hand stretched out from inside the door and grasped the pipe in the center of the red door. Li Shimin was so frightened that he stepped back repeatedly, his arms trembling.

 He doesn’t want to play anymore!

  What a **** ghost!

 “The cow needs water, the cow needs water, come back quickly!” Uncle Jiu kept waving the soul-inducing flag towards the golden red door.

 Hand, arm, head, half body…

Soon, a terrifying ghost with a green face and fangs crawled out of the door, looking around in all directions.

 “Lao Niu!” Although Sister Xia also had a look of fear on her face, her performance was much better than that of Li Shimin, and she calmly called out.

Niu Deshui looked at her intently and said in a deep voice, "Why did you summon me?"

Sister Xia: "I want to have a chat with you. From now on, every Qingming Festival and Ghost Festival, I will offer you incense and burn paper. Can you please stop asking me for dreams?"

"You inherited so much money from me, what's wrong with asking you to burn more paper for me? Who can spend enough to burn Qingming for one day?" Niu Deshui said confidently.

"Then can I burn you once a month? As long as you stop being so impatient and just give me dreams," Sister Xia said.


Niu Deshui flatly refused: "What if the deadline for burning paper has not come yet and I run out of money?"

Sister Xia: “…”

 This doesn’t make sense!

Niu Deshui turned to look at Li Shimin and said coldly: "This guy smells like you. Is he your mistress?"

Sister Xia: "Don't say these useless things. What do you want from me to let me go?"

Niu Deshui's dark green eyes moved slightly, he raised his right hand that was releasing green smoke, and pointed at Li Shimin with his dark and long pointed nails: "I want to borrow his body for seven days. After seven days, I will return to the underworld and never do anything casual again." I’ll give you a dream.”

 “No problem!” Sister Xia agreed immediately.

 “No.” Li Shimin said loudly.

"You charged me a full six hundred dollars. Do you know how many lives six hundred dollars can buy?" Sister Xia grabbed his lapel and said viciously: "You should have thought of this scene when you were collecting the money."

 “Madman, you crazy woman!”

Li Shimin threw her hand away, turned around and knelt down in front of Uncle Jiu, and kowtowed: "Master, you won't allow her to do this, right? You must never listen to her, it will kill someone!"

Uncle Jiu sighed slightly and looked at Sister Xia: "He's right, I can't allow you to do this."

“Master, what if he is voluntary?” After being rejected miserably, Sister Xia was still respectful to Uncle Jiu and bowed.

 “He doesn’t look like he would volunteer…” Uncle Jiu shook his head.

"This is because of the lack of effective communication. Please allow me to communicate with him." Sister Xia said, stood up straight, and said to Li Shimin: "The contract we signed is, I will give you six hundred yuan, and you will guarantee me Satisfied, you took the money, but now I am very dissatisfied.”

“I said it before, I don’t know what the satisfaction in the contract is.” Li Shimin emphasized.

"The writing is very clear in black and white. If you misunderstood it, it was your mistake. Only you can be responsible for your mistake." Sister Xia said calmly: "Don't blame me for being unreasonable. I can give you two choices. One, If you refuse, you will break the contract, and I will cut off the person you are eating. Second, if you agree, you will fulfill the contract. I am satisfied with it, and we will settle the matter."

“I don’t want to choose either one.” Li Shimin rushed forward, hugged Uncle Jiu’s calf, and begged: “Master, you are a foreigner, and you are compassionate. You must not ignore death!”

"Give her back the six hundred yuan, and I'll help you persuade her." Uncle Jiu was kind-hearted after all, and he couldn't bear to see the tragedy happen.

Li Shimin's breath was stagnant, and he said hesitantly: "The money was defrauded..."

"What was deceived? To put it nicely." Sister Xia sneered: "To be precise, he was taken away by a loan shark. He owed a lot of loan sharks, and he could barely crawl out of the mud hole after doing my business. I knew it in advance I have also investigated and found out that the reason why he acted like a duck was to pay off foreign debts.”

Uncle Jiu: “…”

Li Shimin, Li Shimin, you have hands full of rice and fields, how can I reach out to you?

“Brother Yao, what is a duck?” Nianying asked in a low voice.

Qin Yao whispered in her ear: "Male prostitute."

  Nianying: “…”

Suddenly I understood why the woman was so frightened when she said she wanted to cut off the guy who was eating duck...

"Master, save me." Li Shimin, who had been in the Fengyue Field for a long time, had venomous eyes. He knew very well where his hope lay. He immediately let go of Uncle Jiu's trousers, knelt on the ground again, and kowtowed. After a while, he kowtowed to his forehead. Start the package.

 Uncle Jiu’s claws are numb.

He is good at collecting ghosts and slaying monsters, but when it comes to dealing with things like this where you can’t tell who is right and who is wrong, he is really giving it a free hand!

"Qin Yao, what do you think we should do about this matter?" Feeling troubled by this, he couldn't care less about his face and looked up at the people eating melons on the stage.

Qin Yao chuckled: "I listen to Master."

Uncle Jiu: “…”

 You listen to me about everything? !

  glaring at him fiercely, Uncle Jiu shouted: "I'm asking you how to deal with it."

Qin Yao blinked: "Master, are you begging me?"

 You can't blame him for being so serious, after all, the system's conditions for granting filial piety points are very strict.

If Uncle Jiu asks casually and he answers casually, although this kind of dialogue can solve the problem, there is no reward.

 But if Uncle Jiu asks him to do something, and he finally completes it brilliantly, he will be rewarded more or less.

However, how could Uncle Jiu know this? His face darkened and he gritted his teeth: "Yes, I'm asking you to resolve this matter properly."

  【Ding, system task: Help Uncle Jiu solve the current dilemma. The task reward depends on the result of the solution. 】

“You are floating directly in front of my eyes, and it is not a sound. What are you talking about?” Qin Yao asked secretly.


“I suggest you change ding to yang next time. If the ding sound appears every time, the visual presentation effect will be much better.” Qin Yao suggested.


At this juncture, Qin Yao had no time to train the other party. He raised his head and said with a smile: "Master's words are serious. Since you have opened your mouth, let me do the dirty work."

Uncle Jiu raised his mahogany sword, pretending to fight: "Stop talking nonsense and do something quickly!" Qin Yao pursed his lips, strode to the altar, grabbed the green-faced ghost's hair, and hit his cheek hard. On his raised knees.


 “Ouch…” The green-faced ghost howled, making the person who was howling miserably feel his hair go numb.

 “Crack! Pah! Pah!”

Qin Yao grabbed the other person's hair and didn't let go. He lifted his head, exposed his cheek, raised his right hand, and slapped the ugly face hard one after another. The slaps made the people around him jump with fear, and the corners of the mouths of Sister Xia and Li Shimin twitch.

 “Stop, stop, I was wrong, I was wrong, sir, don’t fight anymore!”

The green-faced ghost was in so much pain that he took advantage of the space between Qin Yao's palms and shouted loudly.

"Look how spoiled you are." Qin Yao casually threw him back to the altar with a fierce look in his eyes: "I'm warning you in the name of the priest of Fengdu, if you continue to dream randomly in the future, I will keep doing this." You, until you are beaten to the point of death, you will never be reincarnated."

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore..." The green-faced ghost was frightened and said with a trembling soul.

“The attitude is very good.” Qin Yao smiled and looked up at Uncle Jiu: “Master, it’s solved.”

Uncle Jiu: “…”

This is true, evil people still need to be punished by evil people!

"Zhu Hongxia, are you satisfied with the result?" Shaking his head, Uncle Jiu looked at the customer who was looking at Qin Yao blankly.

Sister Xia licked her thick lips and still refused to look away from Qin Yao: "I'm very satisfied, no, I'm too satisfied!"

As she spoke, she took out two 500-yuan banknotes directly from her bag and handed them to Qin Yao: "Master, the commission was agreed upon."

“Master is here.” Uncle Jiu stepped in front of her and reached out to take the two banknotes in her hand.

Sister Xia pushed Uncle Jiu away and wanted to say something, but in front of so many people, especially under the gaze of that **** ghost, she couldn't even say anything. She turned to Uncle Jiu and said: "Master, stop it." Got magical powers."

Uncle Jiu was speechless. He put the banknote into his arms and strode to the altar. He pressed the ghost's head and forced it back into the golden red door.

Then he turned the eggs in front of the white cloth one after another, picked up the brush, and drew an X on the door of the white cloth.

"Huh..." After watching the monster disappear with his own eyes, Li Shimin sat down on the ground, and a feeling of surviving the disaster suddenly emerged in his heart.

 It’s so **** hard to make this money!

When you serve rich women in the future, you must ask clearly in advance what kind of needs they have and what level of satisfaction they need...

"Master, it's getting late, and there may be danger on the road." Sister Xia stepped in front of Qin Yao and said softly: "Can you take me home?"

“Sister, where is Master?” Qin Yao pointed to Uncle Jiu.

Sister Xia shook her head and said sincerely, "I think you feel more secure."

Qin Yao twitched the corner of his mouth, ducked and twisted a piece of talisman paper from the altar, and handed it to Sister Xia: "Take this talisman and go, I will keep you safe."

Sister Xia reached out to take the talisman and said proudly: "This talisman can protect against ghosts, but not evil people! Master, as long as you are willing to send me back, I will give you five hundred yuan!"

 Li Shimin: “…”

 This is only 500 oceans?

   He almost died for six hundred yuan, and he was in a mixed mood for a while, and his spirits were waning.

Qin Yao did not dislike Zhu Hongxia, so he said politely: "Sister, I am not short of money."

 “Eight hundred yuan.” Zhu Hongxia fought for it.

Qin Yao couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm really not short of money."

 “One thousand ocean dollars.” Zhu Hongxia stretched out a finger and said seriously.

Uncle Jiu: “…”

 The mood is waning!

 It’s boring! !

Qin Yao was speechless: "No matter how high the price you pay, I will not go back with you."

"Why?" Zhu Hongxia couldn't understand: "Is it because my money doesn't taste good?"

Qin Yao pointed at Nianying at the door: "It's not that the money is not good, it's that my wife is here."

Zhu Hongxia looked over and said with emotion: "Brother and sister, you have found a good man!"

Nianying touched her nose and didn't know how to reply for a moment.

"That's all, I won't be an eyesore here." Zhu Hongxia waved her hand and said to Qin Yao: "Brother, sister is leaving first. Don't lose my business card. If you need anything, come find me."

Qin Yao laughed: "Well done..."

 “Ahem, um, I’ll leave first if there’s nothing else to do.” After watching the terrifying Zhu Hongxia disappear, Li Shimin got up from the ground and said angrily.

 “You can’t leave.” Qin Yao suppressed his smile.

Li Shimin was stunned: "Why?"

"Why?" Qin Yao glared and shouted: "I saved your life, and you just want to leave after patting your butt?"

Li Shimin’s heart tightened: “Brother, I really have no money.”

"Promise!" Qin Yao said: "I'm not interested in money."

 “Then what do you want?” Li Shimin asked doubtfully.

"You stay in Yizhuang for a few more days. In a few days, a peerless beauty will come over." Qin Yao said: "If you can steal her heart, I will reward you with five hundred yuan."

Li Shimin was stunned.

 Can such a good thing happen?

“Brother, is this job... not dangerous?”

Qin Yao: "Of course there is no danger. If I want to harm you, I can crush you to death right now, why bother with so much trouble?"

 “That is really a peerless beauty?” Li Shimin was still a little unbelievable.

Qin Yao said impatiently: "I said yes, if you beep more, my head will be punched in your stomach."

 Li Shimin: “…”

  【The mission has been completed, congratulations, you have obtained 100 filial piety points. 】

  【Your current filial piety balance is: 208 points. 】

Looking at the system light screen that suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, Qin Yao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile that looked extremely evil in Li Shimin's eyes...

 Three days later.

 Early morning.

Zhong Li rushed to the outside of Yizhuang with a tired face and dusty body. After Qin Yao received the news, he immediately dragged Li Shimin to the gate.

 “Where’s the surprise you told me about?”

Zhong Li looked at him without blinking.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pushed Li Shimin up behind him, pushing him in front of him: "Ah Li, what do you think of this person?"

Zhong Li’s eyes wandered around Li Shimin’s body and he said sincerely: “It’s so ugly.”

 Li Shimin: “???”

 Chin Yao: “???”

  Needless to say, this was an answer that neither of them expected.

 Good is good.

 Ugly is just ugly.

 It’s actually quite ugly! !

 (End of this chapter)

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