I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 328: What a surprise! Something's wrong! (4000)

Chapter 328 What a surprise! Something's wrong! (4000)

 Li Shimin felt very hurt.

It is undeniable that he stayed in Yizhuang with a trace of expectation in his heart.

The rich woman served a lot, and also did a lot of nauseating things.

 Find a beautiful girl, talk about love, talk about love, meet in front of flowers and under the moon, and meet after dusk... It is also good to improve your taste and cleanse your eyes and soul.

With this expectation, the peerless beauty that Qin Yao said finally arrived. Fortunately, the other party did not disappoint him. She was indeed a beauty; unfortunately, the other party not only did not take a fancy to him, but instead I think he is eye-catching.

For a "one-day boyfriend" who relies on his looks and figure to make a living, this is a huge shock and humiliation that others can't imagine!

"Miss, I admit that you are very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful you are, it is not a reason to humiliate others." Taking a deep breath, Li Shimin quietly clenched his fists: "You said that I am ugly, so please explain. Look, where do I look ugly?”

 “You really want me to say it?” Zhong Li looked a little embarrassed.

"Of course I have to say it. If I don't make it clear, I won't be able to pass this test in my heart!" Li Shimin said firmly.

Zhong Li pursed his lips and said, "Do you know what it looks like when a thousand faces overlap?"

 Li Shimin: “???”

 Does this have anything to do with the question I asked you?

"A person has thousands of faces, kind, cunning, vicious, evil, gentle...the same face keeps flashing with various faces. To say it is ugly is putting it mildly. I can't tell lies without conscience, right? In fact, this It’s not just a matter of good looks and bad looks, it’s scary,” Zhong Li said sincerely.

Li Shimin was still confused, but Qin Yao understood instantly and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Did you use magic?"

As a duck in Fengyuechang, he is used to the darkness of the world. It can be said that one person has a thousand faces, which is Li Shimin's survival skill.

Without the ability to change his face, and the ability to talk nonsense to others, how can he make money?

Probably Zhong Li misunderstood what he meant, ignored Li Shimin's appearance, and gave him a "face".

Now it’s time to play it off. You must know that first impression plays a vital role in a relationship. It’s so **** ugly. Only Zhong Li who has a lot of brains will fall in love with the other person...

“My brother said you can’t just look at people by their appearance.” Zhong Li nodded.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Your brother is right!

Li Shimin is not a stupid person. He guessed a hint of the truth just from their conversation. The unwillingness in his heart disappeared in an instant, and he was even a little depressed.

 “Mr. Qin, can I go now?!”

Qin Yao pursed his lips, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's clear things up."

Li Shimin nodded and walked quickly outside Yizhuang.

 He doesn’t want to stay in this place anymore, let alone be with a woman who can see what’s inside of him at a glance!

"Where's the surprise you mentioned in the message?" After watching him leave, Zhong Li tilted his head and looked at Qin Yao.

Qin Yao: "If I said that the person just now was a surprise, would you believe it?"

 “I will be very angry.” Zhong Li said seriously.

After all, after receiving Qin Yao's message, she didn't stop for a moment and ran all the way from Peiping to Fucheng!

 Chin Yao: “…”

Isn’t this a waste of time? !

 “I am a reasonable person.”

Zhong Li looked at him without blinking, silently raised his right hand and stretched out three fingers: "Tell me you have a surprise and ask me to come back quickly.

I didn’t stop for a moment after receiving the news. I set off overnight and rushed here in a dusty way. The result... is this?

I will give you three days. Within three days, you must let me see the surprise. Otherwise, you should be ready to marry me. The trouble you caused is yours to bear. "

 Chin Yao: “…”


Did I dig a hole and bury myself?

 A few hours later.


 Punishment of evildoers.

Wearing a black gauze hat and a red robe, Zhong Kui, with a majestic face, sat behind the judgment table. With a pair of eyes like a torch, he looked at the tall figure slowly walking into the hall: "Is there a result so soon?"

 The visitor felt somewhat embarrassed and said with his hands raised: "The results haven't been announced yet..."

“What are you doing here if there is no result?” Zhong Kui was puzzled.

“I’m here to ask you what is a surprise for Zhong Li.” Qin Yao said sincerely.

Zhong Kui was stunned for a moment, his eyes slightly strange: "You want to seduce my sister?"

Qin Yao waved his hand quickly: "No, no, no, I have no such intention!"

Zhong Kui was furious: "Are you saying that my sister is not worthy of you?"

 Qin Yao was stunned.

  When the **** did I say that? !

“Old Heavenly Master, it’s not a question of whether we are worthy or not. It’s that Zhong Li and I are not destined to be together. Besides, I have a wife. You can’t let Zhong Li be your concubine, right?”

"Don't fool me, I've checked your life. You haven't married a wife so far, how can you get a wife?" Zhong Kui shook his head.

Qin Yao said seriously: "It's just that we didn't hold a wedding, but we have already become husband and wife. I can't let them down!"

Zhong Kui pondered for a moment, not wanting to force others to do anything difficult, so he asked instead: "Can you cook?"

 Chin Yao: “???”

 Is this a big turn of events?

“Didn’t you ask me just now, what is a surprise to Zhong Li?”

Zhong Kui said: "Now let me tell you, cook her a meal in front of her. This will be a surprise!"

 Qin Yao was stunned.

That's it? ? ?

 What kind of surprise is this? !

As if he saw the doubts in his heart, Zhong Kui sighed slightly: "Zhong Li and I have been alone and helpless since we were young, and we only survived because of the relief provided by Taoist Temple on Zhongnan Mountain.

When I was young, I was obsessed with gaining fame and changing my destiny, so I didn’t want to do anything except reading and writing. During that time, my little sister took care of my food and drink, and worked hard to give me an environment to study.

At the time, I didn’t think it was anything, but now that I think about it, I realize how difficult it must have been for her at that time, and how heartbreaking it must have been...

Moreover, later on, I passed the college examination, provincial examination, and general examination, and passed all the tests, and passed the palace examination, but by accident, I died in the palace examination.

At that time, I never thought about how desperate my little sister would be, let alone how she survived that period.

After my death, thanks to the imperial decree, I gained a trace of divinity and embarked on spiritual practice. Since then, even though I have reunited with my little sister, we have often been apart more often than not.

So much so that since she started to understand, no one has personally cooked a meal for her, and no one has asked her what she wants to eat or what she likes to eat..."

Qin Yao opened his mouth. He was eloquent and eloquent, but at this moment he was suddenly speechless.

 In a daze, he suddenly understood why Zhong Xiaomei lived so straightforwardly.

The journey has been bumpy, but if you don’t hate evil as much as you hate it, you will definitely be forthright and open-minded.

I also understand why Zhong Xiaomei can seem to say lightly that if you like her, stay together, and if you don't like her, leave.

 You ask a girl who has experienced the ups and downs of the world to seek life and death for love, which is obviously not very realistic...

“Qin Yao, do you know what to do now?” Zhong Kui asked in a deep voice.

Qin Yao nodded silently, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much, Heavenly Master. I'll take my leave."

Zhong Kui looked at his leaving figure quietly and murmured to himself: "I hope you can do what I can't do. If you can give my little sister happiness and make up for her spiritual shortcomings, then I will do my best." Help you... go straight to the top!"

 The next day.

 Early morning. Zhong Li pushed open the wooden door of Yizhuang's guest room, stretched his waist, and walked out of the room.

"Follow me somewhere." Qin Yao, wearing a brand new suit, strode towards her and said with a smile.

 “Surprise?” Zhong Li blinked.

 “That’s right, I prepared it last night.”

Zhong Li smiled and said, "Okay. But I'll tell you in advance. If the surprise you prepared doesn't touch my heart, I won't admit it."

“It should be.” Qin Yao nodded.

Zhong Li's smile became even brighter, and with a little expectation, he silently followed him all the way to a residential complex on Chenghuang Street.

"Isn't this where Shi Shi and the others live? The surprise you prepared for me is related to them?" Walking into the familiar alley, the smile on Zhong Li's face turned into surprise.

"It's the community where they live, but I'm not going to where they live." Qin Yao said, taking her to the opposite side of Shi Shi's house, taking out a key and unlocking the iron lock on the courtyard door.

 “You are...” Zhong Li was stunned.

Qin Yao opened the wooden door and beckoned: "Come in first."

Zhong Li nodded, walked into the clean courtyard, and was then led by him to the newly decorated living room.

 “Please sit down!” Qin Yao pulled out a chair at the dining table and patted the back of the chair.

Zhong Li obediently walked over and sat down, tilting his head and looking at him: "What next?"

Like magic, Qin Yao took out a recipe book from behind, placed it in front of the girl, and said with a smile: "Please order something."

“Huh?” Zhong Li was stunned for a moment.

 “Let’s see what you want to eat.” Qin Yao said.

Zhong Li suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, and looking at the smile on his face, the throbbing even became stronger.

  She sniffed in disguise, and said calmly: "You want to treat me to dinner!"

"Yes." Qin Yao did not say that he would cook for her personally, but simply responded.

Zhong Li smiled, lowered his head, and flipped through the menu carefully: "I want this, this, and this..."

 She ordered six dishes in one go, and then nodded with satisfaction: "That's almost it."

"Okay, wait a minute." Qin Yao took the recipe from her hand, turned around and walked out of the living room.

 “Is the palpitation just now considered a trigger?” Zhong Li asked himself in his heart after watching Qin Yao leave.

She guessed: If nothing unexpected happens, this small courtyard should be a surprise prepared by the other party. Maybe during dinner later, the other party will take out the land deed and hand it to her at the dinner table.

Having said that, the small courtyard itself is not that precious, but it was chosen opposite Shi Shi’s house, which shows a bit of thoughtfulness...

Considering this intention, Zhong Li couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted, and said with emotion: "It's more or less a surprise to be able to achieve this level of effort in one night."

While she was talking to herself, a burst of aroma of food suddenly came from outside the door. When it reached Zhong Li's nose, she suddenly realized something. She stood up from the chair with a loud sound, turned into a wisp of smoke, and flew out of the lobby in an instant. , smelling the aroma, came to the wide kitchen door.

In the field of vision, a tall figure, with his back to her, stood in front of the flaming stove, holding the pot handle in one hand and a spatula in the other, constantly adding various condiments to the pot.

 Zhong Li was stunned.

 Indescribable complex emotions.

Qin Yao turned the braised fish over in the pot, turned around and said, "There is a lot of oil smoke here. You should go to the main room first. It will be fine soon."

Zhong Li didn't seem to hear what he was saying, and his eyes even lost focus.

Qin Yao was a little panicked and thought to himself: "What's going on? Could it be that the excitement is too much???"

While thinking about it, the fish was almost cooked. Qin Yao picked up the iron pot and gently put it on the plate. He wiped his hands, turned around and came to the kitchen door, and waved his hand in front of the girl: "Ah Li, it's okay." Bar?"

"Why do you know how to cook?" Zhong Li's body trembled, as if he was waking up from a dream, and he looked directly into Qin Yao's eyes.

Qin Yao smiled: "First, it's a surprise, and second, it's an apology. The one I bought may taste better than what I made, but it lacks the heart."

Zhong Li stared at him and his pupils gradually changed. Qin Yao could detect it, but he couldn't understand what the change meant.

 “You just keep doing it, I’ll be here watching you.”

Qin Yao: "You will be covered in the smell of oily smoke in a short while."

Zhong Li sniffed and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "I like the smoke of fireworks."

 Chin Yao: “…”


Then keep doing it...

Zhong Li stood quietly in front of the door, watching him busy around, with no intention of intervening, let alone speaking.

 As time passed, her face gradually returned to calmness, so calm that it was impossible to guess what she was thinking.

Shortly after.

After all the food was cooked, Zhong Li walked into the kitchen spontaneously, walking back and forth, helping him carry all the food back to the table in the main room.

“Try it.” Qin Yao handed her a pair of chopsticks.

Zhong Li reached out and took the chopsticks, taking a bite of rice and a bite of vegetables. He ate slowly and seriously, seemingly without any intention of speaking.

Qin Yao didn't know what she meant, and couldn't ask directly, so he accompanied her and finished the rich breakfast in silence.

"I'm going to wash the dishes." After finishing the meal quietly, Zhong Li suddenly stood up.

 “I’ll go.” Qin Yao said subconsciously.

Zhong Li shook his head and said seriously: "No, just sit here and wait for me!"

 Chin Yao: “…”

  It became increasingly difficult to understand her thoughts.

  After a while.

 In the kitchen.

Zhong Li was washing the dishes when his tears suddenly fell down drop by drop, dripping into the pool and spreading into wisps of white smoke.

 She washed the dishes very seriously, and cried silently very seriously, just like the serious meal just now.

  After a long time.

After washing the dishes, she reached out and wiped her face twice. The tears disappeared immediately. When she went out, her lips were already full of smiles.

"Give me the land deed and house deed." After sitting opposite Qin Yao, Zhong Li calmly stretched out his palm.

"Huh?" This was not the rhythm Qin Yao expected, so he didn't react for a while.

"Land deed, house deed, haven't you prepared it for me?" Zhong Li asked.

"Yes, yes." Qin Yao reacted immediately and took out two deeds from his pocket.

A bright smile appeared on Zhong Li's face. He stretched out his hand to hold the two deeds and said, "Invite my brother to dinner tonight, and you cook."


 Qin Yao was stunned.

 This... something doesn't feel right! !

 (End of this chapter)

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