Chapter 337 Troublesome (4000)

 “Brother Bian, are you okay?”

Fifteen hurriedly ran to Dr. Bian, bent down and helped him up.

Dr. Bian, who was greatly frightened himself, was afraid of scaring the other party. He silently clasped his hands and did not dare to say anything about the blood-sucking grass: "Fifteen, thank you, thank you."

If you had come a little later, I might have died!

Fifteen thought he was thanking himself for helping him up, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Why are you being so polite? I'm not an outsider..."

“Doctor Bian, have you encountered a strange grass?” Qin Yao suddenly asked.

Dr. Bian’s pupils shrank: “How did you know that I would encounter a strange grass?”

"Not only do we know this, but my boss also knows that you will be in danger. We made a special trip to the mountain to rescue you." Shi Shiyu said proudly.

“Fifteen, don’t talk so much!” Qin Yao shouted and looked at Dr. Bian intently: “Where is the strange grass?”

According to the plot of the original work, if nothing unexpected happens, the strange grass should be in Dr. Bian’s bamboo basket.

“That strange grass pricked me, sucked the blood, and ran away.” Speaking of this, Dr. Bian already knew who his benefactor was and immediately stopped hiding it.

 Chin Yao: “???”

 He can understand that the ghost king's heart has revived.

But what the **** is it that he ran away? ?

It's beyond the scope!

 “Where did you run away?” Shao Yan, he asked quickly.

“Here it is.” Doctor Bian raised his finger and pointed to the place where he found the strange grass, and said solemnly: “It seems that after hearing the sound of fifteen, it swished back into the ground.”


 Qin Yao's right hand glowed, and the sword finger touched the center of his eyebrows. A bright golden light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he looked in the direction of Doctor Bian's finger, but found nothing.

As his thoughts turned, his body slowly rose into the air, and the field of vision in his eyes became wider and wider, gradually taking in the entire mountain of medicine.

Dr. Bian opened his mouth wide and murmured: "Fifteen, who is this friend of yours?"

Fifteen looked indifferent and said with a smile: "I am a Taoist priest, so naturally my boss is also a Taoist priest, but I am only half a bucket of water. He has real abilities."

 Doctor Bian: “…”

 Taoist priests can fly?

This is the **** way of immortality, right?


Qin Yao spent a lot of energy and looked at the medicine mountain over and over again, but no matter how detailed and attentive he looked, he could not find the slightest trace of evil spirits, as if the evil spirits had never appeared at all.

“Is it because I’m not strong enough, or is the ghost king’s heart more evil than imagined?”

Qin Yao reluctantly tried again, until his vision turned black, he forcibly stopped and controlled his body to fall from the air.

 “Brother Yao, have you discovered anything?” Shi Shi asked.

Qin Yao shook his head and looked directly at Dr. Bian: "If you don't find that strange grass, you are not out of danger. Do you still have a spare room in your house? If so, prepare one for me, and I will protect you personally in the next few days. you."

"Yes, yes." Dr. Bian clasped his fists in emotion and bowed: "Thank you so much."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "On the 15th, you can send Dr. Bian down the mountain. I still have some things to do on the mountain."

 “Yes, Brother Yao.” Fifteen nodded.

Not long after, after watching the two people leave, Qin Yao changed his body and came to a skeleton in an instant.

Just now in the air, although he didn't find the Ghost King's Heart, he saw this skeleton.

 What is lost is the east corner, and what is gained is the mulberry tree.

Buried this skeleton should be able to gain some virtue.

After all, the name of this skeleton is Yan Hong, and the other party's ghost is considered a member of the protagonist group, and is a key figure in the elimination of Ksitigarbha...

With his backhand, he pulled out the God-Zhanping Sword, dug a big pit near the bones, pieced the bones together into a complete skeleton and put it into the pit. Qin Yao filled in the soil and said, "Let's rest in peace, go to the underworld, and rest in peace..."

"Thank you..." A voice sounded in his ears.

Qin Yao smiled silently, buried the tomb bag, cut the wooden sign with a knife, carved the four characters "Yanhong's Tomb" in the center of the wooden sign, and inserted it in front of the tomb bag with a bang: "People walk on the road, ghosts walk away." Ghost Road, farewell!"

After he left, the night was dark, and a blue light flew out from the tomb, manifesting into a figure, looking down the mountain and saying: "How can we not repay the kindness of rebuilding?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly turned into a blue light and rushed down the mountain at high speed.

  At night.

 Tung Shan Medical Clinic.

Dr. Bian pushed open a wooden door in the backyard, pointed to the room inside and said, "Mr. Qin, I'll let you live here for the next few days. If there's anything inconsiderate, you can tell me at any time."

Qin Yao waved his hand: "No, no, this is much better than the Mayi Taoist Temple."

With a smile on his face, Dr. Bian cupped his hands and said, "It's getting late, so I won't disturb your rest."

Qin Yao said seriously: "Doctor Bian, if you encounter anything strange, you must come to me as soon as possible."

“Don’t worry, I will do it.” Dr. Bian smiled and nodded.

 “Bang bang, bang bang.”

 “Bang bang, bang bang.”

 Midnight at midnight.

Dr. Bian suddenly woke up from his sleep. He covered his beating heart and frowned: "Strange, why is the heart beating so fast?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his rapidly beating heart gradually returned to normal frequency. Dr. Bian breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was just the sequelae of his distress during the day. He drank a cup of herbal tea, turned back to bed, and continued to sleep.

 In the room opposite.

Qin Yao sat cross-legged on the bed, trying to recall the details of the original plot, hoping to find some clues.

 Since the Ghost King's Heart disappeared from the mountain, his "divine eye" has lost all its power, and the next disaster will all depend on his own ability.

 “Young Master~~”

However, before he could find out any useful information, a graceful figure suddenly appeared on the wooden door.

Qin Yao slowly opened his eyes and said in a serious voice: "Why are you here?"

 “I’m here to repay my kindness.” The graceful figure passed through the door and manifested into a beautiful woman wearing a blue dress in the room.

Hearing her talk about repaying a favor, Qin Yao's mouth twitched slightly.

In the original work, it was Dr. Bian who collected her bones, dug a grave and erected a monument, so she went to see Dr. Bian that night to repay her kindness.

The way of repaying kindness is also very should give it to yourself for saving your life!

 That’s right.

 Pop and that’s it.

 Emotional foreshadowing?

Not required!

 Snap, snap, bang, the emotion comes out.

Perhaps this is the legendary love that lasts for a long time?

"I don't need you to repay your kindness. Go to the underworld and be reincarnated as soon as possible." After coming back to his senses, Qin Yao looked at the other party by the light of the candle.

 White jade face, willow eyebrows, cherry mouth, oval face, water snake waist...

This female ghost is not stunningly beautiful, but she is very attractive. She will definitely have a lot of suitors in future generations.

The female ghost was silent for a moment and shook her head slightly: "Sir, if I don't repay this kindness, I'm afraid Yan Hong will have trouble with her conscience."

"What does your conscience have to do with me?" Qin Yao said, "I saved you once, do I have to worry about your emotions again?"

Yan Hong: “…” Does something seem wrong?

 I’m here to repay the favor!

 Why did he make it sound like he was asking for debt?

“You haven’t left yet, what are you waiting for?” Qin Yao asked.

Yan Hong raised her arms and walked away: "Master, I will definitely find a way to repay you."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 It’s both gratifying and funny.

 I didn’t know what to say for a moment...

 Two days later.

Qin Yao was sitting at a table in the medical clinic, holding a pen and drawing talismans, waiting for the turn of events.

Although the plot of the original work has no reference value, the cause and effect between Ksitigarbha and the protagonist group will not be broken. If you follow Dr. Bian closely, sooner or later you will catch the heart of the ghost king.

 “Doctor Bian, Doctor Bian.”

In the midst of the tranquility, a lean man suddenly ran in sweating profusely and shouted loudly.

 “What’s wrong, Uncle Cai?” At the consultation table, Dr. Bian put down the medical book in his hand.

“Doctor Bian, my wife is about to give birth, please come with me as soon as possible.” The man said anxiously.

Doctor Bian was speechless: "Uncle Cai, you should ask Wen Po for the delivery. I am a male doctor, and there are differences between men and women..."

"I went to find your seventh aunt, but she was not at home, and my wife couldn't wait, so I had to come to you."

Uncle Cai's face was full of apologies and pleading: "Doctor Bian, now is not the time to talk about the differences between men and women. A woman giving birth is like stepping through the door of hell. Human life is at stake. Please go and have a look!"

 Doctor Bian took a deep breath, turned around and shouted: "Fu Rong, come with me quickly, I will teach you how to deliver the baby."

After Uncle Cai left in a hurry with his brother and sister, Qin Yao hung up his brush, put away the talisman, closed the door of the hospital, and followed them to a small courtyard.

Stepping into the courtyard, Qin Yao's eyes sparkled and he looked around, but still couldn't find any clues.

 But what he can be sure of is that if the Evil King Ksitigarbha is in this town, he will definitely not let go of this child whose innate Yin Qi has not dissipated.

“It’s happening, it’s happening, it’s a girl!” After a long time, Fleur’s extremely excited voice suddenly sounded in the bedroom.

Beside the bed, behind a hanging curtain, Dr. Bian breathed a long sigh of relief, and just as a smile appeared on his face, his heart suddenly started beating faster again, and he could even clearly hear a beating sound like a drum.

“Brother, look, hurry up and take a look, I delivered the baby.” At this time, Furong walked out with a wrinkled child in her arms, her face full of excitement.

 The moment he saw the child, Dr. Bian's heart beat faster. Without saying a word, he turned around and ran outside.

"Doctor Bian, how is the child?" In front of the door, Uncle Cai grabbed Dr. Bian's hands excitedly, his voice trembling.

For some reason, being in the sunshine, Dr. Bian's beating heart gradually calmed down, and he exhaled a long breath: "The mother and child are safe. The child is fine. She is a girl."

 “Can I go in and have a look?” Uncle Cai said.

“Wait a moment until Furong has finished swaddling the baby.” Dr. Bian gasped.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Yao came to him and asked looking at his sweating profusely.

“Maybe it’s the sequelae of the fright that day. I often feel palpitations and shortness of breath.” Dr. Bian said: “Just go back and drink some calming soup.”

Qin Yao nodded: "You are a doctor, so I won't explain anything more. Be careful not to suffer from heart disease."

“I understand, thank you Mr. Qin.” Dr. Bian said gratefully.

  Half an hour later.

 Qin Yao followed Dr. Bian and his sister, and walked out of the small courtyard amidst Uncle Cai's many thanks. When he returned to the hospital, the sky was completely dark...

"Mr. Qin, brother, I'm going to wash up first. If you need anything, call me." After entering the door, Furong said immediately.

“It’s nothing, you can go to bed early after washing up.” Dr. Bian ordered.

Fleur smiled and walked briskly towards the backyard, obviously in a good mood.

“This is for you.” After watching the girl leave, Qin Yao took out a talisman from his pocket and handed it to Dr. Bian.

“This is it?” Dr. Bian reached out to catch the talisman and asked curiously.

“An exorcism talisman for self-defense,” Qin Yao said.

After seeing Qin Yao’s magic, Dr. Bian had no doubts about it, and even said with some embarrassment: “Can you give me one more piece? I want to give it to Furong!”

Qin Yao laughed and took out another one: "Of course."

"Thank you." Doctor Bian held two talismans and said with a smile: "I have to make some soothing soup, so I won't tell you more. You can go to bed early."

Qin Yao nodded: "You go and do your work, don't worry about me."

time flies…

 The third watch in the middle of the night.

A black shadow suddenly appeared from the yard of Uncle Cai's house and flew toward the bedroom of a family of three.


Just as he was about to walk through the door, a golden light suddenly flashed on the door, instantly sending him flying to the center of the courtyard.

 “Who?” the black shadow growled.

  A terrifying figure that was a head taller than him emerged from the ground in the same way. He looked down from above and said, "Ksitigarbha, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

“Who are you?” The black shadow slowly raised its head, revealing its ugly face with black fangs in the moonlight.

“I am the priest of Fengdu, and my surname is Qin. You can call me Priest Qin.”

Qin Yao raised his hand and drew out the divine sword, and shouted: "Ksitigarbha, you are under arrest."

"No one can arrest me!" The shadow smiled coldly, turned around and fled.

Although he didn't know if he could defeat this priest, Jizo knew very well that starting a war now would do him no good at all.

However, what he never expected was that after he turned around in a circle, he failed to escape underground. When he looked down, he saw countless black hairs sprouting from the ground under his feet, cutting him off from the earth. connections between.

"Ksitigarbha, you can't escape today." Qin Yao clenched his sword and walked towards the opponent step by step.

Just as Ksitigarbha was about to fly into the sky, a figure in red suddenly appeared in the sky.

Turning around and rushing towards the door, a figure in white suddenly appeared in front of the door.

At the same time, red and white figures continued to appear in the courtyard, surrounding him.

 “Red and white demons!”

Ji Zang's eyes were full of fear, and he slowly turned around and looked at Qin Yao: "Priest Qin, how about making a deal?"

 “Kill!” The encirclement and suppression formation had been formed. Qin Yao was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and waved his hand.

 “I can’t be killed!”

Jizo spread his arms and roared to the sky. His body suddenly began to swell, and then exploded.

All the evil spirits that rushed towards him were knocked into the air, and the newly cultivated batch of evil ghosts among them turned into streaks of blue smoke in mid-air and disappeared.

Qin Yao's face was as dark as water, and he strode to the center of the explosion.

If he had broken the body of Ksitigarbha Evil King into pieces with one shot like in the original work, he could still believe that he had seriously injured the opponent, but now the opponent self-destructed after a disagreement. Obviously, the price paid for the self-destruction was the minimum.

 “Heart of the Ghost King!”

 For a long time…

Qin Yao breathed out gently, feeling a little troubled.

Ksitigarbha without the Ghost King's Heart is not the strongest Ksitigarbha, but as long as the Ghost King's Heart is not destroyed, Ksitigarbha can be reborn infinitely.

What’s even more troublesome is that once Ksitigarbha absorbs the forty-nine girls, the ghost king’s heart will also turn from real to imaginary. Once this last shortcoming disappears, the opponent will be even more difficult to deal with.

“System, can you find the specific location of the Ghost King’s Heart?”

Qin Yao reached out and took off the evil charms and insulation notes on the bedroom, and stepped out into the courtyard.

 (End of this chapter)

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