I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 338: "The Way of Demons" The Legend of Evil Princess (For Duanjun Shang Yu Da

Chapter 338 "The Way of Demons"·Legend of Evil Ji (Added update for Duanjun Shangyu)

  【Can search. 】

  【Three hundred filial piety values. 】

Qin Yao's heart twitched violently as he looked at the two lines of characters flashing before his eyes.

 Forget it, forget it...


"Wedding clothes and mourning clothes, you two and the evil spirits are guarding outside the courtyard to prevent Ksitigarbha from coming back." Qin Yao, who felt tired and unloved, stopped for a moment, turned around and said to the two evil spirits following him.

"Yes, sir." The red and white demons suddenly stopped and bowed in agreement.

“Sir, I can help you locate the Evil King Ksitigarbha.”

At this time, the female ghost in blue dress walked barefoot down into the void, her body like a leaf, flying beside Qin Yao.

Qin Yao’s eyes were deep: “How did you find this place?”

Under his emotionless gaze, Yan Hong felt a chill in her heart and quickly covered it up: "I didn't follow the young master. I was purely attracted by Ji Zang's self-destruction."

Qin Yao stared at her for a long time. The female ghost looked tremblingly, lowered her head, and did not dare to quibble.

“Do you think you can help me locate Jizo’s location?”

When he no longer stared directly into her eyes, Yan Hong breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Yes, Ksitigarbha has swallowed the essence of my flesh and blood. There seems to be a trace of connection between me and him." ”

“Can you sense the ghost king’s heart?” Qin Yao asked.

Yan Hong: "I could sense it before. I don't know why in the past two days, but suddenly I can't sense it anymore. I can only sense the fluctuations coming from Ksitigarbha's demonic body."

Qin Yao was a little disappointed: "Where is the ghost king's heart hidden so that it can escape your induction?"

Yan Hong shook her head: "I can't think of it."

“Is there still an incarnation of Jizo’s demonic body in the town?”

“No more for now.” Yan Hong said: “It is not easy for Ksitigarbha to condense a demon body. After one body dies, it will take at least three to five days to condense a second one.”

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and said, "Aren't you determined to repay me? I'll give you a chance to help me kill Ksitigarbha, and we'll settle the matter."

"Ksitigarbha eats my flesh and blood, and has a blood feud with me. Therefore, I am not helping you kill him, but you are helping me take revenge. I, Yanhong, have always had a clear distinction between grudges and grudges." The female ghost shook her head.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 What the **** is this?

 If you don’t sleep, you’re done?

 “If I say it’s clear, it’s clear. If you don’t want to cooperate, you can leave now!”

Yanhong: “…”

I just want to repay a favor, come cleanly, leave cleanly, and do not leave any cause and effect in the world with this body.

 Why is it so difficult?

"You, don't come into the room with me." One person and one ghost returned to the backyard of the medicine shop one after another. Qin Yao opened the bedroom door, turned around and shouted to the female ghost who was following him step by step.

Yan Hong felt a little aggrieved for no reason: "Sir, if you don't come into the room, where will I go?"

“It has nothing to do with me where you go,” Qin Yao said indifferently.

"There are no empty rooms in the courtyard. If I go to someone else's room, most people won't be able to bear the yin energy in me." Yan Hong said slowly and calmly: "But if I leave the courtyard and find a place to live, I can sense Ksitigarbha's Once the location is confirmed, I won’t be able to notify you as soon as possible.”

 Chin Yao: “…”

Suddenly it felt like this female ghost was openly playing hooligan!

If you want to trick someone into a room, if you change the gender, wouldn't you get over 10,000 comments?

"Young master, don't worry, I won't do anything to you..." Yan Hong, like a scumbag, vowed to give a guarantee.

"Shut up!"

Qin Yao strode into the room and said angrily: "Stay away from me, and don't come within three feet of me."

Yan Hong smiled and floated into the room, closing the door smoothly.

Qin Yao took off his shoes and sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed. After meditating for half an hour, he suddenly opened his eyes and said to the female ghost lying on the table not far away: "What do you mean by looking at me intently?"

 “Are you afraid of being looked at by me?” Yan Hong said with a smile.

Qin Yao: “It’s not that I’m afraid, but it feels weird.”

 “What’s strange?”

 “Stop talking so much nonsense and don’t stare at me!”

“There are only two of us here, what are you looking at if we don’t look at you?” Yan Hong said.

 “Close your eyes.”

"I can't sleep." Yan Hong said calmly.

 Chin Yao: “…”

“Don’t you want to repay your kindness? Just agree to one condition.”

 “What conditions?”

 “During the cooperation, be obedient.” Qin Yao said.

Yan Hong was stunned: "That's it?"

"That's it... do you think this is easy?" Qin Yao sneered.

Yan Hong didn't know what scene she thought of, her eyes trembled slightly, she lowered her head with gleaming eyes, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "Yes, yes, but if you make any excessive demands..."

"Nothing too demanding. Now, turn around. You can't look back unless I let you look back." Qin Yao ordered.

Yanhong: “…”

 You might as well make some excessive demands!

 Three days later, Zishi just arrived.

Yan Hong suddenly stood up from the chair and shouted to the figure in the middle of the bed: "He's appeared."

Qin Yao, who was sitting cross-legged, instantly turned into an afterimage and flashed in front of the opponent: "Quickly go!"

 “Follow closely.” Yan Hong flew up, easily passed through the wooden door, and floated into the air.

Qin Yao opened the wooden door, circulated the inner energy in his body, and jumped into the air, closely following the opponent's figure.

Soon after.

Dr. Bian, who looked sleepy, walked from the front hall to the backyard of the hospital with a medicine box on his shoulder.

“Brother?” Fu Rong, who was holding a lantern in front of the toilet, said in shock.

“There was an old lady who didn’t want to drag her children down. She drank a bottle of pesticide, so I went to the hospital for emergency treatment.” Dr. Bian explained casually.

 “Have you been rescued?”


Dr. Bian felt full of accomplishment and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I went in time, otherwise the old lady's life would have been ruined..."

Fleur gave him a thumbs up and asked, "Just rescue her. By the way, whose old lady is it that she thinks so hard?"

"Yes...yes...strange." Dr. Bian's smile faltered and he frowned: "Why can't you remember whose family it is?"

Furong laughed: "It doesn't matter if you can't remember it. Did you forget to collect the money?"


Doctor Bian reached into his pocket and felt around, but there was not a penny left.

 Lin Mansion Courtyard.

A dark shadow silently passed through the wall, crossed the courtyard, and entered a boudoir on the second floor. In the darkness, it slowly came to the bed.

 On the bed.

The girl wearing small clothes and exposing a large area of ​​skin was holding a stuffed doll and was sleeping deeply. Her mouth was slightly opened, and a line of saliva fell from the corner of her mouth, soaking the pillow.

Smelling the fragrance coming from the other person's body, the shadow smiled silently, stretched out his right hand with long nails, and slowly approached the girl's cheek...

“Bang!” Just when his black and dirty nails were about to touch the girl’s delicate skin, a long knife suddenly broke through the window, cut through his palm, pierced his chest, and nailed her to a wall.

 On the bed.

The girl suddenly woke up from her deep sleep, sat upright, and looked at the broken window that revealed a ray of light, full of fear.


The next moment, the broken window exploded, and a huge figure jumped in amid the flying debris. "Ah..." the girl screamed and huddled on the bed, like a frightened little animal.

"you again!"

The black figure was nailed to the wall with a long knife, and his body was cut open with the blade, and he slid down from the wall.

“That’s right, it’s me again.” Qin Yao waved his hand, and the God-cutting Sword immediately flew back to his hand: “Ksitigarbha, now I want to hear about the deal you mentioned last time.”

"follow me."

Jizo looked at the torches gathering downstairs, and his body turned into a black light, passing through the broken wooden window.

Qin Yao circulated the true energy in his body, jumped into the air, and disappeared into the night sky in full view of everyone...

 In the blink of an eye.

Ksitigarbha flew to the top of the Medicine Mountain, and with the sky full of stars as the background, he slowly turned around and looked at the terrifying figure floating down: "On the surface, you said you wanted to hear about cooperation, but actually you just wanted to Are you trying to trick me?"

“What are you talking about?” Qin Yao asked in confusion.

Jizo sneered: "Stop pretending, I can tell you clearly that I have an unyielding heart. If you can't kill my unyielding heart, I can be resurrected and reborn infinitely."

Qin Yao's eyebrows raised: "Is there such a thing? I would like to ask, can I achieve the goal of not giving up?"

Ji Zang licked his lips and said faintly: "Of course, as long as you find six virgins for me, I will pass on this method to you.

Priest Qin, even though you are a god, a **** only has one life!

 Cultivation of the aspiration to not give up means having countless lives.

 As long as you don’t give up and don’t undergo apoptosis, you can even live forever…

 Do you want eternal life? "

"Think about it, even in my dreams." Qin Yao said: "To be honest, I only cultivate Taoism because I want eternal life."

"Very good." Ksitigarbha said, "Go and bring me the virgin. I'll wait for you here."

"Don't worry..." Qin Yao waved his hand: "Why should I believe you? What if you eat up everything and refuse to admit it?"

Jizo laughed loudly: "Don't worry, it won't happen. I'm not that short-sighted. This deal is, at best, just a foundation for the two of us to build trust. When this foundation is solid, we can work together to do something big." ”

 “What’s the big deal?” Qin Yao asked.

Ji Zang hesitated for a moment, and in order to arouse the desire in the other party's heart, he opened his mouth and said: "Have you ever heard of Xie Ji?"

Qin Yao: "I know many evil concubines, which one are you talking about?"

Jizo: "???"

 Is it okay to know a lot of evil queens?

 Is Xie Ji a popular name? !

“What are you stunned for? Why don’t you hurry up and continue?” Qin Yao urged.

Ji Zang was speechless: "The evil princess I mentioned is the wife of the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm. Which one do you think she is?"

"I only know the three realms of heaven, earth and man. Where did the devil realm come from?" Qin Yao said in astonishment.

“The demon world is the realm of the devil. Although it is called a world, it is not a large world.” Ksitigarbha said: “It is roughly equivalent to a small world.”

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Why don’t you say there are seven realms in the world?


 Devil world, Demon Lord, Evil Concubine…

 He suddenly realized something: "Go on."

Ji Zang was silent for a moment and said: "I am the vanguard general under Lord Xie Ji, and I am responsible for awakening Lord Xie Ji.

 At that time, you and I will go together to awaken Lord Xie Ji, and you will definitely be richly rewarded.

In the future, when Master Xie Ji completes her magical power, opens the door to the demon world, releases thousands of gods and demons, and rules the world, you and I may not be able to split the earth and become kings. "

Hearing this, Qin Yao probably guessed which story it was...

 In his previous life, he had three major hobbies: smoking, bathing and watching movies.

 Let’s not talk about the first two, the last one refers to watching movies.

  From his teens to his thirties, even he himself can’t remember how many movies he watched.

Among these movies, except for the ones about Uncle Jiu, whichever movie has more girls and good-looking looks will leave a deeper memory for him.

  So far, he still clearly remembers two beautiful girl movies, one is called "The Wolf Clan" and the other is called "The Way of the Demon".

 Let me tell you one thing, in the face of the appearance of these two movies, who the **** cares about the plot?

And these two films have one thing in common: they both have the blessing of "double agility", and both of them are beautiful and fierce!

 Zhang Min looks back and smiles, Zhou Huimin's three-generation goddess has always been a hotly discussed topic in the history of film.

Probably because he remembered it so clearly, he was able to identify this story with just a few simple words...

 “Are there any questions?” At this time, seeing that he was silent for a long time, Ksitigarbha said in a solemn voice.


Qin Yao nodded and said seriously: "You said that you are responsible for awakening Xie Ji, but what if you die...What will Xie Ji do?"

“I’ve said it many times, I won’t die!” Ksitigarbha said angrily.

"In case, I mean just in case." Qin Yao emphasized: "Is there anyone else who can awaken Xie Ji?"

Jizo's last bit of patience was exhausted, and he said sternly: "It's too early to say this now. Do you want to cooperate with me? If you want to cooperate, go find me a virgin now!"

 “Do it.” Qin Yao suddenly said.

 “Swish, swish, swish…”

 Endless black hair instantly erupted from the ground, followed Jizo's calves, and quickly spread all over his body.

 “You are shameless!”

Jizo wanted to fly, but couldn't.

He wanted to self-destruct, but the black hairs were like steel needles piercing into his soul, frantically plundering the energy he needed to self-destruct.

Qin Yao came to him step by step and said with a smile: "The last question, where is the heart of the Ghost King?!"

"Do you think I will tell you? It's a daydream!" Ksitigarbha yelled.


Qin Yao slapped him in the face, causing his body to stagger violently.

“I’ll give you one last chance. If you don’t tell me, I’ll have no choice but to throw you to the red and white demons. It’s said that they are very good at torturing ghosts.”

“Then let them torture me to death!” Ksitigarbha was fearless: “Anyway, I can be reborn infinitely.”

"I'm thinking about a question. With your so-called infinite rebirth, if your demon body does not die, can you regenerate a second demon body?" Qin Yao said with a half-smile.

Jizo’s expression changed slightly and he sneered: “Of course!”

“No, you can’t.” Suddenly, a figure in blue flew over like a colorful cloud and slowly landed opposite Jizo.

"It's you!"

 The moment he saw her, Ji Zang's ugly face instantly became ferocious, and he gritted his teeth: "So this guy is the helper you invited."

Yan Hong laughed and turned to look at Qin Yao: "Master, you see, even he said so."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Damn it, it’s hard to be a good person and hard to do good things.

There are always people who come to take advantage in the name of repaying a favor...

 Victims include but are not limited to: Xu Xian, Ning Caichen, etc.

 Hence, men must protect themselves outside, otherwise they will easily be dragged away by demons to give birth to children.

   Thanks to book friend 160401122327238 for the reward.

   Thanks to book friend 2022072706384447 for the reward.

   Thanks to classmate Guo Ya5919 for the reward.

Thank you all.



 (End of this chapter)

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