I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 339: Soul Torture (4000)

Chapter 339 Soul Torture (4000)

 The next day.

Qin Yao took out the magic spirit bead, released the red and white evil spirits summoned last night, and asked: "Did you recruit them?"

"This subordinate is not doing his job well, please punish me." Wedding Yi raised her arms, folded her hands, and bowed.

"I don't blame you." Qin Yao waved his hand: "After all, he is quite confident. He even wishes you could torture him to death."

 “Then let’s continue the torture?” Wedding Yi put down her arms and raised her head.

“No need, keep an eye on him and never let him explode!” Qin Yao ordered.

 “Yes.” Shuang Sha took the order.

Qin Yao drove the magic bead to put away the two girls, walked out of the medicine shop, and arrived at the Mayi Taoist Temple in the blink of an eye.

He remembered that in the original movie, Chu Yi was proficient in sand table calculations. After discovering three long and two short omens while burning incense, he immediately started the sand table and learned about the information about Ksitigarbha and the key figure in slaying evil, Yan Hong!

Now that the Ghost King's Heart is nowhere to be seen, he really has no choice but to place his hope on this divine calculation.

 “Brother Yao.”

 “Brother Yao.”

In the Taoist temple, the two brothers who were washing saw him and greeted him in unison.

“On the first day of the new year, your Mai sect is famous all over the world for its Ma Yi divine arithmetic. Do you know how to do it?” Qin Yao nodded and asked straight to the point.

The first day of the month was a little embarrassed, and he said softly: "I know it, but not much..."

"As long as you know how to do it, give it a try and help me figure out where the ghost king's heart is." Qin Yao said.

 On the first day of the month, he nodded heavily and called out: "Fifteen, work."

Immediately, the two brothers led Qin Yao into an empty room and came to a sand table with wooden sticks hanging in the center of the room.

Taking a deep breath, Chuyi lifted the wooden stand connected to the wooden stick above the sand table, closed his eyes tightly, and muttered something in his mouth.

 Fifteen holds a wooden board and scrapes the uneven sand table to make it smooth for writing later.

Shao Yan, after reciting the incantation on the first day of the year, thinking about the ghost king's heart, his hands suddenly moved uncontrollably, grabbing the shelf and shaking it, causing the wooden stick above the sand table to continuously scratch the sand surface.

“Bian Liang?” Looking at the name written on the sand table, Shi Shi was stunned.

Qin Yao's mind suddenly moved: "Bian Liang, is this Dr. Bian?"

Fifteen nodded slightly, with a complicated expression: "How could Dr. Bian be connected with the Ghost King's Heart?"

On the mountain of medicine, the scene of Dr. Bian dripping blood from his hands; at Uncle Cai's house, the scene of Dr. Bian frantically running out of the delivery room; the two scenes played back and forth in Qin Yao's mind. At the same time, there was also what Dr. Bian said personally. In a sentence: palpitations and shortness of breath...

“Could it be that the heart of the Ghost King is hidden in Dr. Bian’s house?” Chuyi opened his eyes silently.

 “Nine times out of ten,” Qin Yao said.

 Fifteen's face tightened: "I'm going to the medical clinic now..."

“Put on the magic talisman and let’s go together!” Qin Yao said, raising his hand and sticking the two talisman papers on the outside of his calf.

On the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, the three of them turned into three afterimages and quickly rushed back to the town and broke into the medical center.

"What's wrong with you? You're so panicked." Behind the counter, Furong said in surprise.

 “Fu Rong, where is your brother?” Shi Shi asked anxiously.

Fleur shook her head: "I don't know. I didn't see him early in the morning. Maybe he went to see a doctor."

 “Brother Yao.” Fifteen subconsciously looked at Qin Yao, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Qin Yao's mind was spinning rapidly and he asked, "Are there any people getting married in the town today and tomorrow?"

 “Huh?” Fifteen was stunned.

 Is this turning point too sudden?


Furong said quickly: "A rich man named Zhang is getting married today. Because he married four wives at once, many people were still talking about it two days ago."

 “Do you know where his home is?” Qin Yao asked.


“Close the door and take us there quickly.”

"Okay." Furong was very decisive. She quickly walked out of the hospital, closed the door behind her, didn't even bother to lock it, and trotted forward.

“Too slow.” Qin Yao said, “Fifteen, hold Furong in your arms and walk. Furong, lead the way for Shifif.”

Without any hesitation, Fifteen picked up Furong into his arms and ran wildly under her guidance.

In a blink of an eye, the four of them arrived in front of a mansion decorated with lights. A servant came to greet them and asked, "Are they relatives and friends of our family or the bride's family?"

 “Did you get married?” Qin Yao asked without answering.

 The servant smiled and said: "I went to pick up the bride before dawn. I count the time and I will be back soon."

Qin Yao's eyes flashed and he looked at Chu Yi and others: "Then let's wait here."

"Brother Qin, my brother and this marriage..." Furong said.

"We don't need to entertain you, go ahead and do your work." Qin Yao said to the curious servant.

 The servant nodded, turned around with a smile: "Okay, if you need anything, just call me."

After watching him leave, Qin Yao said succinctly: "If my prediction is correct, the heart of the ghost king should have penetrated into your brother's body through the wound on his hand on the day he went up the mountain to collect medicine.

 So no matter how I looked for it, I couldn't find any evil breath.

For a woman, on her wedding day, before her virginity is broken, when her secret peach is ripe, the temptation to the ghost king's heart is far greater than that of a young virgin. "

 “What is the Ghost King’s Heart?” Furong asked in astonishment.

"You can simply understand it as the heart of the Ghost King, a heart that is extremely evil and evil." Qin Yao said.

Furong: "In other words, my brother is now controlled by the ghost king's heart and wants to harm those brides!"

"Yes, I hope he hasn't succeeded yet, otherwise he will be in big trouble." Qin Yao sighed.

 Hibiscus: “…”

 This matter was too outrageous for her, and what was even more outrageous was that she had no way to doubt it, let alone question it.

 “Tuk tuk tuk tuk…”


Just as the four of them were thinking about different things, a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion, wearing a groom's suit and riding a tall horse, came slowly.

Beside him, there were a group of trumpet troupes on each side, playing and playing extremely lively music.

Further behind, there is a famous man carrying four big red sedan chairs. He walks in the wind, but his upper body is very stable. Each sedan chair is stable.

"Miss Furong, why are you here?" Chunfeng came to the gate proudly, the middle-aged man got off his horse and said with a smile.

“Brother Zhang, have you seen my brother?” Furong asked. “No, what’s wrong with your brother?” Mr. Zhang shook his head.

Qin Yao's eyes were filled with golden light. He looked at the four sedan chairs in turn, his expression changed slightly, and he immediately turned to look at the crowd that had gathered around him at some point.

He has heard of a perverted criminal psychology: After killing a person, a large number of murderers will return to the crime scene with the public, hide in the crowd, and silently admire their masterpieces.

Even some more perverted guys will use the shocked expressions of the onlookers as spiritual food to satisfy their sick vanity.

However, whether it was because Dr. Bian was hiding it too well or because he didn't have such abnormal psychology at all, Qin Yao looked around in the crowd several times and couldn't find any trace of him.

 “My brother is missing…” At this time, in front of the wedding team, Fu Rong responded softly.

 The rich man Zhang's smile faltered: "Your brother is missing. If you don't go to the police station to report the case, what do you mean by coming here to look for him?"

Furong turned to look at Qin Yao. Just as the latter was about to ask her to leave, a child suddenly ran over and delivered a letter to him. He said timidly: "Brother, there is someone who asked me to hand over this letter." for you."

Qin Yao frowned, tore open the envelope and took out the letter paper. He saw two large blood-red characters written on the white letter paper: Don't worry.


Qin Yao sneered and crumpled the paper into a ball in the palm of his hand: "I'm not a good person. Is it childish for you to play this trick with me?!"

 The child opposite him shivered because of his laughter, turned around and ran back into the crowd.

“Your Excellency, you brought Furong here?” Suddenly, Rich Man Zhang looked up at him and asked with a frown.

"Sorry to bother you." Qin Yao nodded, and immediately said to Furong and others: "Stand aside with me and don't block the door."

The three of them followed him obediently to avoid the door. Shi Fifteen couldn't help but ask, "Brother Yao, what was written in the letter?"

"The writer asked me to stay here to watch a tragedy, trying to use this method to cause me pain and make me angry." Qin Yao said lightly.

 “Tragedy?” A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Fifteen’s heart.

“Madam, would you like to get off the sedan?” At the same time, Mr. Zhang opened the curtain of the sedan above and said to the figure wearing a red veil.

The figure turned a deaf ear to this and still sat in the sedan dumbly.

Rich Man Zhang frowned and said in a deep voice: "Why, we're already at the door of the house, do you still want to go back on your word? Come down here!"

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the bride's arm, trying to forcefully pull it off.

However, what he never expected was that it didn't matter what he pulled, the bride was pulled apart and turned into a pile of withered bones. A head fell down and bounced in front of him...

 “Ghost!” Rich Man Zhang was horrified, backed away desperately, and sat down on the ground.

 “Master, Master…”

Several servants rushed over and helped him up from the ground.

“Call the police, call the police quickly, there are skeletons in the sedan.” Mr. Zhang said in shock.

The crowd was in an uproar, and their instinct to watch the excitement took over. They all crowded to the front of the sedan, wanting to see what kind of skeleton it was...

I don’t know if it was because of the status bonus, but the police rushed over quickly. After investigation, they found that not only was there a skeleton in this sedan, but the following three sedans were like three coffins, also containing three skeletons.

Four brides and four skeletons were taken out by the police in a blink of an eye and pieced together in the open space in front of Zhang’s house.

“Head, there is no flesh and blood on the bones, as if they were licked clean.” A policeman came to an officer with epaulettes and said softly.

“Mr. Zhang, could you please tell me what’s going on?” the police officer asked Mr. Zhang.

Chanchang Zhang was so frightened that he almost peed himself. His forehead was dripping with sweat and his voice was trembling: "Okay, okay, I say..."

"Brother, someone asked me to give you this letter." While the crowd was talking, a little girl with braids jumped up to Qin Yao and raised an envelope in her hand.

Qin Yao took the envelope and took out the letter paper. He saw the same two words on the paper: Yaoshan.

 “Let’s go to Yaoshan…”

 He turned his head and said to the people around him.

 Under the blazing sun.

 The top of the medicine mountain.

Wearing a black Chinese tunic suit, the elegant Dr. Bian stood under a tea tree, looking at the white clouds in the sky thousands of miles away.


A burst of chaotic footsteps came from behind him, but he didn't turn around...

 It seems that the person coming is far less important than the scenery at the moment.

“Brother!” Furong shouted loudly as Qin Yao pulled her to a stop three feet away.

“You, go back, you have nothing to do here.” Dr. Bian said calmly.

 “Are you still my brother?” Furong asked in a panic.

Dr. Bian pursed his lips and turned around slowly: "Of course I am your brother, otherwise you will be the first to die."

Fleur kept shaking her head and murmured: "No, you are not my brother. My brother does not know **** people. He has always been kind. He has never done anything evil, let alone murder."

“Yes, I used to be kind to people, and I even wanted to save people.”

Dr. Bian said: "But what's the result? Those patients bullied me for being kind and just came to see a doctor without bringing money. They kowtowed twice and asked me to deliver medicine for free. As a result, the drug store has almost no profit from the beginning to now. Instead, I am Why should I suffer the consequences of being a fool for the whole town?”

“So, is it because of this that you took the initiative to accept the heart of the Ghost King?” Qin Yao asked.

Doctor Bian shook his head: "No, or rather, not entirely.

This is just a small aspect, the more important thing is... when a person learns that there are real immortals and demons in this world, and can become immortals and demons through practice, who can continue to live a mediocre life as if nothing has happened?

Who doesn’t want to become an immortal? Even being a powerful devil is countless times better than being an ordinary, mediocre person! "

 At this point, he asked a torture that struck straight to the soul: "If you were an ordinary person doing nothing, and an opportunity to transform into a demon was presented to you, would you be tempted?"

 Chin Yao: “…”

"elder brother!"

Fleur was frightened and frightened, and sobbed: "If you leave good people alone, why do you want to be a demon? Although we are not rich and powerful, we are not deprived of food! What more can you gain by becoming a devil?"

“Flying to the sky, entering the earth, diving into the sea, traveling in a fugue, revenge, power, reverence, flattery, following one’s heart, freedom, and even...immortality!” Dr. Bian smiled and said: “Are these enough?”

 Hibiscus: “…”

She couldn't understand how a person could change so much overnight!

 “You are Ksitigarbha.” Qin Yao suddenly said.

“I’m not Ksitigarbha!” Dr. Bian said seriously, his smile gone.

Qin Yao took out the demon spirit bead, summoned the demon body of Ksitigarbha, and pinched the neck of the demon body with one hand, like holding a chicken: "You can take Dr. Bian's body and devour his soul, but you can't fight with him. His soul merged into one.

For Ksitigarbha, after finally having a body, how could he give up the control of his body to others?

Jizo, do you think we are idiots? "

Hearing this, everyone on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year blushed.

They really believed it just now, thinking that the person in front of them was Dr. Bian...

 (End of this chapter)

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